view agora-example.conf @ 184:b711f0087709

Use DESCRIPTION file for bundles (SCHEMA CHANGE) * Added two new fields to the Bundle model: * octave_format, which allows users to specify if their bundle has been formatted according to octave packaging standards or not * description_file, which points to a file named DESCRIPTION in the root directory (or the next top-level directory), if the octave_format checkbox is ticked and if one exists * Fixed the uploader field for form by making it a hidden input and preventing hidden inputs from showing up entirely
author dellsystem <>
date Sat, 27 Oct 2012 15:58:08 -0400
parents 7a27b1c9cb84
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# this is an example configuration
# the real file should be called 'agora.conf'

# You probably want to keep these defaults unless you're running Agora
# in a production environment.
debug = yes
compile_less = no

#This is used for salting the hashes of users' passwords and other
#hashing algorithms.
secret_key = l0ng-str1ng-no-one-w1ll-gue55-with-numb3rs-4nd-letters

#Put the names of admins below as name = email like in the example
Jordi GutiƩrrez Hermoso =

#Database details
ENGINE = django.db.backends.sqlite3
NAME = agora.sqlite
## Sample PostgreSQL
# ENGINE = django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2
# NAME = django
# USER = django
# PASSWORD = django
# HOST =
# PORT =

# see for other
# timezones
timezone = America/Mexico_City