view talk.tex @ 30:3df93a421f8d

Add missing -m option to fold (TODO: patch evolve)
author Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <>
date Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:55:28 -0400
parents f83926dd97f1
children f42eee738337
line wrap: on
line source

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\author{Jordi G. H. $\langle$$\rangle$ \\
  ~  \\
  hg clone}

\title{Changeset Evolution in Mercurial}
\subtitle{Edit commits as a team!}




  {\Large \textbf{Problems that Evolve is trying to solve}}
  \textbf{Problem 1}: Recovering from upstream rewrite (rebase)
    Rebasing (or any other form of rewriting) a branch that others
    have based work on is a bad idea: anyone downstream of it is
    forced to manually fix their history.
  ... from git-rebase(7)







  {\Large \textbf{Problems that Evolve is trying to solve}}
  \textbf{Problem 2}: Some commits are historical record, should not be rewritten

  {\Large \textbf{Problems that Evolve is trying to solve}}
  \textbf{Problem 3}: Safely sharing rewritten commits with remote repos


  {\Large \textbf{Problems that Evolve is trying to solve}}
    \item Recovering from upstream rewrite (rebase)
    \item Some commits are historical record, should not be rewritten
    \item Safely sharing rewritten commits with remote repos
  Goal: provide a clean, consistent UI to solve these problems.

    Mercurial Evolve to the rescue!

  {\Large \textbf{Evolve basics}}
  When you enable Evolve, you get a few extra commands:

    \column{0.3 \textwidth}
      \item \texttt{amend}
      \item \texttt{fold}
      \item \texttt{previous}
      \item \texttt{next}
      \item \texttt{prune}
      \item \texttt{uncommit}
      \item \texttt{restore}
    \column{0.7 \textwidth}
      \item \texttt{hg commit -{}-amend}
      \item can be done with \texttt{hg histedit}
      \item \texttt{hg update -r 'parents()'}
      \item \texttt{hg update -r 'children()'}
      \item \texttt{hg strip}
      \item \texttt{hg strip -{}-keep}
      \item \texttt{hg unbundle strip-backup/...}
    {\large These are very scriptable!}

  {\Large \textbf{Evolve basics}}
  For reference, these are the rough git equivalents:
    \column{0.3 \textwidth}
      \item \texttt{amend}
      \item \texttt{fold}
      \item \texttt{previous}
      \item \texttt{next}
      \item \texttt{prune}
      \item \texttt{uncommit}
      \item \texttt{restore}
    \column{0.7 \textwidth}
      \item \texttt{git commit -{}-amend}
      \item can be done with \texttt{git rebase -i}
      \item \texttt{git checkout HEAD\^}
      \item Nothing simple, must use log or reflog
      \item \texttt{git reset -{}-hard HEAD\^}
      \item \texttt{git reset -{}-soft HEAD\^}
      \item Nothing simple, must use reflog

  {\Large \textbf{Evolve's core}}
  There's also a shiny, new command that does magic:
    {\Large \texttt{hg evolve}}
      Basically, automatically fixes any problems
      recovers from upstream rebase (solves Problem 1)

  {\Large \textbf{Immutable history}}
  What about things that are set in stone?
  Evolve knows how to work with phases! (solves Problem 2)
    \item public (immutable)
    \item draft (editable)

    Let's see Evolve in action!

    \fontsize{68}{80}\selectfont \lefthand

  {\Large \textbf{What about Problem 3? (sharing safely)}}

  So far we've been doing this alone, but...

    \item What about sharing with others?
    \item Those revision numbers skipping around?


  {\Large \textbf{Evolve under the hood}}
    \item All Evolve operations are \emph{append-only}.
    \item Pre-edited commits stick around. They're only marked as obsolete.
    \item Commits may be obsoleted by another overwriting commit.
    \begin {itemize}
      \item \texttt{fold} (\texttt{squash})
      \item \texttt{amend}
    \item Commits may just be plain obsolete with nothing to replace them.
      \item \texttt{prune}
    \item Evolve knows how to propagate all this info across clones!

  {\Large \textbf{Sharing with Evolve}}

  {\Large \textbf{Sharing with Evolve}}

  {\Large \textbf{Sharing with Evolve}}

  {\Large \textbf{Sharing with Evolve}}

  {\Large \textbf{Sharing with Evolve}}

  {\Large \textbf{Sharing with Evolve}}

  {\Large \textbf{Sharing with Evolve}}

    Let's see Evolve sharing commits around!

    \fontsize{68}{80}\selectfont \lefthand

  {\Large \textbf{Evolve's solutions}}
    \item Recovering from upstream rewrite (rebase)
      \item \emph{Solution}: \texttt{hg evolve}
    \item Some commits are historical record, should not be rewritten
      \item \emph{Solution}: Public and draft phases
    \item Safely sharing rewritten commits with remote repos
      \item \emph{Solution}: Obsolescence markers

    \fontsize{58}{70}\selectfont Questions?
