view hgext3rd/topic/ @ 2912:1341ff3ba4a9

topic: check availability of obsutil.getmarkers() for portability Before this patch, topic extension causes unintentional failure with Mercurial earlier than 4.3, because obsutil.getmarkers() has been available since Mercurial 4.3 (tests for topic on mercurial-4.* branches fail, too). This breaks "minimumhgversion = '4.0'" declaration of topic extension. This patch fixes this issue in a straightforward way for simplicity on stable branch. I'm planning to centralize such portability logic in topic extension into topic/ or so on default branch for efficiency at runtime, like as evolve/
author FUJIWARA Katsunori <>
date Sun, 10 Sep 2017 22:22:06 +0900
parents f9c8c754a528
children 9897babc1fb5
line wrap: on
line source

# - code related to stack workflow
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial import (
from .evolvebits import builddependencies, _orderrevs, _singlesuccessor

short = node.short

# TODO: compat

if not util.safehasattr(context.basectx, 'orphan'):
    context.basectx.orphan = context.basectx.unstable

if not util.safehasattr(context.basectx, 'isunstable'):
    context.basectx.isunstable = context.basectx.troubled

def getstack(repo, branch=None, topic=None):
    # XXX need sorting
    if topic is not None and branch is not None:
        raise error.ProgrammingError('both branch and topic specified (not defined yet)')
    elif topic is not None:
        trevs = repo.revs("topic(%s) - obsolete()", topic)
    elif branch is not None:
        trevs = repo.revs("branch(%s) - public() - obsolete() - topic()", branch)
        raise error.ProgrammingError('neither branch and topic specified (not defined yet)')
    revs = _orderrevs(repo, trevs)
    if revs:
        pt1 = repo[revs[0]].p1()
        if pt1.obsolete():
            pt1 = repo[_singlesuccessor(repo, pt1)]
        revs.insert(0, pt1.rev())
    return revs

def labelsgen(prefix, labelssuffix):
    """ Takes a label prefix and a list of suffixes. Returns a string of the prefix
    formatted with each suffix separated with a space.
    return ' '.join(prefix % suffix for suffix in labelssuffix)

def showstack(ui, repo, branch=None, topic=None, opts=None):
    if opts is None:
        opts = {}

    if topic is not None and branch is not None:
        msg = 'both branch and topic specified [%s]{%s}(not defined yet)'
        msg %= (branch, topic)
        raise error.ProgrammingError(msg)
    elif topic is not None:
        prefix = 't'
        if topic not in repo.topics:
            raise error.Abort(_('cannot resolve "%s": no such topic found') % topic)
    elif branch is not None:
        prefix = 'b'
        raise error.ProgrammingError('neither branch and topic specified (not defined yet)')

    fm = ui.formatter('topicstack', opts)
    prev = None
    entries = []
    idxmap = {}

    label = 'topic'
    if topic == repo.currenttopic:
        label = ''

    data = stackdata(repo, branch=branch, topic=topic)
    if topic is not None:
        fm.plain(_('### topic: %s')
                 % ui.label(topic, label),

        if 1 < data['headcount']:
            fm.plain(' (')
            fm.plain('%d heads' % data['headcount'],
    fm.plain(_('### branch: %s')
             % '+'.join(data['branches']), # XXX handle multi branches
    if topic is None:
        if 1 < data['headcount']:
            fm.plain(' (')
            fm.plain('%d heads' % data['headcount'],
        if data['behindcount'] == -1:
            fm.plain(', ')
            fm.plain('ambigious rebase destination', label='topic.stack.summary.behinderror')
        elif data['behindcount']:
            fm.plain(', ')
            fm.plain('%d behind' % data['behindcount'], label='topic.stack.summary.behindcount')

    for idx, r in enumerate(getstack(repo, branch=branch, topic=topic), 0):
        ctx = repo[r]
        # special case for t0, b0 as it's hard to plugin into rest of the logic
        if idx == 0:
            # t0, b0 can be None
            if r == -1:
            entries.append((idx, False, ctx))
            prev = ctx.rev()
        p1 = ctx.p1()
        if p1.obsolete():
            p1 = repo[_singlesuccessor(repo, p1)]
        if p1.rev() != prev and p1.node() != node.nullid:
            entries.append((idxmap.get(p1.rev()), False, p1))
        entries.append((idx, True, ctx))
        idxmap[ctx.rev()] = idx
        prev = r

    # super crude initial version
    for idx, isentry, ctx in entries[::-1]:

        states = []
        iscurrentrevision = repo.revs('%d and parents()', ctx.rev())

        if not isentry:
            symbol = '^'
            # "base" is kind of a "ghost" entry
            # skip other label for them (no current, no unstable)
            states = ['base']
        elif ctx.orphan():
            # current revision can be unstable also, so in that case show both
            # the states and the symbol '@' (issue5553)
            if iscurrentrevision:
                symbol = '@'
            symbol = '$'
        elif iscurrentrevision:
            symbol = '@'
            symbol = ':'

        if idx is None:
            fm.plain('  ')
            if ui.verbose:
                fm.plain('              ')
            fm.write('topic.stack.index', '%s%%d' % prefix, idx,
                     label='topic.stack.index ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.index.%s', states))
            if ui.verbose:
                fm.write('topic.stack.shortnode', '(%s)', short(ctx.node()),
                         label='topic.stack.shortnode ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.shortnode.%s', states))
        fm.write('topic.stack.state.symbol', '%s', symbol,
                 label='topic.stack.state ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.state.%s', states))
        fm.plain(' ')
        fm.write('topic.stack.desc', '%s', ctx.description().splitlines()[0],
                 label='topic.stack.desc ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.desc.%s', states))
        fm.condwrite(states != ['clean'] and idx is not None, 'topic.stack.state',
                     ' (%s)', fm.formatlist(states, 'topic.stack.state'),
                     label='topic.stack.state ' + labelsgen('topic.stack.state.%s', states))

def stackdata(repo, branch=None, topic=None):
    """get various data about a stack

    :changesetcount: number of non-obsolete changesets in the stack
    :troubledcount: number on troubled changesets
    :headcount: number of heads on the topic
    :behindcount: number of changeset on rebase destination
    data = {}
    revs = getstack(repo, branch, topic)[1:]
    data['changesetcount'] = len(revs)
    data['troubledcount'] = len([r for r in revs if repo[r].isunstable()])
    deps, rdeps = builddependencies(repo, revs)
    data['headcount'] = len([r for r in revs if not rdeps[r]])
    data['behindcount'] = 0
    if revs:
        minroot = [min(r for r in revs if not deps[r])]
            dest = destutil.destmerge(repo, action='rebase',
            data['behindcount'] = len(repo.revs("only(%d, %ld)", dest,
        except error.NoMergeDestAbort:
            data['behindcount'] = 0
        except error.ManyMergeDestAbort:
            data['behindcount'] = -1
    data['branches'] = sorted(set(repo[r].branch() for r in revs))

    return data