view laplace.m @ 0:330e38d6738b

Test file for the TDD
author Marco Vassallo <>
date Tue, 02 Jul 2013 22:52:19 +0200
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#Example of how we expect the Octave interface to look like
#This file is our test for the TDD

# Create mesh 
init_dolfin ();

x = y = linspace (0, 1, 32) ;
msho = msh2m_structured_mesh (x, y, 1, [ 1 1 2 2 ])
mshd = dolfin_mesh (msho);

#Compile the problem defined in the .ufl file
ffc ("Laplace.ufl");

#Import the problem inside Octave
V  = FunctionSpace (mshd, "Laplace");
sd = SubDomain (mshd, @(x, y) abs (x - 1.0) < eps, "Laplace");
bc = DirichletBC (V, @(x, y) 0.0, sd, "Laplace");

#Get the matrices
A  = BilinearForm (V, V, bc, "Laplace");
L  = LinearForm (V, bc, "Laplace");

#Solve it
u = A\L;

uf = Function (V, u);
dolfin_plot (uf, "Solution")