diff extra/ode/rk2fixed.m @ 0:6b33357c7561 octave-forge

Initial revision
author pkienzle
date Wed, 10 Oct 2001 19:54:49 +0000
children a0d3391e59e2
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extra/ode/rk2fixed.m	Wed Oct 10 19:54:49 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+function [tout,xout] = rk2fixed(F,tspan,x0,Nsteps,ode_fcn_format,trace,count)
+% Copyright (C) 2000 Marc Compere
+% This file is intended for use with Octave.
+% rk2fixed.m is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% rk2fixed.m is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% General Public License for more details at www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% rk2fixed (v1.07) integrates a system of ordinary differential equations using a
+% 2nd order Runge-Kutta formula called Ralston's method.
+% This choice of 2nd order coefficients provides a minimum bound on truncation error.
+% For more, see Ralston & Rabinowitz (1978) or 
+% Numerical Methods for Engineers, 2nd Ed., Chappra & Cannle, McGraw-Hill, 1985
+% rk2fixed() requires 2 function evaluations per integration step.
+% Usage:
+%         [tout, xout] = rk2fixed(F, tspan, x0, Nsteps, ode_fcn_format, trace, count)
+% F      - String containing name of user-supplied problem derivatives.
+%          Call: xprime = fun(t,x) where F = 'fun'.
+%          t      - Time (scalar).
+%          x      - Solution column-vector.
+%          xprime - Returned derivative COLUMN-vector; xprime(i) = dx(i)/dt.
+% tspan  - [ tstart, tfinal ]
+% x0     - Initial value COLUMN-vector.
+% Nsteps - number of steps used to span [ tstart, tfinal ]
+% ode_fcn_format - this specifies if the user-defined ode function is in
+%          the form:     xprime = fun(t,x)   (ode_fcn_format=0, default)
+%          or:           xprime = fun(x,t)   (ode_fcn_format=1)
+%          Matlab's solvers comply with ode_fcn_format=0 while
+%          Octave's lsode() and sdirk4() solvers comply with ode_fcn_format=1.
+% trace  - If nonzero, each step is printed. (optional, default: trace = 0).
+% count  - if nonzero, variable 'rhs_counter' is initalized, made global
+%          and counts the number of state-dot function evaluations
+%          'rhs_counter' is incremented in here, not in the state-dot file
+%          simply make 'rhs_counter' global in the file that calls rk2fixed
+% tout  - Returned integration time points (row-vector).
+% xout  - Returned solution, one solution column-vector per tout-value.
+% The result can be displayed by: plot(tout, xout).
+% Marc Compere
+% compere@mail.utexas.edu
+% created : 06 October 1999
+% modified: 15 May 2000
+if nargin < 7, count = 0; end
+if nargin < 6, trace = 0; end
+if nargin < 5, Nsteps = 400/(tspan(2)-tspan(1)); end % <-- 400 is a guess for a default,
+                                                %  try verifying the solution with rk4fixed
+if nargin < 4, ode_fcn_format = 0; end
+if count==1,
+ global rhs_counter
+ if ~exist('rhs_counter'),rhs_counter=0;,end
+end % if count
+% Initialization
+t = tspan(1);
+h = (tspan(2)-tspan(1))/Nsteps;
+xout(1,:) = x0';           
+tout(1)   = t;
+x = x0(:);
+if trace
+ clc, t, h, x
+% The main loop
+h = (tspan(2)-tspan(1))/Nsteps;
+for i=1:Nsteps,
+     if (ode_fcn_format==0),
+      k1 = feval(F,t,x);
+      k2 = feval(F,t+3/4*h,x+3/4*h*k1);
+     else,
+      k1 = feval(F,x,t);
+      k2 = feval(F,x+3/4*h*k1,t+3/4*h);
+     end % if (ode_fcn_format==0)
+     % increment rhs_counter
+     if count==1,
+      rhs_counter = rhs_counter + 2;
+     end % if
+     t = t + h;
+     x = (x+h*(1/3*k1+2/3*k2));
+     tout = [tout; t];
+     xout = [xout; x.'];
+     if trace,
+      home, t, h, x
+     end