diff main/signal/grpdelay.m @ 0:6b33357c7561 octave-forge

Initial revision
author pkienzle
date Wed, 10 Oct 2001 19:54:49 +0000
children 05e7e4427c6c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/signal/grpdelay.m	Wed Oct 10 19:54:49 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Kienzle
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+## any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+## Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+## 02111-1307, USA.
+## Based on freqz.m, Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 John W. Eaton
+## Compute the group delay of a filter.
+## [g, w] = grpdelay(b)
+##   returns the group delay g of the FIR filter with coefficients b.
+##   The response is evaluated at 512 angular frequencies between 0 and
+##   pi. w is a vector containing the 512 frequencies.
+## [g, w] = grpdelay(b,a)
+##   returns the group delay of the rational IIR filter whose numerator
+##   has coefficients b and denominator coefficients a.
+## [g, w] = grpdelay(b,a,n)
+##   returns the group delay evaluated at n angular frequencies.  For fastest
+##   computation n should factor into a small number of small primes.
+## [g, w] = grpdelay(b,a,n,"whole")
+##   evaluates the group delay at n frequencies between 0 and 2*pi.
+## [g, w] = grpdelay(b,a,n,Fs)
+##   evaluates the group delay at n frequencies between 0 and Fs/2.
+## [g, w] = grpdelay(b,a,n,"whole",Fs)
+##   evaluates the group delay at n frequencies between 0 and Fs.
+## grpdelay(...)
+##   plots the group delay vs. frequency.
+## This computation is unstable since it involves cancellation of very
+## small values.  If the denominator becomes too small, the group delay
+## is artificially set to 0.  The computation is also unstable since the
+## group delay can go to infinity for some filters.  These points are
+## set to zero as well so that the graph looks reasonable.
+## Theory: group delay, g(w) = -d/dw [arg{H(e^jw)}],  is the rate of change of
+## phase with respect to frequency.  It can be computed as:
+##               d/dw H(e^-jw)
+##        g(w) = -------------
+##                 H(e^-jw)
+## where
+##         H(z) = B(z)/A(z) = sum(b_k z^k)/sum(a_k z^k).
+## By the quotient rule,
+##                    A(z) d/dw B(z) - B(z) d/dw A(z)
+##        d/dw H(z) = -------------------------------
+##                               A(z) A(z)
+## Substituting into the expression above yields:
+##                A dB - B dA 
+##        g(w) =  ----------- = dB/B - dA/A
+##                    A B
+## Note that,
+##        d/dw B(e^-jw) = sum(k b_k e^-jwk)
+##        d/dw A(e^-jw) = sum(k a_k e^-jwk)
+## which is just the FFT of the coefficients multiplied by a ramp.
+## TODO: demo("grpdelay",4) seems wrong.  The delays in the detail plot
+## TODO:    are opposite those in the overall plot.
+## TODO: combine with freqz since the two are almost identical
+## TODO: don't reset graph state before exiting since the user may
+## TODO:    want to further decorate the graph.
+function [g_r, w_r] = grpdelay(b, a, n, region, Fs)
+  if (nargin<1 || nargin>5)
+    usage("[g, w]=grpdelay(b [, a [, n [, 'whole' [, Fs]]]])");
+  elseif (nargin == 1)
+    ## Response of an FIR filter.
+    a=[]; n=[]; region=[]; Fs=[];
+  elseif (nargin == 2)
+    ## Response of an IIR filter
+    n=[]; region=[]; Fs=[];
+  elseif (nargin == 3)
+    region=[]; Fs=[];
+  elseif (nargin == 4)
+    Fs=[];
+    if !isstr(region) && !isempty(region)
+      Fs = region; region=[];
+    endif
+  endif
+  if isempty(a) a=1; endif
+  if isempty(n) n=512; endif
+  if isempty(region) 
+    if isreal(b) && isreal(a)
+      region = "half"; 
+    else
+      region = "whole";
+    endif
+  endif
+  if isempty(Fs) 
+    if (nargout==0) Fs = 2; else Fs = 2*pi; endif
+  endif
+  if !is_scalar(n)
+    if nargin==4 ## Fs was specified
+      w = 2*pi*n/Fs;
+    else
+      w = n;
+    endif
+    n = length(n);
+    extent = 0;
+  elseif (strcmp(region,"whole"))
+    w = 2*pi*[0:(n-1)]/n;
+    extent = n;
+  else
+    w = pi*[0:(n-1)]/n;
+    extent = 2*n;
+  endif
+  la = length(a);
+  a = reshape(a,1,la);
+  lb = length(b);
+  b = reshape(b,1,lb);
+  k = max([la, lb]);
+  if (length(b) == 1 && length(a)>1)
+    hb = 1;
+    if length(a) == 1
+      dhb = zeros(1,n);
+    else
+      dhb = 0;
+    endif
+  elseif( extent >= k)
+    hb = fft(postpad(b,extent));
+    dhb = fft(postpad(b,extent).*[0:extent-1]);
+  else
+    hb = polyval(postpad(b,k),exp(j*w));
+    dhb = polyval(postpad(b,k).*[0:k-1],exp(j*w));
+  endif
+  if (length(a) == 1)
+    ha = a;
+    dha = 0;
+  elseif( extent >= k)
+    ha = fft(postpad(a,extent));
+    dha = fft(postpad(a,extent).*[0:extent-1]);
+  else
+    ha = polyval(postpad(a,k),exp(j*w));
+    dha = polyval(postpad(a,k).*[0:k-1],exp(j*w));
+  endif
+  g = dhb./hb - dha./ha;
+  idx = find(abs(hb.*ha)<100*eps); 
+  g(idx)=zeros(size(idx));
+  w = Fs*w/(2*pi);
+  if nargout >= 1 # return values but don't plot
+    g_r = g(1:n);
+    w_r = w(1:n);
+  else            # plot but don't return values
+    unwind_protect
+      grid;
+      xlabel(["Frequency (Fs=", num2str(Fs), ")"]);
+      ylabel("Group delay (samples)");
+      plot(w(1:n), real(g(1:n)), ";;");
+    unwind_protect_cleanup
+      grid("off");
+      xlabel("");
+      ylabel("");
+    end_unwind_protect
+  endif
+%! subplot(211); 
+%! title ("zero at .9");
+%! grpdelay (poly (0.9 * exp(1i*pi)));
+%! hold on; grid("on"); 
+%! stem (1, -9, "bo;target;"); 
+%! hold off;
+%! subplot(212); axis ([.9, 1.1, -9, 0]); 
+%! grpdelay (poly(0.9*exp(1i*pi)),[],[.9:.0001:1.1]*pi);
+%! hold on; grid("on"); 
+%! stem(1,-9,"bo;target;"); 
+%! hold off;
+%! axis(); oneplot();
+%! %--------------------------------------------------------------
+%! % From Oppenheim and Schafer, a single zero of radius r=0.9 at
+%! % angle pi should have a group delay of about -9 at 1 and 1/2
+%! % at zero and 2*pi.
+%! grpdelay(poly([1/0.9*exp(1i*pi*0.2), 0.9*exp(1i*pi*0.6)]), ...
+%!	    poly([0.9*exp(-1i*pi*0.6), 1/0.9*exp(-1i*pi*0.2)])); grid('on');
+%! hold on; stem([0.2, 0.6, 1.4, 1.8], [9, -9, 9, -9],"bo;target;"); hold off;
+%! %--------------------------------------------------------------
+%! % confirm the group delays approximately meet the targets
+%! % don't worry that it is not exact, as I have not entered
+%! % the exact targets.
+%! Fs = 8000;
+%! [b, a] = cheby1(3, 3, 2*[1000, 3000]/Fs, 'stop');
+%! [h, w] = grpdelay(b, a, 256, "half", Fs);
+%! [h2, w2] = grpdelay(b, a, 512, "whole", Fs);
+%! assert (size(h), size(w));
+%! assert (length(h), 256); 
+%! assert (size(h2), size(w2));
+%! assert (length(h2), 512); 
+%! assert (h, h2(1:256));
+%! assert (w, w2(1:256));
+%! Fs = 8000;
+%! [b, a] = cheby1(3, 3, 2*[1000, 3000]/Fs, 'stop');
+%! grpdelay(b,a,[],Fs);
+%! %--------------------------------------------------------------
+%! % IIR bandstop filter has delays at [1000, 3000]
+%! subplot(211);
+%! b = fir1(40,0.3);
+%! grpdelay(b);
+%! subplot(212); axis([0.3, 0.5]);
+%! grpdelay(b,[],pi*[.3:.0001:.5]); axis(); oneplot();
+%! %--------------------------------------------------------------
+%! % fir lowpass order 40 with cutoff at w=0.3 and details of
+%! % the transition band [.3, .5]