view cvs-tree @ 2673:1477664152bf octave-forge

Initial commit into CVS.
author sis-sou
date Fri, 13 Oct 2006 13:41:50 +0000
parents a3f7869a2f84
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;

# These should be in your path already:
# Set environment variables so I can update the cvs tree
# $ENV{CVS_RSH} = 'ssh';
# If you're not cgijobs, you need to change the next line
# $ENV{CVSROOT} = '';
# Besides, they aren't even used in this program!

#	 variables used in this file
my (
	$temp,               # all-purpose temporary variable

print STDERR "Don't forget to do a cvs update before executing this...\n\n";

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Walk the octave directories to find all .m files
# Parts of this code inspired from the
# Xavatoria Indexed Search, Index Building Module
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# where to start the search
$basedir = '.';  # if you change this, then you must not chop it later

# maximum number of iterations to avoid runaway process
$maxiter = 10000;

#$extensions = "\.html\.htm\.shtml\.stm\.ztml\.shtml\.";
$extensions = '.m.';

# Below are the files or directories that you do NOT want to be 
# searched.  Note that they all have one blank space after the 
# file or directory, and that directories do not include trailing 
# slashes.  Also note that we use the ".=" instead of the "=".

$DMZ = ' ';
#$DMZ .= "/usr/www/users/ifunds/cgi-bin ";

unless (-e $basedir) {
	print STDERR "Fatal Error!\n";
	print STDERR "Searched for a directory at specified location:\n";
	print STDERR "    $basedir\n";
	print STDERR "No directory found. Check settings.\n";

@directories = ($basedir);
$maxvar = 1;
for ($temp=0;$temp<$maxiter;$temp++) {
	$directory = @directories[$temp];
	last unless $directory =~ /[\w\.]/;       # exit when we run out...
	next if ($DMZ =~ /$directory /i);
	next if $directory =~ /CVS\s*$/;      # ignore CVS directories
	@entries = readdir(DIR);
	foreach $entry (@entries) {
		next if (($entry eq ".") || ($entry eq ".."));
		$full = "$directory/$entry";
		next if ($DMZ =~ /$full /i);
		if (-d $full) {
		elsif ((-T "$directory/$entry") && ($entry =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/)) {
			if ($extensions =~ /\.$2\./) { # we found an .m file
				# store filenames in a hash with the filename as the key
				# and the directory (comma separated if more than one unique)
				# as the value
				if( $files{$entry}) {
					$files{$entry} .= ",$directory";
				else {
					$files{$entry} = $directory;

# Output the page:

print '<html><head><title>Octave Repository Function List</title></head>';
print "\n<body>\n", titlebar(), hline(), '<p>';

print 'Unique file names: ', scalar keys %files, "\n<p>\n";

# first, print the summary
foreach $file (sort keys %files) {

	# There has got to be a better way of finding the length of a list!!
	$len = split(/,/, $files{$file});

	foreach $dir (split(/,/, $files{$file})) {
		$dir = substr($dir,2); # chop ./
		$temp = func_name( $dir, $file);
	        $temp = "$dir/$temp" if ($len > 1);
		print qq[<a href="#$temp">$temp</a> - ];

# now, print each entry
print hline();
foreach $file (sort keys %files) {

	$len = split(/,/, $files{$file});
	foreach $dir (split(/,/, $files{$file})) {
 		$dir = substr($dir,2);  # chop ./
		$temp = func_name( $dir, $file);
		$temp = "$dir/$temp" if ($len > 1);
		print qq[<p><a name="$temp">$temp</a>];

		$temp = cvs_download_link( $dir, $file);
		print qq+ [<a href="$temp">Download</a>]+;

		print '<br><pre>' . func_descript( $dir, $file) . "</pre>\n";

print "\n</body></html>\n";

exit;   # all done

#                  SUBROUTINES

# given the directory and file name, returns the name of the function defined
# by that file
sub func_name {
	my ($_dir, $_file) = @_;

	$_file =~ /([^.]*)/;
	return $1;

sub hline {
	return "\n<hr size=1 noshade>\n";

sub titlebar {
	return qq~
	<A href="">Home</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Summary</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Forums</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Bugs</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Support</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Patches</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Lists</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Tasks</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Docs</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Surveys</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">News</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">CVS</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
	<A href="">Files</A>

# returns the URL to download a file
sub cvs_download_link {
	my ($_dir, $_file) = @_;

	$_dir =~ s/^[.\/]*//;  # get rid of the leading garbage

	return '' .
		$_dir . '/' . $_file . '?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain';
sub func_descript {
	my ($_dir, $_file) = @_;
	my $retval = '';

	if( open( IN, "$_dir/$_file")) {
		# skip leading blank lines
		while (<IN>) {
			last if /\S/;
		if( m/\s*#[\s#]* Copyright/) {
			# next block is copyright statement, skip it
			while (<IN>) {
				last unless /^\s*#/;
		# Skip any blank lines here
		while ( /^\s*$/) {
			$_ = <IN>;
			last if not defined $_;
		# At this point we should either have a function statement or
		# the start of the description
		if( m/^\s*#/) {
			# Comment is starting, grab the first line unless its the texinfo thing
			$retval .= $_ unless m/\-\*\-\s*texinfo\s*\-\*\-/;
		else {
			return unless m/function/i;
		# Print out the rest of the documentation block
		while (<IN>) {
			last unless /^\s*#/;
			# make texinfo substitutions
			next if m/\-\*\-\s*texinfo\s*\-\*\-/;
			s/\@var{([^}]*)}/<i>\1<\/i>/g;  # This must go before deftypefnx substitution
			$retval .= $_;
		return $retval;
	else {
		print STDERR "Could not open file ($_dir/$_file): $!\n";