view get_contents @ 95:32a07b48e913 octave-forge

Add new Perl script 'get_contents'. It finds CONTENTS files in the directory tree, extracts the text from the files, and inserts the text into the top-level README and the developer's guide html file. The octave documentation can be kept up to date more easily this way.
author alnd
date Wed, 02 Jan 2002 13:11:05 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Traverse the directory tree and look for files called 'CONTENTS'.
# Insert the text from these files into octave-forge documentation
# files such as the top-level README, and the developer's guide.
# Issues:
#   - Entries in the README appear in the sort order of
#     the directory names the CONTENTS files are in.  This
#     isn't necessarily the best sequence since some directories
#     such as main/ should appear first.
#   - At the moment the text in the CONTENTS files should be plain
#     text.  Planning to allow texinfo for layout control in .html
#     files.
# Albert Danial Jan 2 2002

use strict;
use File::Find;

my @files = ();       # to contain relative path names of each CONTENTS file
find(\&wanted, ".");  # start here & descend recursively; populate @files

fill_README(@files);         # creates 'README' from 'template.readme'
fill_developer_html(@files); # creates 'new_developer.html' from 'template.ndev'

# # # # # # # 

sub fill_README {  # {{{1
    my (@files, ) = @_;
    my $template = "template.readme";
    my $RM       = "README";
    if (!-r $template) {
        warn "Unable to read the file '$template'; cannot make README\n";
    open(IN,  $template) or die "Unable to read $template: $!\n";
    my @template_data = <IN>;  # slurp the entire file
    close IN;

    my $added_contents = 0;
    my $top_of_file    = 1;
    open(README, ">$RM")    or die "Unable to write $RM: $!\n";
    foreach my $t (@template_data) {
        if      ($top_of_file) {      # skip over warning lines in
            next if $t =~ /^-> /;     # template starting with '->'
            $top_of_file = 0;
        } elsif ($added_contents) {
            print README $t;
        } elsif ($t =~ /^Project organization/) {
            print README "$t\n";
            foreach (sort @files) {
                open(CONTENTS, $_) or die "Cannot read $_: $!\n";
                my @c = <CONTENTS>;
                close CONTENTS;
                m{^(.*)/(.*?)$}; # match directory and file's basename
                my $dir  = $1;
                my $file = $2;
                $dir     =~ s{^\./}{};  # strip leading  ./
                print README "$dir/\n";
                foreach my $line (@c) {
                    print README "\t$line";
                print README "\n";
            $added_contents = 1;
        } else {
            print README $t;
    close README;
}  # 1}}}

# # # # # # # 

sub fill_developer_html {  # {{{1
    my (@files, ) = @_;
    my $template = "admin/template.ndev";
    my $RM       = "admin/new_developer.html";
    if (!-r $template) {
        warn "Unable to read the file '$template'; cannot make README\n";
    open(IN,  $template) or die "Unable to read $template: $!\n";
    my @template_data = <IN>;  # slurp the entire file
    close IN;

    my $added_contents = 0;
    my $top_of_file    = 1;
    open(README, ">$RM")    or die "Unable to write $RM: $!\n";
    foreach my $t (@template_data) {
        if      ($top_of_file) {      # skip over warning lines in
            next if $t =~ /^-> /;     # template starting with '->'
            $top_of_file = 0;
        } elsif ($added_contents) {
            print README $t;
        } elsif ($t =~ /^>>>INSERT CONTENTS HERE<<</) {
            foreach (sort @files) {
                open(CONTENTS, $_) or die "Cannot read $_: $!\n";
                my @c = <CONTENTS>;
                close CONTENTS;
                m{^(.*)/(.*?)$}; # match directory and file's basename
                my $dir  = $1;
                my $file = $2;
                $dir     =~ s{^\./}{};  # strip leading  ./
                print README "\t<li> <b><tt>$dir/</tt></b><br>\n";
                foreach my $line (@c) {
                    # use fixed font for words that end with /
                    # (ie, directory names).
                    $line =~ s{\s(\S+/)([.,\s])}{ <tt>$1</tt>$2}g;
                    print README "\t$line";
                print README "\n";
            $added_contents = 1;
        } else {
            print README $t;
    close README;
}  # 1}}}

# # # # # # # 

sub text_bullet_list_to_HTML { # {{{1
    # Takes an array of plain text lines and embeds <ul>, <li>, and </ul>
    # tags as appropriate to turn a text bullet list (denoted by *) into
    # an html equivalent.
    # Can only handle a single bullet list.
    my ($ra_contents, ) = @_;
    my $found_list = 0;
    foreach my $l (@{$ra_contents}) {
        if ($l =~ /^\s*\*/) {
            $found_list = 1;
    return unless $found_list; # bail if no list found

    # find the first and last lines of the bullet list
    my $start_line = 0;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$ra_contents}; $i++) {
        if ($ra_contents->[$i] =~ /^\s*\*/) {
            $start_line = $i;
    my $end_line   = 0;
    for (my $i = scalar @{$ra_contents} - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
        if ($ra_contents->[$i] =~ /^\s*\*/) {
            $end_line   = $i;

    # finally, insert the HTML
    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$ra_contents}; $i++) {
        $ra_contents->[$i] =~ s{^(\s*)\*}{$1 <li>};
        $ra_contents->[$i] = "<ul> " . $ra_contents->[$i] if $i == $start_line;
        $ra_contents->[$i] = $ra_contents->[$i] . "</ul>" if $i == $end_line;
} # 1}}}

# # # # # # # 

sub wanted { # populates global array @files
    return unless -f and /^CONTENTS$/;
    push @files, "$File::Find::dir/$_";