view main/odepkg/inst/odepkg_testsuite_hires.m @ 9386:982dcd268ac4 octave-forge

Somebody crahes odepkg/inst - old files have been checked in. I reverted the files of this directory to my local copy: revision 8337.
author treichl
date Sun, 29 Jan 2012 11:42:54 +0000
parents 55c73f24f0ee
children 31a8ff1c879c
line wrap: on
line source

%# Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Thomas Treichl <>
%# OdePkg - A package for solving ordinary differential equations and more
%# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
%# (at your option) any later version.
%# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%# GNU General Public License for more details.
%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%# along with this program; If not, see <>.

%# -*- texinfo -*-
%# @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{solution}] =} odepkg_testsuite_hires (@var{@@solver}, @var{reltol})
%# If this function is called with two input arguments and the first input argument @var{@@solver} is a function handle describing an OdePkg solver and the second input argument @var{reltol} is a double scalar describing the relative error tolerance then return a cell array @var{solution} with performance informations about the HIRES testsuite of ordinary differential equations after solving (ODE--test).
%# Run examples with the command
%# @example
%# demo odepkg_testsuite_hires
%# @end example
%# @end deftypefn
%# @seealso{odepkg}

function vret = odepkg_testsuite_hires (vhandle, vrtol)

  if (nargin ~= 2) %# Check number and types of all input arguments
    help  ('odepkg_testsuite_hires');
    error ('OdePkg:InvalidArgument', ...
      'Number of input arguments must be exactly two');
  elseif (~isa (vhandle, 'function_handle') || ~isscalar (vrtol))

  vret{1} = vhandle; %# The handle for the solver that is used
  vret{2} = vrtol;   %# The value for the realtive tolerance
  vret{3} = vret{2}; %# The value for the absolute tolerance
  vret{4} = vret{2} * 10^(-2);  %# The value for the first time step
  %# Write a debug message on the screen, because this testsuite function
  %# may be called more than once from a loop over all solvers present
  fprintf (1, ['Testsuite HIRES, testing solver %7s with relative', ...
    ' tolerance %2.0e\n'], func2str (vret{1}), vrtol); fflush (1);

  %# Setting the integration algorithms option values
  vstart = 0.0;      %# The point of time when solving is started
  vstop  = 321.8122; %# The point of time when solving is stoped
  vinit  = odepkg_testsuite_hiresinit; %# The initial values

  vopt = odeset ('Refine', 0, 'RelTol', vret{2}, 'AbsTol', vret{3}, ...
    'InitialStep', vret{4}, 'Stats', 'on', 'NormControl', 'off', ...
    'Jacobian', @odepkg_testsuite_hiresjac, 'MaxStep', vstop-vstart);

  %# Calculate the algorithm, start timer and do solving
  tic; vsol = feval (vhandle, @odepkg_testsuite_hiresfun, ...
    [vstart, vstop], vinit, vopt);
  vret{12} = toc;                   %# The value for the elapsed time
  vref = odepkg_testsuite_hiresref; %# Get the reference solution vector
  if (exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION') ~= 0)
    vlst = vsol.y(end,:);
    vlst = vsol.y(:,end);
  vret{5}  = odepkg_testsuite_calcmescd (vlst, vref, vret{3}, vret{2});
  vret{6}  = odepkg_testsuite_calcscd (vlst, vref, vret{3}, vret{2});
  vret{7}  = vsol.stats.nsteps + vsol.stats.nfailed; %# The value for all evals
  vret{8}  = vsol.stats.nsteps;   %# The value for success evals
  vret{9}  = vsol.stats.nfevals;  %# The value for fun calls
  vret{10} = vsol.stats.npds;     %# The value for partial derivations
  vret{11} = vsol.stats.ndecomps; %# The value for LU decompositions

%# Returns the results for the HIRES problem
function f = odepkg_testsuite_hiresfun (t, y, varargin)
  f(1,1) = -1.71 * y(1) + 0.43 * y(2) + 8.32 * y(3) + 0.0007;
  f(2,1) =  1.71 * y(1) - 8.75 * y(2);
  f(3,1) = -10.03 * y(3) + 0.43 * y(4) + 0.035 * y(5);
  f(4,1) =  8.32 * y(2) + 1.71 * y(3) - 1.12 * y(4);
  f(5,1) = -1.745 * y(5) + 0.43 * (y(6) + y(7));
  f(6,1) = -280 * y(6) * y(8) + 0.69 * y(4) + 1.71 * y(5) - 0.43 * y(6) + 0.69 * y(7);
  f(7,1) =  280 * y(6) * y(8) - 1.81 * y(7);
  f(8,1) = -f(7);

%# Returns the INITIAL values for the HIRES problem
function vinit = odepkg_testsuite_hiresinit ()
  vinit = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0057];

%# Returns the JACOBIAN matrix for the HIRES problem
function dfdy = odepkg_testsuite_hiresjac (t, y, varargin)
  dfdy(1,1) = -1.71;
  dfdy(1,2) =  0.43;
  dfdy(1,3) =  8.32;
  dfdy(2,1) =  1.71;
  dfdy(2,2) = -8.75;
  dfdy(3,3) = -10.03;
  dfdy(3,4) =  0.43;
  dfdy(3,5) =  0.035;
  dfdy(4,2) =  8.32;
  dfdy(4,3) =  1.71;
  dfdy(4,4) = -1.12;
  dfdy(5,5) = -1.745;
  dfdy(5,6) =  0.43;
  dfdy(5,7) =  0.43;
  dfdy(6,4) =  0.69;
  dfdy(6,5) =  1.71;
  dfdy(6,6) = -280 * y(8) - 0.43;
  dfdy(6,7) =  0.69;
  dfdy(6,8) = -280 * y(6);
  dfdy(7,6) =  280 * y(8);
  dfdy(7,7) = -1.81;
  dfdy(7,8) =  280 * y(6);
  dfdy(8,6) = -280 * y(8);
  dfdy(8,7) =  1.81;
  dfdy(8,8) = -280 * y(6);

%# Returns the REFERENCE values for the HIRES problem
function y = odepkg_testsuite_hiresref ()
  y(1,1) = 0.73713125733256e-3;
  y(2,1) = 0.14424857263161e-3;
  y(3,1) = 0.58887297409675e-4;
  y(4,1) = 0.11756513432831e-2;
  y(5,1) = 0.23863561988313e-2;
  y(6,1) = 0.62389682527427e-2;
  y(7,1) = 0.28499983951857e-2;
  y(8,1) = 0.28500016048142e-2;

%! vsolver = {@ode23, @ode45, @ode54, @ode78, ...
%!   @odebda, @oders, @ode2r, @ode5r, @odesx};
%! for vcnt=1:length (vsolver)
%!   vhires{vcnt,1} = odepkg_testsuite_hires (vsolver{vcnt}, 1e-7);
%! end
%! vhires

%# Local Variables: ***
%# mode: octave ***
%# End: ***