view pygnulib/ @ 38940:b790ffde5faa

private import even for standard modules
author Dmitry Selyutin <>
date Sat, 09 Sep 2017 23:01:51 +0300
parents 3db083b5486c
children b7783d4403c4
line wrap: on
line source

# encoding: UTF-8

import codecs as _codecs_
import collections as _collections_
import hashlib as _hashlib_
import os as _os_
import re as _re_

from .error import type_assert as _type_assert_

class Base:
    """gnulib generic module"""
    _TABLE_ = {
        "description"            : (0x00, str, "Description"),
        "comment"                : (0x01, str, "Comment"),
        "status"                 : (0x02, str, "Status"),
        "notice"                 : (0x03, str, "Notice"),
        "applicability"          : (0x04, str, "Applicability"),
        "files"                  : (0x05, list, "Files"),
        "dependencies"           : (0x06, list, "Depends-on"),
        "early_autoconf_snippet" : (0x07, str, ""),
        "autoconf_snippet"       : (0x08, str, ""),
        "automake_snippet"       : (0x09, str, ""),
        "include"                : (0x0A, list, "Include"),
        "link"                   : (0x0B, list, "Link"),
        "license"                : (0x0C, str, "License"),
        "maintainers"            : (0x0D, list, "Maintainer"),
    _PATTERN_DEPENDENCIES_ = _re_.compile("^(\\S+)(?:\\s+(.+))*$")
    _PATTERN_INCLUDE_ = _re_.compile("^[\\<\"]([A-Za-z0-9/\\-_]+\\.h)[\\>\"](?:\\s+.*^)*$")

    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
        _type_assert_("name", name, str)
        self.__name = name
        self.__table = {"maintainers": ["all"]}
        for key in Base._TABLE_:
            self.__table[key] = ""
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            self.__table[key] = value

    def name(self):
        return self.__name

    def name(self, value):
        _type_assert_("name", value, str)
        self.__name = value

    def description(self):
        return self.__table["description"]

    def description(self, value):
        _type_assert_("description", value, str)
        self.__table["description"] = value

    def comment(self):
        return self.__table["comment"]

    def comment(self, value):
        _type_assert_("comment", value, str)
        self.__table["comment"] = value

    def status(self):
        return self.__table["status"]

    def status(self, value):
        _type_assert_("status", value, str)
        self.__table["status"] = value

    def notice(self):
        return self.__table["notice"]

    def notice(self, value):
        _type_assert_("notice", value, str)
        self.__table["notice"] = value

    def applicability(self):
        """applicability (usually "main" or "tests")"""
        default = "main" if"-tests") else "tests"
        return self.__table.get("applicability", default)

    def applicability(self, value):
        _type_assert_("applicability", value, str)
        self.__table["applicability"] = value

    def files(self):
        """file dependencies iterator (set of strings)"""
        for file in self.__table["files"]:
            yield file

    def files(self, value):
        _type_assert_("files", value, _collections_.Iterable)
        result = []
        for item in value:
            _type_assert_("file", item, str)
            result += [item]
        self.__table["files"] = set(result)

    def dependencies(self):
        """dependencies iterator (name, condition)"""
        for entry in self.__table["dependencies"]:
            yield Base._PATTERN_DEPENDENCIES_.findall(entry)[0]

    def dependencies(self, value):
        _type_assert_("files", value, _collections_.Iterable)
        result = []
        for (name, condition) in value:
            _type_assert_("name", name, str)
            _type_assert_("condition", condition, str)
            result += [(name, condition)]
        self.__table["dependencies"] = set(result)

    def early_autoconf_snippet(self):
        """early snippet"""
        return self.__table["early_autoconf_snippet"]

    def early_autoconf_snippet(self, value):
        _type_assert_("early_autoconf_snippet", value, str)
        self.__table["early_autoconf_snippet"] = value

    def autoconf_snippet(self):
        """ snippet"""
        return self.__table["autoconf_snippet"]

    def autoconf_snippet(self, value):
        _type_assert_("autoconf_snippet", value, str)
        self.__table["autoconf_snippet"] = value

    def automake_snippet(self):
        """ snippet"""
        return self.__table["automake_snippet"]

    def automake_snippet(self, value):
        _type_assert_("automake_snippet", value, str)
        self.__table["automake_snippet"] = value

    def include(self):
        """include files iterator (header, comment)"""
        for entry in self.__table["include"]:
            match = Base._PATTERN_INCLUDE_.findall(entry)
            yield match[0] if match else entry

    def include(self, value):
        _type_assert_("include", value, _collections_.Iterable)
        result = []
        for (header, comment) in value:
            _type_assert_("header", header, str)
            _type_assert_("comment", comment, str)
            result += [(header, comment)]
        self.__table["include"] = set(result)

    def link(self):
        """linkage iterator (string)"""
        for entry in self.__table["link"]:
            yield entry

    def link(self, value):
        _type_assert_("link", value, _collections_.Iterable)
        result = []
        for item in value:
            _type_assert_("directive", item, str)
            result += [item]
        self.__table["link"] = set(result)

    def license(self):
        return self.__table["license"]

    def license(self, value):
        _type_assert_("license", value, str)
        self.__table["license"] = value

    def maintainers(self):
        """maintainers iterator (maintainer)"""
        for entry in self.__table["maintainers"]:
            yield entry

    def maintainers(self, value):
        _type_assert_("maintainers", value, _collections_.Iterable)
        result = []
        for item in value:
            _type_assert_("maintainer", item, str)
            result += [item]
        self.__table["maintainers"] = set(result)

    def shell_variable(self, macro_prefix="gl"):
        """Get the name of the shell variable set to true once m4 macros have been executed."""
        module =
        if len(module) != len(module.encode()):
            module = (module + "\n").encode("UTF-8")
            module = _hashlib_.md5(module).hexdigest()
        return "%s_gnulib_enabled_%s" % (macro_prefix, module)

    def shell_function(self, macro_prefix="gl"):
        """Get the name of the shell function containing the m4 macros."""
        module =
        if len(module) != len(module.encode()):
            module = (module + "\n").encode("UTF-8")
            module = _hashlib_.md5(module).hexdigest()
        return "func_%s_gnulib_m4code_%s" % (macro_prefix, module)

    def conditional_name(self, macro_prefix="gl"):
        """Get the automake conditional name."""
        module =
        if len(module) != len(module.encode()):
            module = (module + "\n").encode("UTF-8")
            module = _hashlib_.md5(module).hexdigest()
        return "%s_GNULIB_ENABLED_%s" % (macro_prefix, module)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(str(self))

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__name

    def __str__(self):
        result = ""
        for key, (_, typeid, field) in sorted(Base._TABLE_.items(), key=lambda k: k[1][0]):
            field += ":\n"
            if typeid is list:
                value = "\n".join(self.__table[key])
                value = self.__table[key]
            if value:
                result += field
                result += value
                result += "\n\n" if value else "\n"
        return result.strip() + "\n"

    def __lt__(self, value):
        return <

    def __le__(self, value):
        return self.__lt__(value) or self.__eq__(value)

    def __eq__(self, value):
        return ==

    def __ne__(self, value):
        return not self.__eq__(value)

    def __ge__(self, value):
        return value.__le__(self)

    def __gt__(self, value):
        return value.__lt__(self)

class File(Base):
    """gnulib module text file"""
    _TABLE_ = {
        "Description"        : (str, "description"),
        "Comment"            : (str, "comment"),
        "Status"             : (str, "status"),
        "Notice"             : (str, "notice"),
        "Applicability"      : (str, "applicability"),
        "Files"              : (list, "files"),
        "Depends-on"         : (list, "dependencies"),
        "" : (str, "early_autoconf_snippet"),
        ""       : (str, "autoconf_snippet"),
        ""        : (str, "automake_snippet"),
        "Include"            : (list, "include"),
        "Link"               : (list, "link"),
        "License"            : (str, "license"),
        "Maintainer"         : (list, "maintainers"),
    _FIELDS_ = [field for (_, _, field) in Base._TABLE_.values()]
    _PATTERN_ = _re_.compile("(%s):" % "|".join(_FIELDS_))

    def __init__(self, path, mode="r", name=None, **kwargs):
        if name is None:
            name = _os_.path.basename(path)
        if mode not in ("r", "w", "rw"):
            raise ValueError("illegal mode: %r" % mode)
        if mode == "r":
            table = {}
            with, "rb", "UTF-8") as stream:
                data = ""
                for line in stream:
                    line = line.strip("\n")
                    if line.startswith("#") \
                    or (line.startswith("/*") and line.endswith("*/")):
                    data += (line + "\n")
            match = File._PATTERN_.split(data)[1:]
            for (group, value) in zip(match[::2], match[1::2]):
                (typeid, key) = File._TABLE_[group]
                if typeid is list:
                    table[key] = [_ for _ in "".join(value).split("\n") if _.strip()]
                    table[key] = value.strip()
            self.__stream = None
        elif mode == "w":
            self.__stream =, "w+", "UTF-8")
        elif mode == "rw":
            self.__init__(path, "r")
            self.__stream =, "w+", "UTF-8")
            raise ValueError("invalid mode: %r" % mode)

        for (key, value) in kwargs.items():
            table[key] = value
        super().__init__(name, **table)

    def close(self):
        """Close the underlying stream and write data into the file."""
        if self.__stream:

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exctype, excval, exctrace):