view gub/specs/ @ 5703:4a71efdff50b

python3: updates.
author Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
date Tue, 29 Sep 2009 12:39:36 +0200
parents 73f6558ffdda
children 336e16ff113c
line wrap: on
line source

import operator
import os
import re
import sys
if sys.version.startswith ('3'):
    from functools import reduce
from gub.syntax import printf
from gub import context
from gub import loggedos
from gub import misc
from gub import octal
from gub import repository
from gub import target
from gub import tools

class OpenOffice (target.AutoBuild):
    source = 'git://'

    patches = ['openoffice-srcdir-build.patch']
    upstream_patches = [
    dependencies = [
    config_cache_overrides = target.AutoBuild.config_cache_overrides + '''
    openoffice_configure_flags = misc.join_lines ('''
--with-vendor=\"GUB --\"



# --with-system-libwpd
# --with-system-libwps
# --with-system-libwpg
    configure_command = (target.AutoBuild.configure_command
                         + openoffice_configure_flags)
    subpackage_names = ['']
    def __init__ (self, settings, source):
        target.AutoBuild.__init__ (self, settings, source)
        # let's keep source tree around
        def tracking (self):
            return True
        self.source.is_tracking = misc.bind_method (tracking, self.source)
    def stages (self):
        return misc.list_insert_before (target.AutoBuild.stages (self),
                                        ['dotslash_download', 'make_unpack', 'patch_upstream'])
    def dotslash_download (self):
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(downloads)s/openoffice-src')
        self.system ('cd %(builddir)s && ln %(downloads)s/openoffice-src/* src || :')
        self.system ('cd %(builddir)s && ./download')
        self.system ('cd %(builddir)s && ln src/* %(downloads)s/openoffice-src || :')
    def bran (self):
        return 'ooo'
    def ver (self):
        return '310'
    def milestone (self):
        return 'm8'
    def cvs_tag (self):
        return '%(bran)s%(ver)s-%(milestone)s'
    def upstream_dir (self):
        return '%(builddir)s/build/%(cvs_tag)s'
    def LD_LIBRARY_PATH (self):
        return '%(tools_prefix)s/lib' + misc.append_path (os.environ.get ('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', ''))
    def autoupdate (self):
        self.system ('cd %(srcdir)s && NOCONFIGURE=1 ./ --noconfigure')
    def make_unpack (self):
        # FIXME: python detection is utterly broken, should use python-config
        self.system ('cd %(builddir)s && make unpack')
        self.system ('cd %(builddir)s && make patch.apply')
    def apply_upstream_patch (self, name, strip_component=0):
        patch_strip_component = str (strip_component)
        self.system ('''
cd %(builddir)s/build/%(cvs_tag)s && patch -p%(patch_strip_component)s < %(patchdir)s/%(name)s
''', locals ())
    def upstream_patched_files (self):
        def files_in_patch (patch):
            string = file (self.expand ('%(patchdir)s/%(patch)s', locals ())).read ()
            def file_name (chunk):
                if chunk.find ('\n+++ ') >= 0:
                    return ('\n[+]{3}\s+([.]/)?([^\s]+)', chunk).group (2)
                return ''
            return list (map (file_name, ('\n' + string).split ('\n---')[1:]))
        files_with_patches = list (map (files_in_patch, self.upstream_patches))
        return reduce (operator.__add__, files_with_patches)
    def upstream_patch_reset (self):
        upstream_dir = self.upstream_dir ()
        for f in self.upstream_patched_files ():
            self.system ('cp -p %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s.patched' % locals ())
            self.system ('cp -p %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s.pristine %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s || cp -p %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s.pristine' % locals ())
    def upstream_patched_unchanged_preserve_mtime (self):
        upstream_dir = self.upstream_dir ()
        for f in self.upstream_patched_files ():
            self.system ('cmp %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s.patched %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s && cp -p %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s.patched %(upstream_dir)s/%(f)s || true' % locals ())
    def patch_upstream (self):
        # config_office is gone? but avoid rewriting everything for
        # now -- how's upstream?
        self.system ('cd %(upstream_dir)s && rm -f config_office && ln -s . config_office')
        self.upstream_patch_reset ()
        list (map (self.apply_upstream_patch, self.upstream_patches))
        self.upstream_patched_unchanged_preserve_mtime ()

        # configure blindly adds /usr includes, even when not necessary
        self.system ('sed -i -e "s@=/usr/include@=%(system_prefix)s/include@" %(upstream_dir)s/config_office/')

        # uses AC_CHECK_FILE, which simply assert-fails
        # when cross compiling slated for removal in ~2000
        self.system ('sed -i -e "s@AC_CHECK_FILE(@AC_CHECK_FILE_CROSS(@" %(upstream_dir)s/config_office/')

        # TODO: ASM is handled in individual solenv/inc/*mk
        self.system (misc.join_lines ('''sed -i.guborig
-e 's@\<ar\>@$(AR)@g'
-e 's@\<dlltool\>@$(DLLTOOL)@g'
-e 's@\<ld\>\([^-]\|$\)@$(LD)\\1@g'
-e 's@\<nm\>@$(NM)@g'
-e 's@\<ranlib\>@$(RANLIB)@g'
-e 's@\<windres\>@$(WINDRES)@g'

        self.system ('chmod +x %(upstream_dir)s/solenv/bin/ %(upstream_dir)s/solenv/bin/')

        have_wine = True
        disable_modules = [
            'bean', # com_sun_star_comp_beans_LocalOfficeWindow.c:39:18: error: jawt.h: No such file or directory
            'embedserv', # uses ATL
        disable_modules += ['testtools']
        # ~/.wine/system.reg
        # "PATH"=str(2):"C:/windows/system32;C:/windows;z:/home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/build/openoffice-trunk/build/ooo300-m9/solver/300/bin/;z:/home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/root/usr/bin;z:/home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/root/usr/lib;"
        wine_modules = [
            # Hmmm
            # wine   ../../../solver/300/ -register -r applicat.rdb -c

        for module in disable_modules:
            self.file_sub ([('(^[^#].*[ \t](all|n|w|w,vc[0-9])[ \t])', r'#\1')], '%(upstream_dir)s/%(module)s/prj/build.lst', env=locals ())

        module = 'setup_native'
        self.file_sub ([('^(pk.*customactions.*)', r'#\1')], '%(upstream_dir)s/%(module)s/prj/build.lst', env=locals ())

        # uses oledb.h from psdk 
        module = 'connectivity'
        self.file_sub ([(r'^([^#].*drivers.ado.*[ \t]w[ \t])', r'#\1')], '%(upstream_dir)s/%(module)s/prj/build.lst', env=locals ())

    make_flags = misc.join_lines ('''
##main configure barfs
    def install (self):
        # build cppuhelper with debug -- try to squeeze more info out
        # of the failing regcomp than
        #    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::registry::CannotRegisterImplementationException'
        #    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException'
        self.system ('''
cd %(upstream_dir)s/cppuhelper && rm -rf
cd %(upstream_dir)s/cppuhelper && mv
cd %(upstream_dir)s/cppuhelper && . ../* && perl $SOLARENV/bin/ debug=true && perl $SOLARENV/bin/
        regcomp_just_do_not_fail = True
        if regcomp_just_do_not_fail:
            # Well, that does not help.  Make non-failing regcomp wrapper...
            self.system ('cd %(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/ && mv regcomp.exe regcomp-bin.exe')
            self.dump ('''#! /bin/sh
%(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/ "$@"
exit 0
        target.AutoBuild.install (self)
        self.system ('rm -f %(install_prefix)s/bin/soffice3.1')
        if regcomp_just_do_not_fail:
            self.system ('cd %(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/ && mv regcomp-bin.exe regcomp.exe')
            self.system ('cd "%(install_prefix)s/lib/ooo-3.1/ 3" && /bin/tar -xzvf %(downloads)s/rdb/rdb.tar.gz || true')

class OpenOffice__mingw (OpenOffice):
    upstream_patches = OpenOffice.upstream_patches + [
    # I do not understand external/mingwheaders.  It patches header
    # files and is thus strictly tied to a gcc version; that can never
    # build.  How can patching header files ever work, when not
    # patching the corresponding libraries?  Some patches remove
    # #ifdef checks that can be enabled by setting a #define.  Other
    # patches only affect OO.o client code already inside __MINGW32__
    # defines.  Why not fix OO.o makefiles and client code?
    upstream_patches += ['openoffice-sal-mingw-c.patch']
    # Kendy's MinGW patches are already applied
    kendy = [
    dependencies = (OpenOffice.dependencies
                    + [
    def patch (self):
        self.system ('cd %(srcdir)s && git clean -f')
        self.system ('cd %(srcdir)s && rm -f patches/dev300/layout-simple-dialogs-svx-no-gtk.diff')
        OpenOffice.patch (self)
        # disable Kendy's patch for Cygwin version of mingw
        self.file_sub ([('^(mingw-build-without-stlport-stlport.diff)', r'#\1'),
                        ('^(mingw-thread-wait-instead-of-sleep.diff)', r'#\1'),
                        ('^(redirect-extensions.diff)', r'#\1'),
                        ('^(slideshow-effect-rewind.diff)', r'#\1'),
                        ('^(layout-simple-dialogs-svx).diff', r'\1-no-gtk.diff')],
        # setup wine hack -- TODO: CC_FOR_BUILD + SAL_DLL* for
        # cpputools/source/registercomponent/registercomponent.cxx
        wine_userdef = os.path.join (os.environ['HOME'], '.wine/user.reg')
        s = file (wine_userdef).read ()
#        if not self.expand ('%(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s') in s:
        if not 'CPLD_ACCESSPATH' in s:
            # Huh? > taking path: "file:///home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/build/" ...does not match given path "/home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/build/".
            # Even more strange: someone's eaten the space, but the directories
            # are the same!? > taking path: "file:///C:/ProgrammaBestanden/openoffice/usr/lib/ooo-3.1/" ...does not match given path "file:///C:/ProgrammaBestanden/openoffice/usr/lib/ooo-3.1/".
            #(14:06:06) erAck: janneke: 'jsc' or 'sb' may know details. Not in irc though. I suggest dev@udk mailing list.
            self.dump ('''
"CPLD_ACCESSPATH"="Z:%(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/;%(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/;.;C:/Programma Bestanden/openoffice/usr/lib/ooo-3.1/ 3/Basis/program/;C:/Programma Bestanden/openoffice/usr/lib/ooo-3.1/ 3/URE/bin;C:/Program Files/openoffice/usr/lib/ooo-3.1/ 3/Basis/program/;C:/Program Files/openoffice/usr/lib/ooo-3.1/ 3/URE/bin;%(install_prefix)s/bin/;%(install_prefix)s/lib/;%(system_prefix)s/bin/;%(system_prefix)s/lib/;Z:%(install_prefix)s/bin/;Z:%(install_prefix)s/lib/;Z:%(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/;Z:%(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/;Z:%(system_prefix)s/lib/;Z:%(system_prefix)s/lib/"
                   wine_userdef, mode='a')
    openoffice_configure_flags = (OpenOffice.openoffice_configure_flags
                .replace ('--with-system-xrender-headers', '')
                                  + ' --disable-xrender-link'
                                  + ' --with-distro=Win32')
    def patch_upstream (self):
        self.system ('chmod -R ugo+w %(upstream_dir)s/dtrans %(upstream_dir)s/fpicker %(upstream_dir)s/dbaccess')
        OpenOffice.patch_upstream (self)
        # avoid juggling of names for windows-nt
        self.system ('sed -i -e "s@WINNT@WNT@" %(upstream_dir)s/config_office/')
        self.file_sub ([
                ('( [.](type|size))', r'//\1'),
                ('( [.]note.*)', ''),
                ('(,@.*)', '')],

        self.system ('chmod +x %(upstream_dir)s/solenv/bin/')
        self.system ('cp -f %(upstream_dir)s/sal/osl/w32/MAKEFILE.MK %(upstream_dir)s/sal/osl/w32/')

        self.dump ('''\
#! /bin/sh
set -e
in=$(eval echo '$'$#)
dir=$(dirname $in)
/usr/bin/wrc "$@"
if test "$dir" != "." -a -e $(basename $in .rc).res; then
    mv $(basename $in .rc).res $dir
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/')
        self.system ('cp -pv %(sourcefiledir)s/mingw-headers/*.h %(upstream_dir)s/solver/%(ver)s/')

# Build a `tiny fraction' of openoffice for essential native binary
# build tools.

# The dependencies for some OO.o build tools are rather crude, the
# whole module (eg: shell, svtools) the tool is built in may depend on
# toolkit/vcl, but tool itself (eg: langconvex.EXE, HelpLinker) really
# doesn't?  I may hope...

# Build tools provided by OpenOffice__tools

# */pyuno      --> regcomp:       cpputools
# *            --> gen_makefile:  sal
# sccomp       --> rsc:           rsc
# sfx2         --> svidl:         idl
# udkapi       --> idlc:          idlc, registry
# udkapi       --> regmerge:      cpputools
# officecfg    --> cfgex:         transex3
# scp2         --> ulfconv:       setup_native
# i18npool     --> gendict:       i18npool

# Build tools not yet provided by OpenOffice__tools [expensive]

# regcomp --windows: a cross unix regcomp that registers .DLLs
# shell        --> lngconvex.EXE: shell (but: huh, windows only?), VCL
# helpcontent2 --> HelpLinker:    svtools, VCL

module_deps = {
    'cpputools' : ['salhelper', 'cppuhelper', 'cppu'],
    'salhelper' : ['sal'],
    'cppuhelper' : ['codemaker', 'cppu', 'offuh'],
    'codemaker' : ['udkapi'],
    'offuh' : ['offapi'],
    'generic_build' : ['dmake', 'solenv'],
    'udkapi' : ['idlc'],
    'idlc' : ['registry'],
    'sal' : ['xml2cmp'],
    'registry' : ['store'],
    'xml2cmp' : ['soltools', 'stlport'],
    'tools' : ['vos', 'basegfx', 'comphelper', 'i18npool'],
    'transex3' : ['tools'],
    'i18npool' : ['bridges', 'sax', 'stoc', 'comphelper', 'i18nutil', 'regexp'],
    'basegfx' : ['o3tl', 'sal', 'offuh', 'cppuhelper', 'cppu'],
    'comphelper' : ['cppuhelper', 'ucbhelper', 'offuh', 'vos', 'salhelper'],
    'stoc' : ['rdbmaker', 'cppuhelper', 'cppu',
              'sal', 'salhelper'],
    'icc' : ['solenv'],
    'pyuno': ['stoc', 'cpputools', 'cppuhelper', 'bridges', 'tools'],
    'rsc': ['tools'],
    'setup_native': ['soltools', 'xml2cmp', 'sal', 'officecfg', 'unoil'],
    'unoil': ['offapi', 'ridljar', 'solenv', 'cli_ure'],

    # This is getting ridiculous, we need a graphical toolkit, almost
    # all of office for getting at a HelpLinker tool?
    'xmlhelp': ['ucbhelper', 'unoil', 'svtools', 'unotools',
    'svtools': ['vcl'], # try minimal...
    'unotools': ['comphelper', 'cppuhelper', 'offuh', 'tools', 'ucbhelper'],
    'vcl': ['psprint', 'rsc', 'sot', 'ucbhelper', 'unotools', 'i18npool', 'i18nutil', 'unoil', 'ridljar', 'offuh', 'basegfx', 'tools', 'transex3', 'icc'],
    'idl': ['tools'],

def ooo_deps (deps):
    lst = deps[:]
    for d in deps:
        lst += ooo_deps (module_deps.get (d, []))
    return lst

class OpenOffice__tools (tools.AutoBuild, OpenOffice):
    source = 'svn://'
    patches = [
#        'openoffice-svtools-minimal.patch',
    generic_build = ['dmake', 'solenv', 'pyuno']
    regcomp = 'cpputools'
    gen_makefile = 'sal'
    svidl = 'idl'
    ulfconv = 'setup_native'
    gendict = 'i18npool'
    tool_modules = ['icc', regcomp, gen_makefile, 'transex3', 'rsc', ulfconv, 'idl', gendict]
    toplevel_modules = generic_build + tool_modules
    modules = misc.uniq (ooo_deps (toplevel_modules))
    def __init__ (self, settings, source):
        tools.AutoBuild.__init__ (self, settings, source)
        # Let's keep source tree around
        def tracking (self):
            return True
        self.source.is_tracking = misc.bind_method (tracking, self.source)
        self.source.dir = self.settings.downloads + '/openoffice-tools'
        if not os.path.isdir (self.source.dir):
            os.system ('mkdir -p ' + self.source.dir)
    dependencies = [
    def stages (self):
        return tools.AutoBuild.stages (self)
    def autoupdate (self):
        tools.AutoBuild.autoupdate (self)
    def module_repo (self, module):
        repo = repository.get_repository_proxy (self.settings.downloads + '/openoffice-tools',
                                                OpenOffice__tools.source.replace ('depth=files', 'branchmodule=' + module))
        def tracking (self):
            return True
        repo.is_tracking = misc.bind_method (tracking, repo)
        return repo
    def download_module (self, module):
        self.module_repo (module).download ()
    def download (self): (self)
        list (map (self.download_module, self.modules))
    def untar_module (self, module):
        def defer (logger):
            self.module_repo (module).update_workdir (self.expand ('%(srcdir)s/' + module))
        self.func (defer)
    def untar (self):
        tools.AutoBuild.untar (self)
        list (map (self.untar_module, self.modules))
    def ver (self):
        return '310'
    def patch (self):
        OpenOffice.patch (self)
        # Make a handy fake toplevel GUB module to build everything.
        self.system ('''mkdir -p %(srcdir)s/gub/prj''')
        tool_modules_str = ' '.join (self.tool_modules)
        toplevel_modules_str = ' '.join (self.toplevel_modules)
        self.dump ('''gub	gub	:	%(toplevel_modules_str)s NULL''', '%(srcdir)s/gub/prj/build.lst', env=locals ())
        self.dump ('''
.PHONY: all install
tool_modules = %(tool_modules_str)s

	. ./* && ./bootstrap && (cd gub && ../solenv/bin/ --all)
	$(foreach m,$(tool_modules),cp -pv $(m)/$(out)/bin/* $(bin) &&) true
	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
	rm -rf $(bin)/ure $(bin)/install $(bin)/uninstall
	cp -prv $(bin) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
	cp -prv $(lib) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
''', '%(srcdir)s/', env=locals ())
    configure_command = ('x_libraries=no_x_libraries x_includes=no_x_includes '
                + OpenOffice.configure_command)
    openoffice_configure_flags = (
        re.sub ('--with-system-[^ ]*', '',
        .replace ('--disable-crypt-link', '--enable-crypt-link')
        + ' --with-system-db '
        + ' --with-system-expat '
        + ' --with-system-icu '
        + ' --with-system-libxml '
        + ' --with-system-python '
        + ' --with-system-zlib '
        + ' --with-x=no')
    def configure (self):
        self.shadow_tree ('%(srcdir)s', '%(builddir)s', soft=True)
        tools.AutoBuild.configure (self)
        # OO.o's configure script manages to ignore CFLAGS/LDFLAGS but
        # will happily add -L/usr/lib nonsense.
        def add_CFLAGS_LDFLAGS_already (logger, file):
            loggedos.file_sub (logger, [
                    ('-L(NONE|no_x_libraries|/usr/lib)', self.expand ('-L%(system_prefix)s/lib')),
                    ('-I(NONE|no_x_includes|/usr/include)', self.expand ('-I%(system_prefix)s/include')),
                    ('(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.*)', self.expand (r'\1:%(system_prefix)s/lib'))
                    ], file)
        self.map_locate (add_CFLAGS_LDFLAGS_already, '%(builddir)s', '*')

Openoffice = OpenOffice
Openoffice__mingw = OpenOffice__mingw
Openoffice__tools = OpenOffice__tools

Module 'solenv' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'stlport' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 8 files unchanged
Module 'soltools' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 14 files unchanged
Module 'external' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 30 files unchanged
Module 'libwpd' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'xml2cmp' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'sal' delivered successfully. 11 files copied, 99 files unchanged
Module 'vos' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 31 files unchanged
Module 'sandbox' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'afms' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'beanshell' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'cppunit' delivered successfully. 4 files copied, 65 files unchanged
Module 'testshl2' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'salhelper' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'extras' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 70 files unchanged
Module 'fondu' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'hsqldb' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'hunspell' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 15 files unchanged
Module 'hyphen' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'icc' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'libtextcat' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 81 files unchanged
Module 'libwpg' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 16 files unchanged
Module 'libwps' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 6 files unchanged
Module 'libxmlsec' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'lucene' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'np_sdk' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 9 files unchanged
Module 'o3tl' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'psprint_config' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'rhino' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'sane' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'store' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 8 files unchanged
Module 'registry' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 23 files unchanged
Module 'idlc' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 7 files unchanged
Module 'udkapi' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 417 files unchanged
Module 'offapi' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 3518 files unchanged
Module 'codemaker' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 23 files unchanged
Module 'offuh' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5518 files unchanged
Module 'cppu' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 47 files unchanged
Module 'cppuhelper' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 65 files unchanged
Module 'rdbmaker' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'ucbhelper' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 35 files unchanged
Module 'comphelper' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 107 files unchanged
Module 'basegfx' delivered successfully. 4 files copied, 65 files unchanged
Module 'ridljar' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'jurt' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'jvmaccess' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 6 files unchanged
Module 'bridges' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 9 files unchanged
Module 'jvmfwk' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 15 files unchanged
Module 'stoc' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 28 files unchanged
Module 'cli_ure' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 6 files unchanged
Module 'unoil' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'javaunohelper' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 3 files unchanged
Module 'cpputools' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 13 files unchanged
Module 'oovbaapi' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'sax' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 7 files unchanged
Module 'animations' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'i18nutil' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 8 files unchanged
Module 'io' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'jut' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 3 files unchanged
Module 'remotebridges' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 17 files unchanged
Module 'bean' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'embedserv' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'eventattacher' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'hwpfilter' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'package' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 6 files unchanged
Module 'regexp' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'i18npool' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 40 files unchanged
Module 'tools' delivered successfully. 14 files copied, 92 files unchanged
Module 'unotools' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 44 files unchanged
Module 'transex3' delivered successfully. 11 files copied, 22 files unchanged
Module 'sot' delivered successfully. 4 files copied, 17 files unchanged
Module 'fileaccess' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 3 files unchanged
Module 'officecfg' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 224 files unchanged
Module 'setup_native' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 57 files unchanged
Module 'rsc' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 6 files unchanged
Module 'oox' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 8 files unchanged
Module 'psprint' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 14 files unchanged
Module 'pyuno' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 21 files unchanged
Module 'sysui' delivered successfully. 4 files copied, 128 files unchanged
Module 'UnoControls' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'dtrans' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 9 files unchanged
Module 'idl' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'readlicense_oo' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'sccomp' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 3 files unchanged
Module 'scp2' delivered successfully. 9 files copied, 82 files unchanged
Module 'testtools' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'twain' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'unodevtools' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'unoxml' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 3 files unchanged
Module 'ure' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 9 files unchanged
Module 'vigra' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 83 files unchanged
Module 'basebmp' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 35 files unchanged
Module 'wizards' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 27 files unchanged
Module 'x11_extensions' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 7 files unchanged
Module 'vcl' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 140 files unchanged
Module 'toolkit' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 55 files unchanged
Module 'svtools' delivered successfully. 15 files copied, 300 files unchanged
Module 'uui' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'goodies' delivered successfully. 27 files copied, 62 files unchanged
Module 'xmloff' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 124 files unchanged
Module 'ucb' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 35 files unchanged
Module 'canvas' delivered successfully. 5 files copied, 39 files unchanged
Module 'configmgr' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 9 files unchanged
Module 'connectivity' delivered successfully. 11 files copied, 71 files unchanged
Module 'xmlscript' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'fpicker' delivered successfully. 5 files copied, 7 files unchanged
Module 'framework' delivered successfully. 6 files copied, 35 files unchanged
Module 'xmlhelp' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 10 files unchanged
Module 'accessibility' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'cppcanvas' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 15 files unchanged
Module 'embeddedobj' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'helpcontent2' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'padmin' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'scaddins' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'shell' delivered successfully. 4 files copied, 24 files unchanged
Module 'sj2' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 3 files unchanged
Module 'basic' delivered successfully. 7 files copied, 45 files unchanged
Module 'sfx2' delivered successfully. 4 files copied, 119 files unchanged
Module 'avmedia' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 9 files unchanged
Module 'linguistic' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 11 files unchanged
Module 'svx' delivered successfully. 5 files copied, 637 files unchanged
Module 'dbaccess' delivered successfully. 8 files copied, 62 files unchanged
Module 'automation' delivered successfully. 8 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'basctl' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 17 files unchanged
Module 'chart2' delivered successfully. 4 files copied, 8 files unchanged
Module 'desktop' delivered successfully. 15 files copied, 85 files unchanged
Module 'extensions' delivered successfully. 12 files copied, 35 files unchanged
Module 'filter' delivered successfully. 9 files copied, 110 files unchanged
Module 'forms' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'lingucomponent' delivered successfully. 8 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'lotuswordpro' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'reportdesign' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 28 files unchanged
Module 'sc' delivered successfully. 4 files copied, 172 files unchanged
Module 'scripting' delivered successfully. 5 files copied, 13 files unchanged
Module 'sd' delivered successfully. 5 files copied, 173 files unchanged
Module 'slideshow' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 4 files unchanged
Module 'starmath' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 14 files unchanged
Module 'writerfilter' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 5 files unchanged
Module 'writerperfect' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 1 files unchanged
Module 'sw' delivered successfully. 3 files copied, 260 files unchanged
Module 'xmerge' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 12 files unchanged
Module 'xmlsecurity' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 7 files unchanged - checking delivered binaries
Module 'postprocess' delivered successfully. 0 files copied, 2 files unchanged
Module 'packimages' delivered successfully. 6 files copied, 2 files unchanged

Build succeeded ...!
touch stamp/build

... creating preregistered services.rdb ...

ERROR: ERROR: Could not register all components for file services.rdb (gid_Starr
in function: create_services_rdb

ERROR: Saved logfile: /home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/build/openoffice-trunk/b
... cleaning the output tree ...
... removing directory /home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/build/openoffice-trunk/
build/ooo300-m9/instsetoo_native/util/OpenOffice//zip/en-US ...
... removing directory /home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/build/openoffice-trunk/
servicesrdb/en-US_witherror_1 ...
Thu Feb 19 14:30:56 2009 (01:23 min.)
Failed to install:  at ./ooinstall line 143.
make: *** [install] Error 1

And the logs say

    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::registry::CannotRegisterImplementationException'
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException'

Saved logs at:
