view gub/ @ 6314:8e8886596e4c

Fix darwin-x86::lilypond-installer This commit can success following command. bin/gub darwin-x86::lilypond-installer
author Masamichi Hosoda <>
date Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:56:57 +0900
parents 6a6aabe5121b
children 0e8095416f86
line wrap: on
line source

import glob
import re
import os
from gub.syntax import printf, next
from gub import context
from gub import build
from gub import target
from gub import loggedos

darwin_sdk_version = '0.4'

class Rewirer (context.RunnableContext):
    def __init__ (self, settings):
        context.RunnableContext.__init__ (self,settings)
        self.ignore_libs = None
        self.skip = ['libgcc_s', 'libstdc++']

    def get_libaries (self, name):
        lib_str = loggedos.read_pipe (
            self.expand ('%(cross_prefix)s/bin/%(target_architecture)s-otool -L %(name)s',
                         locals ()),

        libs = []
        for i in lib_str.split ('\n'):
            m = (r'\s+(.*) \(.*\)', i)
            if not m:
            if (1) in self.ignore_libs:
            libs.append ( (1))
        return libs

    def rewire_mach_o_object (self, name, substitutions):
        if not substitutions:
        changes = ' '.join (['-change %s %s' % (o, d)
                             for (o, d) in substitutions])
        self.system (
            '%(cross_prefix)s/bin/%(target_architecture)s-install_name_tool %(changes)s %(name)s ',
              locals ())

    def rewire_mach_o_object_executable_path (self, name):
        orig_libs = ['/usr/lib']

        libs = self.get_libaries (name)
        subs = []
        for f in libs:
            # FIXME: I do not understand this comment
            ## ignore self.
            self.runner.action (os.path.split (f)[1] + ' '
                                + os.path.split (name)[1] + '\n')

            if os.path.split (f)[1] == os.path.split (name)[1]:

            for o in orig_libs:
                if o in f:
                    newpath = re.sub (o, '@executable_path/../lib/', f);
                    subs.append ((f, newpath))
                elif self.expand ('%(targetdir)s') in f:
                    must_skip = [s for s in self.skip if s in f]
                    if not must_skip:
                        raise Exception ('found targetdir in linkage[%(name)s]: %(f)s' % locals ())
                    printf ('FIXME: skipping[%(name)s]: %(f)s, hope this is ok' % locals ())

        self.rewire_mach_o_object (name, subs)

    def rewire_binary_dir (self, dir):
        if not os.path.isdir (dir):
            raise Exception ('not a directory: %(dir)' % locals ())
        (root, dirs, files) = next (os.walk (dir))
        files = [os.path.join (root, f) for f in files]
        for f in files:
            must_skip = [s for s in self.skip if s in f]
            if not must_skip and os.path.isfile (f):
                self.rewire_mach_o_object_executable_path (f)

    def set_ignore_libs_from_tarball (self, tarball):
        files = loggedos.read_pipe (self.runner.logger,
                                    'tar -tzf %s' % tarball).split ('\n')
        self.set_ignore_libs_from_files (files)

    def set_ignore_libs_from_files (self, files):
        self.ignore_libs = dict ((k.strip ()[1:], True)
                                 for k in files
                                 if k.startswith ('./usr/lib/'))

    def rewire_root (self, root):
        if self.ignore_libs == None:
            raise Exception ('error: should init with file_manager.')

        self.rewire_binary_dir (root + '/usr/lib') #FIXME: /usr or %(prefix_dir)s ?
        for d in glob.glob (root + '/usr/lib/pango/*/modules/'): #FIXME: /usr or %(prefix_dir)s ?
            self.rewire_binary_dir (d)

        self.rewire_binary_dir (root + '/usr/bin') #FIXME: /usr or %(prefix_dir)s ?

class Package_rewirer:
    def __init__ (self, rewirer, package):
        self.rewirer = rewirer
        self.package = package

    def rewire (self):
        self.rewirer.rewire_root (self.package.install_root ())

def get_cross_build_dependencies (settings):
    # FIXME: python to avoid gratuitous rebuilds.  See darwin/
    return ['cross/gcc', 'odcctools', 'python']

def strip_build_dep (old_val, what):
    deps = old_val

    for w in what:
        if w in deps:
            deps.remove (w)
    deps.sort ()
    return deps

def strip_dependency_dict (old_val, what):
    d = dict ((k,[p for p in deps if p not in what])
             for (k, deps) in list (old_val.items ()))
    return d

def change_target_package (package):
    from gub import misc
    from gub import cross
    from gub import build
    cross.change_target_package (package)
    package.get_build_dependencies = misc.MethodOverrider (package.get_build_dependencies,
                                                     (['zlib', 'zlib-devel'],))
    package.get_dependency_dict = misc.MethodOverrider (package.get_dependency_dict,
                                                  (['zlib', 'zlib-devel'],))
    def rpath (foo):
        return ''
    if not isinstance (package, cross.AutoBuild):
        package.rpath = misc.MethodOverrider (package.nop, rpath)

    def so_extension (foo):
        return '.dylib'
    package.so_extension = misc.MethodOverrider (package.nop, so_extension)

    def autoupdate (foo):
        # somehow retriggers autoconf?!?
        # for i in ['', 'configure']:
        for i in ['configure']:
            package.file_sub ([('-fpascal-strings ', ''),
                               ], '%(srcdir)s/' + i)
    package.autoupdate = misc.MethodOverrider (package.autoupdate, autoupdate)

    build.change_dict (package, {

            ## We get a lot of /usr/lib/ -> @executable_path/../lib/
            ## we need enough space in the header to do these relocs.
            'LDFLAGS': '-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names ',

            ## UGH: gettext fix for ptrdiff_t
            'CPPFLAGS' : '-DSTDC_HEADERS',

def system (c):
    s = os.system (c)
    if s:
        raise Exception ('barf')

def get_darwin_sdk ():
    def system (s):
        printf (s)
        if os.system (s):
            raise Exception ('barf')

    host = 'maagd'
    version = '0.4'
    darwin_version  = 8

    dest = 'darwin%(darwin_version)d-sdk-%(version)s' % locals ()

    system ('rm -rf %s' % dest)
    os.mkdir (dest)

    src = '/Developer/SDKs/'

    if darwin_version == 7:
        src += 'MacOSX10.3.9.sdk'
        src += 'MacOSX10.4u.sdk'

    cmd =  ('rsync -a -v %s:%s/ %s/' % (host, src, dest))
    system (cmd)
    system ('chmod -R +w %s' % dest)
    system ('tar cfz %s.tar.gz %s' % (dest, dest))

if __name__== '__main__':
    import sys
    if len (sys.argv) > 1:
        get_darwin_sdk ()