diff hggit/git_handler.py @ 253:505d7cdca198 0.1.0

package with distutils (patch tweaked slightly by Augie Fackler)
author Kevin Bullock <kbullock@ringworld.org>
date Wed, 30 Sep 2009 14:39:49 -0500
parents git_handler.py@bfe6fd2fdb9b
children 6977263c4d80
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hggit/git_handler.py	Wed Sep 30 14:39:49 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+import os, sys, math, urllib, re
+import toposort
+from dulwich.errors import HangupException
+from dulwich.index import commit_tree
+from dulwich.objects import Blob, Commit, Tag, Tree, parse_timezone
+from dulwich.pack import create_delta, apply_delta
+from dulwich.repo import Repo
+from hgext import bookmarks
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from mercurial.node import hex, bin, nullid
+from mercurial import context, util as hgutil
+    from mercurial.error import RepoError
+except ImportError:
+    from mercurial.repo import RepoError
+class GitHandler(object):
+    def __init__(self, dest_repo, ui):
+        self.repo = dest_repo
+        self.ui = ui
+        self.mapfile = 'git-mapfile'
+        self.tagsfile = 'git-tags'
+        if ui.config('git', 'intree'):
+            self.gitdir = self.repo.wjoin('.git')
+        else:
+            self.gitdir = self.repo.join('git')
+        self.paths = ui.configitems('paths')
+        self.init_if_missing()
+        self.load_git()
+        self.load_map()
+        self.load_tags()
+    # make the git data directory
+    def init_if_missing(self):
+        if not os.path.exists(self.gitdir):
+            os.mkdir(self.gitdir)
+            Repo.init_bare(self.gitdir)
+    def load_git(self):
+        self.git = Repo(self.gitdir)
+    def map_set(self, gitsha, hgsha):
+        self._map_git[gitsha] = hgsha
+        self._map_hg[hgsha] = gitsha
+    def map_hg_get(self, gitsha):
+        return self._map_git.get(gitsha)
+    def map_git_get(self, hgsha):
+        return self._map_hg.get(hgsha)
+    def load_map(self):
+        self._map_git = {}
+        self._map_hg = {}
+        if os.path.exists(self.repo.join(self.mapfile)):
+            for line in self.repo.opener(self.mapfile):
+                gitsha, hgsha = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
+                self._map_git[gitsha] = hgsha
+                self._map_hg[hgsha] = gitsha
+    def save_map(self):
+        file = self.repo.opener(self.mapfile, 'w+', atomictemp=True)
+        for hgsha, gitsha in sorted(self._map_hg.iteritems()):
+            file.write("%s %s\n" % (gitsha, hgsha))
+        file.rename()
+    def load_tags(self):
+        self.tags = {}
+        if os.path.exists(self.repo.join(self.tagsfile)):
+            for line in self.repo.opener(self.tagsfile):
+                sha, name = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
+                self.tags[name] = sha
+    def save_tags(self):
+        file = self.repo.opener(self.tagsfile, 'w+', atomictemp=True)
+        for name, sha in sorted(self.tags.iteritems()):
+            if not self.repo.tagtype(name) == 'global':
+                file.write("%s %s\n" % (sha, name))
+        file.rename()
+    def import_commits(self, remote_name):
+        self.import_git_objects(remote_name)
+        self.save_map()
+    def fetch(self, remote, heads):
+        self.export_commits()
+        refs = self.fetch_pack(remote, heads)
+        remote_name = self.remote_name(remote)
+        if refs:
+            self.import_git_objects(remote_name, refs)
+            self.import_tags(refs)
+            self.update_hg_bookmarks(refs)
+            if remote_name:
+                self.update_remote_branches(remote_name, refs)
+            elif not self.paths:
+                # intial cloning
+                self.update_remote_branches('default', refs)
+        else:
+            self.ui.status(_("nothing new on the server\n"))
+        self.save_map()
+    def export_commits(self):
+        try:
+            self.export_git_objects()
+            self.export_hg_tags()
+            self.update_references()
+        finally:
+            self.save_map()
+    def get_refs(self, remote):
+        self.export_commits()
+        client, path = self.get_transport_and_path(remote)
+        old_refs = {}
+        new_refs = {}
+        def changed(refs):
+            old_refs.update(refs)
+            to_push = set(self.local_heads().values() + self.tags.values())
+            new_refs.update(self.get_changed_refs(refs, to_push, True))
+            # don't push anything
+            return {}
+        try:
+            client.send_pack(path, changed, None)
+            changed_refs = [ref for ref, sha in new_refs.iteritems()
+                            if sha != old_refs.get(ref)]
+            new = [bin(self.map_hg_get(new_refs[ref])) for ref in changed_refs]
+            old = dict( (bin(self.map_hg_get(old_refs[r])), 1)
+                       for r in changed_refs if r in old_refs)
+            return old, new
+        except HangupException:
+            raise hgutil.Abort("the remote end hung up unexpectedly")
+    def push(self, remote, revs, force):
+        self.export_commits()
+        changed_refs = self.upload_pack(remote, revs, force)
+        remote_name = self.remote_name(remote)
+        if remote_name and changed_refs:
+            for ref, sha in changed_refs.iteritems():
+                self.ui.status("    "+ remote_name + "::" + ref + " => GIT:" + sha[0:8] + "\n")
+            self.update_remote_branches(remote_name, changed_refs)
+    def clear(self):
+        mapfile = self.repo.join(self.mapfile)
+        if os.path.exists(self.gitdir):
+            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.gitdir, topdown=False):
+                for name in files:
+                    os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
+                for name in dirs:
+                    os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
+            os.rmdir(self.gitdir)
+        if os.path.exists(mapfile):
+            os.remove(mapfile)
+    def export_git_objects(self):
+        self.ui.status(_("importing Hg objects into Git\n"))
+        nodes = [self.repo.lookup(n) for n in self.repo]
+        export = [node for node in nodes if not hex(node) in self._map_hg]
+        total = len(export)
+        if total:
+          magnitude = int(math.log(total, 10)) + 1
+        else:
+          magnitude = 1
+        for i, rev in enumerate(export):
+            if i%100 == 0:
+                self.ui.status(_("at: %*d/%d\n") % (magnitude, i, total))
+            ctx = self.repo.changectx(rev)
+            state = ctx.extra().get('hg-git', None)
+            if state == 'octopus':
+                self.ui.debug("revision %d is a part of octopus explosion\n" % ctx.rev())
+                continue
+            self.export_hg_commit(rev)
+    # convert this commit into git objects
+    # go through the manifest, convert all blobs/trees we don't have
+    # write the commit object (with metadata info)
+    def export_hg_commit(self, rev):
+        self.ui.note(_("converting revision %s\n") % rev)
+        oldenc = self.swap_out_encoding()
+        ctx = self.repo.changectx(rev)
+        extra = ctx.extra()
+        commit = Commit()
+        (time, timezone) = ctx.date()
+        commit.author = self.get_git_author(ctx)
+        commit.author_time = int(time)
+        commit.author_timezone = -timezone
+        if 'committer' in extra:
+            # fixup timezone
+            (name, timestamp, timezone) = extra['committer'].rsplit(' ', 2)
+            commit.committer = name
+            commit.commit_time = timestamp
+            # work around a timezone format change
+            if int(timezone) % 60 != 0: #pragma: no cover
+                timezone = parse_timezone(timezone)
+            else:
+                timezone = -int(timezone)
+            commit.commit_timezone = timezone
+        else:
+            commit.committer = commit.author
+            commit.commit_time = commit.author_time
+            commit.commit_timezone = commit.author_timezone
+        commit.parents = []
+        for parent in self.get_git_parents(ctx):
+            hgsha = hex(parent.node())
+            git_sha = self.map_git_get(hgsha)
+            if git_sha:
+                commit.parents.append(git_sha)
+        commit.message = self.get_git_message(ctx)
+        if 'encoding' in extra:
+            commit.encoding = extra['encoding']
+        tree_sha = commit_tree(self.git.object_store, self.iterblobs(ctx))
+        commit.tree = tree_sha
+        self.git.object_store.add_object(commit)
+        self.map_set(commit.id, ctx.hex())
+        self.swap_out_encoding(oldenc)
+        return commit.id
+    def get_git_author(self, ctx):
+        # hg authors might not have emails
+        author = ctx.user()
+        # check for git author pattern compliance
+        regex = re.compile('^(.*?) \<(.*?)\>(.*)$')
+        a = regex.match(author)
+        if a:
+            name = a.group(1)
+            email = a.group(2)
+            if len(a.group(3)) > 0:
+                name += ' ext:(' + urllib.quote(a.group(3)) + ')'
+            author = name + ' <' + email + '>'
+        else:
+            author = author + ' <none@none>'
+        if 'author' in ctx.extra():
+            author = apply_delta(author, ctx.extra()['author'])
+        return author
+    def get_git_parents(self, ctx):
+        def is_octopus_part(ctx):
+            return ctx.extra().get('hg-git', None) in ('octopus', 'octopus-done')
+        parents = []
+        if ctx.extra().get('hg-git', None) == 'octopus-done':
+            # implode octopus parents
+            part = ctx
+            while is_octopus_part(part):
+                (p1, p2) = part.parents()
+                assert not is_octopus_part(p1)
+                parents.append(p1)
+                part = p2
+            parents.append(p2)
+        else:
+            parents = ctx.parents()
+        return parents
+    def get_git_message(self, ctx):
+        extra = ctx.extra()
+        message = ctx.description() + "\n"
+        if 'message' in extra:
+            message = apply_delta(message, extra['message'])
+        add_extras = False
+        extra_message = ''
+        if not ctx.branch() == 'default':
+            add_extras = True
+            extra_message += "branch : " + ctx.branch() + "\n"
+        renames = []
+        for f in ctx.files():
+            if f not in ctx.manifest():
+                continue
+            rename = ctx.filectx(f).renamed()
+            if rename:
+                renames.append((rename[0], f))
+        if renames:
+            add_extras = True
+            for oldfile, newfile in renames:
+                extra_message += "rename : " + oldfile + " => " + newfile + "\n"
+        for key, value in extra.iteritems():
+            if key in ('author', 'committer', 'encoding', 'message', 'branch', 'hg-git'):
+                continue
+            else:
+                add_extras = True
+                extra_message += "extra : " + key + " : " +  urllib.quote(value) + "\n"
+        if add_extras:
+            message += "\n--HG--\n" + extra_message
+        return message
+    def iterblobs(self, ctx):
+        for f in ctx:
+            fctx = ctx[f]
+            blobid = self.map_git_get(hex(fctx.filenode()))
+            if not blobid:
+                blob = Blob.from_string(fctx.data())
+                self.git.object_store.add_object(blob)
+                self.map_set(blob.id, hex(fctx.filenode()))
+                blobid = blob.id
+            if 'l' in ctx.flags(f):
+                mode = 0120000
+            elif 'x' in ctx.flags(f):
+                mode = 0100755
+            else:
+                mode = 0100644
+            yield f, blobid, mode
+    def import_git_objects(self, remote_name=None, refs=None):
+        self.ui.status(_("importing Git objects into Hg\n"))
+        # import heads and fetched tags as remote references
+        todo = []
+        done = set()
+        convert_list = {}
+        # get a list of all the head shas
+        if refs:
+          for head, sha in refs.iteritems():
+              # refs contains all the refs in the server, not just the ones
+              # we are pulling
+              if sha in self.git.object_store:
+                  todo.append(sha)
+        else:
+            todo = self.git.refs.values()[:]
+        # traverse the heads getting a list of all the unique commits
+        while todo:
+            sha = todo.pop()
+            assert isinstance(sha, str)
+            if sha in done:
+                continue
+            done.add(sha)
+            obj = self.git.get_object(sha)
+            if isinstance (obj, Commit):
+                convert_list[sha] = obj
+                todo.extend([p for p in obj.parents if p not in done])
+            if isinstance(obj, Tag):
+                (obj_type, obj_sha) = obj.get_object()
+                obj = self.git.get_object(obj_sha)
+                if isinstance (obj, Commit):
+                    convert_list[sha] = obj
+                    todo.extend([p for p in obj.parents if p not in done])
+        # sort the commits
+        commits = toposort.TopoSort(convert_list).items()
+        commits = [commit for commit in commits if not commit in self._map_git]
+        # import each of the commits, oldest first
+        total = len(commits)
+        if total:
+            magnitude = int(math.log(total, 10)) + 1
+        else:
+            magnitude = 1
+        for i, csha in enumerate(commits):
+            if i%100 == 0:
+                self.ui.status(_("at: %*d/%d\n") % (magnitude, i, total))
+            commit = convert_list[csha]
+            self.import_git_commit(commit)
+    def import_git_commit(self, commit):
+        self.ui.debug(_("importing: %s\n") % commit.id)
+        # TODO: Do something less coarse-grained than try/except on the
+        #        get_file call for removed files
+        (strip_message, hg_renames, hg_branch, extra) = self.extract_hg_metadata(commit.message)
+        # get a list of the changed, added, removed files
+        files = self.get_files_changed(commit)
+        date = (commit.author_time, -commit.author_timezone)
+        text = strip_message
+        origtext = text
+        try:
+            text.decode('utf-8')
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            text = self.decode_guess(text, commit.encoding)
+        text = '\n'.join([l.rstrip() for l in text.splitlines()]).strip('\n')
+        if text + '\n' != origtext:
+            extra['message'] = create_delta(text +'\n', origtext)
+        author = commit.author
+        # convert extra data back to the end
+        if ' ext:' in commit.author:
+            regex = re.compile('^(.*?)\ ext:\((.*)\) <(.*)\>$')
+            m = regex.match(commit.author)
+            if m:
+                name = m.group(1)
+                ex = urllib.unquote(m.group(2))
+                email = m.group(3)
+                author = name + ' <' + email + '>' + ex
+        if ' <none@none>' in commit.author:
+            author = commit.author[:-12]
+        try:
+            author.decode('utf-8')
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            origauthor = author
+            author = self.decode_guess(author, commit.encoding)
+            extra['author'] = create_delta(author, origauthor)
+        oldenc = self.swap_out_encoding()
+        def getfilectx(repo, memctx, f):
+            try:
+                (mode, sha, data) = self.get_file(commit, f)
+                e = self.convert_git_int_mode(mode)
+            except (TypeError, KeyError):
+                raise IOError()
+            if f in hg_renames:
+                copied_path = hg_renames[f]
+            else:
+                copied_path = None
+            return context.memfilectx(f, data, 'l' in e, 'x' in e, copied_path)
+        gparents = map(self.map_hg_get, commit.parents)
+        p1, p2 = (nullid, nullid)
+        octopus = False
+        if len(gparents) > 1:
+            # merge, possibly octopus
+            def commit_octopus(p1, p2):
+                ctx = context.memctx(self.repo, (p1, p2), text, files, getfilectx,
+                                     author, date, {'hg-git': 'octopus'})
+                return hex(self.repo.commitctx(ctx))
+            octopus = len(gparents) > 2
+            p2 = gparents.pop()
+            p1 = gparents.pop()
+            while len(gparents) > 0:
+                p2 = commit_octopus(p1, p2)
+                p1 = gparents.pop()
+        else:
+            if gparents:
+                p1 = gparents.pop()
+        files = list(set(files))
+        pa = None
+        if not (p2 == nullid):
+            node1 = self.repo.changectx(p1)
+            node2 = self.repo.changectx(p2)
+            pa = node1.ancestor(node2)
+        # if named branch, add to extra
+        if hg_branch:
+            extra['branch'] = hg_branch
+        # if committer is different than author, add it to extra
+        if commit.author != commit.committer \
+               or commit.author_time != commit.commit_time \
+               or commit.author_timezone != commit.commit_timezone:
+            extra['committer'] = "%s %d %d" % (commit.committer, commit.commit_time, -commit.commit_timezone)
+        if commit.encoding:
+            extra['encoding'] = commit.encoding
+        if hg_branch:
+            extra['branch'] = hg_branch
+        if octopus:
+            extra['hg-git'] ='octopus-done'
+        ctx = context.memctx(self.repo, (p1, p2), text, files, getfilectx,
+                             author, date, extra)
+        node = self.repo.commitctx(ctx)
+        self.swap_out_encoding(oldenc)
+        # save changeset to mapping file
+        cs = hex(node)
+        self.map_set(commit.id, cs)
+    def upload_pack(self, remote, revs, force):
+        client, path = self.get_transport_and_path(remote)
+        def changed(refs):
+            to_push = revs or set(self.local_heads().values() + self.tags.values())
+            return self.get_changed_refs(refs, to_push, force)
+        genpack = self.git.object_store.generate_pack_contents
+        try:
+            self.ui.status(_("creating and sending data\n"))
+            changed_refs = client.send_pack(path, changed, genpack)
+            return changed_refs
+        except HangupException:
+            raise hgutil.Abort("the remote end hung up unexpectedly")
+    def get_changed_refs(self, refs, revs, force):
+        new_refs = refs.copy()
+        #The remote repo is empty and the local one doesn't have bookmarks/tags
+        if refs.keys()[0] == 'capabilities^{}':
+            del new_refs['capabilities^{}']
+            if not self.local_heads():
+                tip = hex(self.repo.lookup('tip'))
+                bookmarks.bookmark(self.ui, self.repo, 'master', tip)
+                bookmarks.setcurrent(self.repo, 'master')
+                new_refs['refs/heads/master'] = self.map_git_get(tip)
+        for rev in revs:
+            ctx = self.repo[rev]
+            heads = [t for t in ctx.tags() if t in self.local_heads()]
+            tags = [t for t in ctx.tags() if t in self.tags]
+            if not (heads or tags):
+                raise hgutil.Abort("revision %s cannot be pushed since"
+                                   " it doesn't have a ref" % ctx)
+            for r in heads + tags:
+                if r in heads:
+                    ref = 'refs/heads/'+r
+                else:
+                    ref = 'refs/tags/'+r
+                if ref not in refs:
+                    new_refs[ref] = self.map_git_get(ctx.hex())
+                elif new_refs[ref] in self._map_git:
+                    rctx = self.repo[self.map_hg_get(new_refs[ref])]
+                    if rctx.ancestor(ctx) == rctx or force:
+                        new_refs[ref] = self.map_git_get(ctx.hex())
+                    else:
+                        raise hgutil.Abort("pushing %s overwrites %s"
+                                           % (ref, ctx))
+                else:
+                    raise hgutil.Abort("%s changed on the server, please pull "
+                                       "and merge before pushing" % ref)
+        return new_refs
+    def fetch_pack(self, remote_name, heads):
+        client, path = self.get_transport_and_path(remote_name)
+        graphwalker = self.git.get_graph_walker()
+        def determine_wants(refs):
+            if heads:
+                want = []
+                for h in heads:
+                    r = [ref for ref in refs if ref.endswith('/'+h)]
+                    if not r:
+                        raise hgutil.Abort("ref %s not found on remote server")
+                    elif len(r) == 1:
+                        want.append(refs[r[0]])
+                    else:
+                        raise hgutil.Abort("ambiguous reference %s: %r"%(h, r))
+            else:
+                want = [sha for ref, sha in refs.iteritems()
+                        if not ref.endswith('^{}')]
+            return want
+        f, commit = self.git.object_store.add_pack()
+        try:
+            return client.fetch_pack(path, determine_wants, graphwalker, f.write, self.ui.status)
+        except HangupException:
+            raise hgutil.Abort("the remote end hung up unexpectedly")
+        finally:
+            commit()
+    def update_references(self):
+        heads = self.local_heads()
+        # Create a local Git branch name for each
+        # Mercurial bookmark.
+        for key in heads:
+            self.git.refs['refs/heads/' + key] = self.map_git_get(heads[key])
+    def export_hg_tags(self):
+        for tag, sha in self.repo.tags().iteritems():
+            if self.repo.tagtype(tag) in ('global', 'git'):
+                self.git.refs['refs/tags/' + tag] = self.map_git_get(hex(sha))
+                self.tags[tag] = hex(sha)
+    def local_heads(self):
+        try:
+            bms = bookmarks.parse(self.repo)
+            return dict([(bm, hex(bms[bm])) for bm in bms])
+        except AttributeError: #pragma: no cover
+            return {}
+    def import_tags(self, refs):
+        keys = refs.keys()
+        if not keys:
+            return
+        for k in keys[:]:
+            ref_name = k
+            parts = k.split('/')
+            if parts[0] == 'refs' and parts[1] == 'tags':
+                ref_name = "/".join([v for v in parts[2:]])
+                # refs contains all the refs in the server, not just
+                # the ones we are pulling
+                if refs[k] not in self.git.object_store:
+                    continue
+                if ref_name[-3:] == '^{}':
+                    ref_name = ref_name[:-3]
+                if not ref_name in self.repo.tags():
+                    obj = self.git.get_object(refs[k])
+                    sha = None
+                    if isinstance (obj, Commit): # lightweight
+                        sha = self.map_hg_get(refs[k])
+                        self.tags[ref_name] = sha
+                    elif isinstance (obj, Tag): # annotated
+                        (obj_type, obj_sha) = obj.get_object()
+                        obj = self.git.get_object(obj_sha)
+                        if isinstance (obj, Commit):
+                            sha = self.map_hg_get(obj_sha)
+                            # TODO: better handling for annotated tags
+                            self.tags[ref_name] = sha
+        self.save_tags()
+    def update_hg_bookmarks(self, refs):
+        try:
+            bms = bookmarks.parse(self.repo)
+            heads = dict([(ref[11:],refs[ref]) for ref in refs
+                          if ref.startswith('refs/heads/')])
+            for head, sha in heads.iteritems():
+                # refs contains all the refs in the server, not just
+                # the ones we are pulling
+                if sha not in self.git.object_store:
+                    continue
+                hgsha = bin(self.map_hg_get(sha))
+                if not head in bms:
+                    # new branch
+                    bms[head] = hgsha
+                else:
+                    bm = self.repo[bms[head]]
+                    if bm.ancestor(self.repo[hgsha]) == bm:
+                        # fast forward
+                        bms[head] = hgsha
+            if heads:
+                bookmarks.write(self.repo, bms)
+        except AttributeError:
+            self.ui.warn(_('creating bookmarks failed, do you have'
+                         ' bookmarks enabled?\n'))
+    def update_remote_branches(self, remote_name, refs):
+        heads = dict([(ref[11:],refs[ref]) for ref in refs
+                      if ref.startswith('refs/heads/')])
+        for head, sha in heads.iteritems():
+            # refs contains all the refs in the server, not just the ones
+            # we are pulling
+            if sha not in self.git.object_store:
+                continue
+            hgsha = bin(self.map_hg_get(sha))
+            tag = '%s/%s' % (remote_name, head)
+            self.repo.tag(tag, hgsha, '', True, None, None)
+        for ref_name in refs:
+            if ref_name.startswith('refs/heads'):
+                new_ref = 'refs/remotes/%s/%s' % (remote_name, ref_name[10:])
+                self.git.refs[new_ref] = refs[ref_name]
+            elif ref_name.startswith('refs/tags'):
+                self.git.refs[ref_name] = refs[ref_name]
+    def convert_git_int_mode(self, mode):
+        # TODO: make these into constants
+        convert = {
+         0100644: '',
+         0100755: 'x',
+         0120000: 'l'}
+        if mode in convert:
+            return convert[mode]
+        return ''
+    def extract_hg_metadata(self, message):
+        split = message.split("\n--HG--\n", 1)
+        renames = {}
+        extra = {}
+        branch = False
+        if len(split) == 2:
+            message, meta = split
+            lines = meta.split("\n")
+            for line in lines:
+                if line == '':
+                    continue
+                command, data = line.split(" : ", 1)
+                if command == 'rename':
+                    before, after = data.split(" => ", 1)
+                    renames[after] = before
+                if command == 'branch':
+                    branch = data
+                if command == 'extra':
+                    before, after = data.split(" : ", 1)
+                    extra[before] = urllib.unquote(after)
+        return (message, renames, branch, extra)
+    def get_file(self, commit, f):
+        otree = self.git.tree(commit.tree)
+        parts = f.split('/')
+        for part in parts:
+            (mode, sha) = otree[part]
+            obj = self.git.get_object(sha)
+            if isinstance (obj, Blob):
+                return (mode, sha, obj._text)
+            elif isinstance(obj, Tree):
+                otree = obj
+    def get_files_changed(self, commit):
+        def filenames(basetree, comptree, prefix):
+            basefiles = set()
+            changes = list()
+            csha = None
+            cmode = None
+            if basetree is not None:
+                for (bmode, bname, bsha) in basetree.entries():
+                    if bmode == 0160000: # TODO: properly handle submodules
+                        continue
+                    basefiles.add(bname)
+                    bobj = self.git.get_object(bsha)
+                    if comptree is not None:
+                        if bname in comptree:
+                            (cmode, csha) = comptree[bname]
+                        else:
+                            (cmode, csha) = (None, None)
+                    if not ((csha == bsha) and (cmode == bmode)):
+                        if isinstance (bobj, Blob):
+                            changes.append (prefix + bname)
+                        elif isinstance(bobj, Tree):
+                            ctree = None
+                            if csha:
+                                ctree = self.git.get_object(csha)
+                            changes.extend(filenames(bobj,
+                                                     ctree,
+                                                     prefix + bname + '/'))
+            # handle removals
+            if comptree is not None:
+                for (bmode, bname, bsha) in comptree.entries():
+                    if bmode == 0160000: # TODO: handle submodles
+                        continue
+                    if bname not in basefiles:
+                        bobj = self.git.get_object(bsha)
+                        if isinstance(bobj, Blob):
+                            changes.append(prefix + bname)
+                        elif isinstance(bobj, Tree):
+                            changes.extend(filenames(None, bobj,
+                                                     prefix + bname + '/'))
+            return changes
+        all_changes = list()
+        otree = self.git.tree(commit.tree)
+        if len(commit.parents) == 0:
+            all_changes = filenames(otree, None, '')
+        for parent in commit.parents:
+            pcommit = self.git.commit(parent)
+            ptree = self.git.tree(pcommit.tree)
+            all_changes.extend(filenames(otree, ptree, ''))
+        return all_changes
+    def remote_name(self, remote):
+        names = [name for name, path in self.paths if path == remote]
+        if names:
+            return names[0]
+    # Stolen from hgsubversion
+    def swap_out_encoding(self, new_encoding='UTF-8'):
+        try:
+            from mercurial import encoding
+            old = encoding.encoding
+            encoding.encoding = new_encoding
+        except ImportError:
+            old = hgutil._encoding
+            hgutil._encoding = new_encoding
+        return old
+    def decode_guess(self, string, encoding):
+        # text is not valid utf-8, try to make sense of it
+        if encoding:
+            try:
+                return string.decode(encoding).encode('utf-8')
+            except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                pass
+        try:
+            return string.decode('latin-1').encode('utf-8')
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            return string.decode('ascii', 'replace').encode('utf-8')
+    def get_transport_and_path(self, uri):
+        from dulwich.client import TCPGitClient, SSHGitClient, SubprocessGitClient
+        for handler, transport in (("git://", TCPGitClient), ("git@", SSHGitClient), ("git+ssh://", SSHGitClient)):
+            if uri.startswith(handler):
+                host, path = uri[len(handler):].split("/", 1)
+                return transport(host, thin_packs=False), '/' + path
+        # if its not git or git+ssh, try a local url..
+        return SubprocessGitClient(thin_packs=False), uri