view hggit/ @ 1092:3799bf885c1d

compat: use newer read_pkt_refs from dulwich if possible Beginning with dulwich 0.18, it now supports reporting the symrefs so we no longer need to monkey patch (will require future patches to use the new code, though).
author Sean Farley <>
date Mon, 27 Nov 2017 17:45:51 -0500
parents c06d4656b77b
children 8e61d7a29932
line wrap: on
line source

from mercurial import (
    util as hgutil,

    from mercurial import encoding
    hfsignoreclean = encoding.hfsignoreclean
except AttributeError:
    # compat with hg 3.2.1 and earlier, which doesn't have
    # hfsignoreclean (This was borrowed wholesale from hg 3.2.2.)
    _ignore = [unichr(int(x, 16)).encode("utf-8") for x in
               "200c 200d 200e 200f 202a 202b 202c 202d 202e "
               "206a 206b 206c 206d 206e 206f feff".split()]
    # verify the next function will work
    assert set([i[0] for i in _ignore]) == set(["\xe2", "\xef"])

    def hfsignoreclean(s):
        """Remove codepoints ignored by HFS+ from s.

        >>> hfsignoreclean(u'.h\u200cg'.encode('utf-8'))
        >>> hfsignoreclean(u'.h\ufeffg'.encode('utf-8'))
        if "\xe2" in s or "\xef" in s:
            for c in _ignore:
                s = s.replace(c, '')
        return s

    from mercurial import vfs as vfsmod
    hgvfs = vfsmod.vfs
except ImportError:
    # vfsmod was extracted in hg 4.2
    from mercurial import scmutil
    hgvfs = scmutil.vfs

def gitvfs(repo):
    """return a vfs suitable to read git related data"""
    # Mercurial >= 3.3:  repo.shared()
    if repo.sharedpath != repo.path:
        return hgvfs(repo.sharedpath)
        return repo.vfs

def passwordmgr(ui):
        realm = hgutil.urlreq.httppasswordmgrwithdefaultrealm()
        return url.passwordmgr(ui, realm)
    except (TypeError, AttributeError):
        # compat with hg < 3.9
        return url.passwordmgr(ui)

    import dulwich.client
    FetchPackResult = dulwich.client.FetchPackResult
    read_pkt_refs = dulwich.client.read_pkt_refs
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
    # older dulwich doesn't return the symref where remote HEAD points, so we
    # monkey patch it here
    from dulwich.errors import GitProtocolError
    from dulwich.protocol import extract_capabilities

    def read_pkt_refs(proto):
        server_capabilities = None
        refs = {}
        # Receive refs from server
        for pkt in proto.read_pkt_seq():
            (sha, ref) = pkt.rstrip('\n').split(None, 1)
            if sha == 'ERR':
                raise GitProtocolError(ref)
            if server_capabilities is None:
                (ref, server_capabilities) = extract_capabilities(ref)
                symref = 'symref=HEAD:'
                for cap in server_capabilities:
                    if cap.startswith(symref):
                        sha = cap.replace(symref, '')
            refs[ref] = sha

        if len(refs) == 0:
            return None, set([])
        return refs, set(server_capabilities)

    'git': {
        'authors': None,
        'blockdotgit': True,
        'blockdothg': True,
        'branch_bookmark_suffix': None,
        'debugextrainmessage': False,   # test only -- do not document this!
        'findcopiesharder': False,
        'intree': None,
        'mindate': None,
        'public': list,
        'renamelimit': 400,
        'similarity': 0,
    'hggit': {
        'mapsavefrequency': 0,
        'usephases': False,

hasconfigitems = False

def registerconfigs(configitem):
    global hasconfigitems
    hasconfigitems = True
    for section, items in CONFIG_DEFAULTS.iteritems():
        for item, default in items.iteritems():
            configitem(section, item, default=default)

def config(ui, subtype, section, item):
    if subtype == 'string':
        subtype = ''
    getconfig = getattr(ui, 'config' + subtype)
    if hasconfigitems:
        return getconfig(section, item)
    return getconfig(section, item, CONFIG_DEFAULTS[section][item])