view hggit/ @ 1046:cf982a23e15c

gitdirstate: show pattern error in hgignore file as expected Before this revision, invalid pattern in hgignore file causes unintentional failure for UnboundLocalError of ignorefunc, if hggit is used with Mercurial 3.5 or later. In such case: - checking source of invalid pattern at failure uses "pats" list for hgignore files, but - "pats" list is empty, if ignoremod is None (= Mercurial 3.5 or later) - therefore, checking with matchmod.match() overlooks invalid pattern Then, "return ignorefunc" is executed without assignment to ignorefunc, and causes UnboundLocalError. To show pattern error in hgignore file as expected even with Mercurial 3.5 or later, this revision puts '(FILE, ["include: FILE"])' tuples into "pats" (to avoid code duplication, putting into allpats is shared, too). This makes checking source of invalid pattern at failure work as expected for hgignore files. Fixes #197
author FUJIWARA Katsunori <>
date Sat, 05 Aug 2017 02:13:11 +0900
parents e3dab807e38c
children 94aaea5c65f7
line wrap: on
line source

import os
import stat
import re
import errno

from mercurial import (
    match as matchmod,

    from mercurial import ignore
    ignoremod = True
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
    # ignore module was removed in Mercurial 3.5
    ignoremod = False
# pathauditor moved to pathutil in 2.9
    from mercurial import pathutil
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
    pathutil = scmutil
from mercurial.i18n import _

def gignorepats(orig, lines, root=None):
    '''parse lines (iterable) of .gitignore text, returning a tuple of
    (patterns, parse errors). These patterns should be given to compile()
    to be validated and converted into a match function.'''
    syntaxes = {'re': 'relre:', 'regexp': 'relre:', 'glob': 'relglob:'}
    syntax = 'glob:'

    patterns = []
    warnings = []

    for line in lines:
        if "#" in line:
            _commentre = re.compile(r'((^|[^\\])(\\\\)*)#.*')
            # remove comments prefixed by an even number of escapes
            line = _commentre.sub(r'\1', line)
            # fixup properly escaped comments that survived the above
            line = line.replace("\\#", "#")
        line = line.rstrip()
        if not line:

        if line.startswith('!'):
            warnings.append(_("unsupported ignore pattern '%s'") % line)
        if re.match(r'(:?.*/)?\.hg(:?/|$)', line):
        rootprefix = '%s/' % root if root else ''
        if line.startswith('/'):
            line = line[1:]
            rootsuffixes = ['']
            rootsuffixes = ['', '**/']
        for rootsuffix in rootsuffixes:
            pat = syntax + rootprefix + rootsuffix + line
            for s, rels in syntaxes.iteritems():
                if line.startswith(rels):
                    pat = line
                elif line.startswith(s + ':'):
                    pat = rels + line[len(s) + 1:]

    return patterns, warnings

def gignore(root, files, warn, extrapatterns=None):
    allpats = []
    pats = []
    if ignoremod:
        pats = ignore.readpats(root, files, warn)
        pats = [(f, ['include:%s' % f]) for f in files]
    for f, patlist in pats:

    if extrapatterns:
    if not allpats:
        return util.never
        ignorefunc = matchmod.match(root, '', [], allpats)
    except util.Abort:
        for f, patlist in pats:
                matchmod.match(root, '', [], patlist)
            except util.Abort, inst:
                if not ignoremod:
                    # in this case, patlist is ['include: FILE'], and
                    # inst[0] should already include FILE
                raise util.Abort('%s: %s' % (f, inst[0]))
        if extrapatterns:
                matchmod.match(root, '', [], extrapatterns)
            except util.Abort, inst:
                raise util.Abort('%s: %s' % ('extra patterns', inst[0]))
    return ignorefunc

class gitdirstate(dirstate.dirstate):
    def _ignore(self):
        files = [self._join('.hgignore')]
        for name, path in self._ui.configitems("ui"):
            if name == 'ignore' or name.startswith('ignore.'):
        patterns = []
        # Only use .gitignore if there's no .hgignore
            fp = open(files[0])
            fns = self._finddotgitignores()
            for fn in fns:
                d = os.path.dirname(fn)
                fn = self.pathto(fn)
                if not os.path.exists(fn):
                fp = open(fn)
                pats, warnings = gignorepats(None, fp, root=d)
                for warning in warnings:
                    self._ui.warn("%s: %s\n" % (fn, warning))
        return gignore(self._root, files, self._ui.warn,

    def _finddotgitignores(self):
        """A copy of dirstate.walk. This is called from the new _ignore method,
        which is called by dirstate.walk, which would cause infinite recursion,
        except _finddotgitignores calls the superclass _ignore directly."""
        match = matchmod.match(self._root, self.getcwd(),
        # TODO: need subrepos?
        subrepos = []
        unknown = True
        ignored = False

        def fwarn(f, msg):
            self._ui.warn('%s: %s\n' % (self.pathto(f), msg))
            return False

        ignore = super(gitdirstate, self)._ignore
        dirignore = self._dirignore
        if ignored:
            ignore = util.never
            dirignore = util.never
        elif not unknown:
            # if unknown and ignored are False, skip step 2
            ignore = util.always
            dirignore = util.always

        matchfn = match.matchfn
        matchalways = match.always()
        matchtdir = match.traversedir
        dmap = self._map
        # osutil moved in hg 4.3, but util re-exports listdir
            listdir = util.listdir
        except AttributeError:
            from mercurial import osutil
            listdir = osutil.listdir
        lstat = os.lstat
        dirkind = stat.S_IFDIR
        regkind = stat.S_IFREG
        lnkkind = stat.S_IFLNK
        join = self._join

        exact = skipstep3 = False
        if matchfn == match.exact:  # match.exact
            exact = True
            dirignore = util.always                  # skip step 2
        elif match.files() and not match.anypats():  # match.match, no patterns
            skipstep3 = True

        if not exact and self._checkcase:
            normalize = self._normalize
            skipstep3 = False
            normalize = None

        # step 1: find all explicit files
        results, work, dirsnotfound = self._walkexplicit(match, subrepos)

        skipstep3 = skipstep3 and not (work or dirsnotfound)
        if work and isinstance(work[0], tuple):
            # Mercurial >= 3.3.3
            work = [nd for nd, d in work if not dirignore(d)]
            work = [d for d in work if not dirignore(d)]
        wadd = work.append

        # step 2: visit subdirectories
        while work:
            nd = work.pop()
            skip = None
            if nd == '.':
                nd = ''
                skip = '.hg'
                entries = listdir(join(nd), stat=True, skip=skip)
            except OSError, inst:
                if inst.errno in (errno.EACCES, errno.ENOENT):
                    fwarn(nd, inst.strerror)
            for f, kind, st in entries:
                if normalize:
                    nf = normalize(nd and (nd + "/" + f) or f, True, True)
                    nf = nd and (nd + "/" + f) or f
                if nf not in results:
                    if kind == dirkind:
                        if not ignore(nf):
                            if matchtdir:
                        if nf in dmap and (matchalways or matchfn(nf)):
                            results[nf] = None
                    elif kind == regkind or kind == lnkkind:
                        if nf in dmap:
                            if matchalways or matchfn(nf):
                                results[nf] = st
                        elif (matchalways or matchfn(nf)) and not ignore(nf):
                            results[nf] = st
                    elif nf in dmap and (matchalways or matchfn(nf)):
                        results[nf] = None

        for s in subrepos:
            del results[s]
        del results['.hg']

        # step 3: report unseen items in the dmap hash
        if not skipstep3 and not exact:
            if not results and matchalways:
                visit = dmap.keys()
                visit = [f for f in dmap if f not in results and matchfn(f)]

            if unknown:
                # unknown == True means we walked the full directory tree
                # above. So if a file is not seen it was either a) not matching
                # matchfn b) ignored, c) missing, or d) under a symlink
                # directory.
                audit_path = pathutil.pathauditor(self._root)

                for nf in iter(visit):
                    # Report ignored items in the dmap as long as they are not
                    # under a symlink directory.
                    if audit_path.check(nf):
                            results[nf] = lstat(join(nf))
                        except OSError:
                            # file doesn't exist
                            results[nf] = None
                        # It's either missing or under a symlink directory
                        results[nf] = None
                # We may not have walked the full directory tree above,
                # so stat everything we missed.
                nf = iter(visit).next
                for st in util.statfiles([join(i) for i in visit]):
                    results[nf()] = st
        return results.keys()