diff scripts/pkg/private/install.m @ 21615:9ccd64201b4d

pkg: remove excessive number of private function files. pkg() makes use of many subfunctions, themselves with several subfunctions. They used to all be in a single file which became difficult to hack so it was split into one file per function (even though they all remained private). This change merges some of those functions back together so that only the functions used by pkg itself, as well as subfunctions used by more than one of those, remain as separate files. * copy_built_files.m, copy_files.m, create_pkgadddel.m, extract_pkg.m, finish_installation.m, generate_lookfor_cache.m, prepare_installation.m, verify_directory.m: merged this functions into install.m since they are only used by it. * fix_depends.m, fix_version.m: merged this functions into get_description.m since they are only used by it. * getarchprefix.m: merged into create_pkgadddel.m which then got merged into install.m. * is_architecture_dependent.m: merged into copy_built_files.m which then got merged into install.m. * load_package_dirs.m: merged into load_packages_and_dependencies.m * packinfo_copy_file.m, write_index.m: merged into copy_files.m which then then got merged into install.m. * parse_pkg_idx, print_package_description.m: merged into describe.m * shell.m: merged into configure_make.m * pkg/module.mk: update with removed files.
author Carnë Draug <carandraug@octave.org>
date Tue, 12 Apr 2016 17:46:20 +0100
parents 2ee20a290d61
children cf227735d5fd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/pkg/private/install.m	Tue Apr 12 10:36:36 2016 -0400
+++ b/scripts/pkg/private/install.m	Tue Apr 12 17:46:20 2016 +0100
@@ -341,6 +341,478 @@
     printf ("For information about changes from previous versions of the %s package, run 'news %s'.\n",
             desc.name, desc.name);
+function pkg = extract_pkg (nm, pat)
+  fid = fopen (nm, "rt");
+  pkg = "";
+  if (fid >= 0)
+    while (! feof (fid))
+      ln = fgetl (fid);
+      if (ln > 0)
+        t = regexp (ln, pat, "tokens");
+        if (! isempty (t))
+          pkg = [pkg "\n" t{1}{1}];
+        endif
+      endif
+    endwhile
+    if (! isempty (pkg))
+      pkg = [pkg "\n"];
+    endif
+    fclose (fid);
+  endif
+## Make sure the package contains the essential files.
+function verify_directory (dir)
+  needed_files = {"COPYING", "DESCRIPTION"};
+  for f = needed_files
+    if (! exist (fullfile (dir, f{1}), "file"))
+      error ("package is missing file: %s", f{1});
+    endif
+  endfor
+function prepare_installation (desc, packdir)
+  ## Is there a pre_install to call?
+  if (exist (fullfile (packdir, "pre_install.m"), "file"))
+    wd = pwd ();
+    try
+      cd (packdir);
+      pre_install (desc);
+      cd (wd);
+    catch
+      cd (wd);
+      rethrow (lasterror ());
+    end_try_catch
+  endif
+  ## If the directory "inst" doesn't exist, we create it.
+  inst_dir = fullfile (packdir, "inst");
+  if (! exist (inst_dir, "dir"))
+    [status, msg] = mkdir (inst_dir);
+    if (status != 1)
+      rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+      error ("the 'inst' directory did not exist and could not be created: %s",
+             msg);
+    endif
+  endif
+function copy_built_files (desc, packdir, verbose)
+  src = fullfile (packdir, "src");
+  if (! exist (src, "dir"))
+    return
+  endif
+  ## Copy files to "inst" and "inst/arch" (this is instead of 'make install').
+  files = fullfile (src, "FILES");
+  instdir = fullfile (packdir, "inst");
+  archdir = fullfile (packdir, "inst", getarch ());
+  ## Get filenames.
+  if (exist (files, "file"))
+    [fid, msg] = fopen (files, "r");
+    if (fid < 0)
+      error ("couldn't open %s: %s", files, msg);
+    endif
+    filenames = char (fread (fid))';
+    fclose (fid);
+    if (filenames(end) == "\n")
+      filenames(end) = [];
+    endif
+    filenames = strtrim (ostrsplit (filenames, "\n"));
+    delete_idx = [];
+    for i = 1:length (filenames)
+      if (! all (isspace (filenames{i})))
+        filenames{i} = fullfile (src, filenames{i});
+      else
+        delete_idx(end+1) = i;
+      endif
+    endfor
+    filenames(delete_idx) = [];
+  else
+    m = dir (fullfile (src, "*.m"));
+    oct = dir (fullfile (src, "*.oct"));
+    mex = dir (fullfile (src, "*.mex"));
+    filenames = cellfun (@(x) fullfile (src, x),
+                         {m.name, oct.name, mex.name},
+                         "uniformoutput", false);
+  endif
+  ## Split into architecture dependent and independent files.
+  if (isempty (filenames))
+    idx = [];
+  else
+    idx = cellfun ("is_architecture_dependent", filenames);
+  endif
+  archdependent = filenames(idx);
+  archindependent = filenames(! idx);
+  ## Copy the files.
+  if (! all (isspace ([filenames{:}])))
+      if (! exist (instdir, "dir"))
+        mkdir (instdir);
+      endif
+      if (! all (isspace ([archindependent{:}])))
+        if (verbose)
+          printf ("copyfile");
+          printf (" %s", archindependent{:});
+          printf ("%s\n", instdir);
+        endif
+        [status, output] = copyfile (archindependent, instdir);
+        if (status != 1)
+          rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+          error ("Couldn't copy files from 'src' to 'inst': %s", output);
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (! all (isspace ([archdependent{:}])))
+        if (verbose)
+          printf ("copyfile");
+          printf (" %s", archdependent{:});
+          printf (" %s\n", archdir);
+        endif
+        if (! exist (archdir, "dir"))
+          mkdir (archdir);
+        endif
+        [status, output] = copyfile (archdependent, archdir);
+        if (status != 1)
+          rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+          error ("Couldn't copy files from 'src' to 'inst': %s", output);
+        endif
+      endif
+  endif
+function dep = is_architecture_dependent (nm)
+  persistent archdepsuffix = {".oct",".mex",".a",".lib",".so",".so.*",".dll","dylib"};
+  dep = false;
+  for i = 1 : length (archdepsuffix)
+    ext = archdepsuffix{i};
+    if (ext(end) == "*")
+      isglob = true;
+      ext(end) = [];
+    else
+      isglob = false;
+    endif
+    pos = strfind (nm, ext);
+    if (pos)
+      if (! isglob && (length (nm) - pos(end) != length (ext) - 1))
+        continue;
+      endif
+      dep = true;
+      break;
+    endif
+  endfor
+function copy_files (desc, packdir, global_install)
+  ## Create the installation directory.
+  if (! exist (desc.dir, "dir"))
+    [status, output] = mkdir (desc.dir);
+    if (status != 1)
+      error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
+      desc.dir, output);
+    endif
+  endif
+  octfiledir = getarchdir (desc);
+  ## Copy the files from "inst" to installdir.
+  instdir = fullfile (packdir, "inst");
+  if (! dirempty (instdir))
+    [status, output] = copyfile (fullfile (instdir, "*"), desc.dir);
+    if (status != 1)
+      rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+      error ("couldn't copy files to the installation directory");
+    endif
+    if (exist (fullfile (desc.dir, getarch ()), "dir")
+        && ! strcmp (fullfile (desc.dir, getarch ()), octfiledir))
+      if (! exist (octfiledir, "dir"))
+        ## Can be required to create upto three levels of dirs.
+        octm1 = fileparts (octfiledir);
+        if (! exist (octm1, "dir"))
+          octm2 = fileparts (octm1);
+          if (! exist (octm2, "dir"))
+            octm3 = fileparts (octm2);
+            if (! exist (octm3, "dir"))
+              [status, output] = mkdir (octm3);
+              if (status != 1)
+                rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+                error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
+                       octm3, output);
+              endif
+            endif
+            [status, output] = mkdir (octm2);
+            if (status != 1)
+              rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+              error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
+                     octm2, output);
+            endif
+          endif
+          [status, output] = mkdir (octm1);
+          if (status != 1)
+            rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+            error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
+                   octm1, output);
+          endif
+        endif
+        [status, output] = mkdir (octfiledir);
+        if (status != 1)
+          rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+          error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
+          octfiledir, output);
+        endif
+      endif
+      [status, output] = movefile (fullfile (desc.dir, getarch (), "*"),
+                                   octfiledir);
+      rmdir (fullfile (desc.dir, getarch ()), "s");
+      if (status != 1)
+        rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+        rmdir (octfiledir, "s");
+        error ("couldn't copy files to the installation directory");
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  ## Create the "packinfo" directory.
+  packinfo = fullfile (desc.dir, "packinfo");
+  [status, msg] = mkdir (packinfo);
+  if (status != 1)
+    rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+    rmdir (octfiledir, "s");
+    error ("couldn't create packinfo directory: %s", msg);
+  endif
+  packinfo_copy_file ("DESCRIPTION", "required", packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir);
+  packinfo_copy_file ("COPYING", "required", packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir);
+  packinfo_copy_file ("CITATION", "optional", packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir);
+  packinfo_copy_file ("NEWS", "optional", packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir);
+  packinfo_copy_file ("ONEWS", "optional", packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir);
+  packinfo_copy_file ("ChangeLog", "optional", packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir);
+  ## Is there an INDEX file to copy or should we generate one?
+  index_file = fullfile (packdir, "INDEX");
+  if (exist (index_file, "file"))
+    packinfo_copy_file ("INDEX", "required", packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir);
+  else
+    try
+      write_index (desc, fullfile (packdir, "inst"),
+                   fullfile (packinfo, "INDEX"), global_install);
+    catch
+      rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+      rmdir (octfiledir, "s");
+      rethrow (lasterror ());
+    end_try_catch
+  endif
+  ## Is there an 'on_uninstall.m' to install?
+  packinfo_copy_file ("on_uninstall.m", "optional", packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir);
+  ## Is there a doc/ directory that needs to be installed?
+  docdir = fullfile (packdir, "doc");
+  if (exist (docdir, "dir") && ! dirempty (docdir))
+    [status, output] = copyfile (docdir, desc.dir);
+  endif
+  ## Is there a bin/ directory that needs to be installed?
+  ## FIXME: Need to treat architecture dependent files in bin/
+  bindir = fullfile (packdir, "bin");
+  if (exist (bindir, "dir") && ! dirempty (bindir))
+    [status, output] = copyfile (bindir, desc.dir);
+  endif
+function packinfo_copy_file (filename, requirement, packdir, packinfo, desc, octfiledir)
+  filepath = fullfile (packdir, filename);
+  if (! exist (filepath, "file") && strcmpi (requirement, "optional"))
+    ## do nothing, it's still OK
+  else
+    [status, output] = copyfile (filepath, packinfo);
+    if (status != 1)
+      rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+      rmdir (octfiledir, "s");
+      error ("Couldn't copy %s file: %s", filename, output);
+    endif
+  endif
+## Create an INDEX file for a package that doesn't provide one.
+##   'desc'  describes the package.
+##   'dir'   is the 'inst' directory in temporary directory.
+##   'index_file' is the name (including path) of resulting INDEX file.
+function write_index (desc, dir, index_file, global_install)
+  ## Get names of functions in dir
+  [files, err, msg] = readdir (dir);
+  if (err)
+    error ("couldn't read directory %s: %s", dir, msg);
+  endif
+  ## Get classes in dir
+  class_idx = find (strncmp (files, '@', 1));
+  for k = 1:length (class_idx)
+    class_name = files {class_idx(k)};
+    class_dir = fullfile (dir, class_name);
+    if (exist (class_dir, "dir"))
+      [files2, err, msg] = readdir (class_dir);
+      if (err)
+        error ("couldn't read directory %s: %s", class_dir, msg);
+      endif
+      files2 = strcat (class_name, filesep (), files2);
+      files = [files; files2];
+    endif
+  endfor
+  ## Check for architecture dependent files.
+  tmpdir = getarchdir (desc);
+  if (exist (tmpdir, "dir"))
+    [files2, err, msg] = readdir (tmpdir);
+    if (err)
+      error ("couldn't read directory %s: %s", tmpdir, msg);
+    endif
+    files = [files; files2];
+  endif
+  functions = {};
+  for i = 1:length (files)
+    file = files{i};
+    lf = length (file);
+    if (lf > 2 && strcmp (file(end-1:end), ".m"))
+      functions{end+1} = file(1:end-2);
+    elseif (lf > 4 && strcmp (file(end-3:end), ".oct"))
+      functions{end+1} = file(1:end-4);
+    endif
+  endfor
+  ## Does desc have a categories field?
+  if (! isfield (desc, "categories"))
+    error ("the DESCRIPTION file must have a Categories field, when no INDEX file is given");
+  endif
+  categories = strtrim (strsplit (desc.categories, ","));
+  if (length (categories) < 1)
+    error ("the Category field is empty");
+  endif
+  ## Write INDEX.
+  fid = fopen (index_file, "w");
+  if (fid == -1)
+    error ("couldn't open %s for writing", index_file);
+  endif
+  fprintf (fid, "%s >> %s\n", desc.name, desc.title);
+  fprintf (fid, "%s\n", categories{1});
+  fprintf (fid, "  %s\n", functions{:});
+  fclose (fid);
+function create_pkgadddel (desc, packdir, nm, global_install)
+  instpkg = fullfile (desc.dir, nm);
+  instfid = fopen (instpkg, "at"); # append to support PKG_ADD at inst/
+  ## If it is exists, most of the PKG_* file should go into the
+  ## architecture dependent directory so that the autoload/mfilename
+  ## commands work as expected. The only part that doesn't is the
+  ## part in the main directory.
+  archdir = fullfile (getarchprefix (desc, global_install),
+                      [desc.name "-" desc.version], getarch ());
+  if (exist (getarchdir (desc, global_install), "dir"))
+    archpkg = fullfile (getarchdir (desc, global_install), nm);
+    archfid = fopen (archpkg, "at");
+  else
+    archpkg = instpkg;
+    archfid = instfid;
+  endif
+  if (archfid >= 0 && instfid >= 0)
+    ## Search all dot-m files for PKG commands.
+    lst = dir (fullfile (packdir, "inst", "*.m"));
+    for i = 1:length (lst)
+      nam = fullfile (packdir, "inst", lst(i).name);
+      fwrite (instfid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^[#%][#%]* *' nm ': *(.*)$']));
+    endfor
+    ## Search all C++ source files for PKG commands.
+    lst = dir (fullfile (packdir, "src", "*.cc"));
+    for i = 1:length (lst)
+      nam = fullfile (packdir, "src", lst(i).name);
+      fwrite (archfid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^//* *' nm ': *(.*)$']));
+      fwrite (archfid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^/\** *' nm ': *(.*) *\*/$']));
+    endfor
+    ## Add developer included PKG commands.
+    packdirnm = fullfile (packdir, nm);
+    if (exist (packdirnm, "file"))
+      fid = fopen (packdirnm, "rt");
+      if (fid >= 0)
+        while (! feof (fid))
+          ln = fgets (fid);
+          if (ln > 0)
+            fwrite (archfid, ln);
+          endif
+        endwhile
+        fclose (fid);
+      endif
+    endif
+    ## If the files is empty remove it.
+    fclose (instfid);
+    t = dir (instpkg);
+    if (t.bytes <= 0)
+      unlink (instpkg);
+    endif
+    if (instfid != archfid)
+      fclose (archfid);
+      t = dir (archpkg);
+      if (t.bytes <= 0)
+        unlink (archpkg);
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+function archprefix = getarchprefix (desc, global_install)
+  if (global_install)
+    [~, archprefix] = default_prefix (global_install, desc);
+  else
+    archprefix = desc.dir;
+  endif
+function finish_installation (desc, packdir, global_install)
+  ## Is there a post-install to call?
+  if (exist (fullfile (packdir, "post_install.m"), "file"))
+    wd = pwd ();
+    try
+      cd (packdir);
+      post_install (desc);
+      cd (wd);
+    catch
+      cd (wd);
+      rmdir (desc.dir, "s");
+      rmdir (getarchdir (desc), "s");
+      rethrow (lasterror ());
+    end_try_catch
+  endif
+function generate_lookfor_cache (desc)
+  dirs = strtrim (ostrsplit (genpath (desc.dir), pathsep ()));
+  for i = 1 : length (dirs)
+    doc_cache_create (fullfile (dirs{i}, "doc-cache"), dirs{i});
+  endfor