view scripts/plot/draw/smooth3.m @ 29363:0a5b15007766 stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Wed, 10 Feb 2021 09:52:15 -0500
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## Copyright (C) 2016-2021 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{smoothed_data} =} smooth3 (@var{data})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{smoothed_data} =} smooth3 (@var{data}, @var{method})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{smoothed_data} =} smooth3 (@var{data}, @var{method}, @var{sz})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{smoothed_data} =} smooth3 (@var{data}, @var{method}, @var{sz}, @var{std_dev})
## Smooth values of 3-dimensional matrix @var{data}.
## This function may be used, for example, to reduce the impact of noise in
## @var{data} before calculating isosurfaces.
## @var{data} must be a non-singleton 3-dimensional matrix.  The output
## @var{smoothed_data} is a matrix of the same size as @var{data}.
## The option input @var{method} determines which convolution kernel is used
## for the smoothing process.  Possible choices:
## @table @asis
## @item @qcode{"box"}, @qcode{"b"} (default)
## a convolution kernel with sharp edges.
## @item @qcode{"gaussian"}, @qcode{"g"}
## a convolution kernel that is represented by a non-correlated trivariate
## normal distribution function.
## @end table
## @var{sz} is either a 3-element vector specifying the size of the
## convolution kernel in the x-, y- and z-directions, or a scalar.  In the
## scalar case the same size is used for all three dimensions
## (@code{[@var{sz}, @var{sz}, @var{sz}]}).  The default value is 3.
## If @var{method} is @qcode{"gaussian"} then the optional input @var{std_dev}
## defines the standard deviation of the trivariate normal distribution
## function.  @var{std_dev} is either a 3-element vector specifying the
## standard deviation of the Gaussian convolution kernel in x-, y- and
## z-directions, or a scalar.  In the scalar case the same value is used for
## all three dimensions.  The default value is 0.65.
## @seealso{isosurface, isonormals, patch}
## @end deftypefn

function smoothed_data = smooth3 (data, method = "box", sz = 3, std_dev = 0.65)

  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 4)
    print_usage ();

  [data, kernel, sz, std_dev] = ...
                        __parse_smooth3_args__ (data, method, sz, std_dev);

  ## Manually pad data by replicating the values at the edges.
  ## (convn would pad with zeros)
  idx = cell (3, 1);
  for i_dim = 1:3
    sz_dim = size (data, i_dim);
    pad_vec = ones (1, (sz(i_dim)-1)/2);
    idx{i_dim} = [pad_vec 1:sz_dim sz_dim*pad_vec];
  data_padded = data(idx{:});

  smoothed_data = convn (data_padded, kernel, "valid");


function [data, conv_kernel, sz, std_dev] = __parse_smooth3_args__ (data, method, sz, std_dev)

  if (ndims (data) != 3)
    error ("smooth3: DATA must be a 3-D numeric matrix");

  if (! isnumeric (data))
    if (isinteger (data) || islogical (data))
      data = double (data);
      error ("smooth3: DATA must be a 3-D numeric matrix");

  if (! ischar (method))
    error ("smooth3: METHOD must be a string");

  if (! isreal (sz))
    error ("smooth3: SZ must be a real scalar or 3-element vector");
  elseif (isscalar (sz))
    sz(1:3) = sz;
  elseif (numel (sz) != 3)
    error (["smooth3: SZ of the convolution kernel must be " ...
            "a scalar or 3-element vector"]);
  if (any (sz < 1) || any (rem (sz, 2) != 1))
    error (["smooth3: SZ of the convolution kernel must consist " ...
            "of positive odd integers"]);

  switch (tolower (method))
    case {"b", "box"}
      conv_kernel = ones (sz) / prod (sz);

    case {"g", "gaussian"}
      ## check std_dev
      if (! isreal (std_dev))
        error ("smooth3: STD_DEV must be a real scalar or 3-element vector");
      elseif (isscalar (std_dev))
        std_dev(1:3) = std_dev;
      elseif (numel (std_dev) != 3)
        error (["smooth3: STD_DEV of the Gaussian convolution kernel " ...
                "must be scalar or 3-element vector"]);

      conv_kernel = __smooth3_gaussian3__ (sz, std_dev);

      error ("smooth3: invalid METHOD '%s'", method);



function gaussian3 = __smooth3_gaussian3__ (sz, std_dev)
  ## trivariate non-correlated Gaussian distribution function

  x = (-(sz(2)-1)/2:(sz(2)-1)/2) / std_dev(2);
  y = (-(sz(1)-1)/2:(sz(1)-1)/2) / std_dev(1);
  z = (-(sz(3)-1)/2:(sz(3)-1)/2) / std_dev(3);

  [xx, yy, zz] = meshgrid (x, y, z);

  gaussian3 = exp (-(xx.^2 + yy.^2 + zz.^2)/2);

  gaussian3 /= sum (gaussian3(:));  # normalize


%! hf = clf;
%! [x, y, z] = meshgrid (-.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2, -.2:0.02:.2);
%! data = (x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2) + randn (size (x)) * 0.003;
%! hax(1) = subplot (1, 2, 1, "parent", hf);
%! patch (hax(1), isosurface (data, .035), ...
%!        "facecolor", "g", "edgecolor", "none");
%! title (hax(1), "Original data (including random noise)");
%! axis (hax(1), "vis3d");
%! grid (hax(1), "on");
%! light (hax(1));
%! smoothed_data = smooth3 (data, "g");
%! hax(2) = subplot (1, 2, 2, "parent", hf);
%! patch (hax(2), isosurface (smoothed_data, .035), ...
%!         "facecolor", "g", "edgecolor", "none");
%! title (hax(2), "Smoothed data");
%! axis (hax(2), "vis3d");
%! grid (hax(2), "on");
%! light (hax(2));
%! hlink = linkprop (hax, "view");
%! set (hax(1), "userdata", hlink);  # keep hlink until figure is closed
%! view (hax(1), 3);
%! rotate3d (hf, "on");

## one input argument (method: "box")
%! a = rand (10, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a);
%! assert (size_equal (a, b), true);

## data type of first input argument
%!test <*57276>
%! dt_a = {"double", "single", "uint8", "int8", "uint16", "int16", ...
%!         "uint32", "int32", "uint64", "int64", "logical"};
%! dt_b = {"double", "single", "double", "double", "double", "double", ...
%!         "double", "double", "double", "double", "double"};
%! for i = 1 : numel (dt_a)
%!   a = ones (3, 4, 5, dt_a{i});
%!   b = smooth3 (a);
%!   assert (class (b), dt_b{i});
%! endfor

## two input argument (method: "gaussian")
%! a = rand (5, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "gaussian");
%! assert (size_equal (a, b), true);

## three input argument (method: "box")
%! a = rand (3, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "box", 5);
%! assert (size_equal (a, b), true);

## three input argument (method: "gaussian")
%! a = rand (3, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "gaussian", 7);
%! assert (size_equal (a, b), true);

## size of convolution kernel = 1: no smoothing (method: "box")
%! a = rand (9, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "box", 1);
%! assert (a, b);

## size of convolution kernel = 1: no smoothing (method: "gaussian")
%! a = rand (9, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "gaussian", 1);
%! assert (a, b);

## four input arguments (method: "gaussian")
%! a = rand (3, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "gaussian", 7, .5);
%! assert (size_equal (a, b), true);

## size of convolution kernel is different in x, y and z (method: "box")
%! a = rand (3, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "box", [5 3 7]);
%! assert (size_equal (a, b), true);

## size of convolution kernel is different in x, y and z (method: "gaussian")
%! a = rand (3, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "gaussian", [5 3 7]);
%! assert (size_equal (a, b), true);

## size and width of gaussian convolution kernel is different in x, y and z
## (method: "gaussian")
%! a = rand (3, 8, 7);
%! b = smooth3 (a, "gaussian", [7 3 5], [.3 .5 .4]);
%! assert (size_equal (a, b), true);

## Test input validation
%!error smooth3 ()
%!error smooth3 (1,2,3,4,5)
%!error <DATA must be a 3-D numeric matrix> smooth3 (cell (2,2,2))
%!error <DATA must be a 3-D numeric matrix> smooth3 (1)
%!error <METHOD must be a string> smooth3 (ones (2,2,2), {3})
%!error <SZ must be a real> smooth3 (ones (2,2,2), "b", {3})
%!error <SZ .* must be .* 3-element vector> smooth3 (ones (2,2,2), :, [3 5])
%!error <SZ .* must .* positive .* integers> smooth3 (ones (2,2,2), :, [3 0 5])
%!error <SZ .* must .* odd integers> smooth3 (ones (2,2,2), :, [3 2 5])
%!error <STD_DEV must be a real> smooth3 (ones (2,2,2), "g", :, {0.65})
%!error <STD_DEV .* must be .* 3-element> smooth3 (ones (2,2,2), "g", :, [1 2])
%!error <invalid METHOD 'foobar'> smooth3 (ones (2,2,2), "foobar")