view scripts/set/uniquetol.m @ 31125:4581402b1c5b

uniquetol.m: Simplify code for "ByRows" option (bug #59850). Use standard form for error() messages and update input validation BIST tests to pass. * uniquetol.m: Use "real" instead of "non-complex" in documentation and in error() messages. Update input validation BIST tests to pass with new messages. Update documentation example so that text matches actual output of Octave. Use isreal() rather than iscomplex() in input validation. New variable "calc_indices" which indicates whether outputs ia, ic should be calculated. Use "calc_indices" to reduce running unnecessary code. In ByRows code, eliminate Iall variable and use J for the same purpose. Eliminate linear search ("any (Iall == i)") with direct lookup ("if (J(i))"). Eliminate variables sumeq, ii. Introduce intermediate variable "Arow_i" for clarity. Rename "equ" to "eq_rows" for clarity. Use '!' instead of '~' for logical negation.
author Rik <>
date Tue, 05 Jul 2022 17:14:44 -0700
parents df030ac26390
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2020-2022 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{c} =} uniquetol (@var{A})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{c} =} uniquetol (@var{A}, @var{tol})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{c} =} uniquetol (@dots{}, @var{property}, @var{value})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{c}, @var{ia}, @var{ic}] =} uniquetol (@dots{})
## Return the unique elements of @var{A} within tolerance @var{tol}.
## Two values, @var{x} and @var{y}, are within relative tolerance if
## @code{abs (@var{x} - @var{y}) <= @var{tol} * max (abs (@var{A}(:)))}.
## The input @var{A} must be a real (non-complex) floating point type (double
## or single).
## If @var{tol} is unspecified, the default tolerance is 1e-12 for double
## precision input or 1e-6 for single precision input.
## The function may also be called with the following optional property/value
## pairs.  Property/value pairs must be passed after other input arguments:
## @table @asis
## @item @qcode{"ByRows"} (default: @code{false})
## When true, return the unique rows of @var{A}.  @var{A} must be a 2-D array
## to use this option.  For rows, the criteria for uniqueness is changed to
## @code{all (abs (@var{x} - @var{y}) <= @var{tol}*max (abs (@var{A}),[],1))}
## which compares each column component of a row against a column-specific
## tolerance.
## @item @qcode{"DataScale"}
## The tolerance test is changed to
## @code{abs (@var{x} - @var{y}) <= @var{tol}*@var{DS}} where @var{DS} is a
## scalar unless the property @qcode{"ByRows"} is true.  In that case, @var{DS}
## can either be a scalar or a vector with a length equal to the number of
## columns in @var{A}.  Using a value of @code{1.0} for @var{DS} will change
## the tolerance from a relative one to an absolute tolerance.  Using a value
## of @code{Inf} will disable testing.
## @item @qcode{"OutputAllIndices"} (default: @code{false})
## When true, @var{ia} is a cell array (not a vector) that contains the indices
## for @emph{all} elements in @var{A} that are within tolerance of a value in
## @var{C}.  That is, each cell in @var{ia} corresponds to a single unique
## value in @var{C}, and the values in each cell correspond to locations in
## @var{A}.
## @end table
## The output @var{c} is a row vector if the input @var{A} is a row vector.
## For all other cases, a column vector is returned.
## The optional output @var{ia} is a column index vector such that
## @code{@var{c} = @var{A}(@var{ia})}.  If the @qcode{"ByRows"} property is
## true, the condition is @code{@var{c} = @var{A}(@var{ia}, :)}.  If the
## @qcode{"OutputAllIndices"} property is true, then the values
## @code{@var{A}(@var{ia}@{@var{i}@})} are all within tolerance of the unique
## value @code{@var{c}(@var{i})}.
## The optional output @var{ic} is a column index vector such that
## @code{@var{A} = @var{c}(@var{ic})} when @var{A} is a vector.  When @var{A}
## is a matrix, @code{@var{A}(:) = @var{c}(@var{ic})}.  If the @qcode{"ByRows"}
## property is true then @code{@var{A} = @var{c}(@var{ic},:)}.
## Example: small round-off errors require @code{uniquetol}, not @code{unique}
## @example
## @group
## x = [1:5];
## ## Inverse_Function (Function (x)) should return exactly x
## y = exp (log (x));
## D = unique ([x, y])
## @result{} [1   2   3   3   4   5   5]
## C = uniquetol ([x, y])
## @result{} [1   2   3   4   5]
## @end group
## @end example
## @seealso{unique, union, intersect, setdiff, setxor, ismember}
## @end deftypefn

function [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (A, varargin)

  if (nargin < 1)
    print_usage ();

  if (! (isfloat (A) && isreal (A)))
    error ("Octave:uniquetol:unsupported-type",
           "uniquetol: A must be a real floating point array");

  if (nargin == 1 || ischar (varargin{1}))
    tol = ifelse (isa (A, "double"), 1e-12, 1e-6);
    tol = varargin{1};
    varargin(1) = [];
    if (! (isfloat (tol) && isreal (tol) && isscalar (tol)))
      error ("Octave:uniquetol:unsupported-type",
             "uniquetol: TOL must be a real floating point scalar");

  if (mod (numel (varargin), 2))
    error ("uniquetol: PROPERTY/VALUE arguments must occur in pairs");

  by_rows = false;
  output_all_indices = false;
  data_scale = [];
  calc_indices = nargout > 1;

  for k = 1:2:numel (varargin)
    if (! ischar (varargin{k}))
      error ("uniquetol: PROPERTY must be a string");

    if (strcmpi (varargin{k}, "ByRows"))
      by_rows = logical (varargin{k+1});
      if (by_rows && ndims (A) > 2)
        error ('uniquetol: A must be a 2-D array when "ByRows" is true');
    elseif (strcmpi (varargin{k}, "OutputAllIndices"))
      output_all_indices = logical (varargin{k+1}) & calc_indices;
    elseif (strcmpi (varargin{k}, "DataScale"))
      data_scale = varargin{k+1}(:).';
      if (! isfloat (data_scale) || iscomplex (data_scale)
          || any (data_scale(:) < 0) || any (isnan (data_scale(:))))
        error ("uniquetol: DataScale must be a positive floating point scalar or vector, without NaNs");
      cols_data_scale = columns (data_scale);
      if (cols_data_scale != 1 && cols_data_scale != columns (A))
        error ("uniquetol: invalid DataScale size");
      error ("uniquetol: unknown property '%s'", varargin{k});

  if (isempty (A))
    ## hack for Matlab empty input compatibility
    sz_A = size (A);
    if (by_rows)
      c = A;
      sz_A(2) = 1;
      ia = ones (sz_A);
      ic = ones (sz_A);
      c = ones (0, 1, class (A));
      if (sz_A(1) == 1)
        c = c.';
      ia = ones (0, 1);
      ic = ones (0, 1);

  if (isempty (data_scale))
    data_scale = max (abs (A(! isinf (A))(:)));

  tol *= data_scale;

  if (by_rows)
    ## Start matrix in sorted order, retain sorting and inverting indices.
    if (calc_indices)
      [A, srtA] = sortrows (A);
      [~, inv_srtA] = sort (srtA);
      A = sortrows (A);

    [nr, nc] = size (A);
    I = zeros (nr, 1);
    ia = {};
    J = zeros (nr, 1);
    j = 1;

    for i = 1:nr
      if (J(i))
        continue;  # row previously compared equal

      Arow_i = A(i,:);
      eq_rows = all (abs (A - Arow_i) <= tol, 2);
      eq_rows(i,1) = eq_rows(i,1) || any (! isfinite (Arow_i), 2);
      if (output_all_indices)
        ia_tmp = find (eq_rows);
        ia{end+1,1} = sort (srtA(ia_tmp));
        ia_tmp = find (eq_rows, 1);
      I(j) = ia_tmp(1);
      J(eq_rows) = j;
      j += 1;

    I = I(1:j-1);
    c = A(I,:);

    if (calc_indices)
      if (! output_all_indices)
        ia = srtA(I(1:j-1));
      ic = J(inv_srtA);

    isrowvec = isrow (A);
    A = A(:);
    nr = rows (A);
    isnanA = isnan (A);
    anyisnanA = any (isnanA);
    [sortA, sAi] = sort (A);
    diffsortA = diff (sortA);
    isinfsortA = isinf (sortA);
    isnansortA = isnan (sortA);
    numnan = sum (isnansortA);
    if (any (isinfsortA))
      sAnin = sortA(! (isinfsortA | isnansortA));
      diffsortA(isinf (diffsortA)) = abs (sAnin(end) - sAnin(1)) + 10;
    csdx = cumsum (diffsortA);
    ue = [true; diff([0; csdx-mod(csdx,tol)]) > eps(max(csdx))];
    ueold = NaN;
    while (any (ueold != ue))
      ueold = ue;
      belowtol = [false; diff(sortA(ue)) < tol];
      if (any (belowtol))
        needstomove = find (ue)(belowtol);
        ue(needstomove) = false;
        needstomove(needstomove >= nr-numnan) = [];
        ue(needstomove+1) = true;
    c = sortA(ue);
    [~, sortsAi] = sort (sAi);
    cumsumue = cumsum (ue);
    ic = cumsumue(sortsAi);
    if (anyisnanA)
      findisnanA = find (isnanA);
      findisnanA = [];
    if (output_all_indices)
      nu = cumsumue(end);
      ia = cell (nu, 1);
      for k = 1:nu
        ia{k} = setdiff (sAi(cumsumue==k), findisnanA);
      ia = sAi(ue);

    if (anyisnanA)
      rowsc1 = [1:sum(isnanA(:))]';
      if (! all (isnanA))
        rowsc1 += rows (c);
      c(rowsc1) = NaN;
      ic(isnanA) = rowsc1;
      if (output_all_indices)
        ia(rowsc1) = num2cell (findisnanA);
        ia(rowsc1) = findisnanA;

      ## if numel (c) was 1, appending NaNs creates a row vector instead of
      ## expected column vector.
      if (isrow (c))
        c = c.';

    ## Matlab compatibility: Outputs are column vectors unless the input
    ## is a row vector, in which case the output c is also a row vector.
    ## ia and ic are always column vectors. (verified Matlab 2022a)
    if (isrowvec)
      c = c.';


%!assert (uniquetol ([1 1 2; 1 2 1; 1 1 2+10*eps]), [1;2])
%!assert (uniquetol ([1 1 2; 1 0 1; 1 1 2+10*eps], "byrows", true),
%!        [1 0 1; 1 1 2])
%!assert (uniquetol ([1]), [1])
%!assert (uniquetol ([2, 1]), [1, 2]);
%!assert (uniquetol ([1; 2]), [1; 2])
%!assert (uniquetol ([-Inf, 1, NaN, Inf, NaN, Inf]), [-Inf, 1, Inf, NaN, NaN]);
%!assert (uniquetol ([1,2,2,3,2,4], "byrows", true), [1,2,2,3,2,4])
%!assert (uniquetol ([1,2,2,3,2,4]), [1,2,3,4])
%!assert (uniquetol ([1,2,2,3,2,4].', "byrows", true), [1;2;3;4])
%!assert (uniquetol (sparse ([2,0;2,0])), sparse ([0;2]))
%!assert (uniquetol (sparse ([1,2;2,3])), sparse ([1;2;3]))
%!assert (uniquetol (single ([1,2,2,3,2,4]), "byrows", true),
%!        single ([1,2,2,3,2,4]))
%!assert (uniquetol (single ([1,2,2,3,2,4])), single ([1,2,3,4]))
%!assert (uniquetol (single ([1,2,2,3,2,4].'), "byrows", true),
%!        single ([1;2;3;4]))

## Test 2D array sorting
%! a = [magic(3); 2 * magic(3)];
%! assert (uniquetol (a), [1:10,12,14,16,18]')
%! assert (uniquetol (a, "byrows", true), sortrows (a))

## Matlab compatibility of output
%! x = 1:0.045:3;
%! y = uniquetol (x, 0.1, "datascale", 1);
%! assert (y(1:4), [1, 1.135, 1.27, 1.405]);

## Test index vector return arguments
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol ([1,1,2,3,3,3,4]);
%! assert (c, [1,2,3,4]);
%! assert (ia, [1;3;4;7]);
%! assert (ic, [1;1;2;3;3;3;4]);

## Test index vector return arguments with "ByRows"
%! A = [2, 3, 4; 2, 3, 4];
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (A, "byrows", true);
%! assert (c, [2, 3, 4]);
%! assert (ia, 1);
%! assert (ic, [1;1]);

%! x = (2:7)'*pi;
%! y = exp (log (x));
%! C = uniquetol ([x; y]);
%! assert (C, x, 1e-12);

## Test "ByRows" Property
%! A = [0.06, 0.21, 0.38; 0.38, 0.21, 0.39; 0.54, 0.56, 0.41; 0.46, 0.52, 0.95];
%! B = log (exp (A));
%! C = uniquetol ([A; B], "ByRows", true);
%! assert (C, sortrows(A), 10*eps);

## Test "DataScale" Property
%! x = 10^11;
%! C = uniquetol ([x, exp(log(x))], 1e-6, "DataScale", 1);
%! assert (C, [x, exp(log(x))]);

## Test "OutputAllIndices" Property
%! A = [.1 .2 .3 10];
%! [C, ia, ic] = uniquetol (A, .1, "OutputAllIndices", true);
%! assert (C, [.1, 10]);
%! assert (ia, {(1:3)'; 4});
%! assert (ic, [1; 1; 1; 2]);

## Test NaN inputs
%!assert (uniquetol (NaN), NaN)
%!assert (uniquetol ([NaN NaN]), [NaN NaN])
%!assert (uniquetol ([NaN NaN]'), [NaN NaN]')
%!assert (uniquetol (NaN(2,2)), NaN(4,1))

%! a = [magic(3); 2 * magic(3)];
%! a(4:5) = NaN;
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (a);
%! assert (c, [1:10,12,14,18, NaN, NaN]');
%! assert (ia, [7,10,2,3,8,13,14,1,9,11,16,17,12,4,5]');
%! assert (ic, [8,3,4,14,15,8,1,5,9,2,10,13,6,7,2,11,12,4]');
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (single (a));
%! assert (class (c), "single");
%! assert (class (ia), "double");
%! assert (class (ic), "double");
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (a, "ByRows", true);
%! assert (c, sortrows (a));
%! assert (ia, [2,3,1,6,4,5]');
%! assert (ic, [3,1,2,5,6,4]');
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (single (a), "ByRows", true);
%! assert (class (c), "single");
%! assert (class (ia), "double");
%! assert (class (ic), "double");
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (a, "OutputAllIndices", true);
%! assert (ia, {7;[10;15];2;[3;18];8;13;14;[1;6];9;11;16;17;12;4;5});
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (single (a), "OutputAllIndices", true);
%! assert (class (c), "single");
%! assert (class (ia{1}), "double");
%! assert (class (ic), "double");
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (a, "OutputAllIndices", true, "ByRows", true);
%! assert (ia, {2;3;1;6;4;5});
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (single (a),
%!                          "OutputAllIndices", true, "ByRows", true);
%! assert (class (c), "single");
%! assert (class (ia{1}), "double");
%! assert (class (ic), "double");

## Test empty input compatibility
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol ([]);
%! assert (c, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ia, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ic, ones (0,1));
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol ([], "byrows", true);
%! assert (c, []);
%! assert (ia, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ic, ones (0,1));
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (ones (0,1));
%! assert (c, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ia, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ic, ones (0,1));
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (ones (0,1), "byrows", true);
%! assert (c, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ia, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ic, ones (0,1));
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (ones (1,0));
%! assert (c, ones (1,0));
%! assert (ia, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ic, ones (0,1));
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (ones (1,0), "byrows", true);
%! assert (c, ones (1,0));
%! assert (ia, 1);
%! assert (ic, 1);
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (ones (1,0,2));
%! assert (c, ones (1,0));
%! assert (ia, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ic, ones (0,1));
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (ones (0,1,2));
%! assert (c, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ia, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ic, ones (0,1));
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (ones (1,2,0));
%! assert (c, ones (1,0));
%! assert (ia, ones (0,1));
%! assert (ic, ones (0,1));
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (single ([]));
%! assert (class (c), "single");
%! assert (class (ia), "double");
%! assert (class (ic), "double");
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (single ([]), "byrows", true);
%! assert (class (c), "single");
%! assert (class (ia), "double");
%! assert (class (ic), "double");
%! [c, ia, ic] = uniquetol (single ([]), "OutputAllIndices", true);
%! assert (class (c), "single");
%! assert (class (ia), "double");
%! assert (class (ic), "double");

## Test input validation
%!error <Invalid call> uniquetol ()
%!error <A must be a real floating point array> uniquetol (int8 (1))
%!error <A must be a real floating point array> uniquetol (1i)
%!error <TOL must be a real floating point scalar> uniquetol (1, int8 (1))
%!error <TOL must be a real floating point scalar> uniquetol (1, [1, 2])
%!error <TOL must be a real floating point scalar> uniquetol (1, 1i)
%!error <arguments must occur in pairs> uniquetol (1, 2, "byrows")
%!error <PROPERTY must be a string> uniquetol (1, 2, 3, "bar")
%!error <A must be a 2-D array> uniquetol (ones (2,2,2), "byrows", true)
%!error <A must be a 2-D array> uniquetol (ones (0,1,2), "byrows", true)
%!error <A must be a 2-D array> uniquetol (ones (1,0,2), "byrows", true)
%!error <A must be a 2-D array> uniquetol (ones (1,2,0), "byrows", true)
%!error <DataScale must be a .* floating point> uniquetol (1, "DataScale", '1')
%!error <DataScale must be .* positive> uniquetol (1, "DataScale", 1i)
%!error <DataScale must be .* positive> uniquetol (1, "DataScale", -1)
%!error <DataScale must be .* without NaNs> uniquetol (1, "DataScale", NaN)
%!error <invalid DataScale size> uniquetol (1, "DataScale", [1 2])
%!error <unknown property 'foo'> uniquetol (1, "foo", "bar")
%!error <unknown property 'foo'> uniquetol (1, 2, "foo", "bar")