view liboctave/array/Range.h @ 29959:4c88a452519c

rename OCTAVE_USE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS macro and attempt to make it work For ordinary functions declared in a header file and defined in a corresponding source file, it should be OK to omit the declaration in the header file based on the value of OCTAVE_PROVIDE_DEPRECATED_SYMBOLS. But it is an error to attempt to define a member function that has not been declared in the class declaration. So for these, we rename the original function to be FOO_deprecated and then provide a wrapper function called FOO that is completely defined in the header file and simply calls the FOO_deprecated function. *, (OCTAVE_PROVIDE_DEPRECATED_SYMBOLS): Rename from OCTAVE_USE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS. Change all uses. For deprecated member fucntions, use private FOO_deprecated member functions and conditionally defined inline public wrappers to allow declarations of deprecated symbosl to be omitted if OCTAVE_PROVIDE_DEPRECATED_SYMBOLS is not defined.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Sat, 14 Aug 2021 11:13:17 -0400
parents 29a1f8fd8ee6
children e424d966dca7
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 1993-2021 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if ! defined (octave_Range_h)
#define octave_Range_h 1

#include "octave-config.h"

#include <iosfwd>

#include "dMatrix.h"
#include "dim-vector.h"
#include "lo-error.h"
#include "oct-sort.h"

template <typename T> class Array;

namespace octave
  // Helper class used solely for idx_vector.loop () function call

  template <typename T>
  class rangeidx_helper

    rangeidx_helper (T *array, T base, T increment, T final_value,
                     octave_idx_type numel)
      : m_array (array), m_base (base), m_increment (increment),
        m_final (final_value),
        m_nmax (numel-1)
    { }

    void operator () (octave_idx_type i)
      if (i == 0)
        // Required for proper NaN handling.
        *m_array++ = m_nmax == 0 ? m_final : m_base;
      else if (i < m_nmax)
        *m_array++ = m_base + T (i) * m_increment;
        *m_array++ = m_final;


    T *m_array, m_base, m_increment, m_final;
    octave_idx_type m_nmax;


  template <typename T>

    range (void)
      : m_base (0), m_increment (0), m_limit (0), m_final (0), m_numel (0)
    { }

    // LIMIT is an upper limit and may be outside the range of actual
    // values.  For floating point ranges, we perform a tolerant check
    // to attempt to capture limit in the set of values if it is "close"
    // to the value of base + a multiple of the increment.

    range (const T& base, const T& increment, const T& limit)
      : m_base (base), m_increment (increment), m_limit (limit),
        m_final (), m_numel ()
      init ();

    range (const T& base, const T& limit)
      : m_base (base), m_increment (1), m_limit (limit), m_final (), m_numel ()
      init ();

    // Allow conversion from (presumably) properly constructed Range
    // objects and to create constant ranges (see the static
    // make_constant method).  The values of base, limit, increment,
    // and numel must be consistent.

    // FIXME: Actually check that base, limit, increment, and numel are
    // consistent.

    // FIXME: Is there a way to limit this to T == double?

    range (const T& base, const T& increment, const T& limit,
           octave_idx_type numel)
      : m_base (base), m_increment (increment), m_limit (limit),
        m_final (limit), m_numel (numel)
    { }

    range (const T& base, const T& increment, const T& limit,
           const T& final, octave_idx_type numel)
      : m_base (base), m_increment (increment), m_limit (limit),
        m_final (final), m_numel (numel)
    { }

    // We don't use a constructor for this because it will conflict with
    // range<T> (base, limit) when T is octave_idx_type.

    static range<T> make_constant (const T& base, octave_idx_type numel)
      // We could just make this constructor public, but it allows
      // inconsistent ranges to be constructed.  And it is probably much
      // clearer to see "make_constant" instead of puzzling over the
      // purpose of this strange constructor form.

      return range<T> (base, T (), base, numel);

    // We don't use a constructor for this because it will conflict with
    // range<T> (base, limit, increment) when T is octave_idx_type.

    static range<T> make_n_element_range (const T& base, const T& increment,
                                          octave_idx_type numel)
      // We could just make this constructor public, but it allows
      // inconsistent ranges to be constructed.  And it is probably much
      // clearer to see "make_constant" instead of puzzling over the
      // purpose of this strange constructor form.

      T final_val = base + (numel - 1) * increment;

      return range<T> (base, increment, final_val, numel);

    range (const range<T>&) = default;

    range<T>& operator = (const range<T>&) = default;

    ~range (void) = default;

    T base (void) const { return m_base; }
    T increment (void) const { return m_increment; }
    T limit (void) const { return m_limit; }

    T final_value (void) const { return m_final; }

    T min (void) const
      return (m_numel > 0
              ? m_increment > T (0) ? base () : final_value ()
              : T (0));

    T max (void) const
      return (m_numel > 0
              ? m_increment > T (0) ? final_value () : base ()
              : T (0));

    octave_idx_type numel (void) const { return m_numel; }

    // To support things like "for i = 1:Inf; ...; end" that are
    // required for Matlab compatibility, creation of a range object
    // like 1:Inf is allowed with m_numel set to
    // numeric_limits<octave_idx_type>::max().  However, it is not
    // possible to store these ranges.  The following function allows
    // us to easily distinguish ranges with an infinite number of
    // elements.  There are specializations for double and float.

    bool is_storable (void) const { return true; }

    dim_vector dims (void) const { return dim_vector (1, m_numel); }

    octave_idx_type rows (void) const { return 1; }

    octave_idx_type cols (void) const { return numel (); }
    octave_idx_type columns (void) const { return numel (); }

    bool isempty (void) const { return numel () == 0; }

    bool all_elements_are_ints (void) const { return true; }

    sortmode issorted (sortmode mode = ASCENDING) const
      if (m_numel > 1 && m_increment > T (0))
        mode = (mode == DESCENDING) ? UNSORTED : ASCENDING;
      else if (m_numel > 1 && m_increment < T (0))
        mode = (mode == ASCENDING) ? UNSORTED : DESCENDING;
        mode = (mode == UNSORTED) ? ASCENDING : mode;

      return mode;

    OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type nnz (void) const;

    // Support for single-index subscripting, without generating matrix cache.

    T checkelem (octave_idx_type i) const
      if (i < 0 || i >= m_numel)
        err_index_out_of_range (2, 2, i+1, m_numel, dims ());

      if (i == 0)
        // Required for proper NaN handling.
        return m_numel == 1 ? final_value () : m_base;
      else if (i < m_numel - 1)
        return m_base + T (i) * m_increment;
        return final_value ();

    T checkelem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) const
      // Ranges are *always* row vectors.
      if (i != 0)
        err_index_out_of_range (1, 1, i+1, m_numel, dims ());

      return checkelem (j);

    T elem (octave_idx_type i) const
      if (i == 0)
        // Required for proper NaN handling.
        return m_numel == 1 ? final_value () : m_base;
      else if (i < m_numel - 1)
        return m_base + T (i) * m_increment;
        return final_value ();

    T elem (octave_idx_type /* i */, octave_idx_type j) const
      return elem (j);

    T operator () (octave_idx_type i) const
      return elem (i);

    T operator () (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) const
      return elem (i, j);

    Array<T> index (const idx_vector& i) const
      Array<T> retval;

      octave_idx_type n = m_numel;

      if (i.is_colon ())
          retval = array_value ().reshape (dim_vector (m_numel, 1));
          if (i.extent (n) != n)
            err_index_out_of_range (1, 1, i.extent (n), n, dims ());

          dim_vector rd = i.orig_dimensions ();
          octave_idx_type il = i.length (n);

          // taken from
          if (n != 1 && rd.isvector ())
            rd = dim_vector (1, il);

          retval.clear (rd);

          // idx_vector loop across all values in i,
          // executing __rangeidx_helper (i) for each i
          i.loop (n, rangeidx_helper<T> (retval.fortran_vec (),
                                         m_base, m_increment, final_value (),

      return retval;

    Array<T> diag (octave_idx_type k) const
      return array_value ().diag (k);

    Array<T> array_value (void) const
      octave_idx_type nel = numel ();

      Array<T> retval (dim_vector (1, nel));

      if (nel == 1)
        // Required for proper NaN handling.
        retval(0) = final_value ();
      else if (nel > 1)
          // The first element must always be *exactly* the base.
          // E.g, -0 would otherwise become +0 in the loop (-0 + 0*increment).
          retval(0) = m_base;

          for (octave_idx_type i = 1; i < nel - 1; i++)
            retval.xelem (i) = m_base + i * m_increment;

          retval.xelem (nel - 1) = final_value ();

      return retval;


    T m_base;
    T m_increment;
    T m_limit;
    T m_final;
    octave_idx_type m_numel;

    // Setting the number of elements to zero when the increment is zero
    // is intentional and matches the behavior of Matlab's colon
    // operator.

    // These calculations are appropriate for integer ranges.  There are
    // specializations for double and float.

    void init (void)
      m_numel = ((m_increment == T (0)
                  || (m_limit > m_base && m_increment < T (0))
                  || (m_limit < m_base && m_increment > T (0)))
                 ? T (0)
                 : (m_limit - m_base + m_increment) / m_increment);

      m_final = m_base + (m_numel - 1) * m_increment;

  // Specializations defined externally.

  template <> OCTAVE_API bool range<double>::all_elements_are_ints (void) const;
  template <> OCTAVE_API bool range<float>::all_elements_are_ints (void) const;

  template <> OCTAVE_API void range<double>::init (void);
  template <> OCTAVE_API void range<float>::init (void);

  template <> OCTAVE_API bool range<double>::is_storable (void) const;
  template <> OCTAVE_API bool range<float>::is_storable (void) const;

  template <> OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type range<double>::nnz (void) const;
  template <> OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type range<float>::nnz (void) const;


  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use the 'octave::range<double>' class instead")
  Range (void)
    : m_base (0), m_limit (0), m_inc (0), m_numel (0)
  { }

  // Assume range is already properly constructed, so just copy internal
  // values.  However, we set LIMIT to the computed final value because
  // that mimics the behavior of the other Range class constructors that
  // reset limit to the computed final value.

  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use the 'octave::range<double>' class instead")
  Range (const octave::range<double>& r)
    : m_base (r.base ()), m_limit (r.final_value ()), m_inc (r.increment ()),
      m_numel (r.numel ())
  { }

  Range (const Range& r) = default;

  Range& operator = (const Range& r) = default;

  ~Range (void) = default;

  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use the 'octave::range<double>' class instead")
  Range (double b, double l)
    : m_base (b), m_limit (l), m_inc (1), m_numel (numel_internal ())
    if (! octave::math::isinf (m_limit))
      m_limit = limit_internal ();

  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use the 'octave::range<double>' class instead")
  Range (double b, double l, double i)
    : m_base (b), m_limit (l), m_inc (i), m_numel (numel_internal ())
    if (! octave::math::isinf (m_limit))
      m_limit = limit_internal ();

  // NOTE: The following constructor may be deprecated and removed after
  // the arithmetic operators are removed.

  // For operators' usage (to preserve element count) and to create
  // constant row vectors (obsolete usage).

  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use the 'octave::range<double>' class instead")
  Range (double b, double i, octave_idx_type n)
    : m_base (b), m_limit (b + (n-1) * i), m_inc (i), m_numel (n)
    if (! octave::math::isinf (m_limit))
      m_limit = limit_internal ();

  // The range has a finite number of elements.
  bool ok (void) const
    return (octave::math::isfinite (m_limit)
            && (m_numel >= 0 || m_numel == -2));

  double base (void) const { return m_base; }
  double limit (void) const { return m_limit; }
  double inc (void) const { return m_inc; }
  double increment (void) const { return m_inc; }

  // We adjust the limit to be the final value, so return that.  We
  // could introduce a new variable to store the final value separately,
  // but it seems like that would just add confusion.  If we changed
  // the meaning of the limit function, we would change the behavior of
  // programs that expect limit to be the final value instead of the
  // value of the limit when the range was created.  This problem will
  // be fixed with the new template range class.
  double final_value (void) const { return m_limit; }

  octave_idx_type numel (void) const { return m_numel; }

  dim_vector dims (void) const { return dim_vector (1, m_numel); }

  octave_idx_type rows (void) const { return 1; }

  octave_idx_type cols (void) const { return numel (); }
  octave_idx_type columns (void) const { return numel (); }

  bool isempty (void) const { return numel () == 0; }

  OCTAVE_API bool all_elements_are_ints (void) const;

  OCTAVE_API Matrix matrix_value (void) const;

  OCTAVE_API double min (void) const;
  OCTAVE_API double max (void) const;

  OCTAVE_API void sort_internal (bool ascending = true);
  OCTAVE_API void sort_internal (Array<octave_idx_type>& sidx, bool ascending = true);

  OCTAVE_API Matrix diag (octave_idx_type k = 0) const;

  OCTAVE_API Range sort (octave_idx_type dim = 0, sortmode mode = ASCENDING) const;
  OCTAVE_API Range sort (Array<octave_idx_type>& sidx, octave_idx_type dim = 0,
              sortmode mode = ASCENDING) const;

  OCTAVE_API sortmode issorted (sortmode mode = ASCENDING) const;

  OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type nnz (void) const;

  // Support for single-index subscripting, without generating matrix cache.

  OCTAVE_API double checkelem (octave_idx_type i) const;
  OCTAVE_API double checkelem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) const;

  OCTAVE_API double elem (octave_idx_type i) const;
  double elem (octave_idx_type /* i */, octave_idx_type j) const
  { return elem (j); }

  double operator () (octave_idx_type i) const { return elem (i); }
  double operator () (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) const
  { return elem (i, j); }

  OCTAVE_API Array<double> index (const octave::idx_vector& i) const;

  OCTAVE_API void set_base (double b);

  OCTAVE_API void set_limit (double l);

  OCTAVE_API void set_inc (double i);

  friend OCTAVE_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os,
                                               const Range& r);
  friend OCTAVE_API std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Range& r);

  friend OCTAVE_API Range operator - (const Range& r);
  friend OCTAVE_API Range operator + (double x, const Range& r);
  friend OCTAVE_API Range operator + (const Range& r, double x);
  friend OCTAVE_API Range operator - (double x, const Range& r);
  friend OCTAVE_API Range operator - (const Range& r, double x);
  friend OCTAVE_API Range operator * (double x, const Range& r);
  friend OCTAVE_API Range operator * (const Range& r, double x);


  double m_base;
  double m_limit;
  double m_inc;

  octave_idx_type m_numel;

  OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type numel_internal (void) const;

  OCTAVE_API double limit_internal (void) const;

  OCTAVE_API void init (void);


  // NOTE: The following constructor may be removed when the arithmetic
  // operators are removed.

  // For operators' usage (to allow all values to be set directly).
  Range (double b, double l, double i, octave_idx_type n)
    : m_base (b), m_limit (l), m_inc (i), m_numel (n)
  { }

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "arithmetic operations on Range objects are unreliable")
extern OCTAVE_API Range operator - (const Range& r);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "arithmetic operations on Range objects are unreliable")
extern OCTAVE_API Range operator + (double x, const Range& r);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "arithmetic operations on Range objects are unreliable")
extern OCTAVE_API Range operator + (const Range& r, double x);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "arithmetic operations on Range objects are unreliable")
extern OCTAVE_API Range operator - (double x, const Range& r);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "arithmetic operations on Range objects are unreliable")
extern OCTAVE_API Range operator - (const Range& r, double x);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "arithmetic operations on Range objects are unreliable")
extern OCTAVE_API Range operator * (double x, const Range& r);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "arithmetic operations on Range objects are unreliable")
extern OCTAVE_API Range operator * (const Range& r, double x);
