view libinterp/parse-tree/ @ 30880:5d3faba0342e

doc: Ensure documentation lists output argument when it exists for all m-files. For new users of Octave it is best to show explicit calling forms in the documentation and to show a return argument when it exists. *, shift.m, accumarray.m, accumdim.m, bincoeff.m, bitcmp.m, bitget.m, bitset.m, blkdiag.m, celldisp.m, cplxpair.m, dblquad.m, flip.m, fliplr.m, flipud.m, idivide.m, int2str.m, interpft.m, logspace.m, num2str.m, polyarea.m, postpad.m, prepad.m, randi.m, repmat.m, rng.m, rot90.m, rotdim.m, structfun.m, triplequad.m, uibuttongroup.m, uicontrol.m, uipanel.m, uipushtool.m, uitoggletool.m, uitoolbar.m, waitforbuttonpress.m, help.m, __additional_help_message__.m, hsv.m, im2double.m, im2frame.m, javachk.m, usejava.m, argnames.m, char.m, formula.m, inline.m, __vectorize__.m, findstr.m, flipdim.m, strmatch.m, vectorize.m, commutation_matrix.m, cond.m, cross.m, duplication_matrix.m, expm.m, orth.m, rank.m, rref.m, trace.m, vech.m, cast.m, compare_versions.m, delete.m, dir.m, fileattrib.m, grabcode.m, gunzip.m, inputname.m, license.m, list_primes.m, ls.m, mexext.m, movefile.m, namelengthmax.m, nargoutchk.m, nthargout.m, substruct.m, swapbytes.m, ver.m, verLessThan.m, what.m, fminunc.m, fsolve.m, fzero.m, optimget.m, __fdjac__.m, matlabroot.m, savepath.m, campos.m, camroll.m, camtarget.m, camup.m, camva.m, camzoom.m, clabel.m, diffuse.m, legend.m, orient.m, rticks.m, specular.m, thetaticks.m, xlim.m, xtickangle.m, xticklabels.m, xticks.m, ylim.m, ytickangle.m, yticklabels.m, yticks.m, zlim.m, ztickangle.m, zticklabels.m, zticks.m, ellipsoid.m, isocolors.m, isonormals.m, stairs.m, surfnorm.m, __actual_axis_position__.m, __pltopt__.m, close.m, graphics_toolkit.m, pan.m, print.m, printd.m, __ghostscript__.m, __gnuplot_print__.m, __opengl_print__.m, rotate3d.m, subplot.m, zoom.m, compan.m, conv.m, poly.m, polyaffine.m, polyder.m, polyint.m, polyout.m, polyreduce.m, polyvalm.m, roots.m, prefdir.m, prefsfile.m, profexplore.m, profexport.m, profshow.m, powerset.m, unique.m, arch_rnd.m, arma_rnd.m, autoreg_matrix.m, bartlett.m, blackman.m, detrend.m, durbinlevinson.m, fftconv.m, fftfilt.m, fftshift.m, fractdiff.m, hamming.m, hanning.m, hurst.m, ifftshift.m, rectangle_lw.m, rectangle_sw.m, triangle_lw.m, sinc.m, sinetone.m, sinewave.m, spectral_adf.m, spectral_xdf.m, spencer.m, ilu.m, __sprand__.m, sprand.m, sprandn.m, sprandsym.m, treelayout.m, beta.m, betainc.m, betaincinv.m, betaln.m, cosint.m, expint.m, factorial.m, gammainc.m, gammaincinv.m, lcm.m, nthroot.m, perms.m, reallog.m, realpow.m, realsqrt.m, sinint.m, hadamard.m, hankel.m, hilb.m, invhilb.m, magic.m, pascal.m, rosser.m, toeplitz.m, vander.m, wilkinson.m, center.m, corr.m, cov.m, discrete_cdf.m, discrete_inv.m, discrete_pdf.m, discrete_rnd.m, empirical_cdf.m, empirical_inv.m, empirical_pdf.m, empirical_rnd.m, kendall.m, kurtosis.m, mad.m, mean.m, meansq.m, median.m, mode.m, moment.m, range.m, ranks.m, run_count.m, skewness.m, spearman.m, statistics.m, std.m, base2dec.m, bin2dec.m, blanks.m, cstrcat.m, deblank.m, dec2base.m, dec2bin.m, dec2hex.m, hex2dec.m, index.m, regexptranslate.m, rindex.m, strcat.m, strjust.m, strtrim.m, strtrunc.m, substr.m, untabify.m, __have_feature__.m, __prog_output_assert__.m, __run_test_suite__.m, example.m, fail.m, asctime.m, calendar.m, ctime.m, date.m, etime.m: Add return arguments to @deftypefn macros where they were missing. Rename variables in functions (particularly generic "retval") to match documentation. Rename some return variables for (hopefully) better clarity (e.g., 'ax' to 'hax' to indicate it is a graphics handle to an axes object).
author Rik <>
date Wed, 30 Mar 2022 20:40:27 -0700
parents 83f9f8bda883
children c9788d7f6e65
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2001-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>

#include "file-ops.h"
#include "oct-env.h"

#include "bp-table.h"
#include "defun-int.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "event-manager.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "interpreter-private.h"
#include "oct-map.h"
#include "ov-usr-fcn.h"
#include "ov.h"
#include "ovl.h"
#include "pager.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "pt-eval.h"
#include "pt-exp.h"
#include "pt-stmt.h"
#include "sighandlers.h"

namespace octave
  class bp_file_info

    bp_file_info (tree_evaluator& tw, const std::string& file)
      : m_ok (false), m_file (file), m_dir (), m_fcn (), m_class_name ()
      std::string abs_file = sys::env::make_absolute (file);

      std::string dir = sys::file_ops::dirname (abs_file);
      std::string fcn = sys::file_ops::tail (abs_file);
      std::size_t len = fcn.length ();
      if (len >= 2 && fcn[len-2] == '.' && fcn[len-1] == 'm')
        fcn = fcn.substr (0, len-2);

      std::size_t pos = dir.rfind (sys::file_ops::dir_sep_chars ());

      if (pos != std::string::npos && pos < dir.length () - 1)
          if (dir[pos+1] == '@')
              m_class_name = dir.substr (pos+1);

              fcn = sys::file_ops::concat (m_class_name, fcn);

              dir = dir.substr (0, pos);

      m_dir = dir;
      m_fcn = fcn;

      interpreter& interp = tw.get_interpreter ();

      load_path& lp = interp.get_load_path ();

      if (lp.contains_file_in_dir (m_file, m_dir))
        m_ok = true;

    std::string file (void) const { return m_file; }
    std::string dir (void) const { return m_fcn; }
    std::string fcn (void) const { return m_fcn; }
    std::string class_name (void) const { return m_class_name; }

    bool ok (void) const { return m_ok; }


    bool m_ok;
    std::string m_file;
    std::string m_dir;
    std::string m_fcn;
    std::string m_class_name;

  // Clear all reasons to stop, other than breakpoints.

  void bp_table::dbclear_all_signals (void)
    interpreter& interp = m_evaluator.get_interpreter ();
    error_system& es = interp.get_error_system ();

    es.debug_on_error (false);
    bp_table::m_errors_that_stop.clear ();

    es.debug_on_caught (false);
    bp_table::m_caught_that_stop.clear ();

    es.debug_on_warning (false);
    bp_table::m_warnings_that_stop.clear ();

    Vdebug_on_interrupt = false;

  // Process the "warn", "errs", "caught" and "intr" fields for a call of
  // "dbstop (p)".

  void bp_table::dbstop_process_map_args (const octave_map& mv)
    interpreter& interp = m_evaluator.get_interpreter ();
    error_system& es = interp.get_error_system ();

    // process errs
    // why so many levels of indirection needed?
    bool fail = false;
    Cell U = mv.contents ("errs");
    if (U.numel () != 1)
      fail = (U.numel () > 1);
        Array<octave_value> W = U.index (0);
        if (W.isempty () || W(0).isempty ())
          es.debug_on_error (true);    // like "dbstop if error" with no identifier
        else if (! W(0).iscell ())
          fail = true;
            Cell V = W(0).cell_value ();
            for (int i = 0; i < V.numel (); i++)
                m_errors_that_stop.insert (V(i).string_value ());
                es.debug_on_error (true);

    if (fail)
      error ("dbstop: invalid 'errs' field");

    // process caught
    // why so many levels of indirection needed?
    fail = false;
    U = mv.contents ("caught");
    if (U.numel () != 1)
      fail = (U.numel () > 1);
        Array<octave_value> W = U.index (0);
        if (W.isempty () || W(0).isempty ())
          es.debug_on_caught (true);  // like "dbstop if caught error" with no ID
        else if (! W(0).iscell ())
          fail = true;
            Cell V = W(0).cell_value ();
            for (int i = 0; i < V.numel (); i++)
                m_caught_that_stop.insert (V(i).string_value ());
                es.debug_on_caught (true);

    if (fail)
      error ("dbstop: invalid 'caught' field");

    // process warn
    // why so many levels of indirection needed?
    fail = false;
    U = mv.contents ("warn");
    if (U.numel () != 1)
      fail = (U.numel () > 1);
        Array<octave_value> W = U.index (0);
        if (W.isempty () || W(0).isempty ())
          es.debug_on_warning (true);    // like "dbstop if warning" with no identifier
        else if (! W(0).iscell ())
          fail = true;
            Cell V = W(0).cell_value ();
            for (int i = 0; i < V.numel (); i++)
                m_warnings_that_stop.insert (V(i).string_value ());
                es.debug_on_warning (true);

    if (fail)
      error ("dbstop: invalid 'warn' field");

    // process interrupt
    if (mv.isfield ("intr"))
      Vdebug_on_interrupt = true;

  // Insert a breakpoint in function fcn at line within file fname,
  // to stop only when condition is true.
  // Record in m_bp_set that fname contains a breakpoint.

  bool bp_table::add_breakpoint_1 (octave_user_code *fcn,
                                   const std::string& fname,
                                   const bp_table::bp_lines& line,
                                   const std::string& condition,
                                   bp_table::bp_lines& retval)
    bool found = false;

    tree_statement_list *cmds = fcn->body ();

    std::string file = fcn->fcn_file_name ();

    if (cmds)
        interpreter& interp = m_evaluator.get_interpreter ();

        event_manager& evmgr = interp.get_event_manager ();

        retval = cmds->add_breakpoint (evmgr, file, line, condition);

        for (auto& lineno : retval)
            if (lineno != 0)
                // Normalize to store only the file name.
                // Otherwise, there can be an entry for both
                // file>subfunction and file, which causes a crash on
                // dbclear all
                const char *s = strchr (fname.c_str (), '>');
                if (s)
                  m_bp_set.insert (fname.substr (0, s - fname.c_str ()));
                  m_bp_set.insert (fname);
                found = true;

    return found;

  // Cursory check that cond is a valid condition to use for a breakpoint.
  // Currently allows conditions with side-effects, like 'y+=10' and 'y++';
  // it is odd that the former is not flagged by "is_assignment_expression".
  // Throws an exception if not valid.

  bool bp_table::condition_valid (const std::string& cond)
    if (cond.length () > 0)
        // ; to reject partial expr like "y=="
        parser parser (cond + " ;", m_evaluator.get_interpreter ());
        parser.reset ();
        int parse_status = ();
        if (parse_status)
          error ("dbstop: Cannot parse condition '%s'", cond.c_str ());
            tree_statement *stmt = nullptr;

            std::shared_ptr<tree_statement_list> stmt_list
              = parser.statement_list ();

            if (! stmt_list)
              error ("dbstop: "
                     "condition is not empty, but has nothing to evaluate");
                if (stmt_list->length () == 1
                    && (stmt = stmt_list->front ())
                    && stmt->is_expression ())
                    tree_expression *expr = stmt->expression ();
                    if (expr->is_assignment_expression ())
                      error ("dbstop: condition cannot be an assignment.  "
                             "Did you mean '=='?");
                  error ("dbstop: condition must be an expression");

    return true;

  enum dbstop_args

  // FIXME: This function probably needs to be completely overhauled to
  // correctly parse the full syntax of the dbstop command and properly
  // reject incorrect forms.

  // Parse parameters (args) of dbstop and dbclear commands.
  // For dbstop, who=="dbstop"; for dbclear, who=="dbclear".
  // The syntax is: dbstop [[in] symbol] [[at] [method | line [line [...]]]] [if condition]
  // where the form of condition depends on whether or not a file or line has
  // been seen.  IF symbol and method are specified, then symbol should
  // be a class name.  Otherwise it should be a function name.
  // Also execute "if [error|warning|interrupt|naninf]" clauses.

  void bp_table::parse_dbfunction_params (const char *who,
                                          const octave_value_list& args,
                                          std::string& func_name,
                                          std::string& class_name,
                                          bp_table::bp_lines& lines,
                                          std::string& cond)
    int nargin = args.length ();
    func_name = "";
    class_name = "";
    lines = bp_table::bp_lines ();

    if (nargin == 0 || ! args(0).is_string ())
      print_usage (who);

    // elements already processed
    bool seen_in = false;
    bool seen_at = false;
    bool seen_if = false;
    int pos = 0;
    dbstop_args tok = dbstop_none;
    while (pos < nargin)
        // allow "in" and "at" to be implicit
        if (args(pos).is_string ())
            std::string arg = args(pos).string_value ();
            if (arg == "in")
                tok = dbstop_in;
            else if (arg == "at")
                tok = dbstop_at;
            else if (arg == "if")
                tok = dbstop_if;
            else if (atoi (args(pos).string_value ().c_str ()) > 0)
              tok = dbstop_at;
              tok = dbstop_in;
          tok = dbstop_at;

        if (pos >= nargin)
          error ("%s: '%s' missing argument", who,
                 (tok == dbstop_in
                  ? "in" : (tok == dbstop_at ? "at" : "if")));

        // process the actual arguments
        switch (tok)
          case dbstop_in:
            func_name = args(pos).string_value ();
            if (seen_in)
              error ("%s: Too many function names specified -- %s",
                     who, func_name.c_str ());
            else if (seen_at || seen_if)
              error ("%s: function name must come before line number and 'if'",
            seen_in = true;

          case dbstop_at:
            if (seen_at)
              error ("%s: Only one 'at' clause is allowed -- %s",
                     who, args(pos).string_value ().c_str ());
            else if (seen_if)
              error ("%s: line number must come before 'if' clause\n", who);
            seen_at = true;

            if (seen_if)
              error ("%s: line number must come before 'if' clause\n", who);
            else if (seen_in)
                std::string arg = args(pos).string_value ();

                // FIXME: we really want to distinguish number
                // vs. method name here.

                if (atoi (arg.c_str ()) == 0)
                    // We have class and function names but already
                    // stored the class name in func_name.
                    class_name = func_name;
                    func_name = arg;

                // It was a line number.  Get function name from debugger.
                if (m_evaluator.in_debug_repl ())
                  func_name = m_evaluator.get_user_code ()->profiler_name ();
                  error ("%s: function name must come before line number "
                         "and 'if'", who);
                seen_in = true;

            // Read a list of line numbers (or arrays thereof)
            for ( ; pos < nargin; pos++)
                if (args(pos).is_string ())
                    int line = atoi (args(pos).string_value ().c_str ());

                    if (line > 0)
                      lines.insert (line);
                      break;        // may be "if" or a method name
                else if (args(pos).isnumeric ())
                    const NDArray arg = args(pos).array_value ();

                    for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < arg.numel (); j++)
                      lines.insert (static_cast<int> (arg.elem (j)));
                  error ("%s: Invalid argument type %s",
                         who, args(pos).type_name ().c_str ());

          case dbstop_if:
            if (seen_in)    // conditional breakpoint
                cond = "";  // remaining arguments form condition
                for (; pos < nargin; pos++)
                    if (args(pos).is_string ())
                      cond += ' ' + args(pos).string_value ();
                      error ("%s: arguments to 'if' must all be strings", who);

                cond = cond.substr (1);   // omit initial space
            else    // stop on event (error, warning, interrupt, NaN/inf)
                std::string condition = args(pos).string_value ();
                bool on_off = ! strcmp (who, "dbstop");

                // FIXME: the following seems a bit messy in the way it
                // duplicates checks on CONDITION.

                if (condition == "error")
                  process_id_list (who, condition, args, nargin, pos, on_off,
                else if (condition == "warning")
                  process_id_list (who, condition, args, nargin, pos, on_off,
                else if (condition == "caught" && nargin > pos+1
                         && args(pos+1).string_value () == "error")
                    process_id_list (who, condition, args, nargin, pos, on_off,
                else if (condition == "interrupt")
                    Vdebug_on_interrupt = on_off;
                else if (condition == "naninf")
#if defined (DBSTOP_NANINF)
                    Vdebug_on_naninf = on_off;
                    enable_fpe (on_off);
                    warning ("%s: condition '%s' not yet supported",
                             who, condition.c_str ());
                  error ("%s: invalid condition %s",
                         who, condition.c_str ());

                pos = nargin;

          default:      // dbstop_none should never occur

%! dbclear all;   # Clear out breakpoints before test
%! dbstop help;
%! dbstop in ls;
%! dbstop help at 105;  # 105 is a comment; code line is at 106
%! dbstop in ls 102;
%! dbstop help 204 if a==5;
%! dbstop if error Octave:undefined-function;
%! s = dbstatus;
%! dbclear all;
%! assert ({s.bkpt(:).name}, {"help", "help", "help>do_contents", "ls", "ls"});
%! assert ([s.bkpt(:).line], [56, 106, 208, 63, 102]);
%! assert (s.errs, {"Octave:undefined-function"});

  void bp_table::set_stop_flag (const char *who, const std::string& condition,
                                bool on_off)
    interpreter& interp = m_evaluator.get_interpreter ();
    error_system& es = interp.get_error_system ();

    if (condition == "error")
      es.debug_on_error (on_off);
    else if (condition == "warning")
      es.debug_on_warning (on_off);
    else if (condition == "caught")
      es.debug_on_caught (on_off);
      error ("%s: internal error in set_stop_flag", who);

  void bp_table::process_id_list (const char *who,
                                  const std::string& condition,
                                  const octave_value_list& args,
                                  int nargin, int& pos, bool on_off,
                                  std::set<std::string>& id_list)

    if (nargin > pos)       // only affect a single error ID
        if (! args(pos).is_string () || nargin > pos+1)
          error ("%s: ID must be a single string", who);
        else if (on_off)
            id_list.insert (args(pos).string_value ());
            set_stop_flag (who, condition, true);
            id_list.erase (args(pos).string_value ());
            if (id_list.empty ())
              set_stop_flag (who, condition, false);
    else   // unqualified.  Turn all on or off
        id_list.clear ();
        set_stop_flag (who, condition, on_off);

        if (condition == "error")
            // Matlab stops on both.
            Vdebug_on_interrupt = on_off;

  // Return the sub/nested/main function of MAIN_FCN that contains
  // line number LINENO of the source file.
  // If END_LINE != 0, *END_LINE is set to last line of the returned function.

  static octave_user_code * find_fcn_by_line (octave_user_code *main_fcn,
                                              int lineno,
                                              int *end_line = nullptr)
    octave_user_code *retval = nullptr;
    octave_user_code *next_fcn = nullptr;  // 1st function starting after lineno

    // Find innermost nested (or parent) function containing lineno.
    int earliest_end = std::numeric_limits<int>::max ();

    std::map<std::string, octave_value> subfcns = main_fcn->subfunctions ();
    for (const auto& str_val_p : subfcns)
        if (str_val_p.second.is_user_function ())
            auto *dbg_subfcn = str_val_p.second.user_function_value ();

            // Check if lineno is within dbg_subfcn.
            // FIXME: we could break when beginning_line() > lineno,
            // but that makes the code "fragile"
            // if the order of walking subfcns changes,
            // for a minor speed improvement in non-critical code.
            if (dbg_subfcn->ending_line () < earliest_end
                && dbg_subfcn->ending_line () >= lineno
                && dbg_subfcn->beginning_line () <= lineno)
                earliest_end = dbg_subfcn->ending_line ();
                retval = find_fcn_by_line (dbg_subfcn, lineno, &earliest_end);

            // Find the first fcn starting after lineno.
            // This is used if line is not inside any function.
            if (dbg_subfcn->beginning_line () >= lineno && ! next_fcn)
              next_fcn = dbg_subfcn;

    // The breakpoint is either in the subfunction found above,
    // or in the main function, which we check now.
    if (main_fcn->is_user_function ())
        int e = dynamic_cast<octave_user_function *> (main_fcn)->ending_line ();
        if (e >= lineno && e < earliest_end)
          retval = main_fcn;

        if (! retval)
          retval = next_fcn;
    else  // main_fcn is a script.
        if (! retval)
          retval = main_fcn;

    if (end_line && earliest_end < *end_line)
      *end_line = earliest_end;

    return retval;

  // Given file name fname, find the subfunction at line and create
  // a breakpoint there.  Put the system into debug_mode.
  int bp_table::add_breakpoint_in_function (const std::string& fname,
                                            const std::string& class_name,
                                            int line,
                                            const std::string& condition)
    bp_lines line_info;
    line_info.insert (line);

    bp_lines result
      = add_breakpoints_in_function (fname, class_name, line_info, condition);

    return result.empty () ? 0 : *(result.begin ());

  // Given file name fname, find the subfunction at line and create
  // a breakpoint there.  Put the system into debug_mode.
  bp_table::add_breakpoints_in_function (const std::string& fname,
                                         const std::string& class_name,
                                         const bp_table::bp_lines& lines,
                                         const std::string& condition)
    octave_user_code *main_fcn = m_evaluator.get_user_code (fname, class_name);

    if (! main_fcn)
      error ("add_breakpoints_in_function: unable to find function '%s'\n",
             fname.c_str ());

    condition_valid (condition);  // Throw error if condition not valid.

    bp_lines retval;

    for (const auto& lineno : lines)
        octave_user_code *dbg_fcn = find_fcn_by_line (main_fcn, lineno);

        // We've found the right (sub)function.  Now insert the breakpoint.
        bp_lines line_info;
        line_info.insert (lineno);

        bp_lines ret_one;
        if (dbg_fcn && add_breakpoint_1 (dbg_fcn, fname, line_info,
                                         condition, ret_one))
            if (! ret_one.empty ())
                int line = *(ret_one.begin ());

                if (line)
                  retval.insert (line);

    m_evaluator.reset_debug_state ();

    return retval;

  int bp_table::add_breakpoint_in_file (const std::string& file,
                                        int line,
                                        const std::string& condition)
    // Duplicates what the GUI was doing previously, but this action
    // should not be specific to the GUI.

    bp_file_info info (m_evaluator, file);

    if (! info.ok ())
      return 0;

    return add_breakpoint_in_function (info.fcn (), info.class_name (),
                                       line, condition);

  bp_table::add_breakpoints_in_file (const std::string& file,
                                     const bp_lines& lines,
                                     const std::string& condition)
    // Duplicates what the GUI was doing previously, but this action
    // should not be specific to the GUI.

    bp_file_info info (m_evaluator, file);

    if (! info.ok ())
      return bp_lines ();

    return add_breakpoints_in_function (info.fcn (), info.class_name (),
                                        lines, condition);

  int bp_table::remove_breakpoint_1 (octave_user_code *fcn,
                                     const std::string& fname,
                                     const bp_table::bp_lines& lines)
    int retval = 0;

    std::string file = fcn->fcn_file_name ();

    tree_statement_list *cmds = fcn->body ();

    // FIXME: move the operation on cmds to the tree_statement_list class?

    if (cmds)
        octave_value_list results = cmds->list_breakpoints ();

        if (results.length () > 0)
            interpreter& interp = m_evaluator.get_interpreter ();

            event_manager& evmgr = interp.get_event_manager ();

            for (const auto& lineno : lines)
                cmds->delete_breakpoint (lineno);

                if (! file.empty ())
                  evmgr.update_breakpoint (false, file, lineno);

            results = cmds->list_breakpoints ();

            auto it = m_bp_set.find (fname);
            if (results.empty () && it != m_bp_set.end ())
              m_bp_set.erase (it);

        retval = results.length ();

    return retval;

  bp_table::remove_breakpoint_from_function (const std::string& fname, int line)
    bp_lines line_info;
    line_info.insert (line);

    return remove_breakpoints_from_function (fname, line_info);

  bp_table::remove_breakpoints_from_function (const std::string& fname,
                                              const bp_table::bp_lines& lines)
    int retval = 0;

    if (lines.empty ())
        bp_lines results = remove_all_breakpoints_from_function (fname);
        retval = results.size ();
        octave_user_code *dbg_fcn = m_evaluator.get_user_code (fname);

        if (! dbg_fcn)
          error ("remove_breakpoints_from_function: unable to find function %s\n",
                 fname.c_str ());

        retval = remove_breakpoint_1 (dbg_fcn, fname, lines);

        // Search subfunctions in the order they appear in the file.

        const std::list<std::string> subfcn_names
          = dbg_fcn->subfunction_names ();

        std::map<std::string, octave_value> subfcns
          = dbg_fcn->subfunctions ();

        for (const auto& subf_nm : subfcn_names)
            const auto q = subfcns.find (subf_nm);

            if (q != subfcns.end ())
                octave_user_code *dbg_subfcn = q->second.user_code_value ();

                retval += remove_breakpoint_1 (dbg_subfcn, fname, lines);

    m_evaluator.reset_debug_state ();

    return retval;

  // Remove all breakpoints from a file, including those in subfunctions.

  bp_table::remove_all_breakpoints_from_function (const std::string& fname,
                                                  bool silent)
    bp_lines retval;

    octave_user_code *dbg_fcn = m_evaluator.get_user_code (fname);

    if (dbg_fcn)
        std::string file = dbg_fcn->fcn_file_name ();

        tree_statement_list *cmds = dbg_fcn->body ();

        if (cmds)
            interpreter& interp = m_evaluator.get_interpreter ();

            event_manager& evmgr = interp.get_event_manager ();

            retval = cmds->remove_all_breakpoints (evmgr, file);

            auto it = m_bp_set.find (fname);
            if (it != m_bp_set.end ())
              m_bp_set.erase (it);
    else if (! silent)
      error ("remove_all_breakpoints_from_function: "
             "unable to find function %s\n", fname.c_str ());

    m_evaluator.reset_debug_state ();

    return retval;

  bp_table::remove_breakpoint_from_file (const std::string& file, int line)
    // Duplicates what the GUI was doing previously, but this action
    // should not be specific to the GUI.

    bp_file_info info (m_evaluator, file);

    if (! info.ok ())
      return 0;

    return remove_breakpoint_from_function (info.fcn (), line);

  bp_table::remove_breakpoints_from_file (const std::string& file,
                                          const bp_lines& lines)
    // Duplicates what the GUI was doing previously, but this action
    // should not be specific to the GUI.

    bp_file_info info (m_evaluator, file);

    if (! info.ok ())
      return 0;

    return remove_breakpoints_from_function (info.fcn (), lines);

  bp_table::remove_all_breakpoints_from_file (const std::string& file,
                                              bool silent)
    // Duplicates what the GUI was doing previously, but this action
    // should not be specific to the GUI.

    bp_file_info info (m_evaluator, file);

    if (! info.ok ())
      return bp_lines ();

    return remove_all_breakpoints_from_function (info.fcn (), silent);

  void bp_table::remove_all_breakpoints (void)
    // Odd loop structure required because delete will invalidate
    // m_bp_set iterators.
    for (auto it = m_bp_set.cbegin (), it_next = it;
         it != m_bp_set.cend ();
         it = it_next)
        remove_all_breakpoints_from_function (*it);

    m_evaluator.reset_debug_state ();

  std::string find_bkpt_list (octave_value_list slist, std::string match)
    std::string retval;

    for (int i = 0; i < slist.length (); i++)
        if (slist(i).string_value () == match)
            retval = slist(i).string_value ();

    return retval;

  bp_table::get_breakpoint_list (const octave_value_list& fname_list)
    fname_bp_map retval;

    // make copy since changes may invalidate iters of m_bp_set.
    std::set<std::string> tmp_bp_set = m_bp_set;

    for (auto& bp_fname : tmp_bp_set)
        if (fname_list.empty ()
            || find_bkpt_list (fname_list, bp_fname) != "")
            octave_user_code *dbg_fcn = m_evaluator.get_user_code (bp_fname);

            if (dbg_fcn)
                tree_statement_list *cmds = dbg_fcn->body ();

                // FIXME: move the operation on cmds to the
                //        tree_statement_list class?
                if (cmds)
                    std::list<bp_type> bkpts = cmds->breakpoints_and_conds ();

                    if (! bkpts.empty ())
                      retval[bp_fname] = bkpts;

                // look for breakpoints in subfunctions
                const std::list<std::string> subf_nm
                  = dbg_fcn->subfunction_names ();

                std::map<std::string, octave_value> subfcns
                  = dbg_fcn->subfunctions ();

                for (const auto& subfcn_nm : subf_nm)
                    const auto q = subfcns.find (subfcn_nm);

                    if (q != subfcns.end ())
                        octave_user_code *dbg_subfcn
                          = q->second.user_code_value ();

                        cmds = dbg_subfcn->body ();
                        if (cmds)
                            std::list<bp_type> bkpts
                              = cmds->breakpoints_and_conds ();

                            if (! bkpts.empty ())
                                std::string key
                                  = bp_fname + '>' + dbg_subfcn->name ();

                                retval[key] = bkpts;

    return retval;

  // Report the status of "dbstop if error ..." and "dbstop if warning ..."
  // If to_screen is true, the output goes to octave_stdout; otherwise it is
  // returned.
  // If dbstop if error is true but no explicit IDs are specified, the return
  // value will have an empty field called "errs".  If IDs are specified, the
  // "errs" field will have a row per ID.  If dbstop if error is false, there
  // is no "errs" field.  The "warn" field is set similarly by dbstop if warning

  octave_map bp_table::stop_on_err_warn_status (bool to_screen)
    octave_map retval;

    interpreter& interp = m_evaluator.get_interpreter ();
    error_system& es = interp.get_error_system ();

    // print dbstop if error information
    if (es.debug_on_error ())
        if (m_errors_that_stop.empty ())
            if (to_screen)
              octave_stdout << "stop if error\n";
              retval.assign ("errs", octave_value(""));
            Cell errs (dim_vector (bp_table::m_errors_that_stop.size (), 1));
            int i = 0;

            for (const auto& e : m_errors_that_stop)
                if (to_screen)
                  octave_stdout << "stop if error " << e << "\n";
                  errs(i++) = e;
            if (! to_screen)
              retval.assign ("errs", octave_value (errs));

    // print dbstop if caught error information
    if (es.debug_on_caught ())
        if (m_caught_that_stop.empty ())
            if (to_screen)
              octave_stdout << "stop if caught error\n";
              retval.assign ("caught", octave_value(""));
            Cell errs (dim_vector (m_caught_that_stop.size (), 1));
            int i = 0;

            for (const auto& e : m_caught_that_stop)
                if (to_screen)
                  octave_stdout << "stop if caught error " << e << "\n";
                  errs(i++) = e;
            if (! to_screen)
              retval.assign ("caught", octave_value (errs));

    // print dbstop if warning information
    if (es.debug_on_warning ())
        if (m_warnings_that_stop.empty ())
            if (to_screen)
              octave_stdout << "stop if warning\n";
              retval.assign ("warn", octave_value(""));
            Cell warn (dim_vector (m_warnings_that_stop.size (), 1));
            int i = 0;

            for (const auto& w : m_warnings_that_stop)
                if (to_screen)
                  octave_stdout << "stop if warning " << w << "\n";
                  warn(i++) = w;
            if (! to_screen)
              retval.assign ("warn", octave_value (warn));

    // print dbstop if interrupt information
    if (Vdebug_on_interrupt)
        if (to_screen)
          octave_stdout << "stop if interrupt\n";
          retval.assign ("intr", octave_value ());

    return retval;