view libinterp/octave-value/ov.h @ 30569:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
parents 84344af9b019
children 83f9f8bda883 2989202f92f8
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 1996-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if ! defined (octave_ov_h)
#define octave_ov_h 1

#include "octave-config.h"

#include <cstdlib>

#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <map>

#include "Range.h"
#include "data-conv.h"
#include "idx-vector.h"
#include "mach-info.h"
#include "mx-base.h"
#include "oct-sort.h"
#include "oct-time.h"
#include "str-vec.h"


  class stack_frame;
  class type_info;


class Cell;
class float_format;
class mxArray;
class octave_map;
class octave_scalar_map;
class octave_function;
class octave_user_function;
class octave_fcn_handle;
class octave_value_list;

#include "mxtypes.h"

#include "oct-stream.h"
#include "ov-base.h"


  enum unary_op
    op_not,            // not
    op_uplus,          // uplus
    op_uminus,         // uminus
    op_transpose,      // transpose
    op_hermitian,      // ctranspose

  enum binary_op
    op_add,            // plus
    op_sub,            // minus
    op_mul,            // mtimes
    op_div,            // mrdivide
    op_pow,            // mpower
    op_ldiv,           // mldivide
    op_lt,             // lt
    op_le,             // le
    op_eq,             // eq
    op_ge,             // ge
    op_gt,             // gt
    op_ne,             // ne
    op_el_mul,         // times
    op_el_div,         // rdivide
    op_el_pow,         // power
    op_el_ldiv,        // ldivide
    op_el_and,         // and
    op_el_or,          // or

  enum compound_binary_op
    // ** compound operations **

  enum assign_op

  static OCTINTERP_API binary_op assign_op_to_binary_op (assign_op);

  static OCTINTERP_API assign_op binary_op_to_assign_op (binary_op);

  static OCTINTERP_API std::string unary_op_as_string (unary_op);
  static OCTINTERP_API std::string unary_op_fcn_name (unary_op);

  static OCTINTERP_API std::string binary_op_as_string (binary_op);
  static OCTINTERP_API std::string binary_op_fcn_name (binary_op);

  static OCTINTERP_API std::string binary_op_fcn_name (compound_binary_op);

  static OCTINTERP_API std::string assign_op_as_string (assign_op);

  static OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  empty_conv (const std::string& type,
              const octave_value& rhs = octave_value ());

  enum magic_colon { magic_colon_t };

  octave_value (void)
    : m_rep (nil_rep ())

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (short int i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (unsigned short int i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (int i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (unsigned int i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (long int i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (unsigned long int i);

  // FIXME: These are kluges.  They turn into doubles internally, which will
  // break for very large values.  We just use them to store things like
  // 64-bit ino_t, etc, and hope that those values are never actually larger
  // than can be represented exactly in a double.

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (long long int i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (unsigned long long int i);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (octave::sys::time t);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (double d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (float d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_value>& a,
                              bool is_cs_list = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Cell& c, bool is_cs_list = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Matrix& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatMatrix& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const NDArray& nda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatNDArray& nda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<double>& m);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<float>& m);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const DiagMatrix& d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const DiagArray2<double>& d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const DiagArray2<float>& d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const DiagArray2<Complex>& d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const DiagArray2<FloatComplex>& d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatDiagMatrix& d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const RowVector& v);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatRowVector& v);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const ColumnVector& v);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatColumnVector& v);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Complex& C);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatComplex& C);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const ComplexMatrix& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatComplexMatrix& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const ComplexNDArray& cnda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatComplexNDArray& cnda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<Complex>& m);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<FloatComplex>& m);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const ComplexDiagMatrix& d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatComplexDiagMatrix& d);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const ComplexRowVector& v);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatComplexRowVector& v);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const ComplexColumnVector& v);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const FloatComplexColumnVector& v);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const PermMatrix& p);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (bool b);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const boolMatrix& bm,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const boolNDArray& bnda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<bool>& bnda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (char c, char type = '\'');
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const char *s, char type = '\'');
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const std::string& s, char type = '\'');
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const string_vector& s, char type = '\'');
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const charMatrix& chm,  char type = '\'');
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const charNDArray& chnda, char type = '\'');
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<char>& chnda, char type = '\'');

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const SparseMatrix& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Sparse<double>& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const SparseComplexMatrix& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Sparse<Complex>& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const SparseBoolMatrix& bm,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Sparse<bool>& m,
                              const MatrixType& t = MatrixType ());
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_int8& i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_int16& i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_int32& i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_int64& i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_uint8& i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_uint16& i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_uint32& i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_uint64& i);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const int8NDArray& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_int8>& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const int16NDArray& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_int16>& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const int32NDArray& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_int32>& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const int64NDArray& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_int64>& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const uint8NDArray& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_uint8>& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const uint16NDArray& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_uint16>& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const uint32NDArray& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_uint32>& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const uint64NDArray& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_uint64>& inda);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<octave_idx_type>& inda,
                              bool zero_based = false,
                              bool cache_index = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const Array<std::string>& cellstr);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::idx_vector& idx, bool lazy = true);


  // Remove when public constructors that use this function are removed.
  static OCTINTERP_API octave_base_value *
  make_range_rep_deprecated (double base, double inc, double limit);

  // Remove when public constructors that use this function are removed.
  static OCTINTERP_API octave_base_value *
  make_range_rep_deprecated (const Range& r, bool force_range);


  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave_value (range<double>&)' instead")
  octave_value (double base, double limit, double inc)
    : m_rep (make_range_rep_deprecated (base, inc, limit))
    maybe_mutate ();

  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave_value (range<double>&)' instead")
  octave_value (const Range& r, bool force_range = false)
    : m_rep (make_range_rep_deprecated (r, force_range))
    maybe_mutate ();

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<char>& r, char type,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<float>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<double>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<octave_int8>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<octave_int16>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<octave_int32>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<octave_int64>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<octave_uint8>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<octave_uint16>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<octave_uint32>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave::range<octave_uint64>& r,
                              bool force_range = false);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_map& m);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_scalar_map& m);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const std::map<std::string, octave_value>&);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_map& m, const std::string& id,
                              const std::list<std::string>& plist);
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_scalar_map& m, const std::string& id,
                              const std::list<std::string>& plist);

  // This one is explicit because it can cause some trouble to
  // accidentally create a cs-list when one was not intended.
  explicit OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_value_list& m);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (octave_value::magic_colon);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (octave_base_value *new_rep, bool borrow = false);

  // Copy constructor.

  octave_value (const octave_value& a)
    : m_rep (a.m_rep)

  octave_value (octave_value&& a)
    : m_rep (a.m_rep)
    a.m_rep = nullptr;

  // This should only be called for derived types.

  OCTINTERP_API octave_base_value * clone (void) const;

  octave_base_value * empty_clone (void) const
  { return m_rep->empty_clone (); }

  // Delete the representation of this constant if the count drops to zero.

  ~octave_value (void)
    // Because we define a move constructor and a move assignment
    // operator, rep may be a nullptr here.  We should only need to
    // protect the move assignment operator in a similar way.

    if (m_rep && --m_rep->count == 0 && m_rep != nil_rep ())
      delete m_rep;

  void make_unique (void)
    if (m_rep->count > 1)
        octave_base_value *r = m_rep->unique_clone ();

        if (--m_rep->count == 0 && m_rep != nil_rep ())
          delete m_rep;

        m_rep = r;

  // This uniquifies the value if it is referenced by more than a certain
  // number of shallow copies.  This is useful for optimizations where we
  // know a certain copy, typically within a cell array, to be obsolete.
  void make_unique (int obsolete_copies)
    if (m_rep->count > obsolete_copies + 1)
        octave_base_value *r = m_rep->unique_clone ();

        if (--m_rep->count == 0 && m_rep != nil_rep ())
          delete m_rep;

        m_rep = r;

  // Convert any nested function handles in this object to use weak
  // references to their enclosing stack frame context.  Used to break
  // shared_ptr reference cycles for handles to nested functions
  // (closures).
  void break_closure_cycles (const std::shared_ptr<octave::stack_frame>&);

  // Simple assignment.

  octave_value& operator = (const octave_value& a)
    if (m_rep != a.m_rep)
        if (--m_rep->count == 0 && m_rep != nil_rep ())
          delete m_rep;

        m_rep = a.m_rep;

    return *this;

  octave_value& operator = (octave_value&& a)
    // Because we define a move constructor and a move assignment
    // operator, rep may be a nullptr here.  We should only need to
    // protect the destructor in a similar way.

    if (this != &a)
        if (m_rep && --m_rep->count == 0 && m_rep != nil_rep ())
          delete m_rep;

        m_rep = a.m_rep;
        a.m_rep = nullptr;

    return *this;

  octave_idx_type get_count (void) const { return m_rep->count; }

  octave_base_value::type_conv_info numeric_conversion_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->numeric_conversion_function (); }

  octave_base_value::type_conv_info numeric_demotion_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->numeric_demotion_function (); }

  OCTINTERP_API void maybe_mutate (void);

  octave_value squeeze (void) const
  { return m_rep->squeeze (); }

  // The result of full().
  octave_value full_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->full_value (); }

  // Type conversions.

  octave_value as_double (void) const { return m_rep->as_double (); }
  octave_value as_single (void) const { return m_rep->as_single (); }

  octave_value as_int8 (void) const { return m_rep->as_int8 (); }
  octave_value as_int16 (void) const { return m_rep->as_int16 (); }
  octave_value as_int32 (void) const { return m_rep->as_int32 (); }
  octave_value as_int64 (void) const { return m_rep->as_int64 (); }

  octave_value as_uint8 (void) const { return m_rep->as_uint8 (); }
  octave_value as_uint16 (void) const { return m_rep->as_uint16 (); }
  octave_value as_uint32 (void) const { return m_rep->as_uint32 (); }
  octave_value as_uint64 (void) const { return m_rep->as_uint64 (); }

  octave_base_value * try_narrowing_conversion (void)
  { return m_rep->try_narrowing_conversion (); }

  // Close to dims (), but can be overloaded for classes.
  Matrix size (void)
  { return m_rep->size (); }

  // FIXME: should this function be deprecated and removed?  It supports
  // an undocumented feature of Matlab.
  octave_idx_type xnumel (const octave_value_list& idx)
  { return m_rep->xnumel (idx); }

  // FIXME: Do we really need all these different versions of subsref
  // and related functions?

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  single_subsref (const std::string& type, const octave_value_list& idx);

  octave_value subsref (const std::string& type,
                        const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx)
  { return m_rep->subsref (type, idx); }

  octave_value subsref (const std::string& type,
                        const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx,
                        bool auto_add)
  { return m_rep->subsref (type, idx, auto_add); }

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value_list
  subsref (const std::string& type, const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx,
           int nargout);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  next_subsref (const std::string& type,
                const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx, std::size_t skip = 1);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value_list
  next_subsref (int nargout, const std::string& type,
                const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx, std::size_t skip = 1);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  next_subsref (bool auto_add, const std::string& type,
                const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx, std::size_t skip = 1);

  octave_value index_op (const octave_value_list& idx, bool resize_ok = false)
    return m_rep->do_index_op (idx, resize_ok);

  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave_value::index_op' instead")
  octave_value do_index_op (const octave_value_list& idx,
                            bool resize_ok = false)
    return index_op (idx, resize_ok);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  subsasgn (const std::string& type, const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx,
            const octave_value& rhs);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  undef_subsasgn (const std::string& type,
                  const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx,
                  const octave_value& rhs);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value&
  assign (assign_op op, const std::string& type,
          const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx, const octave_value& rhs);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value& assign (assign_op, const octave_value& rhs);

  octave::idx_vector index_vector (bool require_integers = false) const
    return m_rep->index_vector (require_integers);

  // Size.

  dim_vector dims (void) const { return m_rep->dims (); }

  OCTINTERP_API std::string get_dims_str (void) const;

  octave_idx_type rows (void) const { return m_rep->rows (); }

  octave_idx_type columns (void) const { return m_rep->columns (); }

  OCTINTERP_API octave_idx_type length (void) const;

  int ndims (void) const { return m_rep->ndims (); }

  bool all_zero_dims (void) const { return dims ().all_zero (); }

  // Are the dimensions of this constant zero by zero?
  bool is_zero_by_zero (void) const
  { return (ndims () == 2 && rows () == 0 && columns () == 0); }

  octave_idx_type numel (void) const
  { return m_rep->numel (); }

  std::size_t byte_size (void) const
  { return m_rep->byte_size (); }

  octave_idx_type nnz (void) const { return m_rep->nnz (); }

  octave_idx_type nzmax (void) const { return m_rep->nzmax (); }

  octave_idx_type nfields (void) const { return m_rep->nfields (); }

  octave_value reshape (const dim_vector& dv) const
  { return m_rep->reshape (dv); }

  octave_value permute (const Array<int>& vec, bool inv = false) const
  { return m_rep->permute (vec, inv); }

  octave_value ipermute (const Array<int>& vec) const
  { return m_rep->permute (vec, true); }

  octave_value resize (const dim_vector& dv, bool fill = false) const
  { return m_rep->resize (dv, fill);}

  MatrixType matrix_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->matrix_type (); }

  MatrixType matrix_type (const MatrixType& typ) const
  { return m_rep->matrix_type (typ); }

  // Does this constant have a type?  Both of these are provided since it is
  // sometimes more natural to write is_undefined() instead of ! is_defined().

  bool is_defined (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_defined (); }

  bool is_undefined (void) const
  { return ! is_defined (); }

  bool isempty (void) const
  { return m_rep->isempty (); }

  bool iscell (void) const
  { return m_rep->iscell (); }

  bool iscellstr (void) const
  { return m_rep->iscellstr (); }

  bool is_real_scalar (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_real_scalar (); }

  bool is_real_matrix (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_real_matrix (); }

  bool is_complex_scalar (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_complex_scalar (); }

  bool is_complex_matrix (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_complex_matrix (); }

  bool is_bool_scalar (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_bool_scalar (); }

  bool is_bool_matrix (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_bool_matrix (); }

  bool is_char_matrix (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_char_matrix (); }

  bool is_diag_matrix (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_diag_matrix (); }

  bool is_perm_matrix (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_perm_matrix (); }

  bool is_string (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_string (); }

  bool is_sq_string (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_sq_string (); }

  bool is_dq_string (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_string () && ! m_rep->is_sq_string (); }

  bool is_range (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_range (); }

  bool isstruct (void) const
  { return m_rep->isstruct (); }

  bool is_classdef_meta (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_classdef_meta (); }

  bool is_classdef_object (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_classdef_object (); }

  bool is_classdef_superclass_ref (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_classdef_superclass_ref (); }

  bool is_package (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_package (); }

  bool isobject (void) const
  { return m_rep->isobject (); }

  bool isjava (void) const
  { return m_rep->isjava (); }

  bool is_cs_list (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_cs_list (); }

  bool is_magic_colon (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_magic_colon (); }

  bool is_magic_int (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_magic_int (); }

  bool isnull (void) const
  { return m_rep->isnull (); }

  // Are any or all of the elements in this constant nonzero?

  octave_value all (int dim = 0) const
  { return m_rep->all (dim); }

  octave_value any (int dim = 0) const
  { return m_rep->any (dim); }

  builtin_type_t builtin_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->builtin_type (); }

  // Floating point types.

  bool is_double_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_double_type (); }

  bool is_single_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_single_type (); }

  bool isfloat (void) const
  { return m_rep->isfloat (); }

  // Integer types.

  bool is_int8_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_int8_type (); }

  bool is_int16_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_int16_type (); }

  bool is_int32_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_int32_type (); }

  bool is_int64_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_int64_type (); }

  bool is_uint8_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_uint8_type (); }

  bool is_uint16_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_uint16_type (); }

  bool is_uint32_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_uint32_type (); }

  bool is_uint64_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_uint64_type (); }

  bool isinteger (void) const
  { return m_rep->isinteger (); }

  // Other type stuff.

  bool islogical (void) const
  { return m_rep->islogical (); }

  bool isreal (void) const
  { return m_rep->isreal (); }

  bool iscomplex (void) const
  { return m_rep->iscomplex (); }

  bool is_scalar_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_scalar_type (); }

  bool is_matrix_type (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_matrix_type (); }

  bool isnumeric (void) const
  { return m_rep->isnumeric (); }

  bool issparse (void) const
  { return m_rep->issparse (); }

  // Does this constant correspond to a truth value?

  bool is_true (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_true (); }

  // Do two constants match (in a switch statement)?

  bool is_equal (const octave_value&) const;

  bool is_constant (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_constant (); }

  bool is_function_handle (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_function_handle (); }

  bool is_anonymous_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_anonymous_function (); }

  bool is_inline_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_inline_function (); }

  bool is_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_function (); }

  bool is_user_script (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_user_script (); }

  bool is_user_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_user_function (); }

  bool is_user_code (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_user_code (); }

  bool is_builtin_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_builtin_function (); }

  bool is_dld_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_dld_function (); }

  bool is_mex_function (void) const
  { return m_rep->is_mex_function (); }

  void erase_subfunctions (void) { m_rep->erase_subfunctions (); }

  // Values.

  octave_value eval (void) { return *this; }

  short int
  short_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->short_value (req_int, frc_str_conv); }

  unsigned short int
  ushort_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->ushort_value (req_int, frc_str_conv); }

  int int_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->int_value (req_int, frc_str_conv); }

  unsigned int
  uint_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->uint_value (req_int, frc_str_conv); }

  int nint_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->nint_value (frc_str_conv); }

  long int
  long_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->long_value (req_int, frc_str_conv); }

  unsigned long int
  ulong_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->ulong_value (req_int, frc_str_conv); }

  int64_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->int64_value (req_int, frc_str_conv); }

  uint64_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->uint64_value (req_int, frc_str_conv); }

  idx_type_value (bool req_int = false, bool frc_str_conv = false) const;

  double double_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->double_value (frc_str_conv); }

  float float_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_value (frc_str_conv); }

  double scalar_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->scalar_value (frc_str_conv); }

  float float_scalar_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_scalar_value (frc_str_conv); }

  Matrix matrix_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->matrix_value (frc_str_conv); }

  FloatMatrix float_matrix_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_matrix_value (frc_str_conv); }

  NDArray array_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->array_value (frc_str_conv); }

  FloatNDArray float_array_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_array_value (frc_str_conv); }

  Complex complex_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->complex_value (frc_str_conv); }

  FloatComplex float_complex_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_complex_value (frc_str_conv); }

  ComplexMatrix complex_matrix_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->complex_matrix_value (frc_str_conv); }

  float_complex_matrix_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_complex_matrix_value (frc_str_conv); }

  ComplexNDArray complex_array_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->complex_array_value (frc_str_conv); }

  float_complex_array_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_complex_array_value (frc_str_conv); }

  bool bool_value (bool warn = false) const
  { return m_rep->bool_value (warn); }

  boolMatrix bool_matrix_value (bool warn = false) const
  { return m_rep->bool_matrix_value (warn); }

  boolNDArray bool_array_value (bool warn = false) const
  { return m_rep->bool_array_value (warn); }

  charMatrix char_matrix_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->char_matrix_value (frc_str_conv); }

  charNDArray char_array_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->char_array_value (frc_str_conv); }

  SparseMatrix sparse_matrix_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->sparse_matrix_value (frc_str_conv); }

  sparse_complex_matrix_value (bool frc_str_conv = false) const
  { return m_rep->sparse_complex_matrix_value (frc_str_conv); }

  SparseBoolMatrix sparse_bool_matrix_value (bool warn = false) const
  { return m_rep->sparse_bool_matrix_value (warn); }

  DiagMatrix diag_matrix_value (bool force = false) const
  { return m_rep->diag_matrix_value (force); }

  FloatDiagMatrix float_diag_matrix_value (bool force = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_diag_matrix_value (force); }

  ComplexDiagMatrix complex_diag_matrix_value (bool force = false) const
  { return m_rep->complex_diag_matrix_value (force); }

  float_complex_diag_matrix_value (bool force = false) const
  { return m_rep->float_complex_diag_matrix_value (force); }

  PermMatrix perm_matrix_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->perm_matrix_value (); }

  octave_int8 int8_scalar_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int8_scalar_value (); }

  octave_int16 int16_scalar_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int16_scalar_value (); }

  octave_int32 int32_scalar_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int32_scalar_value (); }

  octave_int64 int64_scalar_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int64_scalar_value (); }

  octave_uint8 uint8_scalar_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint8_scalar_value (); }

  octave_uint16 uint16_scalar_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint16_scalar_value (); }

  octave_uint32 uint32_scalar_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint32_scalar_value (); }

  octave_uint64 uint64_scalar_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint64_scalar_value (); }

  int8NDArray int8_array_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int8_array_value (); }

  int16NDArray int16_array_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int16_array_value (); }

  int32NDArray int32_array_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int32_array_value (); }

  int64NDArray int64_array_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int64_array_value (); }

  uint8NDArray uint8_array_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint8_array_value (); }

  uint16NDArray uint16_array_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint16_array_value (); }

  uint32NDArray uint32_array_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint32_array_value (); }

  uint64NDArray uint64_array_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint64_array_value (); }

  std::string string_value (bool force = false) const
  { return m_rep->string_value (force); }

  string_vector string_vector_value (bool pad = false) const
  { return m_rep->string_vector_value (pad); }

  Cell cell_value (void) const;

  Array<std::string> cellstr_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->cellstr_value (); }

  octave::range<float> float_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->float_range_value (); }

  octave::range<double> range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->range_value (); }

  octave::range<octave_int8> int8_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int8_range_value (); }

  octave::range<octave_int16> int16_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int16_range_value (); }

  octave::range<octave_int32> int32_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int32_range_value (); }

  octave::range<octave_int64> int64_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->int64_range_value (); }

  octave::range<octave_uint8> uint8_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint8_range_value (); }

  octave::range<octave_uint16> uint16_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint16_range_value (); }

  octave::range<octave_uint32> uint32_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint32_range_value (); }

  octave::range<octave_uint64> uint64_range_value (void) const
  { return m_rep->uint64_range_value (); }

  OCTINTERP_API octave_map map_value (void) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_scalar_map scalar_map_value (void) const;

  string_vector map_keys (void) const
  { return m_rep->map_keys (); }

  std::size_t nparents (void) const
  { return m_rep->nparents (); }

  std::list<std::string> parent_class_name_list (void) const
  { return m_rep->parent_class_name_list (); }

  string_vector parent_class_names (void) const
  { return m_rep->parent_class_names (); }

  octave_base_value *
  find_parent_class (const std::string& parent_class_name)
  { return m_rep->find_parent_class (parent_class_name); }

  bool is_instance_of (const std::string& cls_name) const
  { return m_rep->is_instance_of (cls_name); }

  OCTINTERP_API octave_classdef *
  classdef_object_value (bool silent = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_function *
  function_value (bool silent = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_user_function *
  user_function_value (bool silent = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_user_script *
  user_script_value (bool silent = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_user_code * user_code_value (bool silent = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_fcn_handle *
  fcn_handle_value (bool silent = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value_list list_value (void) const;

  OCTINTERP_API ColumnVector
  column_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                       bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API ComplexColumnVector
  complex_column_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                               bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  row_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                    bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API ComplexRowVector
  complex_row_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                            bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatColumnVector
  float_column_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                             bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatComplexColumnVector
  float_complex_column_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                                     bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatRowVector
  float_row_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                          bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatComplexRowVector
  float_complex_row_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                                  bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<int>
  int_vector_value (bool req_int = false,
                    bool frc_str_conv = false,
                    bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<octave_idx_type>
  octave_idx_type_vector_value (bool req_int = false,
                                bool frc_str_conv = false,
                                bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<double>
  vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<Complex>
  complex_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                        bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<float>
  float_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                      bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<FloatComplex>
  float_complex_vector_value (bool frc_str_conv = false,
                              bool frc_vec_conv = false) const;

  // Extract values of specific types without any implicit type conversions.
  // Throw an error if an object is the wrong type for the requested value
  // extraction.
  // These functions are intended to provide a simple way to extract values of
  // specific types and display error messages that are more meaningful than
  // the generic "error: wrong type argument 'cell'" message.

  OCTINTERP_API short int xshort_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API unsigned short int xushort_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API int xint_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API unsigned int xuint_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API int xnint_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API long int xlong_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API unsigned long int xulong_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API int64_t xint64_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API uint64_t xuint64_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_idx_type xidx_type_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API double xdouble_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API float xfloat_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API double xscalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API float xfloat_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Matrix xmatrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatMatrix xfloat_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API NDArray xarray_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatNDArray xfloat_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Complex xcomplex_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatComplex xfloat_complex_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API ComplexMatrix
  xcomplex_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatComplexMatrix
  xfloat_complex_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  xcomplex_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatComplexNDArray
  xfloat_complex_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API bool xbool_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API boolMatrix xbool_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API boolNDArray xbool_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API charMatrix xchar_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API charNDArray xchar_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API SparseMatrix xsparse_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API SparseComplexMatrix
  xsparse_complex_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API SparseBoolMatrix
  xsparse_bool_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API DiagMatrix xdiag_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatDiagMatrix
  xfloat_diag_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API ComplexDiagMatrix
  xcomplex_diag_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatComplexDiagMatrix
  xfloat_complex_diag_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API PermMatrix xperm_matrix_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_int8 xint8_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_int16 xint16_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_int32 xint32_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_int64 xint64_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_uint8 xuint8_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_uint16 xuint16_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_uint32 xuint32_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_uint64 xuint64_scalar_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API int8NDArray xint8_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API int16NDArray xint16_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API int32NDArray xint32_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API int64NDArray xint64_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API uint8NDArray xuint8_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API uint16NDArray xuint16_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API uint32NDArray xuint32_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API uint64NDArray xuint64_array_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API std::string xstring_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API string_vector xstring_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Cell xcell_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<std::string> xcellstr_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<float>
  xfloat_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<double>
  xrange_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<octave_int8>
  xint8_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<octave_int16>
  xint16_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<octave_int32>
  xint32_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<octave_int64>
  xint64_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<octave_uint8>
  xuint8_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<octave_uint16>
  xuint16_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<octave_uint32>
  xuint32_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave::range<octave_uint64>
  xuint64_range_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_map xmap_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_scalar_map
  xscalar_map_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API ColumnVector xcolumn_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API ComplexColumnVector
  xcomplex_column_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API RowVector xrow_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API ComplexRowVector
  xcomplex_row_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatColumnVector
  xfloat_column_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatComplexColumnVector
  xfloat_complex_column_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatRowVector
  xfloat_row_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API FloatComplexRowVector
  xfloat_complex_row_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<int> xint_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<octave_idx_type>
  xoctave_idx_type_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<double> xvector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<Complex>
  xcomplex_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<float> xfloat_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API Array<FloatComplex>
  xfloat_complex_vector_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_function * xfunction_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_user_function *
  xuser_function_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_user_script *
  xuser_script_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_user_code *
  xuser_code_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_fcn_handle *
  xfcn_handle_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value_list xlist_value (const char *fmt, ...) const;

  // Possibly economize a lazy-indexed value.

  void maybe_economize (void)
  { m_rep->maybe_economize (); }

  // The following two hook conversions are called on any octave_value prior to
  // storing it to a "permanent" location, like a named variable, a cell or a
  // struct component, or a return value of a function.

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value storable_value (void) const;

  // Ditto, but in place, i.e., equivalent to *this = this->storable_value (),
  // but possibly more efficient.

  OCTINTERP_API void make_storable_value (void);

  // FIXME: These should probably be private.
  // Conversions.  If a user of this class wants a certain kind of constant,
  // he should simply ask for it, and we should convert it if possible.

  octave_value convert_to_str (bool pad = false, bool force = false,
                               char type = '\'') const
  { return m_rep->convert_to_str (pad, force, type); }

  convert_to_str_internal (bool pad, bool force, char type) const
  { return m_rep->convert_to_str_internal (pad, force, type); }

  void convert_to_row_or_column_vector (void)
  { m_rep->convert_to_row_or_column_vector (); }

  bool print_as_scalar (void) const
  { return m_rep->print_as_scalar (); }

  void print (std::ostream& os, bool pr_as_read_syntax = false)
  { m_rep->print (os, pr_as_read_syntax); }

  void print_raw (std::ostream& os, bool pr_as_read_syntax = false) const
  { m_rep->print_raw (os, pr_as_read_syntax); }

  bool print_name_tag (std::ostream& os, const std::string& name) const
  { return m_rep->print_name_tag (os, name); }

  void print_with_name (std::ostream& os, const std::string& name) const
  { m_rep->print_with_name (os, name, true); }

  void short_disp (std::ostream& os) const { m_rep->short_disp (os); }

  OCTINTERP_API float_display_format get_edit_display_format (void) const;

  std::string edit_display (const float_display_format& fmt,
                            octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) const
    return m_rep->edit_display (fmt, i, j);

  int type_id (void) const { return m_rep->type_id (); }

  std::string type_name (void) const { return m_rep->type_name (); }

  std::string class_name (void) const { return m_rep->class_name (); }

  // Unary operations that are member functions.  There are also some
  // non-member functions for unary and binary operations declared
  // below, outside of the octave_value class declaration.

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value& non_const_unary_op (unary_op op);

  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave_value::non_const_unary_op' instead")
  octave_value& do_non_const_unary_op (unary_op op)
    return non_const_unary_op (op);

  OCTINTERP_API octave_value&
  non_const_unary_op (unary_op op, const std::string& type,
                      const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx);

  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave_value::non_const_unary_op' instead")
  octave_value& do_non_const_unary_op (unary_op op, const std::string& type,
                                       const std::list<octave_value_list>& idx)
    return non_const_unary_op (op, type, idx);

  const octave_base_value& get_rep (void) const { return *m_rep; }

  bool is_copy_of (const octave_value& val) const { return m_rep == val.m_rep; }

  print_info (std::ostream& os, const std::string& prefix = "") const;

  bool save_ascii (std::ostream& os) { return m_rep->save_ascii (os); }

  bool load_ascii (std::istream& is) { return m_rep->load_ascii (is); }

  bool save_binary (std::ostream& os, bool save_as_floats)
  { return m_rep->save_binary (os, save_as_floats); }

  bool load_binary (std::istream& is, bool swap,
                    octave::mach_info::float_format fmt)
  { return m_rep->load_binary (is, swap, fmt); }

  bool save_hdf5 (octave_hdf5_id loc_id, const char *name,
                  bool save_as_floats)
  { return m_rep->save_hdf5 (loc_id, name, save_as_floats); }

  bool load_hdf5 (octave_hdf5_id loc_id, const char *name)
  { return m_rep->load_hdf5 (loc_id, name); }

  write (octave::stream& os, int block_size,
         oct_data_conv::data_type output_type, int skip,
         octave::mach_info::float_format flt_fmt) const;

  octave_base_value * internal_rep (void) const { return m_rep; }

  // These functions exist to support the MEX interface.
  // You should not use them anywhere else.

  OCTINTERP_API const void *
  mex_get_data (mxClassID class_id = mxUNKNOWN_CLASS,
                mxComplexity complexity = mxREAL) const;

  const octave_idx_type * mex_get_ir (void) const
    return m_rep->mex_get_ir ();

  const octave_idx_type *
  mex_get_jc (void) const
    return m_rep->mex_get_jc ();

  mxArray * as_mxArray (bool interleaved = false) const
  { return m_rep->as_mxArray (interleaved); }

  octave_value diag (octave_idx_type k = 0) const
  { return m_rep->diag (k); }

  octave_value diag (octave_idx_type m, octave_idx_type n) const
  { return m_rep->diag (m, n); }

  octave_value sort (octave_idx_type dim = 0, sortmode mode = ASCENDING) const
  { return m_rep->sort (dim, mode); }
  octave_value sort (Array<octave_idx_type>& sidx, octave_idx_type dim = 0,
                     sortmode mode = ASCENDING) const
  { return m_rep->sort (sidx, dim, mode); }

  sortmode issorted (sortmode mode = UNSORTED) const
  { return m_rep->issorted (mode); }

  Array<octave_idx_type> sort_rows_idx (sortmode mode = ASCENDING) const
  { return m_rep->sort_rows_idx (mode); }

  sortmode is_sorted_rows (sortmode mode = UNSORTED) const
  { return m_rep->is_sorted_rows (mode); }

  void lock (void) { m_rep->lock (); }

  void unlock (void) { m_rep->unlock (); }

  bool islocked (void) const { return m_rep->islocked (); }

  void call_object_destructor (void) { return m_rep->call_object_destructor (); }

  octave_value dump (void) const { return m_rep->dump (); }

  octave_value F (void) const                           \
  {                                                     \
    return m_rep->map (octave_base_value::umap_ ## F);    \

  MAPPER_FORWARD (erfcinv)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (isfinite)

  // These functions are prefixed with X to avoid potential macro conflicts.

  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisalnum)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisalpha)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisascii)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xiscntrl)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisdigit)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisgraph)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xislower)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisprint)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xispunct)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisspace)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisupper)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xisxdigit)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xsignbit)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xtolower)
  MAPPER_FORWARD (xtoupper)


  octave_value map (octave_base_value::unary_mapper_t umap) const
  { return m_rep->map (umap); }

  //! Extract the n-th element, aka 'val(n)'.
  //! @return Result is undefined if 'val' is not an array type
  //!         or @p n is out of range.
  //! @warning Function calls should never error.

  fast_elem_extract (octave_idx_type n) const
  { return m_rep->fast_elem_extract (n); }

  //! Assign the n-th element, aka 'val(n) = x'.
  //! @returns false if 'val' is not an array type,
  //!          @p x is not a matching scalar type,
  //!          or @p n is out of range.
  //! @warning Function calls should never error.

  fast_elem_insert (octave_idx_type n, const octave_value& x)
    make_unique ();
    return m_rep->fast_elem_insert (n, x);


  //! The real representation.
  octave_base_value *m_rep;


  static OCTINTERP_API octave_base_value * nil_rep (void);

  OCTINTERP_API assign_op unary_op_to_assign_op (unary_op op);

  OCTINTERP_API binary_op op_eq_to_binary_op (assign_op op);

  // This declaration protects against constructing octave_value from
  // const octave_base_value* which actually silently calls octave_value (bool).
  OCTINTERP_API octave_value (const octave_base_value *);


// Non-member unary and binary operations on octave_value objects.


  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  unary_op (type_info& ti, octave_value::unary_op op,
            const octave_value& a);

  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  unary_op (octave_value::unary_op op, const octave_value& a);

  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  binary_op (type_info& ti, octave_value::binary_op op,
             const octave_value& a, const octave_value& b);

  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  binary_op (type_info& ti, octave_value::compound_binary_op op,
             const octave_value& a, const octave_value& b);

  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  binary_op (octave_value::binary_op op, const octave_value& a,
             const octave_value& b);

  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  binary_op (octave_value::compound_binary_op op, const octave_value& a,
             const octave_value& b);

  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  cat_op (type_info& ti, const octave_value& a,
          const octave_value& b, const Array<octave_idx_type>& ra_idx);

  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  cat_op (const octave_value& a, const octave_value& b,
          const Array<octave_idx_type>& ra_idx);

  extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value
  colon_op (const octave_value& base, const octave_value& increment,
            const octave_value& limit, bool is_for_cmd_expr = false);

  inline octave_value
  colon_op (const octave_value& base, const octave_value& limit,
            bool is_for_cmd_expr = false)
    // Note, we need to pass an undefined octave_value object instead of
    // octave_value (1.0) so that we can properly detect the
    // two-argument case and correctly pass just two arguments to any
    // user-defined function that is provided if either base or limit is
    // an object.

    return colon_op (base, octave_value (), limit, is_for_cmd_expr);


OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::unary_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_unary_op (octave::type_info& ti, octave_value::unary_op op,
             const octave_value& a)
  return octave::unary_op (ti, op, a);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::unary_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_unary_op (octave_value::unary_op op, const octave_value& a)
  return octave::unary_op (op, a);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::binary_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_binary_op (octave::type_info& ti, octave_value::binary_op op,
              const octave_value& a, const octave_value& b)
  return octave::binary_op (ti, op, a, b);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::binary_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_binary_op (octave::type_info& ti, octave_value::compound_binary_op op,
              const octave_value& a, const octave_value& b)
  return octave::binary_op (ti, op, a, b);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::binary_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_binary_op (octave_value::binary_op op, const octave_value& a,
              const octave_value& b)
  return octave::binary_op (op, a, b);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::binary_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_binary_op (octave_value::compound_binary_op op, const octave_value& a,
              const octave_value& b)
  return octave::binary_op (op, a, b);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::cat_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_cat_op (octave::type_info& ti, const octave_value& a,
           const octave_value& b, const Array<octave_idx_type>& ra_idx)
  return octave::cat_op (ti, a, b, ra_idx);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::cat_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_cat_op (const octave_value& a, const octave_value& b,
           const Array<octave_idx_type>& ra_idx)
  return octave::cat_op (a, b, ra_idx);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::colon_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_colon_op (const octave_value& base, const octave_value& increment,
             const octave_value& limit, bool is_for_cmd_expr = false)
  return octave::colon_op (base, increment, limit, is_for_cmd_expr);

OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (7, "use 'octave::colon_op' instead")
inline octave_value
do_colon_op (const octave_value& base, const octave_value& limit,
             bool is_for_cmd_expr = false)
  return octave::colon_op (base, limit, is_for_cmd_expr);

#define OV_UNOP_FN(name)                                \
  inline octave_value                                   \
  name (const octave_value& a)                          \
  {                                                     \
    return octave::unary_op (octave_value::name, a);    \

#define OV_UNOP_OP(name, op)                    \
  inline octave_value                           \
  operator op (const octave_value& a)           \
  {                                             \
    return name (a);                            \

#define OV_UNOP_FN_OP(name, op)                 \
  OV_UNOP_FN (name)                             \
  OV_UNOP_OP (name, op)

OV_UNOP_FN_OP (op_not, !)
OV_UNOP_FN_OP (op_uplus, +)
OV_UNOP_FN_OP (op_uminus, -)

OV_UNOP_FN (op_transpose)
OV_UNOP_FN (op_hermitian)

// No simple way to define these for prefix and suffix ops?
//   incr
//   decr

#define OV_BINOP_FN(name)                                       \
  inline octave_value                                           \
  name (const octave_value& a1, const octave_value& a2)         \
  {                                                             \
    return octave::binary_op (octave_value::name, a1, a2);      \

#define OV_BINOP_OP(name, op)                                   \
  inline octave_value                                           \
  operator op (const octave_value& a1, const octave_value& a2)  \
  {                                                             \
    return name (a1, a2);                                       \

#define OV_BINOP_FN_OP(name, op)                \
  OV_BINOP_FN (name)                            \
  OV_BINOP_OP (name, op)

OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_add, +)
OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_sub, -)
OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_mul, *)
OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_div, /)

OV_BINOP_FN (op_pow)
OV_BINOP_FN (op_ldiv)

OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_lt, <)
OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_le, <=)
OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_eq, ==)
OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_ge, >=)
OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_gt, >)
OV_BINOP_FN_OP (op_ne, !=)

OV_BINOP_FN (op_el_mul)
OV_BINOP_FN (op_el_div)
OV_BINOP_FN (op_el_pow)
OV_BINOP_FN (op_el_ldiv)
OV_BINOP_FN (op_el_and)
OV_BINOP_FN (op_el_or)

OV_BINOP_FN (op_struct_ref)

#define OV_COMP_BINOP_FN(name)                                  \
  inline octave_value                                           \
  name (const octave_value& a1, const octave_value& a2)         \
  {                                                             \
    return octave::binary_op (octave_value::name, a1, a2);      \

OV_COMP_BINOP_FN (op_trans_mul)
OV_COMP_BINOP_FN (op_mul_trans)
OV_COMP_BINOP_FN (op_herm_mul)
OV_COMP_BINOP_FN (op_mul_herm)

extern OCTINTERP_API void install_types (octave::type_info&);

// Templated value extractors.
template <typename Value>
inline Value octave_value_extract (const octave_value&)
{ assert (false); }

#define DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR(VALUE,MPREFIX)                              \
  template <>                                                           \
  inline VALUE octave_value_extract<VALUE> (const octave_value& v)      \
  {                                                                     \
    return v.MPREFIX ## _value ();                                      \

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (double, scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (float, float_scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (Complex, complex)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatComplex, float_complex)

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_int8, int8_scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_int16, int16_scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_int32, int32_scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_int64, int64_scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_uint8, uint8_scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_uint16, uint16_scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_uint32, uint32_scalar)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_uint64, uint64_scalar)

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatNDArray, float_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (ComplexNDArray, complex_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatComplexNDArray, float_complex_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (boolNDArray, bool_array)

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (charNDArray, char_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (int8NDArray, int8_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (int16NDArray, int16_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (int32NDArray, int32_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (int64NDArray, int64_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (uint8NDArray, uint8_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (uint16NDArray, uint16_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (uint32NDArray, uint32_array)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (uint64NDArray, uint64_array)

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (Matrix, matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatMatrix, float_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (ComplexMatrix, complex_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatComplexMatrix, float_complex_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (boolMatrix, bool_matrix)

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (ColumnVector, column_vector)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatColumnVector, float_column_vector)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (ComplexColumnVector, complex_column_vector)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatComplexColumnVector, float_complex_column_vector)

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (RowVector, row_vector)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatRowVector, float_row_vector)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (ComplexRowVector, complex_row_vector)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatComplexRowVector, float_complex_row_vector)

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (DiagMatrix, diag_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatDiagMatrix, float_diag_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (ComplexDiagMatrix, complex_diag_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (FloatComplexDiagMatrix, float_complex_diag_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (PermMatrix, perm_matrix)

DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (SparseMatrix, sparse_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (SparseComplexMatrix, sparse_complex_matrix)
DEF_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (SparseBoolMatrix, sparse_bool_matrix)

#define DEF_DUMMY_VALUE_EXTRACTOR(VALUE,DEFVAL)                         \
  template <>                                                           \
  inline VALUE octave_value_extract<VALUE> (const octave_value&)        \
  {                                                                     \
    assert (false);                                                     \
    return DEFVAL;                                                      \

DEF_DUMMY_VALUE_EXTRACTOR (octave_value, octave_value ())
