view installer-files/octave-firsttime.vbs @ 5541:d862fd40cc42

Use ccache for packages built with cmake. * New variable CMAKE_CCACHE_FLAGS. * src/, src/, src/, src/cminpack, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/libproxy, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/ Add new variable to cmake flags. Harmonize indentation in files.
author Markus Mützel <>
date Sun, 20 Sep 2020 11:57:01 +0200
parents dace3d372190
children cf7adc238c0c
line wrap: on
line source

' script to run octave in gui/command mode

Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

' get the directory that script resides in
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
OctavePath = fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)

' ctavePath is now the root of the install folder, but for msys2,
' OctavePath should be OctavePath/mingw64 or OctavePath/ming32
MSysType = "MSYS"
MSysPath = OctavePath
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(OctavePath & "\mingw64\bin\octave-cli.exe") Then
  MSysPath = OctavePath & "\usr"
  MSysType = "MINGW64"
  OctavePath = OctavePath & "\mingw64" 
 ElseIf objFSO.FileExists(OctavePath & "\mingw32\bin\octave-cli.exe") Then
  MSysPath = OctavePath & "\usr"
  MSysType = "MINGW32"
  OctavePath = OctavePath & "\mingw32" 
End If

' get path as a 8.3 path
Set fo = fso.GetFolder(OctavePath)
OctavePath = fo.ShortPath
Set fo = Nothing

' set up path to ensure octave bin comes first
Set wshSystemEnv = wshShell.Environment( "PROCESS" )
if OctavePath <> MSysPath Then
  wshSystemEnv("PATH") = MSysPath  & "\bin;" & wshSystemEnv("PATH")
End If
wshSystemEnv("PATH") = OctavePath & "\bin;" & wshSystemEnv("PATH")

wshSystemEnv("MSYSTEM") = MSysType
' set terminal type
wshSystemEnv("TERM") = "cygwin"
wshSystemEnv("GNUTERM") = "wxt"

wshSystemEnv("GS") = "gs.exe"

If wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%HOME%") = "%HOME%" Then
  Home = wshSystemEnv("USERPROFILE")
  Set fo = fso.GetFolder(Home)
  wshSystemEnv("HOME") = fo.ShortPath
  Set fo = Nothing
End If

' set Qt plugin directory and path 
If objFSO.FolderExists(OctavePath & "\qt5\bin") Then
  wshSystemEnv("PATH") = OctavePath & "\qt5\bin;" & wshSystemEnv("PATH")
  wshSystemEnv("QT_PLUGIN_PATH") = OctavePath & "\qt5\plugins"
  wshSystemEnv("QT_PLUGIN_PATH") = OctavePath & "\plugins"
End If

' set directory to users
startpath = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%")
wshShell.CurrentDirectory = startpath

GUIArg = " " & chr(34) & "--gui" & chr(34)
wshShell.Run chr(34) & OctavePath & "\bin\octave-gui.exe" & Chr(34) & GUIArg, 0

' free our objects
Set fso = Nothing
Set wshShell = Nothing
Set wshSystemEnv = Nothing
Set wshArgs = Nothing