view scripts/image/private/__imread__.m @ 18143:10dca690f46f

Remove support for Octave's native image format. * image/private/__imread__.m: calls to __magick_ping__ and __magick_read__ were enclosed in a try/catch block so that in case of failure it would attempt to read the image as an Octave native image format. This format was deprecated for version 3.8 and can now be removed for version 4.2.
author Carnë Draug <>
date Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:57:18 +0000
parents c9f622fd7307
children b5970988ccff
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2013 Carnë Draug
## Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Thomas L. Scofield
## Copyright (C) 2008 Kristian Rumberg
## Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Weber
## Copyright (C) 2005 Stefan van der Walt
## Copyright (C) 2002 Andy Adler
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## This function does all the work of imread. It exists here as private
## function so that imread can use other functions if imformats is
## configured to. It is also needed so that imformats can create a
## function handle for it.

## Author: Carnë Draug <>
## Author: Thomas L. Scofield <>
## Author: Kristian Rumberg <>
## Author: Thomas Weber <>
## Author: Stefan van der Walt <>
## Author: Andy Adler

function varargout = __imread__ (filename, varargin)

  if (nargin < 1)
    print_usage ("imread");
  elseif (! ischar (filename))
    error ("imread: FILENAME must be a string");

  ## keep track of the varargin offset we're looking at each moment
  offset    = 1;

  filename  = tilde_expand (filename);
  fn        = file_in_path (IMAGE_PATH, filename);
  if (isempty (fn) && nargin >= offset + 1 && ischar (varargin{offset}))
    ## if we can't find the file, check if the next input is the file extension
    filename  = [filename "." varargin{offset}];
    fn        = file_in_path (IMAGE_PATH, filename);
  if (isempty (fn))
    error ("imread: cannot find %s", filename);

  ## It is possible for an file with multiple pages to have very different
  ## images on each page. Specifically, they may have different sizes. Because
  ## of this, we need to first find out the index of the images to read so
  ## we can set up defaults for things such as PixelRegion later on.
  options = struct ("index", 1);  # default image index

  ## Index is the only option that can be defined without the parameter/value
  ## pair style. When defining it here, the string "all" is invalid though.
  ## Also, for matlab compatibility, if index is defined both as an option here
  ## and parameter/value pair, silently ignore the first.
  if (nargin >= offset + 1 && ! ischar (varargin{offset}))
    if (! is_valid_index_option (options.index))
      error ("imread: IDX must be a numeric vector");
    options.index = varargin{offset};

  if (rem (numel (varargin) - offset + 1, 2) != 0)
    error ("imread: no pair for all arguments (odd number left over)");

  ## Check key/value options.
  indexes = cellfun ("isclass", varargin, "char");
  indexes(indexes) &= ismember (tolower (varargin(indexes)), {"frames", "index"});
  indexes = find (indexes);
  if (indexes)
    options.index = varargin{indexes+1};
    if (! (is_valid_index_option (options.index)) &&
        ! (ischar (options.index) && strcmpi (options.index, "all")))
      error ("imread: value for %s must be a vector or the string `all'");

  ## Use information from the first image to be read to set defaults.
  if (ischar (options.index) && strcmpi (options.index, "all"))
    info = __magick_ping__ (fn, 1);
    info = __magick_ping__ (fn, options.index(1));

  ## Set default for options.
  options.region = {1:1:info.rows 1:1:info.columns};

  for idx = offset:2:(numel (varargin) - offset + 1)
    switch (tolower (varargin{idx}))

      case {"frames", "index"}
        ## Do nothing. This options were already processed before the loop.

      case "pixelregion",
        options.region = varargin{idx+1};
        if (! iscell (options.region) || numel (options.region) != 2)
          error ("imread: value for %s must be a 2 element cell array",
        for reg_idx = 1:2
          if (numel (options.region{reg_idx}) == 3)
            ## do nothing
          elseif (numel (options.region{reg_idx}) == 2)
            options.region{reg_idx}(3) = options.region{reg_idx}(2);
            options.region{reg_idx}(2) = 1;
            error ("imread: range for %s must be a 2 or 3 element vector",
          options.region{reg_idx} = floor (options.region{reg_idx}(1)): ...
                                    floor (options.region{reg_idx}(2)): ...
                                    floor (options.region{reg_idx}(3));
        if (options.region{1}(end) > info.rows)
          error ("imread: end ROWS for PixelRegions option is larger than image height");
        elseif (options.region{2}(end) > info.columns)
          error ("imread: end COLS for PixelRegions option is larger than image width");

      case "info",
        ## We ignore this option. This parameter exists in Matlab to
        ## speed up the reading of multipage TIFF by passing a structure
        ## that contains information about the start on the file of each
        ## page.  We can't control it through GraphicsMagic but at least
        ## we allow to load multiple pages with one command.

        error ("imread: invalid PARAMETER `%s'", varargin{idx});


  [varargout{1:nargout}] = __magick_read__ (fn, options);


## Tests if the value passed to the Index or Frames is valid. This option
## can be defined in two places, but only in one place can it also be the
## string "all"
function bool = is_valid_index_option (arg)
  ## is the index option
  bool = false;
  if (isvector (arg) && isnumeric (arg) && isreal (arg))
    bool = true;