view scripts/time/now.m @ 20162:2645f9ef8c88 stable

doc: Update more docstrings to have one sentence summary as first line. Reviewed specfun, special-matrix, testfun, and time script directories. * scripts/specfun/expint.m, scripts/specfun/isprime.m, scripts/specfun/legendre.m, scripts/specfun/primes.m, scripts/specfun/reallog.m, scripts/specfun/realsqrt.m, scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m, scripts/special-matrix/hadamard.m, scripts/special-matrix/hankel.m, scripts/special-matrix/hilb.m, scripts/special-matrix/invhilb.m, scripts/special-matrix/magic.m, scripts/special-matrix/pascal.m, scripts/special-matrix/rosser.m, scripts/special-matrix/toeplitz.m, scripts/special-matrix/vander.m, scripts/special-matrix/wilkinson.m, scripts/testfun/assert.m, scripts/testfun/demo.m, scripts/testfun/example.m, scripts/testfun/fail.m, scripts/testfun/rundemos.m, scripts/testfun/runtests.m, scripts/testfun/speed.m, scripts/time/asctime.m, scripts/time/calendar.m, scripts/time/clock.m, scripts/time/ctime.m, scripts/time/datenum.m, scripts/time/datestr.m, scripts/time/datevec.m, scripts/time/etime.m, scripts/time/is_leap_year.m, scripts/time/now.m, scripts/time/weekday.m: Update more docstrings to have one sentence summary as first line.
author Rik <>
date Sun, 03 May 2015 17:00:11 -0700
parents 4197fc428c7d
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Paul Kienzle
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {t =} now ()
## Return the current local date/time as a serial day number
## (see @code{datenum}).
## The integral part, @code{floor (now)} corresponds to the number of days
## between today and Jan 1, 0000.
## The fractional part, @code{rem (now, 1)} corresponds to the current time.
## @seealso{clock, date, datenum}
## @end deftypefn

## Author: pkienzle <>
## Created: 10 October 2001 (CVS)
## Adapted-By: William Poetra Yoga Hadisoeseno <>

function t = now ()

  if (nargin != 0)
    print_usage ();

  t = datenum (clock ());

  ## The following doesn't work (e.g., one hour off on 2005-10-04):
  ##   seconds since 1970-1-1 corrected by seconds from GMT to local time
  ##   divided by 86400 sec/day plus day num for 1970-1-1
  ##   t = (time - mktime(gmtime(0)))/86400 + 719529;
  ## mktime (gmtime (0)) does indeed return the offset from Greenwich to the
  ## local time zone, but we need to account for daylight savings time
  ## changing by an hour the offset from CUT for part of the year.


%!assert (isnumeric (now ()))
%!assert (now () > 0)
%!assert (now () <= now ())

%!error now (1)