view scripts/plot/util/copyobj.m @ 20144:3797df921988

close.m: Silently accept null argument for Matlab compatibility. * close.m: Check isempty (arg1) and don't complain if arg1 is null.
author Rik <>
date Wed, 29 Apr 2015 17:09:24 -0700
parents f25fe5369022
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2012-2015 pdiribarne
## This file is part of Octave.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{hnew} =} copyobj (@var{horig})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{hnew} =} copyobj (@var{horig}, @var{hparent})
## Construct a copy of the graphic object associated with handle @var{horig}
## and return a handle @var{hnew} to the new object.
## If a parent handle @var{hparent} (root, figure, axes, or hggroup) is
## specified, the copied object will be created as a child of @var{hparent}.
## @seealso{struct2hdl, hdl2struct, findobj}
## @end deftypefn

## Author: pdiribarne <pdiribarne@new-host.home>
## Created: 2012-04-01

function hnew = copyobj (horig, hparent = 0)

  partypes = {"root", "figure", "axes", "hggroup"};
  othertypes = {"line", "patch", "surface", "image", "text"};
  alltypes = [partypes othertypes];

  if (! ishandle (horig) || nargin > 2)
    print_usage ();
  elseif (! ishandle (hparent))
    hparent = figure (fix (hparent));
  elseif (! any (strcmpi (get (hparent).type, partypes)))
    print_usage ();

  ## current figure and axes
  cf = gcf ();
  ca = get (cf, "currentaxes");

  ## compatibility of input handles
  kididx = find (strcmp (alltypes, get (horig).type));
  paridx = find (strcmp (alltypes, get (hparent).type));

  if (kididx <= paridx)
    error ("copyobj: %s object can't be children to %s.",
           alltypes{kididx}, alltypes{paridx});
  elseif (nargin == 1)
    str = hdl2struct (horig);
    hnew = struct2hdl (str);
    str = hdl2struct (horig);
    hnew = struct2hdl (str, hparent);

  ## reset current figure (and eventually axes) to original
  set (0, "currentfigure", cf);
  if (ancestor (hnew, "figure") == cf && ! isempty (ca))
    set (cf, "currentaxes", ca)


## Absurd number of drawnow() function calls in demos is due to problem
## with FLTK backend which is not respecting the set ('position') call.

%! hobj = figure ('name', 'Original', 'numbertitle', 'off');
%! hold on;
%! x = 1:10;
%! y = x.^2;
%! dy = 2 * (.2 * x);
%! y2 = (x - 3).^2;
%! hg = errorbar (x, y, dy);
%! set (hg, 'marker', '^', 'markerfacecolor', rand (1,3));
%! plot (x, y2, 'ok-');
%! legend ('errorbar', 'line');
%! drawnow ();
%! pos = get (hobj, 'position');
%! scrn = get (0, 'screensize');
%! set (hobj, 'position', [scrn(3)/2-pos(3)-10, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]);
%! drawnow ();
%! hnew = copyobj (hobj);
%! drawnow ();
%! set (hnew, 'name', 'Copyobj');
%! drawnow ();
%! set (hnew, 'position', [scrn(3)/2, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]);
%! drawnow ();

%! hobj = figure ('name', 'Original', 'numbertitle', 'off');
%! subplot (2,2,1);
%! hold on;
%! contourf (rand (10, 10));
%! colorbar ();
%! subplot (2,2,2);
%! quiver (rand (10, 10), rand (10, 10));
%! subplot (2,2,3);
%! colormap (jet (64));
%! hold on;
%! sombrero ();
%! colorbar ('peer', gca, 'NorthOutside');
%! subplot (2,2,4);
%! imagesc (rand (30, 30));
%! text (15, 15, 'Rotated text', ...
%!       'HorizontAlalignment', 'Center', 'Rotation', 30);
%! drawnow ();
%! pos = get (hobj, 'position');
%! scrn = get (0, 'screensize');
%! set (hobj, 'position', [scrn(3)/2-pos(3)-10, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]);
%! drawnow ();
%! hnew = copyobj (hobj);
%! drawnow ();
%! set (hnew, 'name', 'Copyobj');
%! drawnow ();
%! set (hnew, 'position', [scrn(3)/2, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]);
%! drawnow ();

%!testif HAVE_MAGICK
%! toolkit = graphics_toolkit ();
%! graphics_toolkit ("gnuplot");
%! unwind_protect
%!   h1 = figure ("visible", "off");
%!   x = 0:0.1:2*pi;
%!   y1 = sin (x);
%!   y2 = exp (x - 1);
%!   ax = plotyy (x,y1, x-1,y2, @plot, @semilogy);
%!   xlabel ("X");
%!   ylabel (ax(1), "Axis 1");
%!   ylabel (ax(2), "Axis 2");
%!   axes (ax(1));
%!   text (0.5, 0.5, "Left Axis", ...
%!         "color", [0 0 1], "horizontalalignment", "center");
%!   axes (ax(2));
%!   text (4.5, 80, "Right Axis", ...
%!         "color", [0 0.5 0], "horizontalalignment", "center");
%!   s1 = hdl2struct (h1);
%!   h2 = struct2hdl (s1);
%!   s2 = hdl2struct (h2);
%!   png1 = [tempname() ".png"];
%!   png2 = [tempname() ".png"];
%!   unwind_protect
%!     print (h1, png1);
%!     [img1, map1, alpha1] = imread (png1);
%!     print (h2, png2);
%!     [img2, map2, alpha2] = imread (png2);
%!   unwind_protect_cleanup
%!     unlink (png1);
%!     unlink (png2);
%!   end_unwind_protect
%!   assert (img1, img2);
%!   assert (map1, map2);
%!   assert (alpha1, alpha2);
%! unwind_protect_cleanup
%!   close (h1);
%!   close (h2);
%!   graphics_toolkit (toolkit);
%! end_unwind_protect

%! unwind_protect
%!   tag = "foo";
%!   hf = figure ("visible", "off");
%!   hax = axes ("tag", tag);
%!   hpa = patch ();
%!   set (hpa, "facecolor", [.5 .5 .5], "tag", tag)
%!   hax2 = copyobj (hax, hf);
%!   assert (get (hax2, "tag"), tag)
%!   hpa2 = get (hax2, "children");
%!   assert (get (hpa2, "facecolor"), [.5 .5 .5])
%! unwind_protect_cleanup
%!   close (hf)
%! end_unwind_protect