view scripts/image/private/__imread__.m @ 20158:7503499a252b stable

doc: Update docstrings to have one sentence summary as first line. Update scripts in audio, elfun, general, geometry, and image directories. * scripts/audio/@audioplayer/__get_properties__.m, scripts/audio/@audioplayer/audioplayer.m, scripts/audio/@audioplayer/get.m, scripts/audio/@audioplayer/isplaying.m, scripts/audio/@audioplayer/play.m, scripts/audio/@audioplayer/playblocking.m, scripts/audio/@audioplayer/set.m, scripts/audio/@audioplayer/subsasgn.m, scripts/audio/@audioplayer/subsref.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/audiorecorder.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/get.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/getaudiodata.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/getplayer.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/isrecording.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/play.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/record.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/recordblocking.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/set.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/stop.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/subsasgn.m, scripts/audio/@audiorecorder/subsref.m, scripts/audio/lin2mu.m, scripts/audio/mu2lin.m, scripts/audio/record.m, scripts/audio/sound.m, scripts/audio/soundsc.m, scripts/audio/wavread.m, scripts/audio/wavwrite.m, scripts/elfun/cosd.m, scripts/elfun/sind.m, scripts/elfun/tand.m, scripts/general/accumarray.m, scripts/general/accumdim.m, scripts/general/bitcmp.m, scripts/general/bitget.m, scripts/general/bitset.m, scripts/general/blkdiag.m, scripts/general/cart2pol.m, scripts/general/cart2sph.m, scripts/general/cell2mat.m, scripts/general/celldisp.m, scripts/general/chop.m, scripts/general/circshift.m, scripts/general/common_size.m, scripts/general/cplxpair.m, scripts/general/cumtrapz.m, scripts/general/dblquad.m, scripts/general/deal.m, scripts/general/del2.m, scripts/general/display.m, scripts/general/divergence.m, scripts/general/fieldnames.m, scripts/general/flip.m, scripts/general/flipdim.m, scripts/general/fliplr.m, scripts/general/flipud.m, scripts/general/gradient.m, scripts/general/interp3.m, scripts/general/interpft.m, scripts/general/interpn.m, scripts/general/loadobj.m, scripts/general/logspace.m, scripts/general/methods.m, scripts/general/nargchk.m, scripts/general/narginchk.m, scripts/general/nargoutchk.m, scripts/general/nextpow2.m, scripts/general/nthargout.m, scripts/general/num2str.m, scripts/general/pol2cart.m, scripts/general/polyarea.m, scripts/general/postpad.m, scripts/general/prepad.m, scripts/general/profile.m, scripts/general/quadgk.m, scripts/general/quadl.m, scripts/general/quadv.m, scripts/general/randi.m, scripts/general/rat.m, scripts/general/repmat.m, scripts/general/rot90.m, scripts/general/rotdim.m, scripts/general/saveobj.m, scripts/general/shift.m, scripts/general/shiftdim.m, scripts/general/sortrows.m, scripts/general/sph2cart.m, scripts/general/structfun.m, scripts/general/subsindex.m, scripts/general/trapz.m, scripts/general/triplequad.m, scripts/geometry/delaunayn.m, scripts/geometry/dsearch.m, scripts/geometry/dsearchn.m, scripts/geometry/griddata.m, scripts/geometry/griddata3.m, scripts/geometry/griddatan.m, scripts/geometry/inpolygon.m, scripts/geometry/rectint.m, scripts/geometry/tsearchn.m, scripts/geometry/voronoi.m, scripts/geometry/voronoin.m, scripts/help/__unimplemented__.m, scripts/help/doc.m, scripts/help/doc_cache_create.m, scripts/help/get_first_help_sentence.m, scripts/help/help.m, scripts/help/lookfor.m, scripts/help/print_usage.m, scripts/help/type.m, scripts/help/which.m, scripts/image/autumn.m, scripts/image/bone.m, scripts/image/brighten.m, scripts/image/cmpermute.m, scripts/image/colorcube.m, scripts/image/contrast.m, scripts/image/cool.m, scripts/image/copper.m, scripts/image/cubehelix.m, scripts/image/flag.m, scripts/image/gmap40.m, scripts/image/gray.m, scripts/image/gray2ind.m, scripts/image/hot.m, scripts/image/hsv.m, scripts/image/image.m, scripts/image/imagesc.m, scripts/image/imfinfo.m, scripts/image/imformats.m, scripts/image/imread.m, scripts/image/imshow.m, scripts/image/imwrite.m, scripts/image/iscolormap.m, scripts/image/jet.m, scripts/image/lines.m, scripts/image/ntsc2rgb.m, scripts/image/ocean.m, scripts/image/pink.m, scripts/image/prism.m, scripts/image/rainbow.m, scripts/image/rgb2ntsc.m, scripts/image/spinmap.m, scripts/image/spring.m, scripts/image/summer.m, scripts/image/white.m, scripts/image/winter.m: Update docstrings to have one sentence summary as first line. Re-structure to have line lengths <= 80 chars.
author Rik <>
date Sun, 03 May 2015 09:36:20 -0700
parents e9f89866074c
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Carnë Draug
## Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Thomas L. Scofield
## Copyright (C) 2008 Kristian Rumberg
## Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Weber
## Copyright (C) 2005 Stefan van der Walt
## Copyright (C) 2002 Andy Adler
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## This function does all the work of imread. It exists here as private
## function so that imread can use other functions if imformats is
## configured to. It is also needed so that imformats can create a
## function handle for it.

## Author: Carnë Draug <>
## Author: Thomas L. Scofield <>
## Author: Kristian Rumberg <>
## Author: Thomas Weber <>
## Author: Stefan van der Walt <>
## Author: Andy Adler

function varargout = __imread__ (filename, varargin)

  if (nargin < 1)
    print_usage ("imread");
  elseif (! ischar (filename))
    error ("imread: FILENAME must be a string");

  ## keep track of the varargin offset we're looking at each moment
  offset    = 1;

  ## It is possible for an file with multiple pages to have very different
  ## images on each page. Specifically, they may have different sizes. Because
  ## of this, we need to first find out the index of the images to read so
  ## we can set up defaults for things such as PixelRegion later on.
  options = struct ("index", 1);  # default image index

  ## Index is the only option that can be defined without the parameter/value
  ## pair style. When defining it here, the string "all" is invalid though.
  ## Also, for matlab compatibility, if index is defined both as an option here
  ## and parameter/value pair, silently ignore the first.
  if (nargin >= offset + 1 && ! ischar (varargin{offset}))
    if (! is_valid_index_option (options.index))
      error ("imread: IDX must be a numeric vector");
    options.index = varargin{offset};

  if (rem (numel (varargin) - offset + 1, 2) != 0)
    error ("imread: no pair for all arguments (odd number left over)");

  ## Check key/value options.
  indexes = cellfun ("isclass", varargin, "char");
  indexes(indexes) &= ismember (tolower (varargin(indexes)),
                                {"frames", "index"});
  indexes = find (indexes);
  if (indexes)
    options.index = varargin{indexes+1};
    if (! is_valid_index_option (options.index)
        && ! (ischar (options.index) && strcmpi (options.index, "all")))
      error ("imread: value for %s must be a vector or the string `all'");

  ## Use information from the first image to be read to set defaults.
  if (ischar (options.index) && strcmpi (options.index, "all"))
    info = __magick_ping__ (filename, 1);
    info = __magick_ping__ (filename, options.index(1));

  ## Set default for options.
  options.region = {1:1:info.rows 1:1:info.columns};

  for idx = offset:2:(numel (varargin) - offset + 1)
    switch (tolower (varargin{idx}))

      case {"frames", "index"}
        ## Do nothing. This options were already processed before the loop.

      case "pixelregion",
        options.region = varargin{idx+1};
        if (! iscell (options.region) || numel (options.region) != 2)
          error ("imread: value for %s must be a 2 element cell array",
        for reg_idx = 1:2
          if (numel (options.region{reg_idx}) == 3)
            ## do nothing
          elseif (numel (options.region{reg_idx}) == 2)
            options.region{reg_idx}(3) = options.region{reg_idx}(2);
            options.region{reg_idx}(2) = 1;
            error ("imread: range for %s must be a 2 or 3 element vector",
          options.region{reg_idx} = floor (options.region{reg_idx}(1)): ...
                                    floor (options.region{reg_idx}(2)): ...
                                    floor (options.region{reg_idx}(3));
        if (options.region{1}(end) > info.rows)
          error ("imread: end ROWS for PixelRegions option is larger than image height");
        elseif (options.region{2}(end) > info.columns)
          error ("imread: end COLS for PixelRegions option is larger than image width");

      case "info",
        ## We ignore this option. This parameter exists in Matlab to
        ## speed up the reading of multipage TIFF by passing a structure
        ## that contains information about the start on the file of each
        ## page.  We can't control it through GraphicsMagic but at least
        ## we allow to load multiple pages with one command.

        error ("imread: invalid PARAMETER `%s'", varargin{idx});


  [varargout{1:nargout}] = __magick_read__ (filename, options);


## Tests if the value passed to the Index or Frames is valid. This option
## can be defined in two places, but only in one place can it also be the
## string "all"
function bool = is_valid_index_option (arg)
  bool = isvector (arg) && isnumeric (arg) && isreal (arg);