view scripts/miscellaneous/genvarname.m @ 20164:df437a52bcaf stable

doc: Update more docstrings to have one sentence summary as first line. Reviewed miscellaneous, sparse, strings in scripts directory. * scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m, scripts/miscellaneous/citation.m, scripts/miscellaneous/compare_versions.m, scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m, scripts/miscellaneous/debug.m, scripts/miscellaneous/dir.m, scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m, scripts/miscellaneous/error_ids.m, scripts/miscellaneous/fileattrib.m, scripts/miscellaneous/fullfile.m, scripts/miscellaneous/genvarname.m, scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m, scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m, scripts/miscellaneous/news.m, scripts/miscellaneous/open.m, scripts/miscellaneous/parseparams.m, scripts/miscellaneous/recycle.m, scripts/miscellaneous/run.m, scripts/miscellaneous/swapbytes.m, scripts/miscellaneous/tar.m, scripts/miscellaneous/tmpnam.m, scripts/miscellaneous/unpack.m, scripts/miscellaneous/what.m, scripts/sparse/bicg.m, scripts/sparse/bicgstab.m, scripts/sparse/cgs.m, scripts/sparse/colperm.m, scripts/sparse/eigs.m, scripts/sparse/etreeplot.m, scripts/sparse/gmres.m, scripts/sparse/gplot.m, scripts/sparse/ichol.m, scripts/sparse/ilu.m, scripts/sparse/pcg.m, scripts/sparse/pcr.m, scripts/sparse/qmr.m, scripts/sparse/spaugment.m, scripts/sparse/spconvert.m, scripts/sparse/spdiags.m, scripts/sparse/spfun.m, scripts/sparse/spones.m, scripts/sparse/sprandsym.m, scripts/sparse/spstats.m, scripts/sparse/spy.m, scripts/sparse/svds.m, scripts/sparse/treelayout.m, scripts/sparse/treeplot.m, scripts/strings/base2dec.m, scripts/strings/bin2dec.m, scripts/strings/blanks.m, scripts/strings/cstrcat.m, scripts/strings/deblank.m, scripts/strings/dec2base.m, scripts/strings/dec2bin.m, scripts/strings/dec2hex.m, scripts/strings/findstr.m, scripts/strings/hex2dec.m, scripts/strings/index.m, scripts/strings/isletter.m, scripts/strings/isstrprop.m, scripts/strings/mat2str.m, scripts/strings/ostrsplit.m, scripts/strings/regexptranslate.m, scripts/strings/rindex.m, scripts/strings/str2num.m, scripts/strings/strcat.m, scripts/strings/strchr.m, scripts/strings/strjoin.m, scripts/strings/strjust.m, scripts/strings/strmatch.m, scripts/strings/strsplit.m, scripts/strings/strtok.m, scripts/strings/strtrim.m, scripts/strings/strtrunc.m, scripts/strings/substr.m, scripts/strings/untabify.m, scripts/time/datenum.m: Update more docstrings to have one sentence summary as first line.
author Rik <>
date Mon, 04 May 2015 14:22:02 -0700
parents 9fc020886ae9
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Bill Denney, Robert Platt
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{varname} =} genvarname (@var{str})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{varname} =} genvarname (@var{str}, @var{exclusions})
## Create valid unique variable name(s) from @var{str}.
## If @var{str} is a cellstr, then a unique variable is created for each cell
## in @var{str}.
## @example
## @group
## genvarname (@{"foo", "foo"@})
##   @result{}
##      @{
##        [1,1] = foo
##        [1,2] = foo1
##      @}
## @end group
## @end example
## If @var{exclusions} is given, then the variable(s) will be unique to each
## other and to @var{exclusions} (@var{exclusions} may be either a string or a
## cellstr).
## @example
## @group
## x = 3.141;
## genvarname ("x", who ())
##   @result{} x1
## @end group
## @end example
## Note that the result is a char array or cell array of strings, not the
## variables themselves.  To define a variable, @code{eval()} can be used. 
## The following trivial example sets @code{x} to @code{42}.
## @example
## @group
## name = genvarname ("x");
## eval ([name " = 42"]);
##   @result{} x =  42
## @end group
## @end example
## This can be useful for creating unique struct field names.
## @example
## @group
## x = struct ();
## for i = 1:3
##   x.(genvarname ("a", fieldnames (x))) = i;
## endfor
##   @result{} x =
##      @{
##        a =  1
##        a1 =  2
##        a2 =  3
##      @}
## @end group
## @end example
## Since variable names may only contain letters, digits, and underscores,
## @code{genvarname} will replace any sequence of disallowed characters with
## an underscore.  Also, variables may not begin with a digit; in this case
## an @samp{x} is added before the variable name.
## Variable names beginning and ending with two underscores @qcode{"__"} are
## valid, but they are used internally by Octave and should generally be
## avoided; therefore, @code{genvarname} will not generate such names.
## @code{genvarname} will also ensure that returned names do not clash with
## keywords such as @qcode{"for"} and @qcode{"if"}.  A number will be
## appended if necessary.  Note, however, that this does @strong{not} include
## function names such as @qcode{"sin"}.  Such names should be included in
## @var{exclusions} if necessary.
## @seealso{isvarname, iskeyword, exist, who, tempname, eval}
## @end deftypefn

## Authors: Rob Platt <>
##          Bill Denney <>

function varname = genvarname (str, exclusions = {})

  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
    print_usage ();

  strinput = ischar (str);
  ## Process the inputs
  if (strinput)
    if (rows (str) != 1)
      error ("genvarname: if more than one STR is given, it must be a cellstr");
    str = {str};
  elseif (! iscellstr (str))
    error ("genvarname: STR must be a string or cellstr");

  if (ischar (exclusions))
    if (rows (exclusions) != 1)
      error ("genvarname: if more than one exclusion is given, it must be a cellstr");
    exclusions = {exclusions};
  elseif (! iscellstr (exclusions))
    error ("genvarname: EXCLUSIONS must be a string or cellstr");
    exclusions = exclusions(:);

  varname = cell (size (str));
  for i = 1:numel (str)
    ## Perform any modifications to the varname to make sure that it is
    ## a valid variable name.

    ## remove invalid characters
    str{i}(! (isalnum (str{i}) | str{i} == "_")) = "_";
    ## do not use keywords
    if (iskeyword (str{i}))
      firstcharacter = toupper (str{i}(1));
      str{i} = ["x", firstcharacter, str{i}(2:end)];
    ## The variable cannot be empty
    if (isempty (str{i}))
      str{i} = "x";
    ## Leading underscores are not Matlab compatible
    if (str{i}(1) == "_")
      str{i} = ["x", str{i}];
    ## it cannot start with a number
    if (isdigit (str{i}(1)))
      str{i} = ["x", str{i}];

    ## make sure that the variable is unique relative to other variables
    ## and the exclusions list
    excluded = any (strcmp (str{i}, exclusions));
    if (excluded && isdigit (str{i}(end)))
      ## if it is not unique and ends with a digit, add an underscore to
      ## make the variable name more readable ("x1_1" instead of "x11")
      str{i} = [str{i}, "_"];
    varname(i) = str(i);
    idx = 0;
    while (excluded)
      varname{i} = sprintf ("%s%d", str{i}, idx);
      excluded = any (strcmp (varname{i}, exclusions));
    exclusions(end+1) = varname(i);

  if (strinput)
    varname = varname{1};


## a single argument
%!assert (genvarname ("a"), "a")
## a single argument with a non-conflicting exception
%!assert (genvarname ("a", "b"), "a")
## a single argument with a conflicting exception
%!assert (genvarname ("a", "a"), "a1")
## a single argument as a cell
%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}), {"a"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}, "b"), {"a"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}, {"b"}), {"a"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}, "a"), {"a1"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}, {"a"}), {"a1"})
## Test different arguments
## orientation
%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "b"}), {"a" "b"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a";"b"}), {"a";"b"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "a"}), {"a" "a1"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "b";"c" "d"}), {"a" "b";"c" "d"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "a" "a";"a" "a" "a"}), {"a" "a2" "a4";"a1" "a3" "a5"})
## more than one repetition
%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "a" "a"}), {"a" "a1" "a2"})
%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "a" "a"}, {"a" "a1" "a2"}), {"a3" "a4" "a5"})
## more than one repetition not in order
%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "b" "a" "b" "a"}), {"a" "b" "a1" "b1" "a2"})
## Variable name munging
%!assert (genvarname ("__x__"), "x__x__")
%!assert (genvarname ("123456789"), "x123456789")
%!assert (genvarname ("_$1__"), "x__1__")
%!assert (genvarname ("__foo__", "x__foo__"), "x__foo__1")
%!assert (genvarname ("1million_and1", "x1million_and1"), "x1million_and1_1")
%!assert (genvarname ({"", "", ""}), {"x", "x1", "x2"})
%!assert (genvarname ("if"), "xIf")
%!assert (genvarname ({"if", "if", "if"}), {"xIf", "xIf1", "xIf2"})
## Exclusions in odd format
%!assert (genvarname ("x", {"a", "b"; "x", "d"}), "x1")

## Test input validation
%!error genvarname ()
%!error genvarname (1,2,3)
%!error <more than one STR is given, it must be a cellstr> genvarname (char ("a", "b", "c"))
%!error <STR must be a string or cellstr> genvarname (1)
%!error <more than one exclusion is given, it must be a cellstr> genvarname ("x", char ("a", "b", "c"))
%!error <EXCLUSIONS must be a string or cellstr> genvarname ("x", 1)