view libinterp/corefcn/profiler.h @ 18961:52e01aa1fe8b

Overhaul FLTK pan, rotate, zoom * add axes properties pan, rotate3d, mouse_wheel_zoom and custom set_pan which disables rotate3d. * add custom set_rotate3d and link with pan property. Disable rotate3d for 2D plots. * replace gui_mode and mouse_wheel_zoom with axes properties pan, rotate3d and mouse_wheel_zoom. Disable pan for legends, move them instead. * __add_default_menu__.m: Add new menu entries for new pan and zoom modes. * findall.m: Update test for added uimenus. Each axes now has its own properties for interactive GUI control of pan, rotate3d and mouse_wheel_zoom. Now it's possible to have several figures and set pan for the 2D plot in figure x and rotate3d for the 3D plot in figure y. There are two new pan modes: "Pan x only" and "Pan y only". The toolbar buttons "P" and "R" set pan and rotate3d for the last clicked axes object or the object below the center of the canvas if none was clicked yet. The legend can now be moved with the mouse.
author Andreas Weber <>
date Sun, 27 Jul 2014 22:31:14 +0200
parents 8c33abdd2f9a
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Daniel Kraft

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#if !defined (octave_profiler_h)
#define octave_profiler_h 1

#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

class octave_value;


  // This is a utility class that can be used to call the enter/exit
  // functions in a manner protected from stack unwinding.
  class enter

    profile_data_accumulator& acc;
    std::string fcn;


    enter (profile_data_accumulator&, const std::string&);
    virtual ~enter (void);


    // No copying!
    enter (const enter&);
    enter& operator = (const enter&);

  profile_data_accumulator (void);
  virtual ~profile_data_accumulator ();

  bool is_active (void) const { return enabled; }
  void set_active (bool);

  void reset (void);

  octave_value get_flat (void) const;
  octave_value get_hierarchical (void) const;


  // One entry in the flat profile (i.e., a collection of data for a single
  // function).  This is filled in when building the flat profile from the
  // hierarchical call tree.
  struct stats
    stats ();

    double time;
    unsigned calls;

    bool recursive;

    typedef std::set<octave_idx_type> function_set;
    function_set parents;
    function_set children;

    // Convert a function_set list to an Octave array of indices.
    static octave_value function_set_value (const function_set&);

  typedef std::vector<stats> flat_profile;

  // Store data for one node in the call-tree of the hierarchical profiler
  // data we collect.
  class tree_node

    tree_node (tree_node*, octave_idx_type);
    virtual ~tree_node ();

    void add_time (double dt) { time += dt; }

    // Enter a child function.  It is created in the list of children if it
    // wasn't already there.  The now-active child node is returned.
    tree_node* enter (octave_idx_type);

    // Exit function.  As a sanity-check, it is verified that the currently
    // active function actually is the one handed in here.  Returned is the
    // then-active node, which is our parent.
    tree_node* exit (octave_idx_type);

    void build_flat (flat_profile&) const;

    // Get the hierarchical profile for this node and its children.  If total
    // is set, accumulate total time of the subtree in that variable as
    // additional return value.
    octave_value get_hierarchical (double* total = 0) const;


    tree_node* parent;
    octave_idx_type fcn_id;

    typedef std::map<octave_idx_type, tree_node*> child_map;
    child_map children;

    // This is only time spent *directly* on this level, excluding children!
    double time;

    unsigned calls;

    // No copying!
    tree_node (const tree_node&);
    tree_node& operator = (const tree_node&);

  // Each function we see in the profiler is given a unique index (which
  // simply counts starting from 1).  We thus have to map profiler-names to
  // those indices.  For all other stuff, we identify functions by their index.

  typedef std::vector<std::string> function_set;
  typedef std::map<std::string, octave_idx_type> fcn_index_map;

  function_set known_functions;
  fcn_index_map fcn_index;

  bool enabled;

  tree_node* call_tree;
  tree_node* active_fcn;

  // Store last timestamp we had, when the currently active function was called.
  double last_time;

  // These are private as only the unwind-protecting inner class enter
  // should be allowed to call them.
  void enter_function (const std::string&);
  void exit_function (const std::string&);

  // Query a timestamp, used for timing calls (obviously).
  // This is not static because in the future, maybe we want a flag
  // in the profiler or something to choose between cputime, wall-time,
  // user-time, system-time, ...
  double query_time () const;

  // Add the time elapsed since last_time to the function we're currently in.
  // This is called from two different positions, thus it is useful to have
  // it as a seperate function.
  void add_current_time (void);

  // No copying!
  profile_data_accumulator (const profile_data_accumulator&);
  profile_data_accumulator& operator = (const profile_data_accumulator&);

// The instance used.
extern OCTINTERP_API profile_data_accumulator profiler;

// Helper macro to profile a block of code.
#define BEGIN_PROFILER_BLOCK(name) \
  { \
    profile_data_accumulator::enter pe (profiler, (name));
