view examples/mystring.c @ 19008:80ca3b05d77c draft

New "dispatch" selects template argument from octave-value (Bug #42424, 42425) * (Ffind): This method now calls dispatch() rather than attempting to handle all matrix types on its own (findTemplated): Changed to a functor to be passed as a template template argument to dispatch() (findInfo): A struct that holds the other arguments to find (n_to_find, direction, nargout) Added unit tests for bugs 42424 and 42425 * (new file) dispatch.h (dispatch): A method for dispatching function calls to the right templated value based on an octave_value argument.
author David Spies <>
date Sat, 21 Jun 2014 13:13:05 -0600
parents 224e76250443
line wrap: on
line source

#include <string.h>
#include "mex.h"

mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
             int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  mwSize m, n;
  mwIndex i, j;
  mxChar *pi, *po;

  if (nrhs != 1 || ! mxIsChar (prhs[0])
      || mxGetNumberOfDimensions (prhs[0]) > 2)
    mexErrMsgTxt ("ARG1 must be a char matrix");

  m = mxGetM (prhs[0]);
  n = mxGetN (prhs[0]);
  pi = mxGetChars (prhs[0]);
  plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (m, n, mxCHAR_CLASS, mxREAL);
  po = mxGetChars (plhs[0]);

  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
      po[j*m + m - 1 - i] = pi[j*m + i];