view examples/myfunc.c @ 18684:86eca5d178a6 gui-release

disable some global shortcuts when editor gets focus to prevent conflicts * (constructor): connect signal from the qscintilla edit area about focus with the related new slot; (edit_area_has_focus): new slot for the focus signal from qscintilla edit area emitting a signal for enabling/disabling the common edit shortcuts * file-editor-tab.h: new slot edit_area_has_focus, new signal set_global_edit_shortcuts_signal * (add_file_editor_tab ): connect new tab signal set_global_edit_shortcuts_signal with the related slot in main_window; (copyClipboard, pasteClipboard, selectAll): removed these functions because the related actions are triggered editor shortcuts * file-editor.h: remove copyClipboard, pasteClipboard, selectAll * (focusInEvent, focusOutEvent): handlers emitting the signal about the focus state of the edit area * octave-qscintilla.h: new focus signal qsci_has_focus_signal, focus event handlers * (set_global_edit_shortcuts): new slot dis-/enabling the common edit shortcuts depending on focus of edit area * main-window.h: new slot set_global_edit_shortcuts
author Torsten <>
date Sun, 27 Apr 2014 13:03:08 +0200
parents 224e76250443
line wrap: on
line source

#include "mex.h"

mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
             int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  const char *nm;

  nm = mexFunctionName ();
  mexPrintf ("You called function: %s\n", nm);
  if (strcmp (nm, "myfunc") == 0)
    mexPrintf ("This is the principal function\n", nm);
