view etc/RELEASE.PROCESS @ 18958:c9f960441513

Overhaul FLTK plotting and printing * Force execution of GL commands before gl2psEndPage to avoid missing primitives in output. Enable error output of gl2ps, check return value of gl2psBeginPage for error. * Avoid redraw of the OpenGL and the plot window if not needed. Let FLTK do the resizing of the canvas, the menubar and the statusbar. This was done by creating a resize_dummy and set this as resizable for the plot_window group. Previously this was done inside draw(). Avoid timing issues with fltk_maxtime (removed) and other hacks with multiple Fl::check and redraw () calls. You can use flush and glFlush if you really need to force a immediate redraw. Remove print_mode in draw () and print directly without waiting that FLTK flushes its buffers. This fixes bug #42458 and #40215 Manually placement of the toolbar is only done once when hiding or showing the menubar. (update_toolbar_position) set(gcf, "position", [x, y, w, h]) is now handled by figure::properties::ID_POSITION which calls update_position * __add_default_menu__.m: Remove now unneeded hacks for the menubar.
author Andreas Weber <>
date Sat, 26 Jul 2014 10:09:48 +0200
parents 2d3b1037fd12
line wrap: on
line source

<! This file contains a list of steps to accomplish before producing a release.
   The format of the file is wiki markup and can be directly used as a page
==3.8 Release Tasks==

This page shows the tasks to be completed before the 3.8 release is finalized.

# File bug reports for all outstanding bugs known, but not reported
#: Completion Date: 10/16/2013
## Put out a general call for reports on Octave-Maintainers and Octave-Help list
##: Completion Date: 10/9/2013
# Review patch tracker/bug list for any patches submitted that may be included before release
#: Completion Date: 10/24/2013
# Identify Bugs which *must* be fixed prior to release
#: Completion Date: 10/20/2013
## Start discussion about criteria on octave-maintainers list
## Possible Criteria:
##* Severity >= 4
##* Item Group == ("Crash" or "Regression")
##* Item Group == "Build Failure"
## Review bugs on tracker for possible inclusion in list
## Review bugs and update to correct category, such as Patch Submitted.
# Clear all bugs identified as must-fix
#: Completion Date: 10/26/2013
## See [[3.8 Bug Fix List]]
# GPL License activities
## Update Copyright statements for all source controlled files
## Add any new contributors to
# Style-check code base
## This will produce lots of whitespace changes, but no behavior changes.
## Must occur after patches have been added since whitespace changes will often prevent patches from applying.
# Run lint checker on code base
## cppcheck, Clang sanitize, etc.
# Verify 'make check' is passing
## Start discussion on octave-maintainers list about which failing tests must be fixed
## Identify and fix any tests determined critical in step above
# Run Octave test suite under Valgrind to check for memory leaks
## Done: 10/17/13
# Review documentation
## Grammar check documentation so that it conforms to Octave standards
## Spellcheck documentation
## Verify no functions missing from manual
## Verify deprecated functions removed from seealso links
## Verify all formats (Info, HTML, pdf) build correctly
## Review NEWS for any features which should be announced
# Localization and Internationalization
## Submit call for translations for GUI strings.
## Completion Date: 11/1/13
# Verify build process and create release candidates
## Update version information in
## Verify 'make distcheck' passes
## Create release candidate
### 'make dist'
### hg tag repository with release candidate ID
### For Windows, create installer [[Windows Installer]]
### Upload release candidate
### Announce release candidate to Octave-Maintainers, Octave-Help, on web page
### Repeat release candidate cycle until clean
# Final Release
## hg tag repository with release
## merge default onto stable to become the current stable release
## add new release version to Savannah bug tracker
## Announce final release on Octave mailing lists and web site
# Post-Release
## Update versioning to next release cycle
## Remove all deprecated functions scheduled for deletion in 4.0 from default branch
