view doc/interpreter/ @ 22176:0f22502738fa some perl best practice changes. * doc/interpreter/ enable strict and declare scope of all variables. Enclose code in subroutines for simplification. Use File::Spec for OS without different filesep. Avoid reading all DOCSTRINGS in memory, print them out to temporary file as they are processed. Use backticks to run makeinfo and collect output. Fix issue where @class private methods were not filtered out from doc-cache. Avoid using $_ in large loops. * doc/interpreter/ do not pass unnecessary "-" as first argument (historically this was an Octave script and the first argument was the output file but now it's only STDOUT), and "--" (which was used to separate multiple macros file from DOCSTRINGS but now there is only one macros.texi).
author Carnë Draug <>
date Fri, 22 Jul 2016 18:44:43 +0100
parents 2258495e864a
children 3a2b891d0b33 3ac9f9ecfae5
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright (C) 2016 John W. Eaton
# This file is part of Octave.
# Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
# <>.

# This script is based on the old mk_doc_cache.m file.

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;

my $doc_delim = "\x{1d}";
my $tex_delim_pat = qr/\Q-*- texinfo -*-\E/;

## Returns a File::Temp object with texinfo code.
sub make_texinfo_file
  my $srcdir = shift;
  my $macro_fpath = shift;
  my @docstrings = @_;

  my $t_file = File::Temp->new (UNLINK => 1);

  ## Only the first file is the macro file.  Copy its contents verbatim.
  open (my $macro_fh, "<", $macro_fpath)
    or die "Unable to open $macro_fpath for reading: $!\n";
  while (<$macro_fh>)
      print {$t_file} $_;
  close ($macro_fh);

  foreach my $filepath (@docstrings)
      ## DOCSTRINGS files may exist in the current (build) directory or in
      ## the source directory when building from a release.
      if (! -e $filepath)
          ## Only triggered when re-building doc-cache outside source
          ## tree, from released sources.
          $filepath = File::Spec->catfile ($srcdir, $filepath);
      open (my $fh, "<", $filepath)
        or die "Unable to open $filepath for reading: $!\n";

      my $in_header = 1;
      while (my $line = <$fh>)
          ## DOCSTRINGS header ends once we find the first function.
          if ($in_header && $line =~ m/^$doc_delim/)
              $in_header = 0;
          next if $in_header;
          next if $line =~ /$tex_delim_pat/;

          ## escape {}@ characters for texinfo
          $line =~ s/([{}\@])/\@$1/g
            if $line =~ m/^$doc_delim/;

          print {$t_file} $line;
      close ($fh);

  print {$t_file} $doc_delim;

  $t_file->flush ();
  return $t_file;

sub get_info_text
  my $texi_path = shift;

  my $makeinfo_command = "makeinfo --no-headers --no-warn --force --no-validate --fill-column=1024 $texi_path";
  my $info_text = `$makeinfo_command`;

  die "Unable to start makeinfo command '$makeinfo_command'"
    if (! defined $info_text);

  die "makeinfo produced no output!"
    if ! $info_text;

  return $info_text;

sub split_info
  my $info_text = shift;

  ## Constant patterns.  We only check for two underscores at the end,
  ## and not at the start, to also skip @class/__method__
  my $private_name_pat = qr/__$/;

  my @formatted = ();

  my $beg_idx = index ($info_text, $doc_delim);
  while ($beg_idx >= 0)
      my $end_idx = index ($info_text, $doc_delim, $beg_idx+1);
      if ($end_idx < 1)
          $beg_idx = -1;
      my $block = substr ($info_text, $beg_idx+1, $end_idx-$beg_idx-1);
      $beg_idx = $end_idx;

      my ($symbol, $doc) = split (/[\r\n]/, $block, 2);

      next if (length ($symbol) > 2 && $symbol =~ m/$private_name_pat/);

      $doc =~ s/^[\r\n]+//;
      next if (! $doc);

      (my $tmp = $doc) =~ s/^[\r\n]*  *-- .*[\r\n]//mg;
      next if (! $tmp);

      (my $first_sentence = $tmp) =~ s/(\.|[\r\n][\r\n]).*/$1/s;
      $first_sentence =~ s/([\r\n]| {2,})/ /g;
      $first_sentence =~ s/   *$/ /g;
      $first_sentence =~ s/^ +//;

      push (@formatted, [($symbol, $doc, $first_sentence)]);
  return @formatted;

sub print_element
  my ($str) = @_;
  my $len = length ($str);

  print "# name: <cell-element>\n";
  print "# type: sq_string\n";
  print "# elements: 1\n";
  print "# length: $len\n";
  print "$str\n\n\n";

sub print_cache
  my $num = @_;

  print "# created by\n";
  print "# name: cache\n";
  print "# type: cell\n";
  print "# rows: 3\n";
  print "# columns: $num\n";

  foreach my $elt (@_)
      my $symbol = $elt->[0];
      my $doc = $elt->[1];
      my $first_sentence = $elt->[2];

      print_element ($symbol);
      print_element ($doc);
      print_element ($first_sentence);
      print "\n";

sub main
  my $srcdir = shift;
  my $macro_texi = shift;
  my @docstrings = @_;
  ## Everything else left in @_ are DOCSTRINGS files

  die "usage: mk_doc_cache SRCDIR MACRO-FILE DOCSTRINGS-FILE ..."
    if (@docstrings < 1);

  my $texi_file = make_texinfo_file ($srcdir, $macro_texi, @docstrings);

  my $info_text = get_info_text ($texi_file->filename);

  my @cache_blocks = split_info ($info_text);

  print_cache (@cache_blocks);

main (@ARGV);