view libinterp/corefcn/ @ 30564:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
parents a61e1a0f6024
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2021-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#include <config.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include "base-text-renderer.h"
#include "builtin-defun-decls.h"
#include "dim-vector.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "file-ops.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "interpreter-private.h"
#include "oct-env.h"
#include "oct-process.h"

namespace octave
  quote_string (std::string str)
    return ('"' + str + '"');

  latex_renderer : public base_text_renderer


    latex_renderer (void)
      : m_fontsize (10.0), m_fontname ("cmr"), m_tmp_dir (),
        m_color (dim_vector (1, 3), 0), m_latex_binary ("latex"),
        m_dvipng_binary ("dvipng"), m_dvisvg_binary ("dvisvgm"),
        m_debug (false), m_testing (true)
      std::string bin = sys::env::getenv ("OCTAVE_LATEX_BINARY");
      if (! bin.empty ())
        m_latex_binary = quote_string (bin);

      bin = sys::env::getenv ("OCTAVE_DVIPNG_BINARY");
      if (! bin.empty ())
        m_dvipng_binary = quote_string (bin);

      bin = sys::env::getenv ("OCTAVE_DVISVG_BINARY");
      if (! bin.empty ())
        m_dvisvg_binary = quote_string (bin);

      m_debug = ! sys::env::getenv ("OCTAVE_LATEX_DEBUG_FLAG").empty ();

    ~latex_renderer (void)
      if (! m_tmp_dir.empty () && ! m_debug)
        sys::recursive_rmdir (m_tmp_dir);

    void set_font (const std::string& /*name*/, const std::string& /*weight*/,
                   const std::string& /*angle*/, double size)
      m_fontsize = size;

    void set_color (const Matrix& c)
      if (c.numel () == 3)
          m_color(0) = static_cast<uint8_t> (c (0) * 255);
          m_color(1) = static_cast<uint8_t> (c (1) * 255);
          m_color(2) = static_cast<uint8_t> (c (2) * 255);

    Matrix get_extent (text_element* /*elt*/, double /*rotation*/)
      return Matrix (1, 2, 0.0);

    Matrix get_extent (const std::string& txt, double rotation,
                       const caseless_str& interpreter)
      Matrix bbox;
      uint8NDArray pixels;

      text_to_pixels (txt, pixels, bbox, 0, 0, rotation, interpreter, false);

      return bbox.extract_n (0, 2, 1, 2);

    void text_to_strlist (const std::string& txt,
                          std::list<text_renderer::string>& lst,
                          Matrix& bbox, int halign, int valign, double rotation,
                          const caseless_str& interp)
      uint8NDArray pixels;
      text_to_pixels (txt, pixels, bbox, halign, valign, rotation,
                      interp, false);

      text_renderer::font fnt;
      text_renderer::string str ("", fnt, 0.0, 0.0);
      str.set_color (m_color);

      gh_manager& gh_mgr = octave::__get_gh_manager__ ("text_to_strlist");

      gh_manager::latex_data ldata = gh_mgr.get_latex_data (key (txt, halign));

      str.set_svg_element (ldata.second);

      lst.push_back (str);

    void text_to_pixels (const std::string& txt, uint8NDArray& pxls,
                         Matrix& bbox, int halign, int valign, double rotation,
                         const caseless_str& interpreter,
                         bool handle_rotation);

    void set_anti_aliasing (bool /*val*/) { }

    octave_map get_system_fonts (void) { return octave_map (); }

    bool ok (void);


    std::string key (const std::string& txt, int halign)
      return (txt + ":"
              + std::to_string (m_fontsize) + ":"
              + std::to_string (halign) + ":"
              + std::to_string (m_color(0)) + ":"
              + std::to_string (m_color(1)) + ":"
              + std::to_string (m_color(2)));

    void warn_helper (std::string caller, std::string txt, std::string cmd,
                      process_execution_result result);

    uint8NDArray render (const std::string& txt, int halign = 0);

    bool read_image (const std::string& png_file, uint8NDArray& data) const;

    std::string write_tex_file (const std::string& txt, int halign);

    double m_fontsize;
    std::string m_fontname;
    std::string m_tmp_dir;
    uint8NDArray m_color;
    std::string m_latex_binary;
    std::string m_dvipng_binary;
    std::string m_dvisvg_binary;
    bool m_debug;
    bool m_testing;


  latex_renderer::ok (void)
    // Only run the test once in a session
    static bool tested = false;

    static bool isok = false;

    if (! tested)
        tested = true;

        // For testing, render a questoin mark
        uint8NDArray pixels = render ("?");

        if (! pixels.isempty ())
          isok = true;
          warning_with_id ("Octave:LaTeX:internal-error",
                           "latex_renderer: a run-time test failed and the 'latex' interpreter has been disabled.");

    m_testing = false;

    return isok;

  latex_renderer::write_tex_file (const std::string& txt, int halign)
    if (m_tmp_dir.empty ())
        //Create the temporary directory
        m_tmp_dir = sys::tempnam ("", "latex");

        if (sys::mkdir (m_tmp_dir, 0700) != 0)
            warning_with_id ("Octave:LaTeX:internal-error",
                             "latex_renderer: unable to create temp directory");
            return std::string ();

    std::string base_file_name
      = sys::file_ops::concat (m_tmp_dir, "default");

    // Duplicate \n characters and align multi-line strings based on
    // horizontalalignment
    std::string latex_txt (txt);
    std::size_t pos = 0;

    while (true)
        pos =  txt.find_first_of ("\n", pos);

        if (pos == std::string::npos)

        latex_txt.replace (pos, 1, "\n\n");

        pos += 1;

    std::string env ("flushleft");
    if (halign == 1)
      env = "center";
    else if (halign == 2)
      env = "flushright";

    latex_txt = std::string ("\\begin{" ) + env + "}\n"
                + latex_txt + "\n"
                + "\\end{" + env + "}\n";

    // Write to temporary .tex file
    std::ofstream file; (base_file_name + ".tex");
    file << "\\documentclass[10pt, varwidth]{standalone}\n"
         << "\\usepackage{amsmath}\n"
         << "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n"
         << "\\begin{document}\n"
         << latex_txt << "\n"
         << "\\end{document}";
    file.close ();

    return base_file_name;

  latex_renderer::read_image (const std::string& png_file,
                              uint8NDArray& data) const
    uint8NDArray alpha;
    uint8NDArray rgb;
    int height;
    int width;

        // First get the image size to build the argument to __magick_read__
        octave_value_list retval = F__magick_ping__ (ovl (png_file), 1);

        octave_scalar_map info
          = retval(0).xscalar_map_value ("latex_renderer::read_image: "
                                         "Wrong type for info");
        height = info.getfield ("rows").int_value ();
        width = info.getfield ("columns").int_value ();
        Cell region (dim_vector(1, 2));
        region(0) = range<double> (1.0, height);
        region(1) = range<double> (1.0, width);
        info.setfield ("region", region);
        info.setfield ("index", octave_value (1));

        // Retrieve the alpha map
        retval = F__magick_read__ (ovl (png_file, info), 3);

        alpha = retval(2).xuint8_array_value ("latex_renderer::read_image: "
                                              "Wrong type for alpha");
    catch (const execution_exception& ee)
        warning_with_id ("Octave:LaTeX:internal-error",
                         "latex_renderer:: failed to read png data. %s",
                         ee.message ().c_str ());

        interpreter& interp
          = __get_interpreter__ ("latex_renderer::read_image");

        interp.recover_from_exception ();

        return false;

    data = uint8NDArray (dim_vector (4, width, height),
                         static_cast<uint8_t> (0));

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
            data(0, j, i) = m_color(0);
            data(1, j, i) = m_color(1);
            data(2, j, i) = m_color(2);
            data(3, j, i) = alpha(height-i-1, j);

    return true;

  latex_renderer::warn_helper (std::string caller, std::string txt,
                               std::string cmd, process_execution_result result)
    if (m_testing && ! m_debug)

    if (! m_debug)
      warning_with_id ("Octave:LaTeX:internal-error",
                       "latex_renderer: unable to compile \"%s\"",
                       txt.c_str ());
      warning_with_id ("Octave:LaTeX:internal-error",
                       "latex_renderer: %s failed for string \"%s\"\n\
* Command:\n\t%s\n\n* Error:\n%s\n\n* Stdout:\n%s",
                       caller.c_str (), txt.c_str (), cmd.c_str (),
                       result.err_msg ().c_str (),
                       result.stdout_output ().c_str ());

  latex_renderer::render (const std::string& txt, int halign)
    // Render if it was not already done
    gh_manager& gh_mgr = octave::__get_gh_manager__ ("latex_renderer::render");

    gh_manager::latex_data ldata = gh_mgr.get_latex_data (key (txt, halign));

    if (! ldata.first.isempty ())
      return ldata.first;

    uint8NDArray data;

    // First write the base .tex file
    std::string base_file_name = write_tex_file (txt, halign);

    if (base_file_name.empty ())
      return data;

    // Generate DVI file
    std::string tex_file = quote_string (base_file_name + ".tex");
    std::string dvi_file = quote_string (base_file_name + ".dvi");
    std::string log_file = quote_string (base_file_name + ".log");

    process_execution_result result;
    std::string cmd = (m_latex_binary + " -interaction=nonstopmode "
                       + "-output-directory=" + quote_string (m_tmp_dir) + " "
                       + tex_file);

    cmd = quote_string (cmd);

    result = run_command_and_return_output (cmd);

    if (result.exit_status () != 0)
        warn_helper ("latex", txt, cmd, result);

        if (txt != "?")
            write_tex_file ("?", halign);

            result = run_command_and_return_output (cmd);
            if (result.exit_status () != 0)
              return data;
          return data;

    double size_factor = m_fontsize / 10.0;

    // Convert DVI to SVG, read file and store its content for later use in
    // gl2ps_print
    std::string svg_file = base_file_name + ".svg";

    cmd = (m_dvisvg_binary + " -n "
           + "-TS" + std::to_string (size_factor) + " "
           + "-v1 -o " + quote_string (svg_file) + " "
           + dvi_file);

    cmd = quote_string (cmd);

    result = run_command_and_return_output (cmd);

    if (result.exit_status () != 0)
        warn_helper ("dvisvg", txt, cmd, result);
        return data;

    std::ifstream svg_stream (svg_file);
    std::string svg_string;
    svg_string.assign (std::istreambuf_iterator<char> (svg_stream),
                       std::istreambuf_iterator<char> ());

    // Convert DVI to PNG, read file and format pixel data for later use in
    // OpenGL
    std::string png_file = base_file_name + ".png";

    cmd = (m_dvipng_binary + " " + dvi_file + " "
           + "-q -o " + quote_string (png_file) + " "
           + "-bg Transparent -D "
           + std::to_string (std::floor (72.0 * size_factor)));

    cmd = quote_string (cmd);

    result = run_command_and_return_output (cmd);

    if (result.exit_status () != 0)
        warn_helper ("dvipng", txt, cmd, result);
        return data;

    if (! read_image (png_file, data))
      return data;

    // Cache pixel and svg data for this string
    ldata.first = data;
    ldata.second = svg_string;

    gh_mgr.set_latex_data (key (txt, halign), ldata);

    if (m_debug)
      std::cout << "* Caching " << key (txt, halign) << std::endl;

    return data;

  latex_renderer::text_to_pixels (const std::string& txt, uint8NDArray& pixels,
                                  Matrix& bbox, int halign, int valign,
                                  double rotation,
                                  const caseless_str& /*interpreter*/,
                                  bool handle_rotation)
    // Return early for empty strings
    if (txt.empty ())
        bbox = Matrix (1, 4, 0.0);

    if (ok ())
      pixels = render (txt, halign);
      pixels = uint8NDArray (dim_vector (4, 1, 1), static_cast<uint8_t> (0));

    if (pixels.ndims () < 3 || pixels.isempty ())
      return;  // nothing to render

    // Store unrotated bbox size
    bbox = Matrix (1, 4, 0.0);
    bbox (2) = pixels.dim2 ();
    bbox (3) = pixels.dim3 ();

    // Now rotate pixels if necessary
    int rot_mode = rotation_to_mode (rotation);

    if (! pixels.isempty ())
      rotate_pixels (pixels, rot_mode);

    // Move X0 and Y0 depending on alignments and eventually swap values
    // for text rotated 90° 180° or 270°
    fix_bbox_anchor (bbox, halign, valign, rot_mode, handle_rotation);

  base_text_renderer *
  make_latex_text_renderer (void)
    latex_renderer *renderer = new latex_renderer ();

    return renderer;