diff liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/README.txt @ 5164:57077d0ddc8e

[project @ 2005-02-25 19:55:24 by jwe]
author jwe
date Fri, 25 Feb 2005 19:55:28 +0000
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/README.txt	Fri Feb 25 19:55:28 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+AMD version 1.1:  a set of routines for permuting sparse matrices prior to
+    factorization.  Includes a version in C, a version in Fortran, and a MATLAB
+    mexFunction.
+Quick start (Unix, or Windows with Cygwin):
+    To compile, test, and install AMD, you may wish to first configure the
+    installation by editting the AMD/Make/Make.include file.  Next, cd to this
+    directory (AMD) and type "make" (or "make lib" if you do not have MATLAB).
+    To compile and run a demo program for the Fortran version, type
+    "make fortran".  When done, type "make clean" to remove unused *.o files
+    (keeps the compiled libraries and demo programs).  See the User Guide
+    (Doc/AMD_UserGuide.pdf), or AMD/Make/Make.include, for more details.
+Quick start (for MATLAB users);
+    To compile, test, and install the AMD mexFunction, cd to the
+    AMD/MATLAB directory and type amd_make at the MATLAB prompt.
+    This works on any system supported by MATLAB.
+AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004),  Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A.
+Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  All Rights Reserved.
+AMD License:
+    Your use or distribution of AMD or any modified version of
+    AMD implies that you agree to this License.
+    Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program, provided
+    that the Copyright, this License, and the Availability of the original
+    version is retained on all copies.  User documentation of any code that
+    uses AMD or any modified version of AMD code must cite the
+    Copyright, this License, the Availability note, and "Used by permission."
+    Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
+    provided the Copyright, this License, and the Availability note are
+    retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included.  This
+    software was developed with support from the National Science Foundation,
+    and is provided to you free of charge.
+    http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/amd
+This is the AMD Version 1.1 README file.  It is a terse overview of AMD.
+Refer to the User Guide (Doc/AMD_UserGuide.pdf) for how to install and use AMD.
+    AMD is a set of routines for pre-ordering sparse matrices prior to Cholesky
+    or LU factorization, using the approximate minimum degree ordering
+    algorithm.  Written in ANSI/ISO C with a MATLAB interface, and in
+    Fortran 77.
+    Timothy A. Davis (davis@cise.ufl.edu), University of Florida.
+    Patrick R. Amestory, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France.
+    Iain S. Duff, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK.
+    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, under
+    grants DMS-9504974, DMS-9803599, and CCR-0203270.
+    Portions of this work were done while on sabbatical at Stanford University
+    and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (with funding from the SciDAC
+    program).  I would like to thank Gene Golub, Esmond Ng, and Horst Simon
+    for making this sabbatical possible.
+Files and directories in the AMD v1.0 distribution:
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Subdirectories of the AMD directory:
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Doc		documentation
+    Make	for compiling AMD
+    Source	primary source code
+    Include	include file for use in your code that calls AMD
+    Demo	demo programs.  also serves as test of the AMD installation.
+    MATLAB	AMD mexFunction for MATLAB, and supporting m-files
+    Lib		where the compiled C-callable and Fortran-callable
+		AMD libraries placed.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Files in the AMD directory:
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Makefile	top-level Makefile for GNU make or original make.
+		Windows users would require Cygwin to use "make"
+    README	this file
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Doc directory: documentation
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ChangeLog			change log
+    License			the AMD License
+    Makefile			for creating the documentation
+    AMD_UserGuide.bib		AMD User Guide (references)
+    AMD_UserGuide.tex		AMD User Guide (LaTeX)
+    AMD_UserGuide.pdf		AmD User Guide (PDF)
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Make directory: for compiling AMD (Lib/libamd.a and Lib/libamdf77.a)
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Make.include		overall configurations.  Can use one of: 
+    Make.alpha			Makefile additions for Compaq Alpha
+    Make.linux			Makefile additions for Linux
+    Make.rs6000			Makefile additions for RS 6000
+    Make.sgi			Makefile additions for SGI
+    Make.solaris		Makefile additions for Solaris
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Source directory:
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNUmakefile			a nice Makefile, for GNU make
+    Makefile			an ugly Unix Makefile (for older make's)
+    amd_order.c			user-callable, primary AMD ordering routine
+    amd_control.c		user-callable, prints the control parameters
+    amd_defaults.c		user-callable, sets default control parameters
+    amd_info.c			user-callable, prints the statistics from AMD
+    amd_1.c			non-user-callable, construct A+A'
+    amd_2.c			non-user-callable, primary ordering kernel
+				(a C version of amd.f and amdbar.f, with
+				post-ordering added)
+    amd_aat.c			non-user-callable, computes nnz (A+A')
+    amd_dump.c			non-user-callable, debugging routines
+    amd_internal.h		non-user-callable, include file for AMD
+    amd_mex.c			non-user-callable, MATLAB mexFunction
+    amd_postorder.c		non-user-callable, postorder
+    amd_post_tree.c		non-user-callable, postorder just one tree
+    amd_valid.c			non-user-callable, verifies a matrix
+    amd.f			user-callable Fortran 77 version
+    amdbar.f			user-callable Fortran 77 version
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Include directory:
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    amd.h			include file for C programs that use AMD
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Demo directory:
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Makefile			for GNU make or original make
+    amd_demo.c			C demo program for AMD
+    amd_demo.out		output of amd_demo.c
+    amd_simple.c		simple C demo program for AMD
+    amd_simple.out		output of amd_simple.c
+    amd_f77demo.f		Fortran 77 demo program for AMD
+    amd_f77demo.out		output of amd_f77demo.f
+    amd_f77simple.c		simple Fortran 77 demo program for AMD
+    amd_f77simple.out		output of amd_f77simple.f
+    amd_f77cross.f		Fortran 77 demo, calls the C version of AMD
+    amd_f77cross.out		output of amd_f77cross.f
+    amd_f77wrapper.c		Fortran-callable wrapper for C version of AMD
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    MATLAB directory:
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    GNUmakefile			a nice Makefile, for GNU make
+    Makefile			an ugly Unix Makefile (for older make's)
+    Contents.m			for "help amd" listing of toolbox contents
+    amd.m			MATLAB help file for AMD
+    amd_make.m			MATLAB m-file for compiling AMD mexFunction
+    amd_mex.c			AMD mexFunction for MATLAB
+    amd_demo.m			MATLAB demo for AMD
+    amd_demo.m.out		diary output of amd_demo.m
+    can_24.mat			input file for AMD demo
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Lib directory:  libamd.a and libamdf77.a libraries placed here
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    libamd.def			AMD definitions for Windows