diff scripts/plot/private/__gnuplot_print__.m @ 12793:6f91ca83d2be

codesprint : Make many plot helper functions private. * plot/module.mk : Update where to find files for Automake *__fltk_ginput__.m, __fltk_print__.m, __gnuplot_drawnow__.m, __gnuplot_get_var__.m, __gnuplot_ginput__.m, __gnuplot_has_feature__.m, __gnuplot_open_stream__.m, __gnuplot_print__.m, __gnuplot_version__.m, __go_draw_axes__.m, __go_draw_figure__.m, __marching_cube__.m, __next_line_color__.m, __next_line_style__.m, __print_parse_opts__.m: Move helper functions into plot/private/ directory.
author Rik <octave@nomad.inbox5.com>
date Sat, 16 Jul 2011 09:28:26 -0700
parents scripts/plot/__gnuplot_print__.m@b0084095098e
children 72c96de7a403
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__gnuplot_print__.m	Sat Jul 16 09:28:26 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Daniel Heiserer
+## Copyright (C) 2001 Laurent Mazet
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+## your option) any later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn {Function File} {} __gnuplot_print__ (@var{@dots{}})
+## Undocumented internal function.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: Daniel Heiserer <Daniel.heiserer@physik.tu-muenchen.de>
+## Adapted-By: jwe
+function opts = __gnuplot_print__ (opts)
+  dos_shell = (ispc () && ! isunix ());
+  if (isempty (opts.fontsize))
+    ## If no fontsize, determine the nominal axes fontsize.
+    defaultfontsize = get (0, "defaultaxesfontsize");
+    axesfontsize = get (findobj (opts.figure, "type", "axes"), "fontsize");
+    if (iscell (axesfontsize))
+      axesfontsize = round (median (cell2mat (axesfontsize)));
+    endif
+    if (isempty (axesfontsize))
+      opts.fontsize = defaultfontsize;
+    else
+      opts.fontsize = axesfontsize;
+    endif
+  endif
+  ## The axes-label and tick-label spacing is determined by
+  ## the font spec given in "set terminal ..."
+  gp_opts = font_spec (opts);
+  pipeline = "";
+  switch (lower (opts.devopt))
+  case {"eps", "eps2", "epsc", "epsc2"}
+    if (any (strcmp (opts.devopt, {"eps", "epsc"})))
+      gp_opts = sprintf ("%s level1", gp_opts);
+    endif
+    if (opts.tight_flag || ! isempty (opts.preview))
+      tmp_file = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
+      eps_drawnow (opts, tmp_file, gp_opts);
+      if (dos_shell)
+        cleanup = sprintf (" & del %s", strrep (tmp_file, '/', '\'));
+      else
+        cleanup = sprintf (" ; rm %s", tmp_file);
+      endif
+      pipeline = {sprintf("%s %s",
+                          opts.epstool_cmd (opts, tmp_file, opts.name),
+                          cleanup)};
+    else
+      eps_drawnow (opts, opts.name, gp_opts);
+    endif
+  case {"epslatex", "pslatex", "pstex", "epslatexstandalone"}
+    dot = find (opts.name == ".", 1, "last");
+    if ((! isempty (dot))
+        && any (strcmpi (opts.name(dot:end),
+                {".eps", ".ps", ".pdf", ".tex", "."})))
+      name = opts.name(1:dot-1);
+    endif
+    if (strfind (opts.devopt, "standalone"))
+      term = sprintf ("%s ",
+                      strrep (opts.devopt, "standalone", " standalone"));
+    else
+      term = sprintf ("%s ", opts.devopt);
+    endif
+    if (__gnuplot_has_feature__ ("epslatex_implies_eps_filesuffix"))
+      suffix = "tex";
+    else
+      %% Gnuplot 4.0 wants a ".eps" suffix.
+      suffix = "eps";
+    endif
+    local_drawnow (sprintf ("%s %s", term, gp_opts),
+                   strcat (name, ".", suffix), opts);
+  case "tikz"
+    if (__gnuplot_has_terminal__ ("tikz"))
+      local_drawnow (sprintf ("lua tikz %s", gp_opts), opts.name, opts);
+    else
+      error (sprintf ("print:no%soutput", opts.devopt),
+             "print.m: '%s' output is not available for gnuplot-%s",
+             upper (opts.devopt), __gnuplot_version__ ());
+    endif
+  case "svg"
+    local_drawnow (sprintf ("svg dynamic %s", gp_opts), opts.name, opts);
+  case {"aifm", "corel", "eepic", "emf", "fig"}
+    local_drawnow (sprintf ("%s %s", opts.devopt, gp_opts), opts.name, opts);
+  case {"pdfcairo", "pngcairo"}
+    if (__gnuplot_has_terminal__ (opts.devopt))
+      local_drawnow (sprintf ("%s %s", opts.devopt, gp_opts), opts.name, opts);
+    else
+      error (sprintf ("print:no%soutput", opts.devopt),
+             "print.m: '%s' output is not available for gnuplot-%s",
+             upper (opts.devopt), __gnuplot_version__ ());
+    endif
+  case {"canvas", "dxf", "hpgl", "mf", "gif", "pstricks", "texdraw"}
+    local_drawnow (sprintf ("%s %s", opts.devopt, gp_opts), opts.name, opts);
+  case opts.ghostscript.device
+    gp_opts = font_spec (opts, "devopt", "eps");
+    opts.ghostscript.output = opts.name;
+    opts.ghostscript.source = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
+    eps_drawnow (opts, opts.ghostscript.source, gp_opts);
+    [cmd_gs, cmd_cleanup] = __ghostscript__ (opts.ghostscript);
+    if (opts.send_to_printer || isempty (opts.name))
+      cmd_lpr = opts.lpr_cmd (opts);
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s | %s", cmd_gs, cmd_lpr);
+    else
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s", cmd_gs);
+    endif
+    if (dos_shell)
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s & del %s", cmd, strrep (opts.ghostscript.source, '/', '\'));
+    else
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s ; rm %s", cmd, opts.ghostscript.source);
+    endif
+    if (! isempty (cmd_cleanup))
+      if (dos_shell)
+        pipeline = {sprintf("%s & %s", cmd, cmd_cleanup)};
+      else
+        pipeline = {sprintf("%s ; %s", cmd, cmd_cleanup)};
+      endif
+    else
+      pipeline = {cmd};
+    endif
+  otherwise
+    error (sprintf ("print:no%soutput", opts.devopt),
+           "print.m: %s output is not available for the Gnuplot graphics toolkit",
+           upper (opts.devopt));
+  endswitch
+  opts.pipeline = pipeline;
+  for n = 1:numel(pipeline)
+    if (opts.debug)
+      fprintf ("gnuplot-pipeline: '%s'\n", pipeline{n});
+    endif
+    [status, output] = system (pipeline{n});
+    if (status)
+      fprintf ("%s\n%s\n%s\n",
+               "---------- output begin ----------",
+               output,
+               "----------- output end -----------");
+      error ("gnuplot:failedpipe", "print: failed to print");
+    endif
+  endfor
+function eps_drawnow (opts, epsfile, gp_opts)
+  [h, fontsize] = get_figure_text_objs (opts);
+  unwind_protect
+    for n = 1:numel(h)
+      set (h(n), "fontsize", 2 * fontsize{n});
+    endfor
+    local_drawnow (sprintf ("postscript eps %s", gp_opts), epsfile, opts);
+  unwind_protect_cleanup
+    for n = 1:numel(h)
+      set (h(n), "fontsize", fontsize{n});
+    endfor
+  end_unwind_protect
+function local_drawnow (term, file, opts)
+  if (opts.use_color < 0)
+    mono = true;
+  else
+    mono = false;
+  endif
+  figure (opts.figure);
+  if (isempty (opts.debug_file) || ! opts.debug)
+    drawnow (term, file, mono);
+  else
+    drawnow (term, file, mono, opts.debug_file);
+  endif
+function f = font_spec (opts, varargin)
+  for n = 1:2:numel(varargin)
+    opts.(varargin{n}) = varargin{n+1};
+  endfor
+  f = "";
+  switch (opts.devopt)
+  case "cgm"
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s,%d""", opts.font, opts.fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s""", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("%d", opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case {"eps", "eps2", "epsc", "epsc2"}
+    ## Gnuplot renders fonts as half their specification, which
+    ## results in a tight spacing for the axes-labels and tick-labels.
+    ## Compensate for the half scale. This will produce the proper
+    ## spacing for the requested fontsize.
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s,%d""", opts.font, 2 * opts.fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s""", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("%d", 2 * opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case "svg"
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      fontsize = round (opts.fontsize * 0.75);
+      f = sprintf ("fname ""%s"" fsize %d", opts.font, fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("fname ""%s""", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      fontsize = round (opts.fontsize * 0.75);
+      f = sprintf ("%s fsize %d", f, fontsize);
+    endif
+  case "pdf"
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s,%d""", opts.font, opts.fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s""", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("fsize %d", f, opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case {"pdfcairo", "pngcairo"}
+    if (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s""", opts.font);
+    endif
+  case {"epslatex", "epslatexstandalone"}
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s,%d""", opts.font, opts.fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s""", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("%d", opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case "pslatex"
+    if (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("%d", opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case {"gif", "jpeg", "png"}
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s ,%d""", opts.font, opts.fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%s""", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("font ""%d""", opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case "emf"
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("""%s"" %d", opts.font, opts.fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("""%s""", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("%d", opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case "canvas"
+    if (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("fsize %d", opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case {"aifm", "corel"}
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("%s %d", opts.font, opts.fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("%s", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("%d", opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  case "fig"
+    if (! isempty (opts.font) && ! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("font %s fontsize %d", opts.font, opts.fontsize);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.font))
+      f = sprintf ("font %s", opts.font);
+    elseif (! isempty (opts.fontsize))
+      f = sprintf ("fontsize %d", opts.fontsize);
+    endif
+  endswitch
+function [h, fontsize] = get_figure_text_objs (opts)
+  h = findall (opts.figure, "-property", "fontsize");
+  fontsize = get (h, "fontsize");
+  switch (numel (fontsize))
+  case 0
+    fontsize = {};
+  case 1
+    fontsize = {fontsize};
+  endswitch