diff scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_draw_figure__.m @ 20435:755ba248fb4a

build: Rename __go_draw_XXX to __gnuplot_draw_XXX for clarity. * scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_draw_axes__.m: Renamed from __go_draw_axes__.m * scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_draw_figure__.m: Renamed from __go_draw_figure__.m * __scatter__.m, __gnuplot_drawnow__.m: Update scripts to use new names. * scripts/plot/util/module.mk: Use new file names in build system.
author Rik <rik@octave.org>
date Sun, 26 Jul 2015 18:33:57 -0700
parents scripts/plot/util/private/__go_draw_figure__.m@ce027487af26
children 4479d73eac72
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_draw_figure__.m	Sun Jul 26 18:33:57 2015 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2005-2015 John W. Eaton
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+## your option) any later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn {Function File} {} __gnuplot_draw_figure__ (@var{h}, @var{plot_stream}, @var{enhanced}, @var{mono})
+## Undocumented internal function.
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: jwe
+function __gnuplot_draw_figure__ (h, plot_stream, enhanced, mono)
+  htype = get (h, "type");
+  if (strcmp (htype, "figure"))
+    ## Get complete list of children.
+    kids = allchild (h);
+    nkids = length (kids);
+    if (nkids > 0)
+      fputs (plot_stream, "\nreset;\n");
+      fputs (plot_stream, "set autoscale keepfix;\n");
+      fputs (plot_stream, "set origin 0, 0\n");
+      fputs (plot_stream, "set size 1, 1\n");
+      bg = get (h, "color");
+      if (isnumeric (bg))
+        fprintf (plot_stream, "set obj 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind fc rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\" fs solid noborder\n", round (255 * bg));
+        bg_is_set = true;
+      else
+        bg_is_set = false;
+      endif
+      fg_was_set = false;
+      for i = nkids:-1:1
+        type = get (kids(i), "type");
+        switch (type)
+          case "axes"
+            if (strcmpi (get (kids (i), "tag"), "legend"))
+              ## This is so ugly. If there was a way of getting
+              ## gnuplot to give us the text extents of strings
+              ## then we could get rid of this mess.
+              lh = getfield (get (kids(i), "userdata"), "handle");
+              if (isscalar (lh))
+                ## We have a legend with a single parent. It'll be handled
+                ## below as a gnuplot key to the axis it corresponds to
+                continue;
+              else
+                ca = lh(1);
+                ## Rely upon listener to convert axes position
+                ## to "normalized" units.
+                legend_axes_units = get (kids(i), "units");
+                legend_axes_position = get (kids(i), "position");
+                legend_axes_outerposition = get (kids(i), "outerposition");
+                legend_axes_box = get (kids(i), "box");
+                legend_axes_ylim = get (kids(i), "ylim");
+                orig_axes_units = get (ca, "units");
+                hlgnd = get (kids(i));
+                unwind_protect
+                  set (ca, "units", "normalized");
+                  set (kids(i), "units", "normalized", "box", "off",
+                       "ylim", [-2, -1], "position", get (ca(1), "position"),
+                       "outerposition", get (ca(1), "outerposition"));
+                  ## Create a new set of lines with the appropriate
+                  ## displaynames, etc
+                  toberm = [];
+                  hobj = get (kids(i), "children");
+                  for j = numel (hobj) : -1 : 1
+                    if (! strcmp (get (hobj(j), "type"), "text"))
+                      continue;
+                    endif
+                    displayname = get (hobj(j), "string");
+                    ll = [];
+                    lm = [];
+                    for k = numel (hobj) : -1 : 1
+                      if (! strcmp (get (hobj(k), "type"), "line"))
+                        continue;
+                      endif
+                      if (get (hobj(j), "userdata")
+                          != get (hobj(k), "userdata"))
+                        continue;
+                      endif
+                      if (! strcmp (get (hobj(k), "linestyle"), "none"))
+                        ll = hobj(k);
+                      endif
+                      if (! strcmp (get (hobj(k), "marker"), "none"))
+                        lm = hobj(k);
+                      endif
+                    endfor
+                    if (! isempty (ll))
+                      if (! isempty (lm))
+                        toberm = [toberm, line("xdata",[0,0],"ydata",[0,0], "color", get(lm,"color"), "linestyle", get(ll,"linestyle"), "marker", get(lm,"marker"), "markeredgecolor", get(lm,"markeredgecolor"), "markerfacecolor", get(lm,"markerfacecolor"), "markersize", get (lm, "markersize"), "displayname", displayname, "parent", kids(i))];
+                      else
+                        toberm = [toberm, line("xdata",[0,0],"ydata",[0,0], "color", get(ll,"color"), "linestyle", get(ll,"linestyle"), "marker", "none", "displayname", displayname, "parent", kids(i))];
+                      endif
+                    elseif (! isempty (lm))
+                      toberm = [toberm, line("xdata",[0,0],"ydata",[0,0], "color", get(lm,"color"), "linestyle", "none", "marker", get(lm,"marker"), "markeredgecolor", get(lm,"markeredgecolor"), "markerfacecolor", get(lm,"markerfacecolor"), "markersize", get (lm, "markersize"), "displayname", displayname, "parent", kids(i))];
+                    endif
+                  endfor
+                  if (bg_is_set)
+                    fprintf (plot_stream, "set border linecolor rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"\n", round (255 * (1 - bg)));
+                  endif
+                  __gnuplot_draw_axes__ (kids(i), plot_stream, enhanced, mono,
+                                    bg_is_set, false, hlgnd);
+                unwind_protect_cleanup
+                  ## Return axes "units" and "position" back to
+                  ## their original values.
+                  set (ca, "units", orig_axes_units);
+                  set (kids(i), "units", legend_axes_units,
+                       "box", legend_axes_box,
+                       "ylim", legend_axes_ylim,
+                       "position", legend_axes_position,
+                       "outerposition", legend_axes_outerposition);
+                  delete (toberm);
+                  bg_is_set = false;
+                end_unwind_protect
+              endif
+            else
+              ## Rely upon listener to convert axes position
+              ## to "normalized" units.
+              orig_axes_units = get (kids(i), "units");
+              orig_axes_position = get (kids(i), "position");
+              unwind_protect
+                set (kids(i), "units", "normalized");
+                fg = get (kids(i), "color");
+                if (isnumeric (fg) && strcmp (get (kids(i), "visible"), "on"))
+                  fprintf (plot_stream, "set obj 2 rectangle from graph 0,0 to graph 1,1 behind fc rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\" fs solid noborder\n", round (255 * fg));
+                  fg_is_set = true;
+                  fg_was_set = true;
+                elseif (fg_was_set)
+                  fprintf (plot_stream, "unset obj 2\n");
+                  fg_is_set = false;
+                  fg_was_set = false;
+                else
+                  fg_is_set = false;
+                endif
+                if (bg_is_set)
+                  fprintf (plot_stream, "set border linecolor rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"\n", round (255 * (1 - bg)));
+                endif
+                ## Find if this axes has an associated legend axes and pass it
+                ## to __gnuplot_draw_axes__
+                hlegend = [];
+                fkids = get (h, "children");
+                for j = 1 : numel (fkids)
+                  if (ishandle (fkids (j))
+                      && strcmp (get (fkids (j), "type"), "axes")
+                      && (strcmp (get (fkids (j), "tag"), "legend")))
+                    udata = get (fkids (j), "userdata");
+                    if (isscalar (udata.handle)
+                        && ! isempty (intersect (udata.handle, kids (i))))
+                      hlegend = get (fkids (j));
+                      break;
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                endfor
+                __gnuplot_draw_axes__ (kids(i), plot_stream, enhanced, mono,
+                                  bg_is_set, fg_is_set, hlegend);
+              unwind_protect_cleanup
+                ## Return axes "units" and "position" back to
+                ## their original values.
+                set (kids(i), "units", orig_axes_units);
+                set (kids(i), "position", orig_axes_position);
+                bg_is_set = false;
+                fg_is_set = false;
+              end_unwind_protect
+            endif
+          case "uimenu"
+            ## ignore uimenu objects
+            kids(i) = [];
+          otherwise
+            error ("__gnuplot_draw_figure__: unknown object class, %s", type);
+        endswitch
+      endfor
+      if (isempty (kids))
+        fputs (plot_stream, "\nreset; clear;\n");
+        fflush (plot_stream);
+      else
+        fputs (plot_stream, "\nunset multiplot;\n");
+      endif
+    else
+      fputs (plot_stream, "\nreset; clear;\n");
+      fflush (plot_stream);
+    endif
+  else
+    error ("__gnuplot_draw_figure__: expecting figure object, found '%s'",
+           htype);
+  endif