diff doc/interpreter/geometryimages.m @ 9912:e9fe12c1b0c0

Set default papersize to the desired imagesize Set default paperorientation to landscape to stop warning message
author Rik <rdrider0-list@yahoo.com>
date Fri, 04 Dec 2009 09:45:15 -0800
parents eb63fbe60fab
children e76d8c767584
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/interpreter/geometryimages.m	Fri Dec 04 12:28:52 2009 -0500
+++ b/doc/interpreter/geometryimages.m	Fri Dec 04 09:45:15 2009 -0800
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@
 ## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 function geometryimages (nm, typ)
-  bury_output ();
+  set_print_size ();
+  hide_output ();
   if (strcmp (typ, "png"))
     set (0, "defaulttextfontname", "*");
   if (isempty (findstr (octave_config_info ("DEFS"), "HAVE_QHULL"))
       && (strcmp (nm, "voronoi") || strcmp (nm, "griddata")
 	  || strcmp (nm, "convhull") || strcmp (nm, "delaunay")
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@
     error ("unrecognized plot requested");
-  bury_output ();
+  hide_output ();
 function [r, c] = tri2circ (tri, xx, yy)
@@ -104,68 +106,19 @@
   r = sqrt ((xc - x(1)).^2 + (yc - y(1)).^2);
-## Use this function before plotting commands and after every call to
-## print since print() resets output to stdout (unfortunately, gnpulot
-## can't pop output as it can the terminal type).
-function bury_output ()
-  f = figure (1);
-  set (f, "visible", "off");
-function geometryimages (nm, typ)
-  bury_output ();
-  if (strcmp (nm, "voronoi"))
-    rand("state",9);
-    x = rand(10,1);
-    y = rand(10,1);
-    tri = delaunay (x, y);
-    [vx, vy] = voronoi (x, y, tri);
-    triplot (tri, x, y, "b");
-    hold on;
-    plot (vx, vy, "r");
-    [r, c] = tri2circ (tri(end,:), x, y);
-    pc = [-1:0.01:1];
-    xc = r * sin(pi*pc) + c(1);
-    yc = r * cos(pi*pc) + c(2);
-    plot (xc, yc, "g-", "LineWidth", 3);
-    axis([0, 1, 0, 1]);
-    legend ("Delaunay Triangulation", "Voronoi Diagram");
-    print (cstrcat (nm, ".", typ), cstrcat ("-d", typ))    
-  elseif (strcmp (nm, "triplot"))
-    rand ("state", 2)
-    x = rand (20, 1);
-    y = rand (20, 1);
-    tri = delaunay (x, y);
-    triplot (tri, x, y);
-    print (cstrcat (nm, ".", typ), cstrcat ("-d", typ))    
-  elseif (strcmp (nm, "griddata"))
-    rand("state",1);
-    x=2*rand(1000,1)-1;
-    y=2*rand(size(x))-1;
-    z=sin(2*(x.^2+y.^2));
-    [xx,yy]=meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,32));
-    griddata(x,y,z,xx,yy);
-    print (cstrcat (nm, ".", typ), cstrcat ("-d", typ))    
-  else
-    error ("unrecognized plot requested");
-  endif
-  bury_output ();
-function [r, c] = tri2circ (tri, xx, yy)
-  x = xx(tri);
-  y = yy(tri);
-  m = (y(1:end-1) - y(2:end)) ./ (x(1:end-1) - x(2:end));
-  xc = (prod(m) .* (y(1) - y(end)) + m(end)*(x(1)+x(2)) - m(1)*(x(2)+x(3))) ...
-        ./ (2 * (m(end) - m(1))); 
-  yc = - (xc - (x(2) + x(3))./2) ./ m(end) + (y(2) + y(3)) / 2;
-  c = [xc, yc];
-  r = sqrt ((xc - x(1)).^2 + (yc - y(1)).^2);
+function set_print_size ()
+  image_size = [5.0, 3.5]; # in inches, 16:9 format
+  border = 0;              # For postscript use 50/72
+  set (0, "defaultfigurepapertype", "<custom>");
+  set (0, "defaultfigurepaperorientation", "landscape");
+  set (0, "defaultfigurepapersize", image_size + 2*border);
+  set (0, "defaultfigurepaperposition", [border, border, image_size]);
 ## Use this function before plotting commands and after every call to
 ## print since print() resets output to stdout (unfortunately, gnpulot
 ## can't pop output as it can the terminal type).
-function bury_output ()
+function hide_output ()
   f = figure (1);
   set (f, "visible", "off");
@@ -181,7 +134,7 @@
   else ## if (!strcmp (typ, "txt"))
-    bury_output ();
+    hide_output ();
     x = y = linspace (-8, 8, 41)';
     [xx, yy] = meshgrid (x, y);
@@ -192,7 +145,7 @@
       title ("Sorry, graphics not available because octave was\\ncompiled without the QHULL library.");
       print (cstrcat (nm, ".", typ), cstrcat ("-d", typ));
-      bury_output ();
+      hide_output ();