view libgui/src/ @ 18498:2e7cad6f180c gui-release

Initial integration of QtHandles. * Check for QtOpenGL module. * libgui/ Include libgui/graphics/ (liboctgui_la_LIBADD): Include graphics/ in the list. (rcc-command): Pass "-name DIR" to rcc command. * (main_window::construct): Install qt functions and register qt toolkit. * libgui/src/ (src_libgui_src_la_CPPFLAGS): Include $(FONTCONFIG_CPPFLAGS) and -I$(srcdir)/graphics in the list. * (gtk_manager::gtk_manager): Make qt the default toolkit if it is available. * libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Backend.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/BaseControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ButtonControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Canvas.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/CheckBoxControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Container.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ContextMenu.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/EditControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Figure.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/FigureWindow.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/GLCanvas.h, , libgui/graphics/GenericEventNotify.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/KeyMap.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ListBoxControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Logger.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Menu.h, libgui/graphics/MenuContainer.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/MouseModeActionGroup.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Object.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ObjectFactory.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ObjectProxy.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Panel.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/PopupMenuControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/PushButtonControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/PushTool.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/RadioButtonControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/SliderControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/TextControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/TextEdit.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ToggleButtonControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ToggleTool.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ToolBar.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ToolBarButton.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Utils.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/__init_qt__.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/gl-select.h, libgui/graphics/images/README, libgui/graphics/images/pan.png, libgui/graphics/images/rotate.png, libgui/graphics/images/select.png, libgui/graphics/images/zoom.png, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/qthandles.qrc: New files.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Thu, 20 Feb 2014 14:05:45 -0500
parents dfc6ef6ac455
children 2d5d0d86432e
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2013 John W. Eaton
Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Jacob Dawid

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#include <config.h>

#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QMenu>

#include "workspace-view.h"
#include "resource-manager.h"

workspace_view::workspace_view (QWidget *p)
  : octave_dock_widget (p), view (new QTableView (this))
  setObjectName ("WorkspaceView");
  setWindowIcon (QIcon (":/actions/icons/logo.png"));
  set_title (tr ("Workspace"));
  setStatusTip (tr ("View the variables in the active workspace."));

  view->setWordWrap (false);
  view->setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);
  view_previous_row_count = 0;

  // Set an empty widget, so we can assign a layout to it.
  setWidget (new QWidget (this));

  // Create a new layout and add widgets to it.
  QVBoxLayout *vbox_layout = new QVBoxLayout ();
  vbox_layout->addWidget (view);
  vbox_layout->setMargin (2);

  // Set the empty widget to have our layout.
  widget ()->setLayout (vbox_layout);

  // Initialize collapse/expand state of the workspace subcategories.

  QSettings *settings = resource_manager::get_settings ();

  // Initialize column order and width of the workspace

  view->horizontalHeader ()->restoreState (
    settings->value ("workspaceview/column_state").toByteArray ());

  // Connect signals and slots.

  connect (view, SIGNAL (customContextMenuRequested (const QPoint&)),
           this, SLOT (contextmenu_requested (const QPoint&)));

  connect (this, SIGNAL (command_requested (const QString&)),
           p, SLOT (execute_command_in_terminal (const QString&)));


workspace_view::~workspace_view (void)
  QSettings *settings = resource_manager::get_settings ();

  settings->setValue ("workspaceview/column_state",
                      view->horizontalHeader ()->saveState ());

  settings->sync ();

void workspace_view::setModel (workspace_model *model)
  view->setModel (model);
  _model = model;

workspace_view::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
  emit active_changed (false);
  QDockWidget::closeEvent (e);

workspace_view::contextmenu_requested (const QPoint& qpos)
  QMenu menu (this);

  QModelIndex index = view->indexAt (qpos);
  QAbstractItemModel *m = view->model ();

  // if it isnt Local, Glocal etc, allow the ctx menu
  if (index.isValid () && index.column () == 0)
      index = index.sibling (index.row (), 0);

      QMap<int, QVariant> item_data = m->itemData (index);

      QString var_name = item_data[0].toString ();

      menu.addAction (tr ("Copy"), this,
                      SLOT (handle_contextmenu_copy ()));

      QAction *rename = menu.addAction (tr ("Rename"), this,
                                        SLOT (handle_contextmenu_rename ()));

      const workspace_model *wm = static_cast<const workspace_model *> (m);

      if (! wm->is_top_level ())
          rename->setDisabled (true);
          rename->setToolTip (tr ("Only top-level symbols may be renamed."));

      menu.addSeparator ();

      menu.addAction ("disp (" + var_name + ")", this,
                      SLOT (handle_contextmenu_disp ()));

      menu.addAction ("plot (" + var_name + ")", this,
                      SLOT (handle_contextmenu_plot ()));

      menu.addAction ("stem (" + var_name + ")", this,
                      SLOT (handle_contextmenu_stem ()));

      menu.exec (view->mapToGlobal (qpos));

workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_copy (void)
  QModelIndex index = view->currentIndex ();

  if (index.isValid ())
      index = index.sibling (index.row (), 0);

      QAbstractItemModel *m = view->model ();

      QMap<int, QVariant> item_data = m->itemData (index);

      QString var_name = item_data[0].toString ();

      QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard ();

      clipboard->setText (var_name);

workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_rename (void)
  QModelIndex index = view->currentIndex ();

  if (index.isValid ())
      index = index.sibling (index.row (), 0);

      QAbstractItemModel *m = view->model ();

      QMap<int, QVariant> item_data = m->itemData (index);

      QString var_name = item_data[0].toString ();

      QInputDialog* inputDialog = new QInputDialog ();

      inputDialog->setOptions (QInputDialog::NoButtons);

      bool ok = false;

      QString new_name
        =  inputDialog->getText (0, "Rename Variable", "New name:",
                                 QLineEdit::Normal, var_name, &ok);

      if (ok && ! new_name.isEmpty ())
        m->setData (index, new_name, Qt::EditRole);

workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_disp (void)
  relay_contextmenu_command ("disp");

workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_plot (void)
  relay_contextmenu_command ("figure (); plot");

workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_stem (void)
  relay_contextmenu_command ("figure (); stem");

workspace_view::relay_contextmenu_command (const QString& cmdname)
  QModelIndex index = view->currentIndex ();

  if (index.isValid ())
      index = index.sibling (index.row (), 0);

      QAbstractItemModel *m = view->model ();

      QMap<int, QVariant> item_data = m->itemData (index);

      QString var_name = item_data[0].toString ();

      emit command_requested (cmdname + " (" + var_name + ");");

workspace_view::handle_model_changed (void)
  // Just modify those rows that have been added rather than go through
  // the whole list.  For-loop test will handle when number of rows reduced.
  QFontMetrics fm = view->fontMetrics ();
  int row_height =  fm.height ();
  int new_row_count = view->model ()->rowCount ();
  for (int i = view_previous_row_count; i < new_row_count; i++)
    view->setRowHeight (i, row_height);
  view_previous_row_count = new_row_count;

workspace_view::notice_settings (const QSettings *settings)
  _model->notice_settings (settings); // update colors of model first

  QString tool_tip;
  tool_tip  = QString (tr ("View the variables in the active workspace.<br>"));
  tool_tip += QString (tr ("Colors for variable attributes:"));
  for (int i = 0; i < resource_manager::storage_class_chars ().length (); i++)
      tool_tip +=
        QString ("<div style=\"background-color:%1;color:#000000\">%2</div>")
        .arg (_model->storage_class_color (i).name ())
        .arg (resource_manager::storage_class_names ().at (i));
  setToolTip (tool_tip);

workspace_view::copyClipboard ()
  if (view->hasFocus ())
    handle_contextmenu_copy ();