view libgui/src/ @ 15848:424edeca3c66

Redo portions of file editor to use more signals/slots rather than casting. *, file-editor-tab.h (file_editor_tab::~file_editor_tab): Add. Delete lexer to prevent memory leak. Delete _edit_area to prevent memory leak. (file_editor_tab::conditional_close): Add. Simple slot that uses QWidget pointer as unique ID, not for function call. (file_editor_tab::file_name_query): Add. Simple slot that signals file name to whomever is connected. (file_editor_tab::find, file_editor_tab : public QWidget): Removed use of exec() and keep a pointer to the find_dialog as a member. Toggle hide()/show() via a connected slot to toggle visibility as desired. *, file-editor.h, file-editor-tab.h (file_editor : public file_editor_interface, file_editor_tab : public QWidget, file_editor_tab::file_editor_tab, file_editor_tab::closeEvent, file_editor_tab::load_file, file_editor_tab::new_file, file_editor_tab::run_file): Remove _file_editor pointer member from file_editor_tab and rid file_editor::get_main_window from file_editor. There should be no need for such information about higher-level hierarchy inside lower-level objects. (file_editor::request_open_file, file_editor_tab::open_file): Move QFileDialog to file_editor::request_open_file and delete file_editor_tab::open_file since most of the remaining functionality is in file_editor_tab::load_file. (file_editor::active_editor_tab): Deleted. (file_editor::fetab_change_request, file_editor_tab::change_editor_state): Added to initiate a request for the editor tab to change focus. (file_editor_tab::editor_state_changed): Added arguments to pass the copy status and the directory path so that editor doesn't have to call functions for such information. (file_editor::handle_editor_state_changed): Add copying directory of the file_editor_tab to the current editing directory. (file_editor::check_conflict_save, file_editor_tab::editor_check_conflict_save, file_editor_tab::save_file_as, file_editor_tab::handle_save_file_as_answer): Moved a portion of the save-file-as dialog mechanism to the file_editor where all file names can be obtained to check for conflict with already open files. The new signal indicates to the editor that a name check be done, and in turn the editor signals the tab to save the file. *,, file-editor.h, file-editor-interface.h (file_editor::terminal, file_editor : public file_editor_interface, file_editor_interface : public QDockWidget): Since file_editor_tab no longer looks up to main_window, remove _main_window and _terminal from file_editor and file_editor_interface, as well as file_editor::terminal. * (file_editor_tab::file_has_changed): Make the dialog boxes non-modal and use slots to handle user answers. (file_editor_tab::closeEvent): Remove portion that accesses upper hierarchy member functions, can find better approaches. (file_editor_tab::file_editor_tab): Make there no parent for QsciScintilla so that window modality can be set to individual editor. *, (file_editor_tab::load_file): Use show() member rather than exec() and set modality to window so that rest of application may function. Return a QString with message rather than a boolean. *, (file_editor_tab::file_has_changed): Remove static variable alreadyAsking. Multiple file_editor_tabs are using this code so do not want to block recognition of multiple file having changed on disk (bug #37406). Instead, simply stop tracking via the file watcher. (file_editor_tab::save_file, file_editor_tab::save_file_as, file_editor_tab::handle_save_file_as_answer, file_editor_tab::handle_save_file_as_answer_close): Added a remove_on_success variable. Changed the QFileDialog to WindowModal and created slots to handle file selected signal and finished signal. Signal/slot connects vary based upon remove_on_success setting. (file_editor_tab::check_file_modified): Changed the QFileDialog to NonModal and attach some slots. Editor tab can't be parent in case deleted, so use read-only state of the editor area. * file-editor-tab.h (file_editor_tab : public QWidget): New signals for file_editor for tab and file name management. (file_editor_tab::get_file_name): Delete. * file-editor.h (file_editor : public file_editor_interface): Make QStringList sessionFileNames a member of file_editor so that it can retain data between file_editor_tab signals. Also can be used for checking precense of filenames and prevent opening multiple copies (bug #36869) Added signals for file editor tabs--settings_changed, fetab_close_request, and query_file_name. Three new slots for tab and file name management. * file-editor-interface.h, file-editor.h (file_editor_interface::add_file_editor_tab, file_editor::add_file_editor_tab): Made the text name for the tab an input variable. * (file_editor::~file_editor): Replace dynamic_cast with simple signal querying all file editor tabs for file names which end up in savedSessionTabs. (file_editor::handle_file_name_changed): Dynamic cast not necessary since QObject and QWidget are compatible. (file_editor::handle_tab_close_request): Replace dynamic_cast with signal to request file_editor_tab with associated tabID tag should close. (file_editor::handle_tab_remove_request): Rename of handle_tab_close_request. Instead of dynamic cast, loop through pointers comparing QWidget* to QObject*, if same tag remove tab via index and also delete which fixes a memory leak. (file_editor::handle_add_filename_to_list): Simple slot that uses append() of the list member functions. (file_editor::notice_settings): Rather than dynamic cast, emit signal for the file_editor_tabs. (file_editor::add_file_editor_tab): New variety of connections for improved flow. (file_editor::request_open_file): Given error messages are made WindowModal, the tab shouldn't be delete if file open is not successful. The file_editor_tab takes care of that. (file_editor::request_open_file): Added check and message box for the requested file already open in editor. For the non-interactive overloaded version, open a message dialog box to tell the user file not found, e.g., could not find file in the settings when launched. (file_editor::request_open_file): Inquire file names and update list before checking for existence of files. Supply empty title to editor tab then have file_editor_tab update name. * file-editor-tab.h,, (file_editor_tab::run_file): New signal process_octave_code. (file_editor::add_file_editor_tab): Connect signal process_octave_code to file_editor's parent's slot handle_command_double_clicked.
author Daniel J Sebald <>
date Sun, 23 Dec 2012 14:33:48 -0600
parents b081fbe80174
children 7d300b85ee25
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Jacob Dawid

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#include <config.h>

#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QToolBar>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QIcon>

#include "file-editor.h"
#include "main-window.h"
#include "octave-link.h"
#include "settings-dialog.h"

#include "builtins.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "load-save.h"
#include "toplev.h"
#include "version.h"

#include "cmd-hist.h"
#include "oct-env.h"

main_window::main_window (QWidget *p)
  : QMainWindow (p)
  // We have to set up all our windows, before we finally launch octave.
  construct ();
  octave_link::launch_octave ();

main_window::~main_window ()
  // Clean up all dynamically created objects to ensure they are
  // deleted before this main_window is.  Otherwise, some will be
  // attached to a non-existent parent.

  if (_octave_qt_event_listener)
    delete _octave_qt_event_listener;

  if (_file_editor)
    delete _file_editor;

  if (_terminal_dock_widget)
    delete _terminal_dock_widget;

  if (_terminal)
    delete _terminal;

  if (_status_bar)
    delete _status_bar;

  if (_documentation_dock_widget)
    delete _documentation_dock_widget;

  if (_files_dock_widget)
    delete _files_dock_widget;

  if (_history_dock_widget)
    delete _history_dock_widget;

  if (_workspace_view)
    delete _workspace_view;

main_window::new_file ()
  _file_editor->request_new_file ();
  focus_editor ();

main_window::open_file ()
  _file_editor->request_open_file ();
  focus_editor ();

main_window::open_file (const QString& file_name)
  _file_editor->request_open_file (file_name);
  focus_editor ();

main_window::report_status_message (const QString& statusMessage)
  _status_bar->showMessage (statusMessage, 1000);

main_window::handle_save_workspace_request ()
  QString selectedFile =
    QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (this, tr ("Save Workspace"),
                                  resource_manager::get_home_path ());
  if (!selectedFile.isEmpty ())
    octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::save_workspace_callback,
                             selectedFile.toStdString ());

main_window::handle_load_workspace_request ()
  QString selectedFile =
    QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (this, tr ("Load Workspace"),
                                  resource_manager::get_home_path ());
  if (!selectedFile.isEmpty ())
    octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::load_workspace_callback,
                             selectedFile.toStdString ());

main_window::handle_clear_workspace_request ()
  octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::clear_workspace_callback);

  octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::clear_history_callback);

main_window::handle_command_double_clicked (const QString& command)
  _terminal->sendText (command);
  _terminal->setFocus ();

main_window::open_bug_tracker_page ()
  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (""));

main_window::open_agora_page ()
  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (""));

main_window::open_octave_forge_page ()
  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (""));

main_window::process_settings_dialog_request ()
  settings_dialog *settingsDialog = new settings_dialog (this);
  int change_settings = settingsDialog->exec ();
  if (change_settings == QDialog::Accepted)
      settingsDialog->write_changed_settings ();
      emit settings_changed ();
  delete settingsDialog;

main_window::notice_settings ()
  // Set terminal font:
  QSettings *settings = resource_manager::get_settings ();

  // FIXME -- what should happen if settings is 0?

  QFont term_font = QFont();
  term_font.setPointSize(settings->value("terminal/fontSize").toInt ());
  _terminal->setTerminalFont (term_font);

  QString cursorType = settings->value ("terminal/cursorType").toString ();
  bool cursorBlinking = settings->value ("terminal/cursorBlinking").toBool ();
  if (cursorType == "ibeam")
    _terminal->setCursorType(QTerminalInterface::IBeamCursor, cursorBlinking);
  else if (cursorType == "block")
    _terminal->setCursorType(QTerminalInterface::BlockCursor, cursorBlinking);
  else if (cursorType == "underline")

  // the widget's icons (when floating)
  int icon_set = settings->value ("DockWidgets/widget_icon_set",0).toInt ();
  QString icon_prefix = QString (WIDGET_ICON_SET_PREFIX[icon_set]);
  QString icon;
  foreach (QObject *obj, children ())
      QString name = obj->objectName ();
      if (obj->inherits("QDockWidget") && ! name.isEmpty ())
        { // if children is a dockwidget with a name
          QDockWidget *widget = qobject_cast<QDockWidget *> (obj);
          icon = icon_prefix;  // prefix or octave-logo
          if (icon_set)        // > 0 : each widget has individual icon
            icon = icon + name + QString(".png");
          widget->setWindowIcon (QIcon (icon));

  resource_manager::update_network_settings ();

main_window::prepare_for_quit ()
  write_settings ();

main_window::reset_windows ()
  // TODO: Implement.

main_window::current_working_directory_has_changed (const QString& directory)
  int index = _current_directory_combo_box->findText (directory);
  if ( index >= 0 )  // directory already in list -> remove it
      _current_directory_combo_box->removeItem (index);
  _current_directory_combo_box->insertItem (0,directory);  // add (on top)
  _current_directory_combo_box->setCurrentIndex (0);  // top is actual
  _files_dock_widget->set_current_directory (directory);

main_window::change_current_working_directory ()
  QString directory =
    QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr ("Set working direcotry"));

  if (!directory.isEmpty ())
      std::string dir = directory.toLocal8Bit ().data ();
      octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::change_directory_callback,dir);

main_window::set_current_working_directory (const QString& directory)
  QFileInfo fileInfo (directory);  // check whether this is an existing dir
  if (fileInfo.exists () && fileInfo.isDir ())   // is dir and exists
      std::string dir = directory.toLocal8Bit ().data ();
      octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::change_directory_callback,dir);

main_window::current_working_directory_up ()
  set_current_working_directory ("..");

// Slot that is called if return is pressed in the line edit of the combobox
// -> a new or a directory that is already in the drop down list was entered
main_window::current_working_directory_entered ()
  QString dir = _current_directory_line_edit->text ();  // get new directory
  int index = _current_directory_combo_box->findText (dir);  // already in list?
  if ( index < 0 )  // directory not yet in list -> set directory
    set_current_working_directory (dir);
  // if directory already in list, combobox triggers signal activated ()
  // to change directory

main_window::focus_command_window ()
  if (!_terminal_dock_widget->isVisible ())
      _terminal_dock_widget->setVisible (true);

  _terminal_dock_widget->setFocus ();
  _terminal_dock_widget->activateWindow ();
  _terminal_dock_widget->raise ();

  _terminal->setFocus ();
  _terminal->activateWindow ();
  _terminal->raise ();

main_window::focus_command_history ()
  if (!_history_dock_widget->isVisible ())
      _history_dock_widget->setVisible (true);

  _history_dock_widget->setFocus ();
  _history_dock_widget->activateWindow ();
  _history_dock_widget->raise ();

main_window::focus_current_directory ()
  if (!_files_dock_widget->isVisible ())
      _files_dock_widget->setVisible (true);

  _files_dock_widget->setFocus ();
  _files_dock_widget->activateWindow ();
  _files_dock_widget->raise ();

main_window::focus_workspace ()
  if (!_workspace_view->isVisible ())
      _workspace_view->setVisible (true);

  _workspace_view->setFocus ();
  _workspace_view->activateWindow ();
  _workspace_view->raise ();

main_window::focus_editor ()
  if (!_file_editor->isVisible ())
      _file_editor->setVisible (true);

  _file_editor->setFocus ();
  _file_editor->activateWindow ();
  _file_editor->raise ();

main_window::focus_documentation ()
  if (!_documentation_dock_widget->isVisible ())
      _documentation_dock_widget->setVisible (true);

  _documentation_dock_widget->setFocus ();
  _documentation_dock_widget->activateWindow ();
  _documentation_dock_widget->raise ();

main_window::handle_entered_debug_mode ()
  setWindowTitle ("Octave (Debugging)");
  _debug_continue->setEnabled (true);
  _debug_step_into->setEnabled (true);
  _debug_step_over->setEnabled (true);
  _debug_step_out->setEnabled (true);
  _debug_quit->setEnabled (true);
  _file_editor->handle_entered_debug_mode ();

main_window::handle_quit_debug_mode ()
  setWindowTitle ("Octave");
  _debug_continue->setEnabled (false);
  _debug_step_into->setEnabled (false);
  _debug_step_over->setEnabled (false);
  _debug_step_out->setEnabled (false);
  _debug_quit->setEnabled (false);
  _file_editor->handle_quit_debug_mode ();

main_window::debug_continue ()
  octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::debug_continue_callback);

main_window::debug_step_into ()
  octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::debug_step_into_callback);

main_window::debug_step_over ()
  octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::debug_step_over_callback);

main_window::debug_step_out ()
  octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::debug_step_out_callback);

main_window::debug_quit ()
  octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::debug_quit_callback);

main_window::show_about_octave ()

  QMessageBox::about (this, tr ("About Octave"), message);

main_window::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
  e->ignore ();
  octave_link::post_event (this, &main_window::exit_callback);

main_window::read_settings ()
  QSettings *settings = resource_manager::get_settings ();

  // FIXME -- what should happen if settings is 0?

  restoreState (settings->value ("MainWindow/windowState").toByteArray ());
  settings->beginGroup ("DockWidgets");
  // restoring the geometry of all dock-widgets
  foreach (QObject *obj, children ())
      QString name = obj->objectName ();
      if (obj->inherits("QDockWidget") && ! name.isEmpty ())
          QDockWidget *widget = qobject_cast<QDockWidget *> (obj);
          QVariant val = settings->value (name);
          widget->restoreGeometry (val.toByteArray ());
          bool floating = settings->value (name+"Floating",false).toBool ();
          bool visible = settings->value (name+"Visible",true).toBool ();
          if (floating)
            widget->setWindowFlags (Qt::Window); // if floating, make window from widget
          widget->setVisible (visible);          // make widget visible if desired (setWindowFlags hides widget)
  restoreGeometry (settings->value ("MainWindow/geometry").toByteArray ());
  // restore the list of the last directories
  QStringList curr_dirs = settings->value ("MainWindow/current_directory_list").toStringList ();
  for (int i=0; i < curr_dirs.size (); i++)
      _current_directory_combo_box->addItem ( (i));
  emit settings_changed ();

main_window::write_settings ()
  QSettings *settings = resource_manager::get_settings ();

  // FIXME -- what should happen if settings is 0?

  settings->setValue ("MainWindow/geometry", saveGeometry ());
  settings->beginGroup ("DockWidgets");
  // saving the geometry of all widgets
  foreach (QObject *obj, children())
      QString name = obj->objectName ();
      if (obj->inherits ("QDockWidget") && ! name.isEmpty ())
          QDockWidget *widget = qobject_cast<QDockWidget *> (obj);
          settings->setValue (name, widget->saveGeometry ());
          bool floating = widget->isFloating ();
          bool visible = widget->isVisible ();
          settings->setValue (name+"Floating",floating);  // store floating state
          settings->setValue (name+"Visible",visible);    // store visibility
          if (floating)
            widget->setWindowFlags(Qt::Widget); // if floating, recover the widget state such that the widget's
        }                                       // state is correctly saved by the saveSate () below
  settings->setValue ("MainWindow/windowState", saveState ());
  // write the list of recent used directories
  QStringList curr_dirs;
  for (int i=0; i<_current_directory_combo_box->count (); i++)
      curr_dirs.append (_current_directory_combo_box->itemText (i));
  settings->setValue ("MainWindow/current_directory_list",curr_dirs);
  settings->sync ();

main_window::construct ()
  _closing = false;   // flag for editor files when closed
  setWindowIcon (QIcon(":/actions/icons/logo.png"));

  // Setup dockable widgets and the status bar.
  _workspace_view           = new workspace_view (this);
  _workspace_view->setStatusTip (tr ("View the variables in the active workspace."));
  _history_dock_widget      = new history_dock_widget (this);
  _history_dock_widget->setStatusTip (tr ("Browse and search the command history."));
  _files_dock_widget        = new files_dock_widget (this);
  _files_dock_widget->setStatusTip (tr ("Browse your files."));
  _documentation_dock_widget= new documentation_dock_widget (this);
  _documentation_dock_widget->setStatusTip (tr ("See the documentation for help."));
  _status_bar               = new QStatusBar (this);

  _current_directory_line_edit = new QLineEdit (this);
  _current_directory_combo_box = new QComboBox (this);
  _current_directory_combo_box->setFixedWidth (current_directory_width);
  _current_directory_combo_box->setEditable (true);
  // setLineEdit takes ownership -> no need to delete line_edit in ~main_window
  _current_directory_combo_box->setLineEdit (_current_directory_line_edit);
  _current_directory_combo_box->setInsertPolicy (QComboBox::InsertAtTop);
  _current_directory_combo_box->setMaxVisibleItems (current_directory_max_visible);
  _current_directory_combo_box->setMaxCount (current_directory_max_count);

  QToolButton *current_directory_tool_button = new QToolButton (this);
  current_directory_tool_button->setIcon (QIcon(":/actions/icons/search.png"));

  QToolButton *current_directory_up_tool_button = new QToolButton (this);
  current_directory_up_tool_button->setIcon (QIcon(":/actions/icons/up.png"));

  // Octave Terminal subwindow.
  _terminal = new QTerminal (this);
  _terminal->setObjectName ("OctaveTerminal");
  _terminal->setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
  _terminal_dock_widget = new terminal_dock_widget (_terminal, this);

  // Create and set the central widget.  QMainWindow takes ownership of
  // the widget (pointer) so there is no need to delete the object upon
  // destroying this main_window.
  QWidget *dummyWidget = new QWidget ();
  dummyWidget->setObjectName ("CentralDummyWidget");
  dummyWidget->resize (10, 10);
  dummyWidget->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
  dummyWidget->hide ();
  setCentralWidget (dummyWidget);

  _file_editor = new file_editor (this);

  QMenu *file_menu = menuBar ()->addMenu (tr ("&File"));

  QMenu *new_menu = file_menu->addMenu(tr ("New"));

  QAction *new_script_action
    = new_menu->addAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/filenew.png"), tr ("Script"));
  new_script_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_N);

  QAction *new_function_action = new_menu->addAction (tr ("Function"));
  new_function_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *new_class_action = new_menu->addAction (tr ("Class"));
  new_class_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *new_enumeration_action = new_menu->addAction (tr ("Enumeration"));
  new_enumeration_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *new_figure_action = new_menu->addAction (tr ("Figure"));
  new_figure_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *new_variable_action = new_menu->addAction (tr ("Variable"));
  new_variable_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *new_model_action = new_menu->addAction (tr ("Model"));
  new_model_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *new_gui_action = new_menu->addAction (tr ("GUI"));
  new_gui_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.

  QAction *open_action
    = file_menu->addAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/fileopen.png"), tr ("Open..."));
  open_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_O);

  QAction *close_command_window_action
    = file_menu->addAction (tr ("Close Command Window"));
  close_command_window_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_W);
  close_command_window_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.

  file_menu->addSeparator ();
  QAction *import_data_action
    = file_menu->addAction (tr ("Import Data..."));
  import_data_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.

  QAction *save_workspace_action
    = file_menu->addAction (tr ("Save Workspace..."));
  save_workspace_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_S);
  file_menu->addSeparator ();

  QAction *preferences_action
    = file_menu->addAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/configure.png"),
                            tr ("Preferences..."));
  file_menu->addSeparator ();
  QAction *page_setup_action
    = file_menu->addAction (tr ("Page Setup..."));
  page_setup_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *print_action
    = file_menu->addAction (tr ("Print"));
  print_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_P);
  print_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *print_selection_action
    = file_menu->addAction (tr ("Print Selection..."));
  print_selection_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.

  file_menu->addSeparator ();
  QAction *exit_action = file_menu->addAction (tr ("Exit"));
  exit_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_Q);

  QMenu *edit_menu = menuBar ()->addMenu (tr ("&Edit"));
  QAction *undo_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/undo.png"), tr ("Undo"));
  undo_action->setShortcut (QKeySequence::Undo);

  QAction *redo_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/redo.png"), tr ("Redo"));
  redo_action->setShortcut (QKeySequence::Redo);
  edit_menu->addSeparator ();

  QAction *cut_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/editcut.png"), tr ("Cut"));
  cut_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_X);

  QAction *copy_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/editcopy.png"), tr ("Copy"));
  copy_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_C);

  QAction *paste_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/editpaste.png"), tr ("Paste"));
  paste_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_V);

  QAction *paste_to_workspace_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Paste To Workspace..."));
  paste_to_workspace_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  edit_menu->addSeparator ();

  QAction *select_all_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Select All"));
  select_all_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *delete_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Delete"));
  delete_action->setShortcut (Qt::Key_Delete);
  delete_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  edit_menu->addSeparator ();

  QAction *find_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Find..."));
  find_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *find_files_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Find Files..."));
  find_files_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier
                                  + Qt::Key_F);
  find_files_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  edit_menu->addSeparator ();

  QAction *clear_command_window_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Clear Command Window"));
  clear_command_window_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.
  QAction *clear_command_history
    = edit_menu->addAction(tr ("Clear Command History"));
  QAction * clear_workspace_action
    = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Clear Workspace"));

  _debug_menu = menuBar ()->addMenu (tr ("De&bug"));

  _debug_step_over = _debug_menu->addAction (QIcon (":/actions/icons/db_step.png"), tr ("Step"));
  _debug_step_over->setEnabled (false);
  _file_editor->debug_menu ()->addAction (_debug_step_over);
  _file_editor->toolbar ()->addAction (_debug_step_over);
  _debug_step_over->setShortcut (Qt::Key_F10);

  _debug_step_into = _debug_menu->addAction (QIcon (":/actions/icons/db_step_in.png"), tr ("Step in"));
  _debug_step_into->setEnabled (false);
  _file_editor->debug_menu ()->addAction (_debug_step_into);
  _file_editor->toolbar ()->addAction (_debug_step_into);
  _debug_step_into->setShortcut (Qt::Key_F11);

  _debug_step_out = _debug_menu->addAction (QIcon (":/actions/icons/db_step_out.png"), tr ("Step out"));
  _debug_step_out->setEnabled (false);
  _file_editor->debug_menu ()->addAction (_debug_step_out);
  _file_editor->toolbar ()->addAction (_debug_step_out);
  _debug_step_out->setShortcut (Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_F11);

  _debug_continue = _debug_menu->addAction (QIcon (":/actions/icons/db_cont.png"), tr ("Continue"));
  _debug_continue->setEnabled (false);
  _file_editor->debug_menu ()->addAction (_debug_continue);
  _file_editor->toolbar ()->addAction (_debug_continue);
  _debug_continue->setShortcut (Qt::Key_F5);

  _debug_menu->addSeparator ();
  _file_editor->debug_menu ()->addSeparator ();

  _debug_quit = _debug_menu->addAction (QIcon (":/actions/icons/db_stop.png"), tr ("Exit Debug Mode"));
  _debug_quit->setEnabled (false);
  _file_editor->debug_menu ()->addAction (_debug_quit);
  _file_editor->toolbar ()->addAction (_debug_quit);
  _debug_quit->setShortcut (Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_F5);

  //QMenu *parallelMenu = menuBar ()->addMenu (tr ("&Parallel"));

  QMenu *   desktop_menu = menuBar ()->addMenu (tr ("&Desktop"));
  QAction * load_workspace_action       = desktop_menu->addAction (tr ("Load workspace"));

  // Window menu
  QMenu *   window_menu = menuBar ()->addMenu (tr ("&Window"));
  QAction * show_command_window_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Show Command Window"));
  show_command_window_action->setCheckable (true);
  show_command_window_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier
                                           + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_0);

  QAction * show_history_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Show Command History"));
  show_history_action->setCheckable (true);
  show_history_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier
                                    + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_1);
  QAction * show_file_browser_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Show Current Directory"));
  show_file_browser_action->setCheckable (true);
  show_file_browser_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier
                                         + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_2);

  QAction * show_workspace_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Show Workspace"));
  show_workspace_action->setCheckable (true);
  show_workspace_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier
                                      + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_3);

  QAction * show_editor_action = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Show Editor"));
  show_editor_action->setCheckable (true);
  show_editor_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier
                                   + Qt::Key_4);

  QAction * show_documentation_action = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Show Documentation"));
  show_documentation_action->setCheckable (true);
  show_documentation_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier
                                          + Qt::Key_5);
  window_menu->addSeparator ();

  QAction * command_window_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Command Window"));
  command_window_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_0);

  QAction * history_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Command History"));
  history_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_1);

  QAction * file_browser_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Current Directory"));
  file_browser_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_2);

  QAction * workspace_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Workspace"));
  workspace_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_3);

  QAction * editor_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Editor"));
  editor_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_4);

  QAction * documentation_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Documentation"));
  documentation_action->setShortcut (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_5);

  window_menu->addSeparator ();
  QAction * reset_windows_action
    = window_menu->addAction (tr ("Reset Windows"));
  reset_windows_action->setEnabled (false); // TODO: Make this work.

  // Help menu
  QMenu *   help_menu = menuBar ()->addMenu (tr ("&Help"));
  QAction * report_bug_action
    = help_menu->addAction (tr ("Report Bug"));
  QAction * agora_action
    = help_menu->addAction (tr ("Visit Agora"));
  QAction * octave_forge_action
    = help_menu->addAction (tr ("Visit Octave Forge"));
  help_menu->addSeparator ();

  QAction * about_octave_action
    = help_menu->addAction (tr ("About Octave"));

  // Toolbars
  QToolBar *main_tool_bar = addToolBar ("Main");
  main_tool_bar->setObjectName ("MainToolBar");
  main_tool_bar->addAction (new_script_action);
  main_tool_bar->addAction (open_action);
  main_tool_bar->addSeparator ();
  main_tool_bar->addAction (cut_action);
  main_tool_bar->addAction (copy_action);
  main_tool_bar->addAction (paste_action);
  main_tool_bar->addAction (undo_action);
  main_tool_bar->addAction (redo_action);
  main_tool_bar->addSeparator ();
  // addWidget takes ownership of the objects so there is no
  // need to delete these upon destroying this main_window.
  main_tool_bar->addWidget (new QLabel (tr ("Current Directory:")));
  main_tool_bar->addWidget (_current_directory_combo_box);
  main_tool_bar->addWidget (current_directory_tool_button);
  main_tool_bar->addWidget (current_directory_up_tool_button);

  connect (qApp,                        SIGNAL (aboutToQuit ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (prepare_for_quit ()));
  connect (preferences_action,          SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (process_settings_dialog_request ()));
  connect (exit_action,                 SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (close ()));
  connect (new_script_action,           SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (new_file ()));
  connect (open_action,                 SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (open_file ()));
  connect (report_bug_action,           SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (open_bug_tracker_page ()));
  connect (agora_action,                SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (open_agora_page ()));
  connect (octave_forge_action,         SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (open_octave_forge_page ()));
  connect (about_octave_action,         SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (show_about_octave ()));
  connect (show_command_window_action,  SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
           _terminal_dock_widget,       SLOT   (setVisible (bool)));
  connect (_terminal_dock_widget,       SIGNAL (active_changed (bool)),
           show_command_window_action,  SLOT   (setChecked (bool)));
  connect (show_workspace_action,       SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
           _workspace_view,             SLOT   (setVisible (bool)));
  connect (_workspace_view,             SIGNAL (active_changed (bool)),
           show_workspace_action,       SLOT   (setChecked (bool)));
  connect (show_history_action,         SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
           _history_dock_widget,        SLOT   (setVisible (bool)));
  connect (_history_dock_widget,        SIGNAL (active_changed (bool)),
           show_history_action,         SLOT   (setChecked (bool)));
  connect (show_file_browser_action,    SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
           _files_dock_widget,          SLOT   (setVisible (bool)));
  connect (_files_dock_widget,          SIGNAL (active_changed (bool)),
           show_file_browser_action,    SLOT   (setChecked (bool)));
  connect (show_editor_action,          SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
           _file_editor,                SLOT   (setVisible (bool)));
  connect (_file_editor,                SIGNAL (active_changed (bool)),
           show_editor_action,          SLOT   (setChecked (bool)));
  connect (show_documentation_action,   SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
           _documentation_dock_widget,  SLOT   (setVisible (bool)));
  connect (_documentation_dock_widget,  SIGNAL (active_changed (bool)),
           show_documentation_action,   SLOT   (setChecked (bool)));

  connect (command_window_action,       SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (focus_command_window ()));
  connect (workspace_action,            SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (focus_workspace ()));
  connect (history_action,              SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (focus_command_history ()));
  connect (file_browser_action,         SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (focus_current_directory ()));
  connect (editor_action,               SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (focus_editor ()));
  connect (documentation_action,        SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (focus_documentation ()));

  connect (reset_windows_action,        SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (reset_windows ()));
  connect (this,                        SIGNAL (settings_changed ()),
           _file_editor,                SLOT   (notice_settings ()));
  connect (this,                        SIGNAL (settings_changed ()),
           _files_dock_widget,          SLOT   (notice_settings ()));
  connect (this,                        SIGNAL (settings_changed ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (notice_settings ()));
  connect (_files_dock_widget,          SIGNAL (open_file (QString)),
           this,                        SLOT   (open_file (QString)));
  connect (_files_dock_widget,          SIGNAL (displayed_directory_changed(QString)),
           this,                        SLOT   (set_current_working_directory(QString)));
  connect (_history_dock_widget,        SIGNAL (information (QString)),
           this,                        SLOT   (report_status_message (QString)));
  connect (_history_dock_widget,        SIGNAL (command_double_clicked (QString)),
           this,                        SLOT   (handle_command_double_clicked (QString)));
  connect (save_workspace_action,       SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (handle_save_workspace_request ()));
  connect (load_workspace_action,       SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (handle_load_workspace_request ()));
  connect (clear_workspace_action,      SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (handle_clear_workspace_request ()));
  connect (current_directory_tool_button, SIGNAL (clicked ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (change_current_working_directory ()));
  connect (current_directory_up_tool_button, SIGNAL (clicked ()),
           this,                        SLOT   (current_working_directory_up()));
  connect (copy_action,                 SIGNAL (triggered()),
           _terminal,                   SLOT   (copyClipboard ()));
  connect (paste_action,                SIGNAL (triggered()),
           _terminal,                   SLOT   (pasteClipboard ()));
  connect (_current_directory_combo_box, SIGNAL (activated (QString)),
           this,                        SLOT (set_current_working_directory (QString)));
  connect (_current_directory_line_edit, SIGNAL (returnPressed ()),
           this,                        SLOT (current_working_directory_entered ()));
  connect (_debug_continue,             SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (debug_continue ()));
  connect (_debug_step_into,            SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (debug_step_into ()));
  connect (_debug_step_over,            SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (debug_step_over ()));
  connect (_debug_step_out,             SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (debug_step_out ()));
  connect (_debug_quit,                 SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (debug_quit ()));

  connect (clear_command_history,       SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this,                        SLOT (handle_clear_history_request ()));

  setWindowTitle ("Octave");
  setDockOptions(QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks | QMainWindow::AllowNestedDocks | QMainWindow::AllowTabbedDocks);
  addDockWidget (Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, _workspace_view);
  addDockWidget (Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, _history_dock_widget);
  addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, _files_dock_widget);
  addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, _file_editor);
  addDockWidget (Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, _terminal_dock_widget);
  addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, _documentation_dock_widget);
  setStatusBar (_status_bar);

  _octave_qt_event_listener = new octave_qt_event_listener ();
  octave_link::register_event_listener (_octave_qt_event_listener);

  connect (_octave_qt_event_listener,
           SIGNAL (current_directory_has_changed_signal (QString)),
           SLOT (current_working_directory_has_changed (QString)));

  connect (_octave_qt_event_listener,
           SIGNAL (entered_debug_mode_signal ()),
           SLOT(handle_entered_debug_mode ()));

  connect (_octave_qt_event_listener,
           SIGNAL (quit_debug_mode_signal ()),
           SLOT (handle_quit_debug_mode ()));

main_window::save_workspace_callback (const std::string& file)
  Fsave (ovl (file));

main_window::load_workspace_callback (const std::string& file)
  Fload (ovl (file));

main_window::clear_workspace_callback (void)
  Fclear ();

main_window::clear_history_callback (void)
  command_history::clear ();

  _history_dock_widget->reset_model ();

main_window::change_directory_callback (const std::string& directory)
  Fcd (ovl (directory));

main_window::debug_continue_callback (void)
  Fdbcont ();

main_window::debug_step_into_callback (void)
  Fdbstep (ovl ("in"));

main_window::debug_step_over_callback (void)
  Fdbstep ();

main_window::debug_step_out_callback (void)
  Fdbstep (ovl ("out"));

main_window::debug_quit_callback (void)
  Fdbquit ();

main_window::exit_callback (void)
  Fquit ();