view scripts/plot/private/__interp_cube__.m @ 14868:5d3a684236b0

maint: Use Octave coding conventions for cuddling parentheses in scripts directory * lin2mu.m, loadaudio.m, wavread.m, accumarray.m, bicubic.m, celldisp.m, colon.m, cplxpair.m, dblquad.m, divergence.m, genvarname.m, gradient.m, int2str.m, interp1.m, interp1q.m, interp2.m, interpn.m, loadobj.m, nthargout.m, __isequal__.m, __splinen__.m, quadgk.m, quadl.m, quadv.m, rat.m, rot90.m, rotdim.m, saveobj.m, subsindex.m, triplequad.m, delaunay3.m, griddata.m, inpolygon.m, tsearchn.m, voronoi.m, get_first_help_sentence.m, which.m, gray2ind.m, pink.m, dlmwrite.m, strread.m, textread.m, textscan.m, housh.m, ishermitian.m, issymmetric.m, krylov.m, logm.m, null.m, rref.m, compare_versions.m, copyfile.m, dump_prefs.m, edit.m, fileparts.m, getappdata.m, isappdata.m, movefile.m, orderfields.m, parseparams.m, __xzip__.m, rmappdata.m, setappdata.m, swapbytes.m, unpack.m, ver.m, fminbnd.m, fminunc.m, fsolve.m, glpk.m, lsqnonneg.m, qp.m, sqp.m, configure_make.m, copy_files.m, describe.m, get_description.m, get_forge_pkg.m, install.m, installed_packages.m, is_architecture_dependent.m, load_package_dirs.m, print_package_description.m, rebuild.m, repackage.m, save_order.m, shell.m, allchild.m, ancestor.m, area.m, axes.m, axis.m, clabel.m, close.m, colorbar.m, comet.m, comet3.m, contour.m, cylinder.m, ezmesh.m, ezsurf.m, findobj.m, fplot.m, hist.m, isocolors.m, isonormals.m, isosurface.m, isprop.m, legend.m, mesh.m, meshz.m, pareto.m, pcolor.m, peaks.m, plot3.m, plotmatrix.m, plotyy.m, polar.m, print.m, __add_datasource__.m, __add_default_menu__.m, __axes_limits__.m, __bar__.m, __clabel__.m, __contour__.m, __errcomm__.m, __errplot__.m, __ezplot__.m, __file_filter__.m, __fltk_print__.m, __ghostscript__.m, __gnuplot_print__.m, __go_draw_axes__.m, __go_draw_figure__.m, __interp_cube__.m, __marching_cube__.m, __patch__.m, __pie__.m, __plt__.m, __print_parse_opts__.m, __quiver__.m, __scatter__.m, __stem__.m, __tight_eps_bbox__.m, __uigetdir_fltk__.m, __uigetfile_fltk__.m, __uiputfile_fltk__.m, quiver.m, quiver3.m, rectangle.m, refreshdata.m, ribbon.m, scatter.m, semilogy.m, shading.m, slice.m, subplot.m, surface.m, surfl.m, surfnorm.m, text.m, uigetfile.m, uiputfile.m, whitebg.m, deconv.m, mkpp.m, pchip.m, polyaffine.m, polyder.m, polygcd.m, polyout.m, polyval.m, ppint.m, ppjumps.m, ppval.m, residue.m, roots.m, spline.m, splinefit.m, addpref.m, getpref.m, setpref.m, ismember.m, setxor.m, arch_fit.m, arch_rnd.m, arch_test.m, autoreg_matrix.m, diffpara.m, fftconv.m, filter2.m, hanning.m, hurst.m, periodogram.m, triangle_sw.m, sinc.m, spectral_xdf.m, spencer.m, stft.m, synthesis.m, unwrap.m, yulewalker.m, bicgstab.m, gmres.m, pcg.m, pcr.m, __sprand_impl__.m, speye.m, spfun.m, sprandn.m, spstats.m, svds.m, treelayout.m, treeplot.m, bessel.m, factor.m, legendre.m, perms.m, primes.m, magic.m, toeplitz.m, corr.m, cov.m, mean.m, median.m, mode.m, qqplot.m, quantile.m, ranks.m, zscore.m, logistic_regression_likelihood.m, bartlett_test.m, chisquare_test_homogeneity.m, chisquare_test_independence.m, kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m, run_test.m, u_test.m, wilcoxon_test.m, z_test.m, z_test_2.m, bin2dec.m, dec2base.m, mat2str.m, strcat.m, strchr.m, strjust.m, strtok.m, substr.m, untabify.m, assert.m, demo.m, example.m, fail.m, speed.m, test.m, now.m: Use Octave coding conventions for cuddling parentheses in scripts directory.
author Rik <>
date Tue, 17 Jul 2012 07:08:39 -0700
parents 72c96de7a403
children c2dbdeaa25df
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Martin Helm
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.
## Author: Martin Helm <>

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{vxyz}, @var{idx}, @var{frac}] =} __interp_cube__ (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{val}, @var{v})
## Undocumented internal function.
## @end deftypefn

function [Vxyz, idx, frac] = __interp_cube__ (x, y, z, val, v, req = "values" )
  if (ismatrix (x) && ndims (x) == 3 && ismatrix (y) && ndims (y) == 3 ...
       && ismatrix (z) && ndims (z) == 3 && size_equal (x, y, z, val))
    x = squeeze (x(1,:,1))(:);
    y = squeeze (y(:,1,1))(:);
    z = squeeze (z(1,1,:))(:);
  elseif (isvector (x) && isvector (y) && isvector (z) )
    x = x(:);
    y = y(:);
    z = z(:);
    error ("__interp_cube__: X, Y, Z have wrong dimensions");
  if (size (val) != [length(x), length(y), length(z)])
    error ("__interp_cube__: VAL has wrong dimensions");
  if (size (v, 2) != 3)
    error ( "v has to be N*3 matrix");
  if (!ischar (req))
   error ("__interp_cube__: Invalid request parameter use 'values', 'normals' or 'normals8'");
  if (isempty (v))
    Vxyz = idx = frac = [];

  switch (req)
    case "values"
      [Vxyz, idx, frac] = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, v);
    case "normals"
      [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x, y, z, v);

      dx = x(2:end) - x(1:end-1);
      dy = y(2:end) - y(1:end-1);
      dz = z(2:end) - z(1:end-1);
      dx = 0.5 .* [dx;dx(end)](idx(:,2));
      dy = 0.5 .* [dy;dy(end)](idx(:,1));
      dz = 0.5 .* [dz;dz(end)](idx(:,3));

      p000 = [v(:, 1) - dx, v(:, 2) - dy, v(:, 3) - dz];
      p100 = [v(:, 1) + dx, v(:, 2) - dy, v(:, 3) - dz];
      p010 = [v(:, 1) - dx, v(:, 2) + dy, v(:, 3) - dz];
      p001 = [v(:, 1) - dx, v(:, 2) - dy, v(:, 3) + dz];
      p011 = [v(:, 1) - dx, v(:, 2) + dy, v(:, 3) + dz];
      p101 = [v(:, 1) + dx, v(:, 2) - dy, v(:, 3) + dz];
      p110 = [v(:, 1) + dx, v(:, 2) + dy, v(:, 3) - dz];
      p111 = [v(:, 1) + dx, v(:, 2) + dy, v(:, 3) + dz];

      v000 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p000);
      v100 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p100);
      v010 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p010);
      v001 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p001);
      v011 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p011);
      v101 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p101);
      v110 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p110);
      v111 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p111);

      Dx = -v000 .+ v100 .- v010 .- v001 .- v011 .+ v101 .+ v110 .+ v111;
      Dy = -v000 .- v100 .+ v010 .- v001 .+ v011 .- v101 .+ v110 .+ v111;
      Dz = -v000 .- v100 .- v010 .+ v001 .+ v011 .+ v101 .- v110 .+ v111;
      Vxyz = 0.5 .* [Dx./dx, Dy./dy, Dz./dz];
    case "normals8"
      [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x, y, z, v);

      dx = x(2:end) - x(1:end-1);
      dy = y(2:end) - y(1:end-1);
      dz = z(2:end) - z(1:end-1);
      dx = [dx;dx(end)](idx(:,2));
      dy = [dy;dy(end)](idx(:,1));
      dz = [dz;dz(end)](idx(:,3));
      [Dx, Dy, Dz, idx, frac] = interp_cube_trilin_grad (x, y, z, val, v);
      Vxyz = [Dx./dx, Dy./dy, Dz./dz];
     error ("__interp_cube__: Invalid request type '%s', use 'values', 'normals' or 'normals8'", req);

function [Vxyz, idx, frac] = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, v)
  [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x(:), y(:), z(:), v);
  sval = size (val);
  i000 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3));
  i100 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3));
  i010 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3));
  i001 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3)+1);
  i101 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3)+1);
  i011 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3)+1);
  i110 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3));
  i111 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3)+1 );
  Bx = frac(:, 1);
  By = frac(:, 2);
  Bz = frac(:, 3);
  Vxyz = ...
    val( i000 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- By) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i100 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- By) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i010 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* By .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i001 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- By) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i011 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* By .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i101 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- By) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i110 ) .* Bx .* By .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i111 ) .* Bx .* By .* Bz;

function [Dx, Dy, Dz, idx, frac] = interp_cube_trilin_grad (x, y, z, val, v)
  [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x(:), y(:), z(:), v);
  sval = size (val);
  i000 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3));
  i100 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3));
  i010 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3));
  i001 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3)+1);
  i101 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3)+1);
  i011 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3)+1);
  i110 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3));
  i111 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3)+1 );
  Bx = frac(:, 1);
  By = frac(:, 2);
  Bz = frac(:, 3);
  Dx = ...
    val( i000 ) .* -1 .* (1 .- By) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i100 ) .* (1 .- By) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i010 ) .* -1 .* By .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i001 ) .* -1 .* (1 .- By) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i011 ) .* -1 .* By .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i101 ) .* (1 .- By) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i110 ) .* By .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i111 ) .* By .* Bz;
  Dy = ...
    val( i000 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* -1 .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i100 ) .* Bx .* -1 .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i010 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i001 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* -1 .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i011 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i101 ) .* Bx .* -1 .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i110 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i111 ) .* Bx .* Bz;
  Dz = ...
    val( i000 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- By) .* -1 .+ ...
    val( i100 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- By) .* -1 .+ ...
    val( i010 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* By .* -1 .+ ...
    val( i001 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- By) .+ ...
    val( i011 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* By + ...
    val( i101 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- By) .+ ...
    val( i110 ) .* Bx .* By .* -1 .+ ...
    val( i111 ) .* Bx .* By;

function [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x, y, z, v)
  idx = zeros (size (v));
  frac = zeros (size (v));
  idx(:, 2) = lookup (x(2:end-1), v(:, 1)) + 1;
  frac(:, 2) = (v(:, 1) - x(idx(:, 2)) )...
      ./ (x(idx(:, 2)+1) - x(idx(:, 2)));
  idx(:, 1) = lookup (y(2:end-1), v(:, 2)) + 1;
  frac(:, 1) = (v(:, 2) - y(idx(:, 1))) ...
      ./ (y(idx(:, 1)+1) - y(idx(:, 1)));
  idx(:, 3) = lookup (z(2:end-1), v(:, 3)) + 1;
  frac(:, 3) = (v(:, 3) - z(idx(:, 3))) ...
      ./ (z(idx(:, 3)+1) - z(idx(:, 3)));