view scripts/plot/util/subplot.m @ 17572:7bb76a22cde1

maint: Split scripts/plot directory into 4 pieces. scripts/gui : user-interface functions scripts/plot/appearance : functions controlling plot appearance scripts/plot/draw : plotting functions which produce graphs scripts/plot/util : low-level plotting functions and utilities. * scripts/gui/guidata.m, scripts/gui/guihandles.m, scripts/gui/, scripts/gui/private/__file_filter__.m, scripts/gui/private/__fltk_file_filter__.m, scripts/gui/private/__is_function__.m, scripts/gui/private/__uigetdir_fltk__.m, scripts/gui/private/__uigetfile_fltk__.m, scripts/gui/private/__uiobject_split_args__.m, scripts/gui/private/__uiputfile_fltk__.m, scripts/gui/uicontextmenu.m, scripts/gui/uicontrol.m, scripts/gui/uigetdir.m, scripts/gui/uigetfile.m, scripts/gui/uimenu.m, scripts/gui/uipanel.m, scripts/gui/uipushtool.m, scripts/gui/uiputfile.m, scripts/gui/uiresume.m, scripts/gui/uitoggletool.m, scripts/gui/uitoolbar.m, scripts/gui/uiwait.m, scripts/gui/waitbar.m, scripts/gui/waitforbuttonpress.m: Moved from scripts/plot to scripts/gui * scripts/plot/appearance/__clabel__.m, scripts/plot/appearance/__getlegenddata__.m, scripts/plot/appearance/axis.m, scripts/plot/appearance/box.m, scripts/plot/appearance/caxis.m, scripts/plot/appearance/clabel.m, scripts/plot/appearance/daspect.m, scripts/plot/appearance/diffuse.m, scripts/plot/appearance/grid.m, scripts/plot/appearance/gtext.m, scripts/plot/appearance/hidden.m, scripts/plot/appearance/legend.m, scripts/plot/appearance/orient.m, scripts/plot/appearance/pbaspect.m, scripts/plot/appearance/private/__axis_label__.m, scripts/plot/appearance/private/__axis_limits__.m, scripts/plot/appearance/shading.m, scripts/plot/appearance/specular.m, scripts/plot/appearance/text.m, scripts/plot/appearance/title.m, scripts/plot/appearance/view.m, scripts/plot/appearance/whitebg.m, scripts/plot/appearance/xlabel.m, scripts/plot/appearance/xlim.m, scripts/plot/appearance/ylabel.m, scripts/plot/appearance/ylim.m, scripts/plot/appearance/zlabel.m, scripts/plot/appearance/zlim.m: Moved from scripts/plot to subdir appearance. * scripts/plot/draw/area.m, scripts/plot/draw/bar.m, scripts/plot/draw/barh.m, scripts/plot/draw/colorbar.m, scripts/plot/draw/comet.m, scripts/plot/draw/comet3.m, scripts/plot/draw/compass.m, scripts/plot/draw/contour.m, scripts/plot/draw/contour3.m, scripts/plot/draw/contourc.m, scripts/plot/draw/contourf.m, scripts/plot/draw/cylinder.m, scripts/plot/draw/ellipsoid.m, scripts/plot/draw/errorbar.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezcontour.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezcontourf.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezmesh.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezmeshc.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezplot.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezplot3.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezpolar.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezsurf.m, scripts/plot/draw/ezsurfc.m, scripts/plot/draw/feather.m, scripts/plot/draw/fill.m, scripts/plot/draw/fplot.m, scripts/plot/draw/hist.m, scripts/plot/draw/isocolors.m, scripts/plot/draw/isonormals.m, scripts/plot/draw/isosurface.m, scripts/plot/draw/line.m, scripts/plot/draw/loglog.m, scripts/plot/draw/loglogerr.m, scripts/plot/draw/mesh.m, scripts/plot/draw/meshc.m, scripts/plot/draw/meshz.m, scripts/plot/draw/pareto.m, scripts/plot/draw/patch.m, scripts/plot/draw/pcolor.m, scripts/plot/draw/peaks.m, scripts/plot/draw/pie.m, scripts/plot/draw/pie3.m, scripts/plot/draw/plot.m, scripts/plot/draw/plot3.m, scripts/plot/draw/plotmatrix.m, scripts/plot/draw/plotyy.m, scripts/plot/draw/polar.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__add_datasource__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__bar__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__contour__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__errcomm__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__errplot__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__ezplot__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__interp_cube__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__line__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__marching_cube__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__patch__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__pie__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__plt__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__quiver__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__scatter__.m, scripts/plot/draw/private/__stem__.m, scripts/plot/draw/quiver.m, scripts/plot/draw/quiver3.m, scripts/plot/draw/rectangle.m, scripts/plot/draw/ribbon.m, scripts/plot/draw/rose.m, scripts/plot/draw/scatter.m, scripts/plot/draw/scatter3.m, scripts/plot/draw/semilogx.m, scripts/plot/draw/semilogxerr.m, scripts/plot/draw/semilogy.m, scripts/plot/draw/semilogyerr.m, scripts/plot/draw/shrinkfaces.m, scripts/plot/draw/slice.m, scripts/plot/draw/sombrero.m, scripts/plot/draw/sphere.m, scripts/plot/draw/stairs.m, scripts/plot/draw/stem.m, scripts/plot/draw/stem3.m, scripts/plot/draw/stemleaf.m, scripts/plot/draw/surf.m, scripts/plot/draw/surface.m, scripts/plot/draw/surfc.m, scripts/plot/draw/surfl.m, scripts/plot/draw/surfnorm.m, scripts/plot/draw/tetramesh.m, scripts/plot/draw/trimesh.m, scripts/plot/draw/triplot.m, scripts/plot/draw/trisurf.m, scripts/plot/draw/waterfall.m: Moved from plot/ to subdir draw. * scripts/plot/util/__actual_axis_position__.m, scripts/plot/util/__default_plot_options__.m, scripts/plot/util/__gnuplot_drawnow__.m, scripts/plot/util/__next_line_color__.m, scripts/plot/util/__next_line_style__.m, scripts/plot/util/__plt_get_axis_arg__.m, scripts/plot/util/__pltopt__.m, scripts/plot/util/allchild.m, scripts/plot/util/ancestor.m, scripts/plot/util/axes.m, scripts/plot/util/cla.m, scripts/plot/util/clf.m, scripts/plot/util/close.m, scripts/plot/util/closereq.m, scripts/plot/util/colstyle.m, scripts/plot/util/copyobj.m, scripts/plot/util/figure.m, scripts/plot/util/findall.m, scripts/plot/util/findfigs.m, scripts/plot/util/findobj.m, scripts/plot/util/gca.m, scripts/plot/util/gcbf.m, scripts/plot/util/gcbo.m, scripts/plot/util/gcf.m, scripts/plot/util/gco.m, scripts/plot/util/ginput.m, scripts/plot/util/, scripts/plot/util/graphics_toolkit.m, scripts/plot/util/hdl2struct.m, scripts/plot/util/hggroup.m, scripts/plot/util/hold.m, scripts/plot/util/isaxes.m, scripts/plot/util/isfigure.m, scripts/plot/util/ishghandle.m, scripts/plot/util/ishold.m, scripts/plot/util/isprop.m, scripts/plot/util/linkprop.m, scripts/plot/util/meshgrid.m, scripts/plot/util/ndgrid.m, scripts/plot/util/newplot.m, scripts/plot/util/print.m, scripts/plot/util/printd.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__add_default_menu__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__fltk_ginput__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__fltk_print__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__ghostscript__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_get_var__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_ginput__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_has_feature__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_has_terminal__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_open_stream__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_print__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__gnuplot_version__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__go_draw_axes__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__go_draw_figure__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__print_parse_opts__.m, scripts/plot/util/private/__tight_eps_bbox__.m, scripts/plot/util/refresh.m, scripts/plot/util/refreshdata.m, scripts/plot/util/saveas.m, scripts/plot/util/shg.m, scripts/plot/util/struct2hdl.m, scripts/plot/util/subplot.m: Moved from plot to subdir util. * etc/HACKING: Updated directory structure info. * scripts/, scripts/plot/appearance/, scripts/plot/draw/, scripts/plot/util/ Added new directories to build system.
author Rik <>
date Fri, 04 Oct 2013 17:09:08 -0700
parents scripts/plot/subplot.m@fedcd3717ebc
children d63878346099
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 1995-2012 John W. Eaton
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} subplot (@var{rows}, @var{cols}, @var{index})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} subplot (@var{rcn})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} subplot (@var{hax})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} subplot (@dots{}, "align")
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} subplot (@dots{}, "replace")
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} subplot (@dots{}, "position", @var{pos})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} subplot (@dots{}, @var{prop}, @var{val}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{hax} =} subplot (@dots{})
## Set up a plot grid with @var{rows} by @var{cols} subwindows and set the
## current axes for plotting (@code{gca}) to the location given by @var{index}.
## If only one numeric argument is supplied, then it must be a three digit
## value specifying the number of rows in digit 1, the number of
## columns in digit 2, and the plot index in digit 3.
## The plot index runs row-wise; First, all columns in a row are numbered
## and then the next row is filled.
## For example, a plot with 2x3 grid will have plot indices running as follows:
## @tex
## \vskip 10pt
## \hfil\vbox{\offinterlineskip\hrule
## \halign{\vrule#&&\qquad\hfil#\hfil\qquad\vrule\cr
## height13pt&1&2&3\cr height12pt&&&\cr\noalign{\hrule}
## height13pt&4&5&6\cr height12pt&&&\cr\noalign{\hrule}}}
## \hfil
## \vskip 10pt
## @end tex
## @ifnottex
## @example
## @group
## +-----+-----+-----+
## |  1  |  2  |  3  |
## +-----+-----+-----+
## |  4  |  5  |  6  |
## +-----+-----+-----+
## @end group
## @end example
## @end ifnottex
## @var{index} may also be a vector.  In this case, the new axis will enclose
## the grid locations specified.  The first demo illustrates this:
## @example
## demo ("subplot", 1)
## @end example
## The index of the subplot to make active may also be specified by its axes
## handle, @var{hax}, returned from a previous @code{subplot} command.
## If the option @qcode{"align"} is given then the plot boxes of the subwindows
## will align, but this may leave no room for axis tick marks or labels.
## If the option @qcode{"replace"} is given then the subplot axis will be
## reset, rather than just switching the current axis for plotting to the
## requested subplot.
## The @qcode{"position"} property can be used to exactly position the subplot
## axes within the current figure.  The option @var{pos} is a 4-element vector
## [x, y, width, height] that determines the location and size of the axes.
## The values in @var{pos} are normalized in the range [0,1].
## Any property/value pairs are passed directly to the underlying axes object.
## If the output @var{hax} is requested, subplot returns the axis handle for
## the subplot.  This is useful for modifying the properties of a subplot
## using @code{set}.
## @seealso{axes, plot, gca, set}
## @end deftypefn

## Author: Vinayak Dutt <Dutt.Vinayak@mayo.EDU>
## Adapted-By: jwe

function h = subplot (varargin)

  align_axes = false;
  replace_axes = false;
  have_position = false;
  initial_args_decoded = false;

  if (nargin >= 3)
    ## R, C, N?
    arg1 = varargin{1};
    arg2 = varargin{2};
    arg3 = varargin{3};
    if (   isnumeric (arg1) && isscalar (arg1)
        && isnumeric (arg2) && isscalar (arg2)
        && isnumeric (arg3))
      rows = arg1;
      cols = arg2;
      index = arg3;
      varargin(1:3) = [];
      initial_args_decoded = true;

  if (! initial_args_decoded && nargin > 1)
    ## check for "position", pos, ...
    if (strcmpi (varargin{1}, "position"))
      arg = varargin{2};
      if (isnumeric (arg) && numel (arg) == 4)
        pos = arg;
        varargin(1:2) = [];
        have_position = true;
        initial_args_decoded = true;
        error ("subplot: POSITION must be a 4-element numeric array");
  if (! initial_args_decoded && nargin > 0)
    arg = varargin{1};
    if (nargin == 1 && isaxes (arg))
      ## Axes handle
      axes (arg);
      cf = get (0, "currentfigure");
      set (cf, "nextplot", "add");
    elseif (isscalar (arg) && arg >= 0)
      ## RCN?
      index = rem (arg, 10);
      arg = (arg - index) / 10;
      cols = rem (arg, 10);
      arg = (arg - cols) / 10;
      rows = rem (arg, 10);
      varargin(1) = [];
      initial_args_decoded = true;
      error ("subplot: expecting axes handle or RCN argument");

  if (! initial_args_decoded)
    print_usage ();

  if (! have_position)
    cols = round (cols);
    rows = round (rows);
    index = round (index);

    if (any (index < 1) || any (index > rows*cols))
      error ("subplot: INDEX value must be >= 1 and <= ROWS*COLS");

    if (rows < 1 || cols < 1 || index < 1)
      error ("subplot: ROWS, COLS, and INDEX must be be positive");

  ## Process "align" and "replace" options
  idx = strcmpi (varargin, "align");
  if (any (idx))
    align_axes = true;
    varargin(idx) = [];

  idx = strcmpi (varargin, "replace");
  if (any (idx))
    replace_axes = true;
    varargin(idx) = [];

  axesunits = get (0, "defaultaxesunits");
  cf = gcf ();
  figureunits = get (cf, "units");
    set (0, "defaultaxesunits", "normalized");
    set (cf, "units", "pixels");

    ## FIXME: At the moment we force gnuplot to use the aligned mode
    ##        which will set "activepositionproperty" to "position".
    ##        Τhis can yield to text overlap between labels and titles
    ##        see bug #31610
    if (strcmp (get (cf, "__graphics_toolkit__"), "gnuplot"))
      align_axes = true;

    if (! have_position)
      pos = subplot_position (rows, cols, index, "position");
      outerpos = subplot_position (rows, cols, index, "outerposition");
      box = [pos(1:2), pos(1:2)+pos(3:4)];
      outerbox = [outerpos(1:2), outerpos(1:2)+outerpos(3:4)];
      looseinset = [box(1:2)-outerbox(1:2), outerbox(3:4)-box(3:4)];
      if (align_axes)
        activepositionproperty = "position";
        activepositionproperty = "outerposition";

    set (cf, "nextplot", "add");

    found = false;
    kids = get (cf, "children");
    for child = kids(:)'
      ## Check whether this child is still valid; this might not be the
      ## case anymore due to the deletion of previous children (due to
      ## "deletefcn" callback or for legends/colorbars that are deleted
      ## with their corresponding axes).
      if (! ishandle (child))
      if (strcmp (get (child, "type"), "axes"))
        ## Skip legend and colorbar objects.
        if (any (strcmp (get (child, "tag"), {"legend", "colorbar"})))
        objpos = get (child, "outerposition");
        if (all (abs (objpos - outerpos) < eps) && ! replace_axes)
          ## If the new axes are in exactly the same position
          ## as an existing axes object, use the existing axes.
          found = true;
          hsubplot = child;
          ## If the new axes overlap an old axes object, delete the old axes.
          if (align_axes)
            objpos = get (child, "position");
          x0 = pos(1);
          x1 = x0 + pos(3);
          y0 = pos(2);
          y1 = y0 + pos(4);
          objx0 = objpos(1);
          objx1 = objx0 + objpos(3);
          objy0 = objpos(2);
          objy1 = objy0 + objpos(4);
          if (! (x0 >= objx1 || x1 <= objx0 || y0 >= objy1 || y1 <= objy0))
            delete (child);

    if (found)
      ## Switch to existing subplot
      set (cf, "currentaxes", hsubplot);
      hsubplot = axes ("box", "off",
                       "position", pos,
                       "looseinset", looseinset,
                       "activepositionproperty", activepositionproperty,
      addproperty ("subplot_align", hsubplot, "boolean", true);
      addlistener (hsubplot, "position", @subplot_align);
      if (! align_axes)
        set (hsubplot, "subplot_align", false)
        subplot_align (hsubplot)

    set (0, "defaultaxesunits", axesunits);
    set (cf, "units", figureunits);

  if (nargout > 0)
    h = hsubplot;


function pos = subplot_position (rows, cols, index, position_property)

  if (rows == 1 && cols == 1)
    ## Trivial result for subplot (1,1,1)
    if (strcmpi (position_property, "position"))
      pos = get (0, "defaultaxesposition");
      pos = get (0, "defaultaxesouterposition");

  if (strcmp (position_property, "outerposition"))
    margins.left   = 0.05;
    margins.bottom = 0.05;
    margins.right  = 0.05;    = 0.05;
    margins.column = 0.04 / cols;
    margins.row    = 0.04 / rows;
    width = 1 - margins.left - margins.right - (cols-1)*margins.column;
    width = width / cols;
    height = 1 - - margins.bottom - (rows-1)*margins.row;
    height = height / rows;
    defaultaxesposition = get (0, "defaultaxesposition");

    ## The outer margins surrounding all subplot "positions" are independent
    ## of the number of rows and/or columns
    margins.left   = defaultaxesposition(1);
    margins.bottom = defaultaxesposition(2);
    margins.right  = 1.0 - margins.left - defaultaxesposition(3);    = 1.0 - margins.bottom - defaultaxesposition(4);

    ## Fit from Matlab experiments
    pc = 1 ./ [0.1860, (margins.left + margins.right - 1)];
    margins.column = 1 ./ polyval (pc , cols);
    pr = 1 ./ [0.2282, ( + margins.bottom - 1)];
    margins.row    = 1 ./ polyval (pr , rows);

    ## Calculate the width/height of the subplot axes "position".
    ## This is also consistent with Matlab
    width = 1 - margins.left - margins.right - (cols-1)*margins.column;
    width = width / cols;
    height = 1 - - margins.bottom - (rows-1)*margins.row;
    height = height / rows;

  ## Index offsets from the lower left subplot
  yi = fix ((index(:)-1)/cols);
  xi = index(:) - yi*cols - 1;
  yi = (rows - 1) - yi;

  ## Lower left corner of the subplot, i.e., position(1:2)
  x0 = xi .* (width + margins.column) + margins.left;
  y0 = yi .* (height + margins.row) + margins.bottom;

  if (numel (x0) > 1)
    ## subplot (row, col, m:n)
    x1 = max (x0(:)) + width;
    y1 = max (y0(:)) + height;
    x0 = min (x0(:));
    y0 = min (y0(:));
    pos = [x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0];
    ## subplot (row, col, num)
    pos = [x0, y0, width, height];


function subplot_align (h, varargin)
  persistent updating = false;

  if (! updating)
      updating = true;
      hfig = ancestor (h, "figure");
      hsubplots = findall (hfig, "type", "axes", "subplot_align", "off");
      if (! isempty (hsubplots))
        tightinset = get (hsubplots, "tightinset");
        if (iscell (tightinset))
          tightinset = max (cell2mat (tightinset));
        looseinset = get (hsubplots, "looseinset");
        if (iscell (looseinset))
          looseinset = max (cell2mat (looseinset));
        looseinset = max (tightinset, looseinset);
        set (hsubplots, "looseinset", looseinset);
      updating = false;


%! clf;
%! r = 3;
%! c = 3;
%! fmt = {'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'verticalalignment', 'middle'};
%! for n = 1 : r*c
%!   subplot (r, c, n);
%!   xlabel (sprintf ('xlabel #%d', n));
%!   ylabel (sprintf ('ylabel #%d', n));
%!   title (sprintf ('title #%d', n));
%!   text (0.5, 0.5, sprintf ('subplot(%d,%d,%d)', r, c, n), fmt{:});
%!   axis ([0 1 0 1]);
%! end
%! subplot (r, c, 1:3);
%! xlabel (sprintf ('xlabel #%d:%d', 1, 3));
%! ylabel (sprintf ('ylabel #%d:%d', 1, 3));
%! title (sprintf ('title #%d:%d', 1, 3));
%! text (0.5, 0.5, sprintf ('subplot(%d,%d,%d:%d)', r, c, 1, 3), fmt{:});
%! axis ([0 1 0 1]);

%! clf;
%! x = 0:1;
%! for n = 1:4
%!   subplot (2,2,n, 'align');
%!   plot (x, x);
%!   xlabel (sprintf ('xlabel (2,2,%d)', n));
%!   ylabel (sprintf ('ylabel (2,2,%d)', n));
%!   title (sprintf ('title (2,2,%d)', n));
%! end
%! subplot (1,2,1, 'align');
%! plot (x, x);
%! xlabel ('xlabel (1,2,1)');
%! ylabel ('ylabel (1,2,1)');
%! title ('title (1,2,1)');

%! clf;
%! x = 0:10;
%! ax(1) = subplot (221);
%! set (ax(1), 'tag', '1');
%! plot (x, rand (3, 11))
%! title ('x & y labels & ticklabels');
%! xlabel xlabel
%! ylabel ylabel
%! ax(2) = subplot (222);
%! set (ax(2), 'tag', '2');
%! plot (x, rand (3, 11))
%! title ('no labels');
%! axis ('nolabel','tic')
%! ax(3) = subplot (223);
%! set (ax(3), 'tag', '3');
%! plot (x, rand (3, 11))
%! title ('no labels');
%! axis ('nolabel','tic')
%! ax(4) = subplot (224);
%! set (ax(4), 'tag', '4');
%! plot (x, rand (3, 11))
%! title ('x & y labels & ticklabels');
%! xlabel xlabel
%! ylabel ylabel

%! x = 0:10;
%! subplot (221);
%! plot (x, rand (3, 11))
%! ylim ([0, 1]);
%! text (0.5, 0.5, '{x,y}labels & {x,y}ticklabels', ...
%!       'horizontalalignment', 'center', ...
%!       'units', 'normalized');
%! xlabel xlabel
%! ylabel ylabel
%! title title
%! subplot (222);
%! plot (x, rand (3, 11))
%! axis ('labely');
%! ylabel ylabel
%! text (0.5, 0.5, 'no xlabels, xticklabels', ...
%!       'horizontalalignment', 'center', ...
%!       'units', 'normalized');
%! subplot (223);
%! plot (x, rand (3, 11))
%! axis ('labelx');
%! text (0.5, 0.5, 'no ylabels, yticklabels', ...
%!       'horizontalalignment', 'center', ...
%!       'units', 'normalized');
%! xlabel xlabel
%! title title
%! subplot (224);
%! plot (x, rand (3, 11))
%! axis ('nolabel','tic');
%! text (0.5, 0.5, 'no {x,y}labels, {x,y}ticklabels', ...
%!       'horizontalalignment', 'center', ...
%!       'units', 'normalized');