view libcruft/fftpack/zpassf3.f @ 7789:82be108cc558

First attempt at single precision tyeps * * * corrections to qrupdate single precision routines * * * prefer demotion to single over promotion to double * * * Add single precision support to log2 function * * * Trivial PROJECT file update * * * Cache optimized hermitian/transpose methods * * * Add tests for tranpose/hermitian and ChangeLog entry for new transpose code
author David Bateman <>
date Sun, 27 Apr 2008 22:34:17 +0200
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line source

      subroutine zpassf3 (ido,l1,cc,ch,wa1,wa2)
      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
      dimension       cc(ido,3,l1)           ,ch(ido,l1,3)           ,
     1                wa1(1)     ,wa2(1)
      data taur,taui /-.5d0,-.866025403784439d0/
      if (ido .ne. 2) go to 102
      do 101 k=1,l1
         tr2 = cc(1,2,k)+cc(1,3,k)
         cr2 = cc(1,1,k)+taur*tr2
         ch(1,k,1) = cc(1,1,k)+tr2
         ti2 = cc(2,2,k)+cc(2,3,k)
         ci2 = cc(2,1,k)+taur*ti2
         ch(2,k,1) = cc(2,1,k)+ti2
         cr3 = taui*(cc(1,2,k)-cc(1,3,k))
         ci3 = taui*(cc(2,2,k)-cc(2,3,k))
         ch(1,k,2) = cr2-ci3
         ch(1,k,3) = cr2+ci3
         ch(2,k,2) = ci2+cr3
         ch(2,k,3) = ci2-cr3
  101 continue
  102 do 104 k=1,l1
         do 103 i=2,ido,2
            tr2 = cc(i-1,2,k)+cc(i-1,3,k)
            cr2 = cc(i-1,1,k)+taur*tr2
            ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k)+tr2
            ti2 = cc(i,2,k)+cc(i,3,k)
            ci2 = cc(i,1,k)+taur*ti2
            ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k)+ti2
            cr3 = taui*(cc(i-1,2,k)-cc(i-1,3,k))
            ci3 = taui*(cc(i,2,k)-cc(i,3,k))
            dr2 = cr2-ci3
            dr3 = cr2+ci3
            di2 = ci2+cr3
            di3 = ci2-cr3
            ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1)*di2-wa1(i)*dr2
            ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1)*dr2+wa1(i)*di2
            ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-1)*di3-wa2(i)*dr3
            ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-1)*dr3+wa2(i)*di3
  103    continue
  104 continue