view gui/src/m-editor/ @ 14812:9d9eb9bac65e gui

Improved menu structure of file, edit and window menu. Removed ambiguous shortcuts, improved focus handling for operating the GUI with the keyboard. Added new shortcuts to focus subwindows directly. * files-dockwidget: Set focus proxy to the current directory line edit. * history-dockwidget: Set focus proxy to the inline search bar. * file-editor: Removed and improved shortcuts. * main-window: Added new slots for not only showing/hiding subwindows, but also for focussing them directly with Ctrl+0,1..4. Improved menu structure.
author Jacob Dawid <>
date Thu, 28 Jun 2012 11:04:37 +0200
parents e3ae0850b105
children eae0e9f2a8c6
line wrap: on
line source

/* OctaveGUI - A graphical user interface for Octave
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Jacob Dawid (
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.

#include "file-editor.h"
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFont>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QTextStream>

file_editor::file_editor (QTerminal *terminal, main_window *m)
  : file_editor_interface(terminal, m)
  construct ();

  _terminal = terminal;
  _main_window = m;
  setVisible (false);

file_editor::~file_editor ()

lexer_octave_gui *
file_editor::lexer ()
  return _lexer;

QTerminal *
file_editor::terminal ()
  return _terminal;

main_window *
file_editor::get_main_window ()
  return _main_window;

QMenu *
file_editor::debug_menu ()
  return _debug_menu;

file_editor::request_new_file ()
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = new file_editor_tab (this);
  if (fileEditorTab)
      add_file_editor_tab (fileEditorTab);
      fileEditorTab->new_file ();

file_editor::request_open_file ()
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = new file_editor_tab (this);
  if (fileEditorTab)
      add_file_editor_tab (fileEditorTab);
      if (!fileEditorTab->open_file ())
          // If no file was loaded, remove the tab again.
          _tab_widget->removeTab (_tab_widget->indexOf (fileEditorTab));

file_editor::request_open_file (QString fileName)
  if (!isVisible ())
      show ();

  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = new file_editor_tab (this);
  if (fileEditorTab)
      add_file_editor_tab (fileEditorTab);
      fileEditorTab->load_file (fileName);

file_editor::request_undo ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->undo ();

file_editor::request_redo ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->redo ();

file_editor::request_copy ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->copy ();

file_editor::request_cut ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->cut ();

file_editor::request_paste ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->paste ();

file_editor::request_save_file ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->save_file ();

file_editor::request_save_file_as ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->save_file_as ();

file_editor::request_run_file ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->run_file ();

file_editor::request_toggle_bookmark ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->toggle_bookmark ();

file_editor::request_next_bookmark ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->next_bookmark ();

file_editor::request_previous_bookmark ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->previous_bookmark ();

file_editor::request_remove_bookmark ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->remove_bookmark ();

file_editor::request_comment_selected_text ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->comment_selected_text ();

file_editor::request_uncomment_selected_text ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->uncomment_selected_text ();

file_editor::handle_file_name_changed (QString fileName)
  QObject *senderObject = sender ();
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = dynamic_cast<file_editor_tab*> (senderObject);
  if (fileEditorTab)
      for(int i = 0; i < _tab_widget->count (); i++)
          if (_tab_widget->widget (i) == fileEditorTab)
              _tab_widget->setTabText (i, fileName);

file_editor::handle_tab_close_request (int index)
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = dynamic_cast <file_editor_tab*> (_tab_widget->widget (index));
  if (fileEditorTab)
    if (fileEditorTab->close ())
        _tab_widget->removeTab (index);
        delete fileEditorTab;

file_editor::handle_tab_close_request ()
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = dynamic_cast <file_editor_tab*> (sender ());
  if (fileEditorTab)
    if (fileEditorTab->close ())
        _tab_widget->removeTab (_tab_widget->indexOf (fileEditorTab));
        delete fileEditorTab;

file_editor::active_tab_changed (int index)
  Q_UNUSED (index);
  handle_editor_state_changed ();

file_editor::handle_editor_state_changed ()
  file_editor_tab *f = active_editor_tab ();
  if (f)
      bool copy_available = f->copy_available ();
      _copy_action->setEnabled (copy_available);
      _cut_action->setEnabled (copy_available);
      setFocusProxy (f);

file_editor::construct ()
  QWidget *widget = new QWidget (this);
  QSettings *settings = resource_manager::instance ()->get_settings ();
  QStyle *style = QApplication::style ();

  _menu_bar = new QMenuBar (widget);
  _tool_bar = new QToolBar (widget);
  _tab_widget = new QTabWidget (widget);
  _tab_widget->setTabsClosable (true);

  // Theme icons with QStyle icons as fallback
  QAction *new_action = new QAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/filenew.png"),
        tr("&New File"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *open_action = new QAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/fileopen.png"),
        tr("&Open File"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *save_action = new QAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/filesave.png"),
        tr("&Save File"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *save_as_action = new QAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/filesaveas.png"),
        tr("Save File &As"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *undo_action = new QAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/undo.png"),
        tr("&Undo"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *redo_action = new QAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/redo.png"),
        tr("&Redo"), _tool_bar);

  _copy_action = new QAction (QIcon::fromTheme ("edit-copy"), tr ("&Copy"), _tool_bar);
  _cut_action  = new QAction (QIcon::fromTheme ("edit-cut"), tr ("Cu&t"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *paste_action
      = new QAction (QIcon (":/actions/icons/editpaste.png"),
                     tr("Paste"), _tool_bar);
  QAction *next_bookmark_action       = new QAction (tr ("&Next Bookmark"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *previous_bookmark_action   = new QAction (tr ("Pre&vious Bookmark"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *toggle_bookmark_action     = new QAction (tr ("Toggle &Bookmark"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *remove_bookmark_action     = new QAction (tr ("&Remove All Bookmarks"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *comment_selection_action   = new QAction (tr ("&Comment Selected Text"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *uncomment_selection_action = new QAction (tr ("&Uncomment Selected Text"),_tool_bar);

  QAction *run_action = new QAction (QIcon(":/actions/icons/artsbuilderexecute.png"),
        tr("&Run File"), _tool_bar);

  // some actions are disabled from the beginning

  // short cuts
  // TODO: These shortcuts are ambiguous and lead to bugs.
//  new_action->setShortcut                       (QKeySequence::New);
//  new_action->setShortcutContext                (Qt::WindowShortcut);
//  open_action->setShortcut                      (QKeySequence::Open);
//  open_action->setShortcutContext               (Qt::WindowShortcut);
//  save_action->setShortcut                      (QKeySequence::Save);
//  save_action->setShortcutContext               (Qt::WindowShortcut);
//  save_as_action->setShortcut                   (QKeySequence::SaveAs);
//  save_as_action->setShortcutContext            (Qt::WindowShortcut);
//  undo_action->setShortcut                      (QKeySequence::Undo);
//  undo_action->setShortcutContext               (Qt::WindowShortcut);
//  redo_action->setShortcut                      (QKeySequence::Redo);
//  redo_action->setShortcutContext               (Qt::WindowShortcut);
//  _copy_action->setShortcut                     (QKeySequence::Copy);
//  _copy_action->setShortcutContext              (Qt::WindowShortcut);
//  _cut_action->setShortcut                      (QKeySequence::Cut);
//  _cut_action->setShortcutContext               (Qt::WindowShortcut);
//  paste_action->setShortcut                     (QKeySequence::Paste);
//  paste_action->setShortcutContext              (Qt::WindowShortcut);
  run_action->setShortcut                       (Qt::ControlModifier+ Qt::Key_R);
  run_action->setShortcutContext                (Qt::WindowShortcut);
  next_bookmark_action->setShortcut             (Qt::Key_F2);
  next_bookmark_action->setShortcutContext      (Qt::WindowShortcut);
  previous_bookmark_action->setShortcut         (Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F2);
  previous_bookmark_action->setShortcutContext  (Qt::WindowShortcut);
  toggle_bookmark_action->setShortcut           (Qt::Key_F7);
  toggle_bookmark_action->setShortcutContext    (Qt::WindowShortcut);
  comment_selection_action->setShortcut         (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_7);
  comment_selection_action->setShortcutContext  (Qt::WindowShortcut);
  uncomment_selection_action->setShortcut       (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_8);

  // toolbar
  _tool_bar->addAction (new_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (open_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (save_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (save_as_action);
  _tool_bar->addSeparator ();
  _tool_bar->addAction (undo_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (redo_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (_copy_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (_cut_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (paste_action);
  _tool_bar->addSeparator ();
  _tool_bar->addAction (run_action);

  // menu bar
  QMenu *fileMenu = new QMenu (tr ("&File"), _menu_bar);
  fileMenu->addAction (new_action);
  fileMenu->addAction (open_action);
  fileMenu->addAction (save_action);
  fileMenu->addAction (save_as_action);
  fileMenu->addSeparator ();
  _menu_bar->addMenu (fileMenu);

  QMenu *editMenu = new QMenu (tr ("&Edit"), _menu_bar);
  editMenu->addAction (undo_action);
  editMenu->addAction (redo_action);
  editMenu->addSeparator ();
  editMenu->addAction (_copy_action);
  editMenu->addAction (_cut_action);
  editMenu->addAction (paste_action);
  editMenu->addSeparator ();
  editMenu->addAction (comment_selection_action);
  editMenu->addAction (uncomment_selection_action);
  editMenu->addSeparator ();
  editMenu->addAction (toggle_bookmark_action);
  editMenu->addAction (next_bookmark_action);
  editMenu->addAction (previous_bookmark_action);
  editMenu->addAction (remove_bookmark_action);
  _menu_bar->addMenu (editMenu);

  _debug_menu = new QMenu (tr ("&Debug"), _menu_bar);
  _menu_bar->addMenu (_debug_menu);

  QMenu *runMenu = new QMenu (tr ("&Run"), _menu_bar);
  runMenu->addAction (run_action);
  _menu_bar->addMenu (runMenu);

  QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout ();
  layout->addWidget (_menu_bar);
  layout->addWidget (_tool_bar);
  layout->addWidget (_tab_widget);
  layout->setMargin (0);
  widget->setLayout (layout);
  setWidget (widget);

  connect (new_action,               SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_new_file ()));
  connect (open_action,              SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_open_file ()));
  connect (undo_action,              SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_undo ()));
  connect (redo_action,              SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_redo ()));
  connect (_copy_action,            SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_copy ()));
  connect (_cut_action,             SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_cut ()));
  connect (paste_action,             SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_paste ()));
  connect (save_action,              SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_save_file ()));
  connect (save_as_action,            SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_save_file_as ()));
  connect (run_action,               SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_run_file ()));
  connect (toggle_bookmark_action,    SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_toggle_bookmark ()));
  connect (next_bookmark_action,      SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_next_bookmark ()));
  connect (previous_bookmark_action,      SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_previous_bookmark ()));
  connect (remove_bookmark_action,    SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_remove_bookmark ()));
  connect (comment_selection_action,   SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_comment_selected_text ()));
  connect (uncomment_selection_action, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_uncomment_selected_text ()));
  connect (_tab_widget, SIGNAL (tabCloseRequested (int)), this, SLOT (handle_tab_close_request (int)));
  connect (_tab_widget, SIGNAL (currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT (active_tab_changed (int)));

  // this has to be done only once, not for each editor
  _lexer = new lexer_octave_gui ();

  // Editor font (default or from settings)
  _lexer->setDefaultFont (QFont (
                             settings->value ("editor/fontName","Courier").toString (),
                             settings->value ("editor/fontSize",10).toInt ()));

  // TODO: Autoindent not working as it should
  _lexer->setAutoIndentStyle (QsciScintilla::AiMaintain ||
                               QsciScintilla::AiOpening  ||

  // The API info that is used for auto completion
  // TODO: Where to store a file with API info (raw or prepared?)?
  // TODO: Also provide infos on octave-forge functions?
  // TODO: Also provide infos on function parameters?
  // By now, use the keywords-list from syntax highlighting
  _lexer_api = new QsciAPIs (_lexer);

  QString keyword;
  QStringList keywordList;
  keyword = _lexer->keywords (1);  // get whole string with all keywords
  keywordList = keyword.split (QRegExp ("\\s+"));  // split into single strings
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < keywordList.size (); i++)
      _lexer_api->add ( (i));  // add single strings to the API
  _lexer_api->prepare ();           // prepare API info ... this make take some time
  resize (500, 400);
  setWindowIcon (QIcon::fromTheme ("accessories-text-editor", style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_FileIcon)));
  setWindowTitle ("Octave Editor");

file_editor::add_file_editor_tab (file_editor_tab *f)
  _tab_widget->addTab (f, "");
  connect (f, SIGNAL (file_name_changed(QString)),
           this, SLOT(handle_file_name_changed(QString)));
  connect (f, SIGNAL (editor_state_changed ()),
           this, SLOT (handle_editor_state_changed ()));
  connect (f, SIGNAL (close_request ()),
           this, SLOT (handle_tab_close_request ()));
  _tab_widget->setCurrentWidget (f);

file_editor_tab *
file_editor::active_editor_tab ()
  return dynamic_cast<file_editor_tab*> (_tab_widget->currentWidget ());