view scripts/time/datestr.m @ 19448:a2a79462b7b8

datestr.m: Clean up use of []/"" and single/double quotes (bug #43841). datestr.m: Initialize retval to "" rather than [] to potentially avoid num-to-str warning during construction of output. Use double quotes in regexprep and strrep expressions to avoid any ambiguity now that regexprep processes escape sequences regardless of quote mark used.
author Rik <>
date Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:09:28 -0800
parents 7bbe3658c5ef
children 06931d787450
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Paul Kienzle
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{str} =} datestr (@var{date})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{str} =} datestr (@var{date}, @var{f})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{str} =} datestr (@var{date}, @var{f}, @var{p})
## Format the given date/time according to the format @code{f} and return
## the result in @var{str}.  @var{date} is a serial date number (see
## @code{datenum}) or a date vector (see @code{datevec}).  The value of
## @var{date} may also be a string or cell array of strings.
## @var{f} can be an integer which corresponds to one of the codes in
## the table below, or a date format string.
## @var{p} is the year at the start of the century in which two-digit years
## are to be interpreted in.  If not specified, it defaults to the current
## year minus 50.
## For example, the date 730736.65149 (2000-09-07 15:38:09.0934) would be
## formatted as follows:
## @multitable @columnfractions 0.1 0.45 0.35
## @headitem Code @tab Format @tab Example
## @item 0 @tab dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS   @tab 07-Sep-2000 15:38:09
## @item 1 @tab dd-mmm-yyyy            @tab 07-Sep-2000
## @item 2 @tab mm/dd/yy               @tab 09/07/00
## @item 3 @tab mmm                    @tab Sep
## @item 4 @tab m                      @tab S
## @item 5 @tab mm                     @tab 09
## @item 6 @tab mm/dd                  @tab 09/07
## @item 7 @tab dd                     @tab 07
## @item 8 @tab ddd                    @tab Thu
## @item 9 @tab d                      @tab T
## @item 10 @tab yyyy                   @tab 2000
## @item 11 @tab yy                     @tab 00
## @item 12 @tab mmmyy                  @tab Sep00
## @item 13 @tab HH:MM:SS               @tab 15:38:09
## @item 14 @tab HH:MM:SS PM            @tab 03:38:09 PM
## @item 15 @tab HH:MM                  @tab 15:38
## @item 16 @tab HH:MM PM               @tab 03:38 PM
## @item 17 @tab QQ-YY                  @tab Q3-00
## @item 18 @tab QQ                     @tab Q3
## @item 19 @tab dd/mm                  @tab 07/09
## @item 20 @tab dd/mm/yy               @tab 07/09/00
## @item 21 @tab mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS   @tab Sep.07,2000 15:38:08
## @item 22 @tab mmm.dd,yyyy            @tab Sep.07,2000
## @item 23 @tab mm/dd/yyyy             @tab 09/07/2000
## @item 24 @tab dd/mm/yyyy             @tab 07/09/2000
## @item 25 @tab yy/mm/dd               @tab 00/09/07
## @item 26 @tab yyyy/mm/dd             @tab 2000/09/07
## @item 27 @tab QQ-YYYY                @tab Q3-2000
## @item 28 @tab mmmyyyy                @tab Sep2000
## @item 29 @tab yyyy-mm-dd             @tab 2000-09-07
## @item 30 @tab yyyymmddTHHMMSS        @tab 20000907T153808
## @item 31 @tab yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS    @tab 2000-09-07 15:38:08
## @end multitable
## If @var{f} is a format string, the following symbols are recognized:
## @multitable @columnfractions 0.1 0.7 0.2
## @headitem Symbol @tab Meaning @tab Example
## @item yyyy @tab Full year                                    @tab 2005
## @item yy   @tab Two-digit year                               @tab 05
## @item mmmm @tab Full month name                              @tab December
## @item mmm  @tab Abbreviated month name                       @tab Dec
## @item mm   @tab Numeric month number (padded with zeros)     @tab 01, 08, 12
## @item m    @tab First letter of month name (capitalized)     @tab D
## @item dddd @tab Full weekday name                            @tab Sunday
## @item ddd  @tab Abbreviated weekday name                     @tab Sun
## @item dd   @tab Numeric day of month (padded with zeros)     @tab 11
## @item d    @tab First letter of weekday name (capitalized)   @tab S
## @item HH   @tab Hour of day, padded with zeros if PM is set  @tab 09:00
## @item      @tab and not padded with zeros otherwise          @tab 9:00 AM
## @item MM   @tab Minute of hour (padded with zeros)           @tab 10:05
## @item SS   @tab Second of minute (padded with zeros)         @tab 10:05:03
## @item FFF  @tab Milliseconds of second (padded with zeros)   @tab 10:05:03.012
## @item AM   @tab Use 12-hour time format                      @tab 11:30 AM
## @item PM   @tab Use 12-hour time format                      @tab 11:30 PM
## @end multitable
## If @var{f} is not specified or is @code{-1}, then use 0, 1 or 16,
## depending on whether the date portion or the time portion of
## @var{date} is empty.
## If @var{p} is nor specified, it defaults to the current year minus 50.
## If a matrix or cell array of dates is given, a column vector of date strings
## is returned.
## @seealso{datenum, datevec, date, now, clock}
## @end deftypefn

## FIXME: parse arbitrary code strings.
## e.g., for  Wednesday 2001-03-05 09:04:06 AM, use
##     yy    01
##     yyyy  2001
##     m     M
##     mm    03
##     mmm   Mar
##     d     W
##     dd    05
##     ddd   Wed
##     HH    09
##     MM    04
##     SS    06
##     PM    AM
## FIXME: Vectorize.  It is particularly easy since all the codes are
##    fixed width.  Just generate the parts in separate arrays and
##    concatenate.

## Author: pkienzle <>
## Created: 10 October 2001 (CVS)
## Adapted-By: William Poetra Yoga Hadisoeseno <>

function retval = datestr (date, f = [], p = [])

  persistent dateform names_mmmm names_m names_d;

  if (isempty (dateform))
    dateform = cell (32, 1);
    dateform{1}  = "dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS";
    dateform{2}  = "dd-mmm-yyyy";
    dateform{3}  = "mm/dd/yy";
    dateform{4}  = "mmm";
    dateform{5}  = "m";
    dateform{6}  = "mm";
    dateform{7}  = "mm/dd";
    dateform{8}  = "dd";
    dateform{9}  = "ddd";
    dateform{10} = "d";
    dateform{11} = "yyyy";
    dateform{12} = "yy";
    dateform{13} = "mmmyy";
    dateform{14} = "HH:MM:SS";
    dateform{15} = "HH:MM:SS PM";
    dateform{16} = "HH:MM";
    dateform{17} = "HH:MM PM";
    dateform{18} = "QQ-YY";
    dateform{19} = "QQ";
    dateform{20} = "dd/mm";
    dateform{21} = "dd/mm/yy";
    dateform{22} = "mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS";
    dateform{23} = "mmm.dd,yyyy";
    dateform{24} = "mm/dd/yyyy";
    dateform{25} = "dd/mm/yyyy";
    dateform{26} = "yy/mm/dd";
    dateform{27} = "yyyy/mm/dd";
    dateform{28} = "QQ-YYYY";
    dateform{29} = "mmmyyyy";
    dateform{30} = "yyyy-mm-dd";
    dateform{31} = "yyyymmddTHHMMSS";
    dateform{32} = "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS";

    names_m = {"J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"};
    names_d = {"S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"};

  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3)
    print_usage ();

  ## Guess input type.  We might be wrong.
  if (ischar (date) || iscellstr (date) || columns (date) != 6)
    v = datevec (date, p);
    v = [];
    if (columns (date) == 6)
      ## Make sure that the input really is a datevec.
      maxdatevec = [Inf, 12, 31, 23, 59, 60];
      if (any (max (date, 1) > maxdatevec) ||
          any (date(:,1:5) != floor (date(:,1:5))))
        v = datevec (date, p);
    if (isempty (v))
      v = date;

  retval = "";
  for i = 1 : rows (v)

    if (isempty (f))
      if (v(i,4:6) == 0)
        f = 1;
      elseif (v(i,1:3) == [-1, 12, 31])
        f = 16;
        f = 0;

    if (isnumeric (f))
      df = dateform{f + 1};
      df = f;

    df_orig = df;
    df = strrep (df, "AM", "%p");
    df = strrep (df, "PM", "%p");
    if (strcmp (df, df_orig))
      ## PM not set.
      df = strrep (df, "HH", "%H");
      df = strrep (df, "HH", sprintf ("%2d", v(i,4)));

    df = regexprep (df, "[Yy][Yy][Yy][Yy]", "%Y");

    df = regexprep (df, "[Yy][Yy]", "%y");

    df = regexprep (df, "[Dd][Dd][Dd][Dd]", "%A");

    df = regexprep (df, "[Dd][Dd][Dd]", "%a");

    df = regexprep (df, "[Dd][Dd]", "%d");

    wday = weekday (datenum (v(i,1), v(i,2), v(i,3)));
    tmp = names_d{wday};
    df = regexprep (df, "([^%])[Dd]", sprintf ("$1%s", tmp));
    df = regexprep (df, "^[Dd]", sprintf ("%s", tmp));

    df = strrep (df, "mmmm", "%B");

    df = strrep (df, "mmm", "%b");

    df = strrep (df, "mm", "%m");

    tmp = names_m{v(i,2)};
    pos = regexp (df, "[^%]m") + 1;
    df(pos) = tmp;
    df = regexprep (df, "^m", tmp);

    df = strrep (df, "MM", "%M");

    df = regexprep (df, "[Ss][Ss]", "%S");

    df = strrep (df, "FFF", sprintf ("%03d",
                                     round (1000 * (v(i,6) - fix (v(i,6))))));

    df = strrep (df, "QQ", sprintf ("Q%d", fix ((v(i,2) + 2) / 3)));

    vi = v(i,:);
    tm.year = vi(1) - 1900;
    tm.mon = vi(2) - 1;
    tm.mday = vi(3);
    tm.hour = vi(4);
    tm.min = vi(5);
    sec = vi(6);
    tm.sec = fix (sec);
    tm.usec = fix ((sec - tm.sec) * 1e6);
    tm.wday = wday - 1;
    ## FIXME: Do we need YDAY and DST?  How should they be computed?
    ## We don't want to use "localtime (mktime (tm))" because that
    ## doesn't correctly handle dates before 1970-01-01 on some systems.
    ## tm.yday = ?;
    ## tm.isdst = ?;

    str = strftime (df, tm);

    retval = [retval; str];



%! ## Current date and time in default format
%! datestr (now ())

%! ## Current date (integer portion of datenum)
%! datestr (fix (now ()))

%! ## Current time (fractional portion of datenum)
%! datestr (rem (now (), 1))

%!shared testtime
%! testtime = [2005.0000, 12.0000, 18.0000, 2.0000, 33.0000, 17.3822];
%!assert (datestr (testtime,0), "18-Dec-2005 02:33:17")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,1), "18-Dec-2005")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,2), "12/18/05")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,3), "Dec")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,4), "D")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,5), "12")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,6), "12/18")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,7), "18")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,8), "Sun")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,9), "S")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,10), "2005")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,11), "05")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,12), "Dec05")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,13), "02:33:17")
## Mac OS X interprets %p parameter to strftime as lower case am/pm indicator.
## Accomodate this, although no other UNIX-based OS does this.
%! obs = toupper (datestr (testtime,14));
%! assert (obs, " 2:33:17 AM");
%!assert (datestr (testtime,15), "02:33")
%! obs = toupper (datestr (testtime,16));
%! assert (obs, " 2:33 AM");
%!assert (datestr (testtime,17), "Q4-05")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,18), "Q4")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,19), "18/12")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,20), "18/12/05")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,21), "Dec.18,2005 02:33:17")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,22), "Dec.18,2005")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,23), "12/18/2005")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,24), "18/12/2005")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,25), "05/12/18")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,26), "2005/12/18")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,27), "Q4-2005")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,28), "Dec2005")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,29), "2005-12-18")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,30), "20051218T023317")
%!assert (datestr (testtime,31), "2005-12-18 02:33:17")
%!assert (datestr (testtime+[0 0 3 0 0 0], "dddd"), "Wednesday")
## Test possible bug where input is a vector of datenums that is exactly 6 wide
%!assert (datestr ([1944, 6, 6, 6, 30, 0], 0), "06-Jun-1944 06:30:00")
## Test fractional millisecond time extension
%!assert (datestr (testtime, "HH:MM:SS:FFF"), "02:33:17:382")

%% Test input validation
%!error datestr ()
%!error datestr (1, 2, 3, 4)