view gui/src/m-editor/ @ 14715:b4db843b1f26 gui

Done some extra method renaming to fit the overall octave coding style.
author Jacob Dawid <>
date Sat, 02 Jun 2012 16:25:18 +0200
parents 5cb54cca8a06
children 3df7ef0080c7
line wrap: on
line source

/* OctaveGUI - A graphical user interface for Octave
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Jacob Dawid (
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.

#include "file-editor.h"
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFont>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QTextStream>

file_editor::file_editor (QTerminal *terminal, main_window *mainWindow)
  : file_editor_interface(terminal, mainWindow)
  construct ();

  _terminal = terminal;
  _main_window = mainWindow;
  setVisible (false);

file_editor::~file_editor ()

lexer_octave_gui *
file_editor::lexer ()
  return _lexer;

QTerminal *
file_editor::terminal ()
  return _terminal;

main_window *
file_editor::mainWindow ()
  return _main_window;

file_editor::request_new_file ()
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = new file_editor_tab (this);
  if (fileEditorTab)
      add_file_editor_tab (fileEditorTab);
      fileEditorTab->new_file ();

file_editor::request_open_file ()
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = new file_editor_tab (this);
  if (fileEditorTab)
      add_file_editor_tab (fileEditorTab);
      if (!fileEditorTab->open_file ())
          // If no file was loaded, remove the tab again.
          _tab_widget->removeTab (_tab_widget->indexOf (fileEditorTab));

file_editor::request_open_file (QString fileName)
  if (!isVisible ())
      show ();

  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = new file_editor_tab (this);
  if (fileEditorTab)
      add_file_editor_tab (fileEditorTab);
      fileEditorTab->load_file (fileName);

file_editor::request_undo ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->undo ();

file_editor::request_redo ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->redo ();

file_editor::request_copy ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->copy ();

file_editor::request_cut ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->cut ();

file_editor::request_paste ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->paste ();

file_editor::request_save_file ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->save_file ();

file_editor::request_save_file_as ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->save_file_as ();

file_editor::request_run_file ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->run_file ();

file_editor::request_toggle_bookmark ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->toggle_bookmark ();

file_editor::request_next_bookmark ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->next_bookmark ();

file_editor::request_previous_bookmark ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->previous_bookmark ();

file_editor::request_remove_bookmark ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->remove_bookmark ();

file_editor::request_comment_selected_text ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->comment_selected_text ();

file_editor::request_uncomment_selected_text ()
  file_editor_tab *activeFileEditorTab = active_editor_tab ();
  if (activeFileEditorTab)
    activeFileEditorTab->uncomment_selected_text ();

file_editor::handle_file_name_changed (QString fileName)
  QObject *senderObject = sender ();
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = dynamic_cast<file_editor_tab*> (senderObject);
  if (fileEditorTab)
      for(int i = 0; i < _tab_widget->count (); i++)
          if (_tab_widget->widget (i) == fileEditorTab)
              _tab_widget->setTabText (i, fileName);

file_editor::handle_tab_close_request (int index)
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = dynamic_cast <file_editor_tab*> (_tab_widget->widget (index));
  if (fileEditorTab)
    if (fileEditorTab->close ())
        _tab_widget->removeTab (index);
        delete fileEditorTab;

file_editor::handle_tab_close_request ()
  file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = dynamic_cast <file_editor_tab*> (sender ());
  if (fileEditorTab)
    if (fileEditorTab->close ())
        _tab_widget->removeTab (_tab_widget->indexOf (fileEditorTab));
        delete fileEditorTab;

file_editor::active_tab_changed (int index)
  Q_UNUSED (index);
  handle_editor_state_changed ();

file_editor::handle_editor_state_changed ()
  file_editor_tab *f = active_editor_tab ();
  if (f)
      bool copy_available = f->copy_available ();
      _copy_action->setEnabled (copy_available);
      _cut_action->setEnabled (copy_available);

file_editor::construct ()
  QWidget *widget = new QWidget (this);
  QSettings *settings = resource_manager::instance ()->get_settings ();
  QStyle *style = QApplication::style ();

  _menu_bar = new QMenuBar (widget);
  _tool_bar = new QToolBar (widget);
  _tab_widget = new QTabWidget (widget);
  _tab_widget->setTabsClosable (true);

  // Theme icons with QStyle icons as fallback
  QAction *newAction = new QAction (
        QIcon::fromTheme("document-new",style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_FileIcon)),
        tr("&New File"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *openAction = new QAction (
        QIcon::fromTheme("document-open",style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon)),
        tr("&Open File"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *saveAction = new QAction (
        QIcon::fromTheme("document-save",style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_DriveHDIcon)),
        tr("&Save File"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *saveAsAction = new QAction (
        QIcon::fromTheme("document-save-as",style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_DriveFDIcon)),
        tr("Save File &As"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *undoAction = new QAction (
        QIcon::fromTheme("edit-undo",style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_ArrowLeft)),
        tr("&Undo"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *redoAction = new QAction (
        QIcon::fromTheme("edit-redo",style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_ArrowRight)),
        tr("&Redo"), _tool_bar);

  _copy_action = new QAction (QIcon::fromTheme ("edit-copy"), tr ("&Copy"), _tool_bar);
  _cut_action = new QAction (QIcon::fromTheme ("edit-cut"), tr ("Cu&t"), _tool_bar);

  QAction *pasteAction              = new QAction (QIcon::fromTheme ("edit-paste"), tr ("&Paste"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *nextBookmarkAction       = new QAction (tr ("&Next Bookmark"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *prevBookmarkAction       = new QAction (tr ("Pre&vious Bookmark"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *toggleBookmarkAction     = new QAction (tr ("Toggle &Bookmark"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *removeBookmarkAction     = new QAction (tr ("&Remove All Bookmarks"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *commentSelectedAction    = new QAction (tr ("&Comment Selected Text"),_tool_bar);
  QAction *uncommentSelectedAction  = new QAction (tr ("&Uncomment Selected Text"),_tool_bar);

  QAction *runAction = new QAction (
        QIcon::fromTheme ("media-play", style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_MediaPlay)),
        tr("&Run File"), _tool_bar);

  // some actions are disabled from the beginning

  // short cuts
  newAction->setShortcut              (QKeySequence::New);
  openAction->setShortcut             (QKeySequence::Open);
  saveAction->setShortcut             (QKeySequence::Save);
  saveAsAction->setShortcut           (QKeySequence::SaveAs);
  undoAction->setShortcut             (QKeySequence::Undo);
  redoAction->setShortcut             (QKeySequence::Redo);
  _copy_action->setShortcut           (QKeySequence::Copy);
  _cut_action->setShortcut            (QKeySequence::Cut);
  pasteAction->setShortcut            (QKeySequence::Paste);
  runAction->setShortcut              (Qt::Key_F5);
  nextBookmarkAction->setShortcut     (Qt::Key_F2);
  prevBookmarkAction->setShortcut     (Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F2);
  toggleBookmarkAction->setShortcut   (Qt::Key_F7);
  commentSelectedAction->setShortcut  (Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_R);
  uncommentSelectedAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_T);

  // toolbar
  _tool_bar->addAction (newAction);
  _tool_bar->addAction (openAction);
  _tool_bar->addAction (saveAction);
  _tool_bar->addAction (saveAsAction);
  _tool_bar->addSeparator ();
  _tool_bar->addAction (undoAction);
  _tool_bar->addAction (redoAction);
  _tool_bar->addAction (_copy_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (_cut_action);
  _tool_bar->addAction (pasteAction);
  _tool_bar->addSeparator ();
  _tool_bar->addAction (runAction);

  // menu bar
  QMenu *fileMenu = new QMenu (tr ("&File"), _menu_bar);
  fileMenu->addAction (newAction);
  fileMenu->addAction (openAction);
  fileMenu->addAction (saveAction);
  fileMenu->addAction (saveAsAction);
  fileMenu->addSeparator ();
  _menu_bar->addMenu (fileMenu);

  QMenu *editMenu = new QMenu (tr ("&Edit"), _menu_bar);
  editMenu->addAction (undoAction);
  editMenu->addAction (redoAction);
  editMenu->addSeparator ();
  editMenu->addAction (_copy_action);
  editMenu->addAction (_cut_action);
  editMenu->addAction (pasteAction);
  editMenu->addSeparator ();
  editMenu->addAction (commentSelectedAction);
  editMenu->addAction (uncommentSelectedAction);
  editMenu->addSeparator ();
  editMenu->addAction (toggleBookmarkAction);
  editMenu->addAction (nextBookmarkAction);
  editMenu->addAction (prevBookmarkAction);
  editMenu->addAction (removeBookmarkAction);
  _menu_bar->addMenu (editMenu);

  QMenu *runMenu = new QMenu (tr ("&Run"), _menu_bar);
  runMenu->addAction (runAction);
  _menu_bar->addMenu (runMenu);

  QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout ();
  layout->addWidget (_menu_bar);
  layout->addWidget (_tool_bar);
  layout->addWidget (_tab_widget);
  layout->setMargin (0);
  widget->setLayout (layout);
  setWidget (widget);

  connect (newAction,               SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_new_file ()));
  connect (openAction,              SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_open_file ()));
  connect (undoAction,              SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_undo ()));
  connect (redoAction,              SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_redo ()));
  connect (_copy_action,            SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_copy ()));
  connect (_cut_action,             SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_cut ()));
  connect (pasteAction,             SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_paste ()));
  connect (saveAction,              SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_save_file ()));
  connect (saveAsAction,            SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_save_file_as ()));
  connect (runAction,               SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_run_file ()));
  connect (toggleBookmarkAction,    SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_toggle_bookmark ()));
  connect (nextBookmarkAction,      SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_next_bookmark ()));
  connect (prevBookmarkAction,      SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_previous_bookmark ()));
  connect (removeBookmarkAction,    SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_remove_bookmark ()));
  connect (commentSelectedAction,   SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_comment_selected_text ()));
  connect (uncommentSelectedAction, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (request_uncomment_selected_text ()));
  connect (_tab_widget, SIGNAL (tabCloseRequested (int)), this, SLOT (handle_tab_close_request (int)));
  connect (_tab_widget, SIGNAL (currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT (active_tab_changed (int)));

  // this has to be done only once, not for each editor
  _lexer = new lexer_octave_gui ();

  // Editor font (default or from settings)
  _lexer->setDefaultFont (QFont (
                             settings->value ("editor/fontName","Courier").toString (),
                             settings->value ("editor/fontSize",10).toInt ()));

  // TODO: Autoindent not working as it should
  _lexer->setAutoIndentStyle (QsciScintilla::AiMaintain ||
                               QsciScintilla::AiOpening  ||

  // The API info that is used for auto completion
  // TODO: Where to store a file with API info (raw or prepared?)?
  // TODO: Also provide infos on octave-forge functions?
  // TODO: Also provide infos on function parameters?
  // By now, use the keywords-list from syntax highlighting
  _lexer_api = new QsciAPIs (_lexer);

  QString keyword;
  QStringList keywordList;
  keyword = _lexer->keywords (1);  // get whole string with all keywords
  keywordList = keyword.split (QRegExp ("\\s+"));  // split into single strings
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < keywordList.size (); i++)
      _lexer_api->add ( (i));  // add single strings to the API
  _lexer_api->prepare ();           // prepare API info ... this make take some time
  resize (500, 400);
  setWindowIcon (QIcon::fromTheme ("accessories-text-editor", style->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_FileIcon)));
  setWindowTitle ("Octave Editor");

file_editor::add_file_editor_tab (file_editor_tab *f)
  _tab_widget->addTab (f, "");
  connect (f, SIGNAL (file_name_changed(QString)),
           this, SLOT(handle_file_name_changed(QString)));
  connect (f, SIGNAL (editor_state_changed ()),
           this, SLOT (handle_editor_state_changed ()));
  connect (f, SIGNAL (close_request ()),
           this, SLOT (handle_tab_close_request ()));
  _tab_widget->setCurrentWidget (f);

file_editor_tab *
file_editor::active_editor_tab ()
  return dynamic_cast<file_editor_tab*> (_tab_widget->currentWidget ());