view scripts/general/accumdim.m @ 11273:bd2643f0ce57 ss-3-3-54

snapshot 3.3.54
author John W. Eaton <>
date Fri, 19 Nov 2010 16:05:58 -0500
parents 01ddaedd6ad5
children c776f063fefe
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2010 VZLU Prague
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {} accumdim (@var{subs}, @var{vals}, @var{dim}, @var{n}, @var{func}, @var{fillval})
## Create an array by accumulating the slices of an array into the
## positions defined by their subscripts along a specified dimension. 
## The subscripts are defined by the index vector @var{subs}.
## The dimension is specified by @var{dim}.  If not given, it defaults
## to the first non-singleton dimension.
## The extent of the result matrix in the working dimension will be determined 
## by the subscripts themselves.
## However, if @var{n} is defined it determines this extent.
## The default action of @code{accumdim} is to sum the subarrays with the
## same subscripts.  This behavior can be modified by defining the @var{func}
## function.  This should be a function or function handle that accepts an 
## array and a dimension, and reduces the array along this dimension.
## As a special exception, the built-in @code{min} and @code{max} functions
## can be used directly, and @code{accumdim} accounts for the middle empty
## argument that is used in their calling.
## The slices of the returned array that have no subscripts associated with
## them are set to zero.  Defining @var{fillval} to some other value allows
## these values to be defined.
## An example of the use of @code{accumdim} is:
## @example
## @group
## accumdim ([1, 2, 1, 2, 1], [7,-10,4;-5,-12,8;-12,2,8;-10,9,-3;-5,-3,-13])
## @result{} ans = [-10,-11,-1;-15,-3,5]
## @end group
## @end example
## @seealso{accumarray}
## @end deftypefn

function A = accumdim (subs, val, dim, n = 0, func = [], fillval = 0)

  if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 5)
    print_usage ();

  if (isempty (fillval))
    fillval = 0;

  if (! isvector (subs))
    error ("accumdim: SUBS must be a subscript vector");
  elseif (! isindex (subs)) # creates index cache
    error ("accumdim: indices must be positive integers");
    m = max (subs);
    if (n == 0)
      n = m;
    elseif (n < m)
      error ("accumdim: N index out of range")

  sz = size (val);

  if (nargin < 3)
    [~, dim] = max (sz != 1); # first non-singleton dim
  elseif (! isindex (dim))
    error ("accumdim: DIM must be a valid dimension");
  elseif (dim > length (sz))
    sz(end+1:dim) = 1;
  sz(dim) = n;
  if (isempty (func) || func == @sum)
    ## Fast summation case.
    A = __accumdim_sum__ (subs, val, dim, n);
    ## Fill in nonzero fill value
    if (fillval != 0)
      mask = true (n, 1);
      mask(subs) = false;
      subsc = {':'}(ones (1, length (sz)));
      subsc{dim} = mask;
      A(subsc{:}) = fillval;

  ## The general case.
  ns = length (subs);
  ## Sort indices.
  [subs, idx] = sort (subs(:));
  ## Identify runs.
  jdx = find (subs(1:ns-1) != subs(2:ns));
  jdx = [jdx; ns];
  ## Collect common slices.
  szc = num2cell (sz);
  szc{dim} = diff ([0; jdx]);
  subsc = {':'}(ones (1, length (sz)));
  subsc{dim} = idx;
  val = mat2cell (val(subsc{:}), szc{:});
  ## Apply reductions. Special case min, max.
  if (func == @min || func == @max)
    val = cellfun (func, val, {[]}, {dim}, "uniformoutput", false);
    val = cellfun (func, val, {dim}, "uniformoutput", false);
  subs = subs(jdx);

  ## Concatenate reduced slices.
  val = cat (dim, val{:});

  ## Construct matrix of fillvals.
  if (fillval == 0)
    A = zeros (sz, class (val));
    A = repmat (fillval, sz);

  ## Set the reduced values.
  subsc{dim} = subs;
  A(subsc{:}) = val;


%%test accumdim vs. accumarray

%!shared a
%! a = rand (5, 5, 5);

%!assert (accumdim ([1;3;1;3;3], a)(:,2,3), accumarray ([1;3;1;3;3], a(:,2,3)))
%!assert (accumdim ([2;3;2;2;2], a, 2, 4)(4,:,2), accumarray ([2;3;2;2;2], a(4,:,2), [1,4]))
%!assert (accumdim ([2;3;2;1;2], a, 3, 3, @min)(1,5,:), accumarray ([2;3;2;1;2], a(1,5,:), [1,1,3], @min))
%!assert (accumdim ([1;3;2;2;1], a, 2, 3, @median)(4,:,5), accumarray ([1;3;2;2;1], a(4,:,5), [1,3], @median))