view examples/myfunc.c @ 14307:be3e1a14a6de gui

Added an interface settings tab to the settings dialog. Made a few improvements on the editor. Wrote a small welcome text in the welcome wizard. Moved configuration file to ~/.config/octave-gui/settings. * FileEditorMdiSubWindow: Set sources for code completion to all, lowered completion threshold, changed colors. * SettingsDialog: Added interface tab with shortcut configuration table widget. * WelcomeWizard: Wrote a little text to appear at startup.
author Jacob Dawid <>
date Wed, 01 Feb 2012 15:53:19 +0100
parents 6cb30a539481
children be41c30bcb44
line wrap: on
line source

#include "mex.h"

mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, 
             const mxArray *prhs[])
  const char *nm;
  nm = mexFunctionName ();
  mexPrintf ("You called function: %s\n", nm);
  if (strcmp (nm, "myfunc") == 0)
    mexPrintf ("This is the principal function\n", nm);