view examples/myset.c @ 14690:ca733a66be7a gui

Fixed bug with not opening the editor when clicking a file from the file browser. Implemented watching the file on disk. * MainWindow: Simplified opening file request calls. * FileEditor: Added new slot that closes tabs without and index and made FileEditorTabs connect to it. * FileEditorTab: Added QFileSystemWatcher and fixed bug with setting modified status on m_modified. Implemented message boxes for the cases that a file has been removed, renamed und modified from outside.
author Jacob Dawid <>
date Fri, 25 May 2012 23:56:31 +0200
parents 4295d634797d
children be41c30bcb44
line wrap: on
line source

#include "mex.h"

mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
  char *str;
  mxArray *v;

  if (nrhs != 2 || ! mxIsString (prhs[0]))
    mexErrMsgTxt ("expects symbol name and value");

  str = mxArrayToString (prhs[0]);

  v = mexGetArray (str, "global");

  if (v)
      mexPrintf ("%s is a global variable with the following value:\n", str);
      mexCallMATLAB (0, 0, 1, &v, "disp");

  v = mexGetArray (str, "caller");

  if (v)
      mexPrintf ("%s is a caller variable with the following value:\n", str);
      mexCallMATLAB (0, 0, 1, &v, "disp");

  // WARNING!! Can't do this in MATLAB!  Must copy variable first.
  mxSetName (prhs[1], str);  
  mexPutArray (prhs[1], "caller");