view scripts/geometry/voronoi.m @ 12931:cefd568ea073

Replace function handles with function names in cellfun calls for 15% speedup. * accumarray.m arrayfun.m, blkdiag.m, cell2mat.m, common_size.m, interp3.m, interpn.m, __isequal__.m, structfun.m, voronoi.m, strread.m, fullfile.m, getfield.m, __xzip__.m, setfield.m, what.m, pkg.m, axis.m, pareto.m, __ghostscript__.m, __go_draw_axes__.m, __patch__.m, refreshdata.m, whitebg.m, lcm.m, index.m, strcat.m, strmatch.m, validatestring.m: Replace function handles in calls to cellfun with double quoted function names.
author Rik <>
date Sat, 06 Aug 2011 18:03:18 -0700
parents 819a60a05a65
children 7ff0bdc3dc4c
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Kai Habel
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} voronoi (@var{x}, @var{y})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} voronoi (@var{x}, @var{y}, "plotstyle")
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} voronoi (@var{x}, @var{y}, "plotstyle", @var{options})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{vx}, @var{vy}] =} voronoi (@dots{})
## Plot Voronoi diagram of points @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})}.
## The Voronoi facets with points at infinity are not drawn.
## [@var{vx}, @var{vy}] = voronoi(@dots{}) returns the vertices instead of
## plotting the
## diagram. plot (@var{vx}, @var{vy}) shows the Voronoi diagram.
## A fourth optional argument, which must be a string, contains extra options
## passed to the underlying qhull command.  See the documentation for the
## Qhull library for details.
## @example
## @group
##   x = rand (10, 1);
##   y = rand (size (x));
##   h = convhull (x, y);
##   [vx, vy] = voronoi (x, y);
##   plot (vx, vy, "-b", x, y, "o", x(h), y(h), "-g")
##   legend ("", "points", "hull");
## @end group
## @end example
## @seealso{voronoin, delaunay, convhull}
## @end deftypefn

## Author: Kai Habel <>
## First Release: 20/08/2000

## 2002-01-04 Paul Kienzle <>
## * limit the default graph to the input points rather than the whole diagram
## * provide example
## * use unique(x,"rows") rather than __unique_rows__

## 2003-12-14 Rafael Laboissiere <>
## Added optional fourth argument to pass options to the underlying
## qhull command

function [vvx, vvy] = voronoi (varargin)

  if (nargin < 1)
    print_usage ();

  narg = 1;
  if (isscalar (varargin{1}) && ishandle (varargin{1}))
    handl = varargin{1};
    if (! strcmp (get (handl, "type"), "axes"))
      error ("voronoi: expecting first argument to be an axes object");
    if (nargout < 2)
      handl = gca ();

  if (nargin < 1 + narg || nargin > 3 + narg)
    print_usage ();

  x = varargin{narg++};
  y = varargin{narg++};

  opts = {};
  if (narg <= nargin)
    if (iscell (varargin{narg}))
      opts = varargin(narg++);
    elseif (ismatrix (varargin{narg}))
      ## Accept but ignore the triangulation

  linespec = {"b"};
  if (narg <= nargin)
    if (ischar (varargin{narg}))
      linespec = varargin(narg);

  lx = length (x);
  ly = length (y);

  if (lx != ly)
    error ("voronoi: arguments must be vectors of same length");

  ## Add box to approximate rays to infinity. For Voronoi diagrams the
  ## box can (and should) be close to the points themselves. To make the
  ## job of finding the exterior edges it should be at least two times the
  ## delta below however
  xmax = max (x(:));
  xmin = min (x(:));
  ymax = max (y(:));
  ymin = min (y(:));
  xdelta = xmax - xmin;
  ydelta = ymax - ymin;
  scale = 2;

  xbox = [xmin - scale * xdelta; xmin - scale * xdelta; ...
          xmax + scale * xdelta; xmax + scale * xdelta];
  ybox = [xmin - scale * xdelta; xmax + scale * xdelta; ...
          xmax + scale * xdelta; xmin - scale * xdelta];

  [p, c, infi] = __voronoi__ ([[x(:) ; xbox(:)], [y(:); ybox(:)]], opts{:});

  idx = find (!infi);
  ll = length (idx);
  c = c(idx).';
  k = sum (cellfun ("length", c));
  edges = cell2mat(cellfun (@(x) [x ; [x(end), x(1:end-1)]], c,
                            "uniformoutput", false));

  ## Identify the unique edges of the Voronoi diagram
  edges = sortrows (sort (edges).').';
  edges = edges (:, [(edges(1, 1: end - 1) != edges(1, 2 : end) | ...
                      edges(2, 1 :end - 1) != edges(2, 2 : end)), true]);

  ## Eliminate the edges of the diagram representing the box
  poutside = (1 : rows(p)) ...
      (p (:, 1) < xmin - xdelta | p (:, 1) > xmax + xdelta | ...
       p (:, 2) < ymin - ydelta | p (:, 2) > ymax + ydelta);
  edgeoutside = ismember (edges (1, :), poutside) & ...
      ismember (edges (2, :), poutside);
  edges (:, edgeoutside) = [];

  ## Get points of the diagram
  vx = reshape (p (edges, 1), size(edges));
  vy = reshape (p (edges, 2), size(edges));

  if (nargout < 2)
    lim = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax];
    h = plot (handl, vx, vy, linespec{:}, x, y, '+');
    axis (lim + 0.1 * [[-1, 1] * (lim (2) - lim (1)), ...
                       [-1, 1] * (lim (4) - lim (3))]);
    if (nargout == 1)
      vxx = h;
  elseif (nargout == 2)
    vvx = vx;
    vvy = vy;
    error ("voronoi: only two or zero output arguments supported");


%!testif HAVE_QHULL
%! phi=linspace(-pi,3/4*pi,8);
%! [x,y]=pol2cart(phi,1);
%! [vx,vy]=voronoi(x,y);
%! assert(vx(2,:),zeros(1,size(vx,2)),eps);
%! assert(vy(2,:),zeros(1,size(vy,2)),eps);

%! voronoi (rand(10,1), rand(10,1));