view libinterp/parse-tree/lex.h @ 16275:dd7de0345124

10/10 commits reworking the lexer This and the previous nine changesets completely revise the way significant whitespace is handled inside matrix and cell lists. Now instead of indefinite look ahead, we keep track of all tokens read and look back to previous tokens and ahead at most one character. If the surrounding context changes the parse, we unput the text for the current token and alter the start state, unput an additional character (typically a comma or semicolon) or both. Comments are now handled by a separate set of exlusive start states and there is no explicit handling of comments within any other patterns.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Mon, 11 Mar 2013 14:40:29 -0400
parents 15f55df088e7
children 26fd237a3427 8cb65fd72164
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 1993-2012 John W. Eaton

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#if !defined (octave_lex_h)
#define octave_lex_h 1

#include <deque>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <stack>

#include "comment-list.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "token.h"

extern OCTINTERP_API void cleanup_parser (void);

// Is the given string a keyword?
extern bool is_keyword (const std::string& s);

  virtual int getc (void) = 0;
  virtual int ungetc (int c) = 0;

  stream_reader (void) { }
  ~stream_reader (void) { }


  // No copying!
  stream_reader (const stream_reader&);
  stream_reader& operator = (const stream_reader&);

// For communication between the lexer and parser.


  // Track nesting of square brackets, curly braces, and parentheses.

  class bbp_nesting_level

    enum bracket_type
        BRACKET = 1,
        BRACE = 2,
        PAREN = 3,
        ANON_FCN_BODY = 4


    bbp_nesting_level (void) : context () { }

    bbp_nesting_level (const bbp_nesting_level& nl) : context (nl.context) { }

    bbp_nesting_level& operator = (const bbp_nesting_level& nl)
      if (&nl != this)
        context = nl.context;

      return *this;

    ~bbp_nesting_level (void) { }

    void reset (void)
      while (! context.empty ())
        context.pop ();

    void bracket (void) { context.push (BRACKET); }

    bool is_bracket (void)
      return ! context.empty () && () == BRACKET;

    void brace (void) { context.push (BRACE); }

    bool is_brace (void)
      return ! context.empty () && () == BRACE;

    void paren (void) { context.push (PAREN); }

    bool is_paren (void)
      return ! context.empty () && () == PAREN;

    void anon_fcn_body (void) { context.push (ANON_FCN_BODY); }

    bool is_anon_fcn_body (void)
      return ! context.empty () && () == ANON_FCN_BODY;

    bool is_bracket_or_brace (void)
      return (! context.empty ()
              && ( () == BRACKET || () == BRACE));

    bool none (void) { return context.empty (); }

    void remove (void)
      if (! context.empty ())
        context.pop ();

    void clear (void)
      while (! context.empty ())
        context.pop ();


    std::stack<int> context;

  class token_cache

    // Store an "unlimited" number of tokens.
    token_cache (size_t sz_arg = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max ())
      : buffer (), sz (sz_arg)
    { }

    void push (token *tok)
      if (buffer.size () == sz)
        pop ();

      buffer.push_front (tok);

    void pop (void)
      if (! empty ())
          delete buffer.back ();
          buffer.pop_back ();

    // Direct access.
    token *at (size_t n)
      return empty () ? 0 : (n);

    const token *at (size_t n) const
      return empty () ? 0 : (n);

    // Most recently pushed.
    token *front (void)
      return empty () ? 0 : buffer.front ();

    const token *front (void) const
      return empty () ? 0 : buffer.front ();

    token *back (void)
      return empty () ? 0 : buffer.back ();

    const token *back (void) const
      return empty () ? 0 : buffer.back ();

    // Number of elements currently in the buffer, max of sz.
    size_t size (void) const { return buffer.size (); }

    bool empty (void) const { return buffer.empty (); }

    void clear (void)
      while (! empty ())
        pop ();


    std::deque<token *> buffer;

    size_t sz;

    // No copying!

    token_cache (const token_cache&);

    token_cache& operator = (const token_cache&);
  lexical_feedback (void)
    : end_of_input (false), at_beginning_of_statement (true),
      looking_at_anon_fcn_args (false), looking_at_return_list (false),
      looking_at_parameter_list (false), looking_at_decl_list (false),
      looking_at_initializer_expression (false),
      looking_at_matrix_or_assign_lhs (false),
      looking_for_object_index (false), 
      looking_at_indirect_ref (false), parsing_class_method (false),
      maybe_classdef_get_set_method (false), parsing_classdef (false),
      quote_is_transpose (false), force_script (false),
      reading_fcn_file (false), reading_script_file (false),
      reading_classdef_file (false),
      input_line_number (1), current_input_column (1),
      bracketflag (0), braceflag (0),
      looping (0), defining_func (0), looking_at_function_handle (0),
      block_comment_nesting_level (0), token_count (0),
      current_input_line (), comment_text (), help_text (),
      fcn_file_name (), fcn_file_full_name (), looking_at_object_index (),
      parsed_function_name (), pending_local_variables (),
      nesting_level (), tokens ()
    init ();

  ~lexical_feedback (void);

  void init (void);

  void reset (void);

  int previous_token_value (void) const;

  bool previous_token_value_is (int tok_val) const;

  void mark_previous_token_trailing_space (void);

  bool space_follows_previous_token (void) const;

  bool previous_token_is_binop (void) const;

  bool previous_token_is_keyword (void) const;

  bool previous_token_may_be_command (void) const;

  // true means that we have encountered eof on the input stream.
  bool end_of_input;

  // true means we are at the beginning of a statement, where a
  // command name is possible.
  bool at_beginning_of_statement;

  // true means we are parsing an anonymous function argument list.
  bool looking_at_anon_fcn_args;

  // true means we're parsing the return list for a function.
  bool looking_at_return_list;

  // true means we're parsing the parameter list for a function.
  bool looking_at_parameter_list;

  // true means we're parsing a declaration list (global or
  // persistent).
  bool looking_at_decl_list;

  // true means we are looking at the initializer expression for a
  // parameter list element.
  bool looking_at_initializer_expression;

  // true means we're parsing a matrix or the left hand side of
  // multi-value assignment statement.
  bool looking_at_matrix_or_assign_lhs;

  // object index not possible until we've seen something.
  bool looking_for_object_index;

  // true means we're looking at an indirect reference to a
  // structure element.
  bool looking_at_indirect_ref;

  // true means we are parsing a class method in function or classdef file.
  bool parsing_class_method;

  // true means we are parsing a class method declaration line in a
  // classdef file and can accept a property get or set method name.
  // for example, "get.propertyname" is recognized as a function name.
  bool maybe_classdef_get_set_method;

  // true means we are parsing a classdef file
  bool parsing_classdef;

  // return transpose or start a string?
  bool quote_is_transpose;

  // TRUE means treat the current file as a script even if the first
  // token is "function" or "classdef".
  bool force_script;

  // TRUE means we're parsing a function file.
  bool reading_fcn_file;

  // TRUE means we're parsing a script file.
  bool reading_script_file;

  // TRUE means we're parsing a classdef file.
  bool reading_classdef_file;

  // the current input line number.
  int input_line_number;

  // the column of the current token.
  int current_input_column;

  // square bracket level count.
  int bracketflag;

  // curly brace level count.
  int braceflag;

  // true means we're in the middle of defining a loop.
  int looping;

  // nonzero means we're in the middle of defining a function.
  int defining_func;

  // nonzero means we are parsing a function handle.
  int looking_at_function_handle;

  // nestng level for blcok comments.
  int block_comment_nesting_level;

  // Count of tokens recognized by this lexer since initialized or
  // since the last reset.
  size_t token_count;

  // The current line of input.
  std::string current_input_line;

  // The current comment text.
  std::string comment_text;

  // The current help text.
  std::string help_text;

  // Simple name of function file we are reading.
  std::string fcn_file_name;

  // Full name of file we are reading.
  std::string fcn_file_full_name;

  // if the front of the list is true, the closest paren, brace, or
  // bracket nesting is an index for an object.
  std::list<bool> looking_at_object_index;

  // if the top of the stack is true, then we've already seen the name
  // of the current function.  should only matter if
  // current_function_level > 0
  std::stack<bool> parsed_function_name;

  // set of identifiers that might be local variable names.
  std::set<std::string> pending_local_variables;

  // is the closest nesting level a square bracket, squiggly brace,
  // a paren, or an anonymous function body?
  bbp_nesting_level nesting_level;

  // Tokens generated by the lexer.
  token_cache tokens;


  // No copying!

  lexical_feedback (const lexical_feedback&);

  lexical_feedback& operator = (const lexical_feedback&);

// octave_lexer inherits from lexical_feedback because we will
// eventually have several different constructors and it is easier to
// intialize if everything is grouped in a parent class rather than
// listing all the members in the octave_lexer class.

octave_lexer : public lexical_feedback

  // Handle buffering of input for lexer.

  class input_buffer

    input_buffer (void)
      : buffer (), pos (0), chars_left (0), eof (false)
    { }

    void fill (const std::string& input, bool eof_arg);

    // Copy at most max_size characters to buf.
    int copy_chunk (char *buf, size_t max_size);

    bool empty (void) const { return chars_left == 0; }

    bool at_eof (void) const { return eof; }


    std::string buffer;
    const char *pos;
    size_t chars_left;
    bool eof;

  octave_lexer (void)
    : lexical_feedback (), scanner (0), input_buf (), input_reader ()
    init ();

  octave_lexer (FILE *file)
    : lexical_feedback (), scanner (0), input_buf (),
      input_reader (file)
    init ();

  octave_lexer (const std::string& eval_string)
    : lexical_feedback (), scanner (0), input_buf (),
      input_reader (eval_string)
    init ();

  ~octave_lexer (void);

  void init (void);

  void reset (void);

  void prep_for_file (void);

  int read (char *buf, unsigned int max_size);

  int handle_end_of_input (void);

  char *flex_yytext (void);

  int flex_yyleng (void);

  int text_yyinput (void);

  void xunput (char c, char *buf);

  void xunput (char c);

  bool looking_at_space (void);

  bool inside_any_object_index (void);

  int is_keyword_token (const std::string& s);

  bool is_variable (const std::string& name);

  bool whitespace_is_significant (void);

  void handle_number (void);

  void handle_continuation (void);

  void finish_comment (octave_comment_elt::comment_type typ,
                       bool looking_at_continuation = false);

  bool have_continuation (bool trailing_comments_ok = true);

  bool have_ellipsis_continuation (bool trailing_comments_ok = true);

  int handle_string (char delim);

  int handle_close_bracket (int bracket_type);

  bool next_token_can_follow_bin_op (void);

  bool looks_like_command_arg (void);

  int handle_superclass_identifier (void);

  int handle_meta_identifier (void);

  int handle_identifier (void);

  void maybe_warn_separator_insert (char sep);

  void gripe_single_quote_string (void);

  void gripe_matlab_incompatible (const std::string& msg);

  void maybe_gripe_matlab_incompatible_comment (char c);

  void gripe_matlab_incompatible_continuation (void);

  void gripe_matlab_incompatible_operator (const std::string& op);

  void push_token (token *);

  token *current_token (void);

  void display_token (int tok);

  void fatal_error (const char *msg);

  void lexer_debug (const char *pattern);

  // Internal state of the flex-generated lexer.
  void *scanner;

  // Object that reads and buffers input.
  input_buffer input_buf;

  octave_input_reader input_reader;

  void increment_promptflag (void) { input_reader.increment_promptflag (); }

  void decrement_promptflag (void) { input_reader.decrement_promptflag (); }

  int promptflag (void) const { return input_reader.promptflag (); }

  int promptflag (int n) { return input_reader.promptflag (n); }

  std::string input_source (void) const
    return input_reader.input_source ();

  bool input_from_terminal (void) const
    return input_source () == "terminal";

  bool input_from_file (void) const
    return input_source () == "file";

  bool input_from_eval_string (void) const
    return input_source () == "eval_string";

  void push_start_state (int state);

  void pop_start_state (void);

  void clear_start_state (void);

  int start_state (void) const { return (); }

  void display_start_state (void) const;

  int handle_op (const char *pattern, int tok, bool bos = false);

  int handle_incompatible_op (const char *pattern, int tok, bool bos = false);

  bool maybe_unput_comma_before_unary_op (int tok);

  int handle_unary_op (int tok, bool bos = false);

  int handle_incompatible_unary_op (int tok, bool bos = false);

  int handle_assign_op (const char *pattern, int tok);

  int handle_incompatible_assign_op (const char *pattern, int tok);

  int handle_op_internal (int tok, bool bos, bool compat);

  int handle_token (const std::string& name, int tok);

  int handle_token (int tok, token *tok_val = 0);

  int count_token (int tok);

  int count_token_internal (int tok);

  int show_token (int tok);

  // For unwind protect.
  static void cleanup (octave_lexer *lexer) { delete lexer; }


  std::stack<int> start_state_stack;

  // No copying!

  octave_lexer (const octave_lexer&);

  octave_lexer& operator = (const octave_lexer&);
